#kronk on the pottery wheel over here
stem-and-leaves · 8 months
So, I finally found space in a pottery wheel class
Been subsisting hungrily for years on yt tutorials, where everyone always emphasizes "you need to use a lot of force", "make sure you use lots of water", "brace your hands", "use your core", "oh yeah your arms will be sore for a while when you start",
and the instructor repeated these things, but crucially, I forgot -
I have large, strong hands. beefiest forearms you've ever seen on someone who actively tries to reduce their muscle mass but continues to be bulked the hell out (???)
And so: (artist's rendering)
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Fuckin, Bruce in his eating dome
All the other people were so prim and neat
Then there's me, half the ball of clay on myself, half on the floor, water everywhere
This is bad. I'm going to get a bad grade in pottery :(
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