Please Read
Okay so this is an announcement that I will no longer be doing fanfics on here anymore. But do not worry! I will be writing for the page ksluts! It is a page that will only write smut but about any kpop group. I am Admin Jageun and I do idol x reader stuff. My friend is Admin Mawni and she does boy x boy and we both do girl x girl. So feel free to request something anytime you would like! And thank you for reading my stuff on here!
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robornothing · 10 years
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Oh you silly K-Tards.... you forgot some other ones too....
* Homewrecker * * Self-Important * * Unemployed * * Fake * * Hates Her Fans *
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slutsten · 12 years
Shippers do not understand reality, or how to let go.
There comes a time when you all just need to let go. How can you say that you'll love Kristen forever no matter what she does to the ends of the earth until the world stops spinning? NO ONE I repeat NO ONE deserves to be supported unconditionally no matter what they do, that's just giving them free reigns to do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it like they're above the law and above moral codes. Fact: Anyone who does what she did reveals themselves to be selfishly amoral. Fact: she done fucked up good. There is no way of getting around that factual reality. Let it go.
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robornothing · 10 years
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robornothing · 10 years
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Your "Queen" sure is beautiful.
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robornothing · 10 years
I never really thought of anything in terms of designing a career. I never tried to shape people’s perspectives of me, which is something that a lot of people do. There are certain actors and artists who want to be a certain kind of actor or certain kind of artist, and I’m really not like that. I have very much fallen into every situation, every creative and not creative experience, that I have delved into, based on gut. Therefore true regret can never eat at me. In terms of what people consume about you and then subsequently how they shape their opinion of you, none of it is wrong. It’s all a varied assortment of whatever flavors they’ve picked up at the newsstand or in the theater or on the Internet. But that literally is something that is not designed by me and so it’s not something that bothers me. But I don’t want to add to this already pre-existing, enormous mound of salacious bullsh*t that isn’t real. That’s not me defending anything. That’s true.” ~ Kristet Stewart, Vanity Fair France 2014
Watch out. Bad-Ass Stew is on the loose.... she doesn't care what people think of her. Case and point....
In an offending quote, Twilight saga star Kristen Stewart compared paparazzi photos of herself to images of a woman being raped. Almost immediately, everyone from fans to spokespeople for rape victims' advocacy organizations were publicly criticizing the actress. "I really made an enormous mistake – clearly and obviously," Stewart, currently in Korea to promote the new installment of the Twilight series Eclipse, tells PEOPLE exclusively. "And I'm really sorry about my choice of words."
I'm deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I've caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected. This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry
Oh wait....
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