ericmicael · 2 years
List of things that could happen in “Frozen 3” (even some I don't care about and some I'm 100% against).
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The KristAnna wedding: this is a complicated topic for me since the franchise has the habit of liking the passage of time of 3 years and I don't believe they will change that, although the wedding apparently happens in less than 1 year after “Frozen 2” . I would bet that the wedding will be the first scene of the movie (or one of the first ones) and then there will be a time skip like it happened in the other 2 movies.
ElsaMaren's canonization: what I would most like to see happen (https://at.tumblr.com/ericmicael/will-elsamaren-be-canon-in-f3/h3b8byamyk9v). If they want to make it implicit, there are a thousand and one ways to confirm the relationship between Elsa and Honeymaren without running the risk of being boycotted... Although I would like a kiss to happen.
Kristoff's past: I don't think it's a topic that needs to be addressed further because there's going to be a book about it ("Lost Legends: The Fixer Upper"), but it's a possibility, it just won't be the focus. And technically Kristoff is already Northuldra (Kristoff is a Sami and Sami are the inspirations for the tribe) so I don't think there will be any revelations about that.
More about Fifth Spirit: today this term is almost not said in the franchise (I don't remember the last time it was), Jennifer Lee has already given a new context by bringing Anna into the equation (it seems just a better context on the dynamics of the bridge of the anything else) and Elsa's official title is Snow Queen. I would not be surprised by the exclusion instead of deepening.
Explanations about Ahtohallan: unlike Quinto Espirito, the Goddess of Memories is something still explored, and in fact the two terms may even be put together in a muted way. There is a whole theory created through a parchment about the origin of the world involving Ahtohallan, maybe they confirm it.
More on King Runeard, Agnarr and Iduna's past: A lot of the three's past is being covered in books like Queen Rita ("Dangerous Secrets", "Polar Nights"), so I don't think it will be... But the background of Iduna's family has not yet been addressed, there is only a mention that the entire family and original tribe of Anna and Elsa's mother was killed without further explanation. If I'm going to bet on one of those pasts coming to light, I'd bet on the past of Iduna's family.
Hans' revenge: he has already returned twice in the franchise (https://at.tumblr.com/ericmicael/disney-magic-kingdoms-hans-and-his-two-comebacks/p5nullsk82gv) and maybe there will be a third and this time canonical? It's an easy plot idea and would work as a farewell and finally have a match against Anna. But to me it makes as much sense as Palpatine's return in "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker", both arcs are already concluded and while Palpatine was brought in to take Kylo/Ben out of the villain arc that was built up in VII and VIII and generating cheap fanservice, Hans wouldn't be much different: Anna already had her arc concluded with Hans and between bringing the King of the Southern Islands as a villain or creating an original character with new philosophies, I much prefer an original character. But to please the prince's fans he may come back to be humiliated again as a recurring joke.
RETCON – Elsa returns to live in Arendelle: it would be a retcon because Elsa herself has said that she feels more like herself in the Enchanted Forest than in the castle and that now she has both worlds. I think it's impossible to happen since, as the franchise said, it reinforces that the end of F2 was right.
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Anna fight someone using a sword.
Ryder and Kristoff communicate with the reindeer and use it to save the day.
Kristoff being frozen: Anna was frozen in F1 and Elsa was frozen in F2, it will be funny if Kristoff is frozen in F3 or cite that fact.
Yelana passes command of the Northuldra tribe to Honeymaren.
Characters from the Frozenverse (those who didn't first appear in a movie but in a book, comic, etc.) make an appearance or are mentioned: Of all this list I really believe that this is the least likely to happen..., but in the "Frozen 3" novelization there will be some characters, that's for sure.
Mention of the "Tangled" universe: While the two universes were likely created from different centuries ("Tangled" in the 1780s and "Frozen" in the 1840s) over time, the insistence on creating easter eggs linking them (although taking a visual comparison they are only present in the Frozenverse) or even mention these easter eggs (like the quiz with the cast of “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series”). But I advise you not to get carried away with this, because if it happens it will be just a sentence or an easter egg with the same screen time as the moment that happened in “Frozen 1”.
Elsa fighting ships: technically this already happened in 'Polar Nights', but not in the way I wanted. I want a really powerful manifestation of Elsa that surpasses Eternal Winter, and no, manifestations of her power in "Frozen 2" don't even come close to that moment where she freezes without realizing an entire kingdom in a very short time.
Duets between KristAnna, Elsa and Anna, ElsaMaren, Ryder with Kristoff, etc. Olaf and Sven can be part of that. By the way, still talking about music, I really hope to have an opening sequence similar to the dynamics of “Some Thing Never Change”, but showing Arendelle and the Enchanted Forest at the same time.
Greater depth in the relationship between Mattias and Halima.
The trolls and Yelana are more important: They are the greatest living sources of knowledge about magic and in "Frozen 2" it almost doesn't matter... although there is an interesting detail about it: Honeymaren became the new source of knowledge about magic by learning from Yelana and passing the knowledge on to Elsa.
Yelana tells stories about Iduna's past in the tribe: unfortunately I have less and less hope for that to happen, in “Polar Nights” Elsa technically replaces that role of Yelana with Ahtohallan.
Focus on the Industrial Revolution: this is a theory of mine that came up in F2 because of a quote from Olaf (“Oh! My theory about advancing technologies as both our savior and our doom?”) and that had some more elements in the comics reinforcing it 19th century technology like trains, photography, etc. Magic vs Technology for me will be one of the themes of “Frozen 3”.
That the fact that Anna and Elsa are living far from each other is relevant: as I said in the “retcon” topic, the franchise reinforces that the ending of F2 is correct, but in such an objective way that there is almost no time to address the topic “ separation” (although I don't think that's the right term to refer to the end of F2). I wanted it to have a conversation about that and to have lessons about love and family, as that's the focus of the franchise.
Let no new funko pops appear, I mean elemental spirits: I'm not saying I don't like Gale/Bruni/Earth Giant/Nokk, but let's admit that their main function is commercial, the second is related to pleasing children and maybe just the third function is plot related. Honestly what I most want to happen in "Frozen 3" is to develop what was presented in "Frozen 2" and was not developed instead of creating even more elements that will probably not be satisfactorily addressed in its debut.
Family photos: it was presented that there is photography in the franchise and if they don't use it until exhaustion, for me it will be a big waste.
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ericmicael · 2 years
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ericmicael · 1 year
There was a new update on the “All is Found: A Frozen Anthology” news, and I decided to make a new post with this update since the other one is a little old.
The Ten Tales:
Karen Anne Buljo: a Northuldra legend
Jen Calonita: KristAnna's Engagement Party (Kristoff + Anna)
Lorie Langdon
Tiffany Schmidt
Delliah S. Dawson
Lou Anders
Mari Mancusi: “Coronation Day”. Focused on Agduna (Agnarr + Iduna), and promises to thrill
Carey Cory
Vera Strange: a spooky story involving Elsa
Diana Peterfreund
IMPORTANT: If the only time the Northuldra tribe appears in the book is in the first tale I wouldn't be surprised. Honeymaren and Ryder will not have relevance, maybe they will be mentioned as they were in "Polar Nights", that's the only hope. Yelana? This information comes from Mari Mancusi herself, my question was about the three (Honeymaren, Ryder and Yelana), and she did not mention Yelana, and before you theorize that she may be present in the tale of Northuldra legend remember that in "Polar Nights" the woman was not even named.
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Sometimes I hope I'm being too alarmist about the Northuldra's absence from the book, perhaps in reality Mari meant that they won't be the focus, not that they won't appear beyond the tale of legend. But considering that to this day the only thing that develops the tribe other than "they're migrating" has been a mobile game, I highly doubt I'm overreacting.
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ericmicael · 2 years
"Frozenverse" characters at a party: for me it's canon.
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They stand in the corner of the party with a drink in hand waiting for someone to talk to them to interact while they just move their shoulders “dancing”: Elsa, Honeymaren and Kristoff.
They interact with everyone at the party and end up being the highlights, including dancing: Anna, Ryder and Olaf.
·        Anna asks Kristoff to dance, she is a woman of attitude.
·        Honeymaren asks Elsa to dance, she may not be the best at socializing, but she takes courage when it comes to Elsa.
·        Ryder and Olaf are dancing alone without needing anyone.
·        Hans thinks that because of his status he will get all the women, but he will get slapped by the first woman after she sees him looking at another woman's ass while the prince wonders which women his brothers would be jealous of seeing he with.
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ericmicael · 2 years
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My thoughts on the possibility of a live action film directly adapting “Frozen 1″
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I believe it will happen around the 20th anniversary of the first film (2033). If it happens before 2030 for me it's an exaggeration.
Songs that were only featured in the Broadway musical version (such as the song "Monster") must be included.
The inclusion of the character Lord Petterson who is a person who helps the monarchs of Arendelle in the administration of the kingdom. He appeared in the book "Conceal, Don’t Feel" and "Dangerous Secrets". Originally he was going to be a character from F1 that when Elsa ran away in the middle of the coronation he would be responsible for administering the kingdom alongside Anna. When Anna left leaving control of the kingdom in the hands of the asshole named Hans, Petterson would be his right hand man, and when the dumb prince also left the castle he would probably control Arendelle.
Mentions of Northuldras and the prejudice the tribe suffered. "Forest of Shadows" does this very well with small phrases spoken by the population, but now it should be more focused, implying that one of the reasons why Elsa does not reveal her powers is precisely the prejudice that Arendelle has with the tribe. I don't want to turn the beginning of F1 into the beginning of F2, but now we have the full plot not to add it would be a crime, although there was never a chance for a live action second film.
I never believed that an explanation of Kristoff's past was necessary, a quote that he lived since he was a child in the orphanage before meeting the trolls would be enough as well as songs for him. At most an easter egg hinting that he might be related to a survivor of the Northuldra tribe who wasn't trapped in the mist, but even that I think is a bit exaggerated since technically he's already a Sami.
Inclusion of the northuldra scarf even as an easter egg, brief mentions of Runeard, and the Wall of Mist. That last element to me is one of the weirdest things to fit into canon, it's really weird that Elsa never went there before F2 (if it happened I don't know the story). No need to expand on these topics, just mention them.
Further development for Iduna and Agnarr. The prologue doesn't need to go on too long, but it would be nice if they had some personality since in the original movie they hardly even speak mostly Iduna.
Hans' arc will be clearer. Include more moments of Hans having to control himself from acting impulsively. In "Frozen Heart" after his visit to Elsa in the cell, the man has to control himself not to kill the Snow Queen on impulse when he sees that saving her just to try to manipulate her was useless. I don't want it to spoil the plot twist that Hans is not a prince charming but a dumb sociopath (I love that nickname given to him by Jennifer Lee), but to give the feeling that the prince is a countdown bomb.
The final act will be less idiotic. I've known people trying to justify the final minutes, but to me they're weird to this day and the only justification I have is that it's a children's movie: Hans's last plan is to let Anna freeze to death in order to frame Elsa for the murder of the princess and thus sentence the queen to death, so that he, by killing Elsa, would be called a hero and crowned king for having previously married Anna (even although he has no documents or witnesses to this). Makes sense... I guess (would it be that much easier for him to continue to manipulate Anna? It would be, but Hans was never a model of intelligence). But let's make it less strange that no one went to check on Anna's body, or that Anna slowly turning into an ice statue ran at the speed of sound and was faster than a sword. There is some art and some official drawings that show an alternate universe where Kristoff faces Hans in a sword fight or just grabs the prince so he doesn't stab the sisters, maybe he could delay the prince by allowing Anna to get closer? It's an idea, but of course without abandoning the film's message.
More ethical diversity among the population of Arendelle. Perhaps even an appearance by Halima or mention of Hudson's Hearth. This also goes for casting, I never had any problem with the decision to cast black people to play Elsa, Anna or Kristoff, if the actor/actress makes me feel like I'm seeing the character that's good enough for me.
Confirmation of LGBTIA+ characters. In the books there is already a lesbian couple living in the kingdom, but it would be easier to make original NPCs or Oaken. And Elsa? The problem with addressing Elsa's sexual orientation at this point in her life is that canonically she only seemed interested in exploring her sexuality after "Frozen 2" (one of my favorite Jennifer Lee interviews). I would like her to be confirmed as a lesbian in the movie, but it should be through small details since her head at this point has a lot to worry about besides kissing women (she only released her thoughts after starting to live in the Enchanted Forest). But an interesting plot would be the Female Guard or Maid, it was an idea that I've seen addressed in fanfic where Elsa had a special approach with a new girl who doesn't know much about the rules of the castle and that's why she ends up fired, but before that she enters the heart of Anna's sister even if the romance is not completed. It's an idea.
PS: I've posted this before, but who doesn't remember the images I used of Anna and Elsa are from a commercial for the Glade brand.
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