#kram starts classes in a couple weeks!!!!
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I took Light to agility last night to watch and learn to chill out in a crate! She was a little worried at first but settled in well. Afterward she let some new people go over her and look at her teeth! Including a big dude with a beard and hat. A very good and brave baby!
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ungaroyals · 2 years
Hej💜 I would love to know more about your history with writing.
- How long would you say you've been a writer?
- Do you still remember your first stories, what were they about?
- Did you enjoy writing/english in school ? Were you "good" (as in did you get high marks) ?
- Do you enjoy reading as well or are you more of a storyteller? Do you have any favorite books as an adult? What about when you were young ?
- Are you only writing fics at the moment or other things as well? Is it different writing fanfiction vs other things ?
- When / why did you write your first fic ? Were you nervous to post it ?
- What do you do with your writing, do you have like a file or a document or cloud or how do you "store" it ? Are they well organized or all over the place?
-Does your own writing make you cry or laugh often ? Do you think it's necessary for a writer to feel the things they are writing about ?
-Is it always pleasant to write ? Does writing ever make you feel bad (like writing about sad or dark stuff)?
- Do you feel like it's easier for you to write either from Wille's or Simon's pov, why do think that is ?
-Who is your favorite characters to write about other than W & S ?
So sorry hear you've had A Week™, I'm sending you some of my sunshine, hope the rest of the week is better☀️💜 (why do i sound like a grandma, but you know, sending you lot's of love) Puss och kram !
- JJ 🦋
Hello lovely!! Ahhh, I'm so excited that you're sending me an ask on here! And thank you for asking so many questions!! I just adore you!
I'd say I've been a writer for the last three years. Or at least that's when I started taking my writing a bit more seriously.
Yesss I wrote stories as a kid! They were often about whatever was going on in my friend group when I was like 8 years old. I once wrote a story for my friend when we got into a massive fight based on our fight, and got the characters to resolve their issues and I gave it to her as an apology.
I was horrible in English and barely ever passed. I was constantly behind the other kids when it came to reading and writing, and didn't get put into 'normal' English classes until I was 12.
I love love loveeeee reading. I don't think I have a favourite book but I have a couple that I revisit often. As a kid, I hated reading, but that was only because I would get frustrated and give up haha.
I am writing an original story, but I've been focusing a lot on fanfic lately. However, I do often incorporate my OCs in my fics to help round them out as characters.
I wrote my first fic when I was 15. I had a series similar to my missing moments for the show once upon a time for the ship captain swan hahah. I wasn't really nervous to post it, but mostly cause I didn't think anyone would read it haha.
I have a google docs system that keeps my fics organized, but recently I wrote them all out on flashcards and pinned them to a corkboard. It was getting a little chaotic and I needed more of a visual to keep my thoughts organized.
No, I don't think I've ever cried because of my writing, I have laughed though. I don't think it's necessary to feel the things an author is writing about, but I'm sure it helps.
It's mostly pleasant but sometimes frustrating. Especially when I'm stuck on a scene. And I don't think I've ever made myself feel bad with my writing, which I'm thankful for because I'm sure that wouldn't be fun.
I find Wille's pov easier to write and I think it's because I relate to his character more.
I love writing my version of Henry. He's a kind-hearted himbo that does wonders for moments of comedic relief.
Thank you sm for asking these questions friend. You are the loveliest and I hope to hear from you soon 💙
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