avesvehement · 3 years
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No righteous gentiles making all the difference, no Americans saving the day, no moral epiphany, no forgiveness and absolution from dead Jews. That is far more challenging to the reader than Anja Spiegelman's breasts.
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avesvehement · 3 years
love it when movies are under 1h 40m like yes girl get to the point
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avesvehement · 3 years
You know what the fuck time it is
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avesvehement · 3 years
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avesvehement · 3 years
I saw something that was like “we put our lives on pause, but getting vaccinated can help us be able to hit play again” and it just bothered me because I’m not just starting again where I left off. I graduated from college in spring of 2020. I’m never going back to living there and regularly seeing my college friends. I’m never getting my graduation ceremony. I’m not getting my last months of college back. They’re gone!
So anyway this post is dedicated to anybody who went through any transitional period during the pandemic. Whether you graduated, lost somebody, moved, or anything else where you will never truly be able to get the last months/year of [whatever] back. It’s so easy to feel like you should be over it by now and just be grateful whenever you can eat in a restaurant and go into stores again but you lost more than that.
I’m just tired of seeing so many things about “going back to normal” when a lot of us don’t have the same “normal” to go back to.
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avesvehement · 3 years
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A poem I wrote on the femicide in Ciudad Juárez / a call to end violence against womxn everywhere.
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avesvehement · 3 years
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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avesvehement · 3 years
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avesvehement · 3 years
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avesvehement · 3 years
i was worried my cat is dehydrated because i never see him drink water so i’ve started leaving a cup of water that’s “mine” (aka he sees me drink out of it once before he does) in my room so he thinks he is being a rebellious naughty by drinking out of it but rlly he is just following my plan & being hydrated .
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avesvehement · 3 years
In college we went to Shabbos dinner at the local Chabad house a lot and they’d renovated their garage into a big dining room where we’d eat. One night their 18 month old baby got into the kitchen and locked the door, effectively locking everyone else out of the house. It then became a game of “How quickly can we break into our own home without breaking any shabbos rules before the baby learns how to open drawers”. The baby was also their most mischievous child and the real danger was less her hurting herself and more that she loved opening and dumping bottles of grape juice and there were so many for her to get her hands on in the kitchen.
Eventually a hockey player tossed their 12 year old on the roof and he wiggled through an open second story window. It was the most fun shabbos dinner I’ve had to date
the chaotic energy of this anecdote is off the charts
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avesvehement · 3 years
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CODED BIAS (2020) dir. Shalini Kantayya
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avesvehement · 3 years
Hey i’m a fashion design student so i have tons and tons of pdfs and docs with basic sewing techniques, pattern how-tos, and resources for fabric and trims. I’ve compiled it all into a shareable folder for anyone who wants to look into sewing and making their own clothing. I’ll be adding to this folder whenever i come across new resources
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avesvehement · 3 years
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avesvehement · 3 years
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avesvehement · 3 years
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I’m going to post this here too bc I’ve been meditating on it a lot recently and I think it’s important. 
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avesvehement · 3 years
Remember that text post from a few years back that was about how eventually this website would turn on John Mulaney the minute he did anything that showed he was a human person instead of the idealized pedestal we put him on. 
It’s happening now and I’m just seeing some awful takes about what’s going on with him and it’s like: guys you aren’t entitled to know what’s going on with his private life, and it’s very entitled to feel personally betrayed about a relationship you are not a part of. Just leave the man alone. Leave everyone alone for fucks sake. 
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