crowleesi · 2 years
Take On Me | Eddie Munson x OC | Part Two
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♡ part one ♡ | ♡ part three ♡ | ♡ part four ♡ | ♡ part five ♡
summary: Blake Walker and Eddie Munson are worlds apart, but when she finds herself in detention with the high school "freak", she realises that he isn't the monster people had always made him out to be.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: vague references to gore, but mostly fluff!
author's note: thank you to everyone that read part one! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it <3
It had been a few days since Blake had spent detention with Eddie, and she'd begun to feel disappointed that he hadn't yet asked her to hang out again. Every time she passed him in the hall he'd offer her a smile, which she'd return and they'd continue about their day without exchanging a single word. In the few classes they shared, she'd find herself glancing over at him every so often, willing him to look her way.
She had no idea what had come over her. She'd never been the type to fawn over anyone - but, then again, she'd never met anyone worth fawning over. Eddie Munson was… everything she thought she wouldn't want. What she shouldn't want. He was a wild, drug dealing metal head, who the entire town had dubbed a freak at the head of a satanic cult. She knew that part was bullshit - she lived on the same street as Dustin Hendersen, a sweet boy who was a part of the school's Dungeons & Dragons group. It was harmless, she knew that much. 
And yet, people hated him, and she couldn't understand why. In the short time she'd spent with him in detention, she'd discovered that actually he was funny, sweet, and she wanted to know more.
The bell rang to signal the end of the day, pulling her out of her thoughts. She closed her textbook as Mr. Mundy reminded them all of their assignments that were due the following Monday, and she decided to head to the library to find a couple of books to help with her essay.
"We're all going for milkshakes," Chrissy said, sliding out of her seat with a bright smile. 
Chrissy Cunningham, the unofficial Queen of Hawkins High. She wasn't the stereotypical head cheerleader that you see in movies; sure, she was beautiful, the most popular girl in school and dating the captain of the basketball team - but she was the sweetest person Blake had ever known. They'd been friends since kindergarten, and try as she might to stay out of the spotlight, Blake had slowly become more and more popular by association, finding herself in circles she wouldn't have expected to end up in.
"You should come!" Blake made a face.
"And have Isaac ask me out again? I'll pass." Chrissy laughed, following Blake out of the classroom. 
"He's not that bad," she said sweetly, and Blake snorted.
"Not that bad," she repeated and hummed. "Sounds dreamy." Chrissy playfully shoved her shoulder into Blake's. "I'm heading to the library. You have fun though," she said, and Chrissy whined.
"You have to hang out with us again soon, okay? Promise me." Blake waved her hand flippantly, and Chrissy grinned. "I'll take that as a yes." 
"Take it however you want, princess." Blake said affectionately. "See you tomorrow." Chrissy waved before disappearing in the sea of students and Blake headed out of the building and towards the library. 
She breathed in the fresh afternoon air, her thoughts drifting back to those of big brown eyes and dreamy dimples. Disappointment slowly pooled in her gut once again, and she sighed, pushing open the door to the library and forcing herself to think of the assignment.
Across the parking lot, Eddie was leaning against his van with Jeff, Gareth and Grant. They were discussing their plans for that evening, when Eddie spotted Blake walking alone towards the library. Something tugged at his heart, and when she pulled open the door to the building and disappeared inside, he pushed off his van.
"I'll catch up with you guys later," he says, patting Gareth on the shoulder before making his way over. 
"We'll be at my place tonight," Jeff calls after him, and Eddie waves a hand over his shoulder. He jogs towards the library, pulling open the door and slipping inside. It was quiet, dark, and he realised he'd barely ever set foot in this building in the years he'd been at Hawkins High.
Tall, expansive walls piled high with books surrounded him, and he slowly made his way through, peering down each narrow aisle in his search for Blake. He found her in the stack of literature books, a few volumes already cradled in her arms, and watched her for a moment before slipping down the next row. He eyed her through the gaps between the tops of the books and the shelf above it, smiling when her brow pinched slightly as she flicked through a large textbook, trying to balance it on top of the books she'd already picked up. She sighed quietly, closing the book and setting it back onto the shelf. She scanned over the row of books, running her finger along the spines, and he slowly followed along until she stopped. She grabbed a book, pulled it out and Eddie leaned on the shelf, grinning wickedly at her.
Her eyes widened and she let out a yelp, dropping the books she'd been cradling in her arms and clutched her chest. Eddie snorted when they landed on the carpeted floor with a loud thud, and he quickly rounded to the other side of the shelf where Blake was kneeling down to gather the dropped books.
"Eddie!" She scolded, cheeks flushed, and he crouched beside her, holding his hands up in defense when she reached out to bat him away.
"I come in peace!" He laughs, and she couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, her heart racing; his bright smile and shining eyes were utterly infectious.
"You scared the shit out of me!" She says, and the librarian poked her head around the shelf and hushed them.
"Be quiet!" She hissed, and Eddie pretended to pull a zip across his mouth as Blake giggled, gathering her books. The librarian gave a disapproving frown before returning to the front desk.
"Yeah, Blake, be quiet." He whispers, and she tries to fight a smile as she playfully shoves his shoulder. He gets to his feet and holds out his hand, which she gladly accepts and tries to play it cool when their fingers brush and it feels like lightning soaring through her entire body. He pulls her up, beautiful smile unwavering. She turns to the front desk, cheeks flushed, willing her heart to slow down as she makes her way over, feeling Eddie close behind her.
"Can I check these out, please?" She asks politely as she sets down her books, and the librarian says nothing as she stamps the front pages. Blake glanced at Eddie who was leaning on the desk beside her, nostrils flaring as he tried not to laugh, to which Blake pursed her lips and tried to do the same. 
"Thank you," Blake said, when the librarian rudely placed the books in front of her, and Eddie reached over to grab them.
"Let me," he said, sliding the books off the counter and into his arms. "It's the least I can do." Blake considers him before giving him a sweet smile, turning towards the exit. He winked at the librarian who scowled at him as he followed Blake outside.
She held the door open for him, and he bowed his head in thanks as he stepped outside. She snorted.
"This is a good look for you, y'know." She says, and he laughs heartily.
"I'm sure it is."
She leads him to her car, where she unlocks the passenger side door and holds it open for him, gesturing inside. He sets them down on the seat, before leaning a hand on the roof of her car.
"Hey, are you busy tomorrow night?" He asks, and her heart leaps. Finally, she thought. 
"No," she said, maybe a little too quickly.
"You wanna go see a movie or something?" He asks, and she beams.
"Okay." A smile slowly spreads across his lips, and she feels the heat rush to her cheeks once more.
"Meet me at the theatre at 8?" He says, and she nods.
"Cool." Was all he said, and knocked on the roof of the car twice before he started walking backwards. "See you later, Walker." She watches him leave, unable to pull her eyes away from him and the cool, collected way he carried himself. She sighed, rounding her car and getting into the driver's seat. She sat for a moment, before allowing herself to indulge in her excitement: she squealed, her hands balled into fists, shaking them gleefully, wiggling in her seat. 
The following day, Blake arrived home from school and found herself watching the clock, willing the time to go by faster. She'd briefly seen Eddie that afternoon in biology - one of the few classes they were in together. As had become their new normal, he'd walked by her and flashed his smile before taking his seat at the back. She'd glanced over her shoulder at him a couple of times, and he'd eventually caught her by the third or fourth time she'd looked. He'd simply smiled, and she'd turned back to her textbooks, a warmth in her cheeks.
She thought about working on Mr. Mundy's assignment, but instead spent longer than she'd ever care to admit fretting over what to wear. She pulled out different skirts, jackets, dresses and shoes, laying them out across her bed and stood, hands on hips, staring at them.
By the time she'd eaten dinner with her parents and was getting ready to go, she'd tried on every possible outfit she could put together and had found herself right back where she started, in the clothes she'd worn to school that day: high waisted jeans, a cropped fitted shirt and her trusty, oversized denim jacket, which was dark and offset against her light blue jeans nicely.
When she parked up across the street from the theatre, she could see Eddie leaning against the wall outside, smoking a cigarette. He had one foot planted on the brick behind him, the other stretched out on the pavement below, and he tilted his head back to blow out the smoke, and god, his neck-
She shook her head, scolding herself internally to get her shit together, and jogged across the street when there was a break in traffic. He looked up, then, and his face lit up when he saw her.
"Hey," he grinned, throwing down the cigarette and pushing off the wall.
"Hi," she said, playing with her fingers nervously as she approached him. He quickly ran his eyes over her, smiling for a moment before patting his jacket pocket.
"I already got our tickets," he says, and she eyes him suspiciously.
"And what are we seeing?" She asks as they walk toward the entrance.
"Chopping Mall!" He says in a dramatic voice, eyes wide and wiggling his fingers in her face. She laughs, batting his hands away.
"That sounds delightful," she says. "What's it about?" 
"You'll see." Is all he says as he opens the door for her, and once inside, she makes a beeline for the concession stand.
"We can't see a movie without popcorn, right?" She asks, and he gestures for her to go ahead. She turns to the wide array of snacks, candy and drinks on display, surrounded by neon lights and brightly coloured posters. The smell of fresh popcorn filled her nostrils as she approached the counter, Eddie falling into step beside her.
“Now,” He says, gaining her attention. “The real question is… sweet or salty?” He whispers, leaning on the counter, and she follows suit. She giggled, ordering a large bucket of sweetened popcorn, and Eddie gasps dramatically.
“A woman after my own heart!” He declares, and Blake snorts, reaching into her purse for a few dollars. He chuckles to himself, and she hands the bills over to the attendant, looking up at Eddie to find him eyeing the slushy machine.
“Hey, can I get two mixed berry slushies as well?” She asks, and the attendant nods, turning to the machine. Eddie raises his eyebrows at her, and she smiles, digging out an extra few dollars.
“So, this movie,” She says, waiting for their slushies to be poured. “Is it gonna scar me for life?” He grins wickedly, leaning his chin in his hand. 
“Would I do that to you?” He cooes.
“Yes.” She says without hesitation, and he laughs, taking the slushies when the attendant hands them over.
“Come on,” He says, leading the way to their screen, adding, “Thank you, by the way.”  He raises the slushies in his hands and she smiles, the large bucket of popcorn in her arms.
“You’re welcome. Thank you for getting the tickets.”
Once inside, they take their seats in the middle of the theatre, setting their drinks in the cup holders. Eddie rubs his hands together excitedly, and Blake shoves a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth, waiting for the movie to start.
It was every bit as horrifying as she’d expected. Eddie had a great time, of course; shovelling popcorn, slurping away on his slushy and laughing his ass off whenever Blake hid in his shoulder in absolute horror.
Early in the movie, one of the characters starts to undress, revealing her perky breasts and Blake shifted in her seat, glancing at Eddie who was staring at the screen, eyes wide and brows raised. She stifled a laugh, and when he realised she was watching him, he let out a bashful laugh before hiding his mouth behind his hand. His shoulders were shaking through his quiet laughter, and she tried desperately to keep quiet, giggling into her hands.
A short while later, another character was lying in a bed with her large breasts seductively on display, telling her boyfriend to "Hurry back." 
Eddie nudged her knee with his own, and when she looked at him, he wiggled his eyebrows. She barked out a laugh, and clamped a hand over her mouth to stop her giggling when someone nearby hushed her harshly. Eddie snickered, sipping his slushie.
After the movie finishes, Blake and Eddie make their way outside, laughing about how often she hid in his shoulder, how gross the movie was and how ridiculous the plot was.
"And when the robot fires a laser at her head-"
"And it just explodes!" Eddie finishes, laughing. "So awesome." 
"Awesome?" Blake shuddered, perching on the hood of her car. "I'll be having nightmares for weeks."
"It wasn't so bad," he says, sliding his hands into his pockets. She snorts.
"Maybe not for you!" She says. "Next time, I'm picking the movie."
"And what delights will you be indulging me in?" He asks, and she thinks for a moment.
"The Breakfast Club." She says finally, and he groans dramatically, throwing his head back. 
"Come on, Walker-"
"Look what you just made me sit through!" She cuts him off with a laugh, and he looks at her, totally unamused. "You owe me."
"Didn't it come out like a year ago or something?" He asks, and she grins wickedly.
"That's what Blockbuster is for." He cracks up, shaking his head and looking down at his feet.
"Fine." She smiles, victorious, and silence fills the air for a few moments before he looks back up at her.
"I'm glad we did this," she says, and he scratches his jaw.
"Me too." He says, and that damn, sweet smile turned up the corner of his lips. She could feel a blush crawling up her neck, and looked away, her heart skipping a beat.
“D’you want a ride home?” She asks, not wanting to leave him just yet.
“No, I’m good,” He says, pointing down the street. “My van’s just down there.” She nods, pushing down the disappointment pooling in her stomach, and paints a smile on her face. He watched her for a moment and she wished she knew what was going on inside his head. 
"Goodnight, Walker." He says eventually, lifting his hand to gently nudge her chin with his fingers before walking away.
"Goodnight, Munson." She quips, and he smiles at her over his shoulder. She bites her lip as she watches him head down the street, and sighs to herself. She pushes off her car, unlocking the driver’s side door, and pauses to glance over at him. He looks over his shoulder again, and a bright smile immediately lights up his face when he finds her already watching him. Her heart leapt into her throat and when he turned back down the street, she got into her car, realising her fingers were trembling.
What was he doing to her?
As she drove home, she leaned her elbow against the window, her fingers under her chin and thought of his smile; the way his eyes shone when he laughed and those unbearably gorgeous dimples in his cheeks. Her heart was doing bizarre things that she'd never felt before; she didn’t know what this feeling was, but what she did know was that she wanted - needed - more.
She smiled to herself, thoughts of Eddie Munson swimming around her head.
Tag list ♡ @eruroraiito @magicalchocolatecheesecake @eddington-munson @bitchynicole @unluckyopossum @munsonmadness @sassycomcbook @captainkidd929 @stardancerluv @eddiemsrings @maryan028 @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1 ♡ lmk if you want to be tagged in the next part!
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