ktent · 5 years
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KTROOKIES Published on May 28, 2019 0:00 - 4:32
KTROOKIES is a pre-debut project under KT Entertainment.
The search for ??? continues. What are you looking for?
[ KTROOKIES ] 'WHAT IS LOVE' MV ℗ K.T.Entertainment
This video is uploaded to KTROOKIES’s official YouTube page at 12PM on May 28th.
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rkxluda · 5 years
Lights, Camera, Action
When Luda arrived at the filming scene, she looked a little nervous, but smiled and bowed politely as she was supposed to. On the inside, though, she felt about ready to faint. She hadn't a lot of experience and tried to calm herself down with the memory of the help for acting she'd gotten and let the single points she'd seen most important, be pushed to the front of her thoughts.
She still felt like she'd do badly, but well, thinking wouldn't help. As she arrived she saw the person she was to film the scenes with and smiled. She remembered him from that time she was on a search to find an instrument to learn. With a smile she decided to approach him.
The girl looked around the set and wondered whether she'd have time to take a selfie later, to add to her collection of memories from the whole project. She was always worried to accidentally post something she wasn't supposed to show the world yet, but she still wanted something to help her memories in a few years time.
"Hello!" She greeted him in her usual chipper tone, not filming alone was at least making her feel a little less nervous.
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rkjoohyvn · 5 years
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↠ * kt rookies ,                                         ♥«´¨`•°.. » SEARCHING_FOR_GOLD ! »                     ¸.•* recording for el dorado `*•.
everything around her feels foreign in the recording both although she’s familiar with all the equipment there. she knows what everything does, what each purpose each piece serves, and yet, she feels like a little kid being shoved into the role of a defense lawyer and being asked to not only perform well, but also get his client declared not guilty. she feels fresh-faced and new, and filled to the brim with nervous energy. but along with that anxiety, there’s also an underlying excitement. she’s in the booth, for the first time in her life, to record a song that will be released to the mass public, how could she not be?
for the longest time, she'd thought her perfectionism to be a flaw, something holding her back from truly reaching her potential, but as she stands there in the recording booth, being asked over and over again to record her two short lines, she realizes it's all been in preparation for this. this isn't even an official debut, but even she knows when she isn't doing her best; even when they finally tell her she's done a good job, she is convinced she can do more, can perform even better.
but the words get caught in her mouth. all she can do is smile and bow.
disappointment is a strong word for what she's feeling the moment she steps out of the booth. it's a far cry from the pride she feels for just being chosen for the project, and nowhere near the afterglow she's experiencing for having had her first official recording. perhaps it's remorse? regret? sorrow? who knows when her next chance at the studio will be, how long will she have to wait again?
maybe it's just as the song says. the road is long and treacherous toward this future of which no one truly knows. but it's an adventure, and maybe, one day, it will all become worth it, when she finds her gold, her own el dorado.
                                     먼 훗날에 전설이                               this walk will be a legend in the                                                                   될 걸음 the el dorado                                                               days to come, the el dorado
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rkxhyunjin · 5 years
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In a way it feels a little surreal to be recording a song.
Up until this point, almost everything Hyunjin has performed has been live – backing vocals not allowed during evaluations and live vocals being a central feature of the MGA performances. As he steps into the recording booth, he feels a familiar sense of out-of-placeness. Entering the MGAs with no concept of how to ‘clap’ a slate, or simply how to interact with the cameras, the recording booth also leaves him at the mercy of the producer’s patience; everything very new to him.
Luckily, the producer has enough patience to spare for Hyunjin’s inexperience (and then some). Nerves at an all time high, the producer helps coax the dancer’s nerves away after an initial handful of ‘acceptable, but not perfect’ run-throughs; allowing Hyunjin to focus on his performance without that hint of anxiety getting in the way. To say he’s thankful would be an understatement.
During the lead-up to the recording, as Hyunjin practises his lines, he can’t help but wonder what the choreography for this song might look like should it exist; mulling over possible combinations in his head. The way the music moves seems to call for more quick than slow movements, a high energy flow that builds up into the chorus. Easily distracted even while rehearsing his lines, Hyunjin pulls himself up from the wooden practice room floor, staring into the mirror and producing vague movements with a hint of a smile. Even if what little he came up with never saw the light of day, it was still a nice little addition to his own build-up of the song and its story.
More dance focused than singing or rap, Hyunjin’s lines aren’t numerous (not that he particularly minds – he’s simply satisfied even with the opportunity to be included in this project). Rather than this fact allowing him to memorise everything quickly, it leaves the dancer in a meticulous state of mind, wanting to make sure he does his best with what he has. If he couldn’t perform well on even these little parts…. It’s something he tries to keep his mind from straying towards, aware how easily his thoughts can spiral from one catastrophising thought to another.
Perform without regrets – that was his goal.  
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rksungho · 5 years
the only thing he doesn't like about this is the fact that he was given his lyrics instead of given the chance to write his own. but really, sungho can't complain much. finally, finally, he's given the chance to do something he's confident in. even if his part is short compared to the length of the song, it's still a pretty damn good one. a week to learn the lyrics and figure out the delivery, but it's enough time. even just.
he steps into the recording booth with confidence, though he can't remember the last time he's done this. it was as a teenager, years ago, when the world was brighter and his temper burned hotter than ever. he believed much more in the possibility of his debut then. now it's even less certain, though that doesn't scare him from soundproofed walls around a high quality microphone. sungho puts the headphones over his head, adjusts them appropriately, and gives the thumbs up for the tech to know he's ready to go.
the music plays, and sungho counts down to the beginning of his part. the first delivery isn't bad, he can see from the tech's face when he glances up at him that he doesn't think so. "can i try it again?" he asks anyways, earnest to get this one thing right. just one; he can bomb the recordings for all the acting gigs that kt puts in his schedule from now on if he can just rap his part beyond the best of his ability.
sungho gets his second shot, and he makes the most of it. still, he's personally dissatisfied. "once more?" he asks again, and he gets his wish. he'd sing and rap until his throat goes raw if they'd let him, even if he never gets that perfect take he's looking for. but they need to wrap up the recording, there's other people to work with too, so sungho finally relents. even if they crop the best bits of each together, he's satisfied with his performance. for the first time in the kt rookies project, sungho is happy with his work.
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rookieskrp · 5 years
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Every week, there will be an activity check to sweep out inactive rookies and reward those who have stayed active, with skill points! If the rookie hasn’t showed up in at least one week, they are cleared from the masterlist with no warning, while the names not on the sweep list can add three skill points using their TALLY SHEET. You can distribute +3 skill points in whatever categories you want! Please make sure that you add a link to this post on your tally sheet for proof! You do not need to verify these points.
TRAINEES may now turn in their POINTS VERIFICATION SHEETS for the week of 5/22-5/29; instructions for doing so as well as the appropriate form and the link to the verification blog can be found on each company’s workshop page. Once your form is posted to the verification blog, you may update your points tracker with a link to the verification blog post. Points must be turned in before 6/5 or they will not count! If there are any complications that prevent you from turning in your points on time, please talk to Head Mod Kyle before submitting them late.
Please include today’s date (May 29, 2019) at the top of your verification form! Even if you turn in your points later this week, put May 1st as the date. This is mandatory!
- The deadline for #rkmay19eval requirements is Friday the 31st at midnight EST! - The deadline for #ktrookies:search requirements is Friday the 31st at midnight EST! - The deadline for NOVA statements of intent is Sunday the 2nd at midnight EST! - The deadline for idol requirements is Wednesday the 5th at 9pm EST!
▸ ▸ ▸ DROPPED .
lee jooeun
▸ ▸ ▸ CLEARED .
kim sanggyun 
shin ryujin 
kim sohee to roh jisun
choi yuju to kim dahyun
kim hyunjin to lee seoyeon
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ktent · 5 years
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            [ ♥ ] KT ENT @ktent • May 25
            KTROOKIES 〖 #WHAT_IS_LOVE 〗             M/V Release ➫ 2019 05 28             #KTROOKIES #KTROOKIES19             #SEARCHING_FOR_L?VE
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rkxluda · 5 years
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Luda really didn't expect the project to continue so soon. And if she was to be quite honest, she'd rather have it be at a later point in time. This month's evaluation was difficult enough already on its own, but preparing for the project on top was making her restless. Sure she'd only play a small part in the video, but she wanted to do well, really well. And as the girl still had barely any experience with acting... well that wouldn't be easy.
At least she wouldn't be filming alone. And she'd kept her hair the same as for the last part of the project, figuring it would have been too difficult on her scalp to change it anytime soon.
The girl was glad that she'd been able to practise with Johnny before this, otherwise her acting would probably have been horrible. Of course a bit of practising didn't make her super awesome at it, but she hoped it'd do. Luda felt like she had to show that she could put his tips to good use. She was also glad that she got along pretty well with Aron and wanted to make sure that she wouldn't be holding him back.
They started filming and she was as nervous and felt as insecure as she'd expected. Her hands were a little shaky – hopefully something no one would notice in the actual music video. On the other hand, her confused, thoughtful expression was pretty spot on.
For one scene (or some scenes, who knew how it'd be cut) they filmed, Aron and her were in a car, she held the map in her hand (Luda only noticed last second that she'd been holding it the wrong way around, and quickly turned it the way she was supposed to). She looked at it in confusion, like she was trying to search something that couldn't be found. An easy task as she had no idea how to read it. Later, still with the map in hand, she leaned out of the window, looking at their surroundings and at the map.
They also filmed at an open area, where she kept the searching expression up, slowly looking around the open space. And they sat at a camp-fire, looking at the map together, as though they were wondering where to go next. She'd first sat turned towards the camera until realising that it'd look unnatural for the viewer, so she'd turned more towards Aron, but in a way that would still keep her visible well for the cameras. She hoped.
Luda definitely hadn't been great at minimising filming time, with the couple times she was told to have been doing everything wrong (mainly as she looked awkward, like she was acting, which of course one wasn't supposed to look like, even if it's what she was doing). But in the end it seemed as though she'd always managed to be good enough, which felt like a heavy rock being lifted from the girl'S shoulders. And as exhausting and nerve-wrecking it had been, it was also a pretty nice experience and memory to have made.
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rkjoohyvn · 5 years
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↠ * kt rookies ,                                          ♥«´¨`•°.. » SEARCHING_FOR_L?VE ! »                   ¸.•* what is love? filming `*•.
to say that she’s excited is an understatement. after the first few times filming for kt rookies, she wasn’t really sure if she’d get another opportunity again for a while, but despite being content with what she’d gotten so far, another opportunity comes around and she couldn’t be more grateful or excited.
but it hadn’t been easy.
choreography has always been an achilles heel of sorts when it comes to her dancing. she’s given it dozens of tries over her career as a dancer, but she’s never been satisfied with what she’s put it. it took the entirety of the time they’d been given to prepare for her to come up with something, but she’d done it, thanks in large part to having taemin help her out.
but even with as proud as she is of what she’s created for the first time in her entire life, as soon as she stands in front of the cameras, she’s nervous, once again second guessing herself. is it really good enough to show to the public? it could be better, couldn’t it? but as the camera’s red light blinks, indicating that it’s recording, she knows she doesn’t have any time left to doubt herself. she just has to give it her all with what she’s got.
(and she’s got a lot---she just has to keep reminding herself of that.)
time seems to pass by in a whirlwind, as if she’s jumped through it like some sort of superhuman with the ability to travel through a quantum realm, and before she knows it, this particular scene is over, and she’s left with her thoughts as the crew move on to the next scene. she closes her eyes and inhales deeply, slowly opening her eyes as she exhales. she takes everything in---the set, the staff, her fellow trainees, all of it---and burns it into her memory. who knows when the next opportunity will come?
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rkxhyunjin · 5 years
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The opportunity to prepare his own choreography for the upcoming KTRookies video promotion (even if it may only play a small role in the grand scheme of things) grows a little seed of self-accomplishment within Hyunjin, unable to hide the smile that slips across his lips as he bows out of the office.
For once, he’s proud of himself. Proud that they would trust him (of all people) with a task like this. Talent certainly didn’t grow on trees, but in KT, talent was undoubtably abundant as saplings in a forest. It was an undeniable truth – even if everyone was growing at their own pace, or in the own direction, each trainee’s base was firmly rooted in synonyms of talent that Hyunjin hoped to achieve himself one day. This was simply one step closer to that goal.
Of course, there are still times he struggles with the internal pressure of being a trainee – the publicity that comes with it all. Certainly, the pressure can’t be compared to that of an idol, but now when Hyunjin performs people associate him with more than himself; they associate him with KT. The last thing Hyunjin wants to do is to bring a bad name to the place he had cultivated himself and his music abilities this past year.
It’s not as if Hyunjin needs to hide himself behind a mask, but it is admittedly harder for him to simply blend into the background of his surroundings. Following the MGAs the popularity he gained there had petered off to a certain extent, only to be reignited after the year end show and his introduction under the label of ‘KTRookies’. Those in his department at university know who he is, and if he’s being honest, it makes attending courses a little uncomfortable for Hyunjin. Afterall, he still has yet to gain the ability to completely block out the murmurings around him, and the occasional photo of him in class does little to help ease his anxiety.
Perhaps after a little bit more time everything would become easier.
Nevertheless, the newly given task provides Hyunjin with an excuse to lose himself in music and dance – a reason to let his mind go blank, to lead himself with physicality rather than spoken word. Like many of his own choreographies, the one he creates for the featured song also features sign. Hidden words tucked away within artistic movements that, should one care enough to really look could easily be unlocked. Nimble fingers taking the time to fingerspell ‘love’ in the chorus. Body pitching forward, stumbling towards front stage only to suddenly recover and right itself, eyes making contact with an invisible audience as ‘the moment I saw you’ plays behind him. ‘Tell me’ his hands plead, lyrics filling his dance in literal and metaphorical movement.
Sometimes, high off his own passion for dance, Hyunjin feels as if placing physicality into music and its meaning was what he was born to do.
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rksungho · 6 years
I N T R O .
each time she dabs at his face with her makeup brush, sungho almost expects it to hurt. she’s gone a great job at the fake cut on his face, the way it looks as if a bruised cheek split under the force of some aggressor. sungho just wishes that they made it look like he had won whatever fake fight they want his character to have participated in. but they don’t give a damn about what sungho wants, they made that very fucking clear when they stripped him of his name and gave him a new one. he counts his blessings that they at least didn’t give him some soft concept; small mercies, he supposes.
he’s not used to the artificial lights they shine on him as they set up his scene. he’s not sure what he expected; there’s no way they’d be able to record by streetlight alone even on the best camera. a great part of him wants to call inho but the rational part of him knows that’s impossible. no one’s supposed to know about this; he’s not going to betray himself by running to his person for advice in front of the cameras, even if inho would be much better suited for anything acting than sungho ever will be.
perhaps the most intimidating factor, more than the lights or the makeup or the cameras, is the bike. for all of his bad boy appearances and terrible attitude, sungho has never even ridden on the back of one of these things before. it’s different than driving a car, which he had learned under his grandfather’s calm guidance in a deserted parking lot in small town america. there’s different skills required of him. a crash course on the vehicle would be just that: a crash.
as much as it pains him to ask for help, he’d rather swallow his pride temporarily than injure himself or wreck a motorcycle that doesn’t belong to him. as much money as they’re funneling into this rookies project, sungho knows they don’t have room for a stunt double for him in their budget. hey, if he dies or something, at least he’ll leave behind a good case for compensation for those left alive. with an uncharacteristic tentatively, he tests the ignition and the gas. they definitely function. an instructor assures him it will be fine; he doesn’t have to go fast, and they only need one good shot. sungho doesn’t tell anyone that maybe he’s a little scared.
at least the leather jacket might save him from some bad road burn if he does fall.
the first take is terrible, he jumps on the gas too hard and scares himself with the sound alone. the second one is only marginally better, though he’s too hesitant for their liking. the third goes the same, and then finally he gives them a good shot. he jumps off of the bike as soon as they let him, rubbing his hands together as if to wipe the feeling of the grips off of them. as if that would take his nerves away.
when the director finally calls a wrap, sungho nearly cheers aloud. he can’t wait to get out of there.
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ktent · 5 years
As teasers come out for the release of ‘El Dorado’, fans will meet different locations each day. If you make your way to the place in the teaser after it comes out (at noon each day) you’ll be able to find a couple of KT staff members handing out flyers. These flyers are, actually exclusive posters of your favorite KTROOKIES! They’d all look close to this, except instead of ‘WANTED’ it’s written ‘SEARCHING’ and instead of ‘REWARD’ the letters are changed for ??? with no money amount below it. The pictures used were the ones taken earlier this month and were never seen before by the public.
Each day there will be only 500 posters available, and each person may only take one with a random KTROOKIE in it. KTROOKIES are instructed not to go. These are the days and members available on each of them, as well as where to find them.
May 29th (N Seoul Tower): Taemin, Jimin, Johnny
May 30th (COEX Mall): Aron, Sunwoo, Luda
May 31st (63 Building): Addae, Jino, Momo, Logan
This post will be updated each day instead of a new one being made, so be sure to come back and check it out!
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ktent · 5 years
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            [ ♥ ] KT ENT @ktent • May 26
            KTROOKIES 〖 #WHAT_IS_LOVE 〗             M/V Release ➫ 2019 05 28             #KTROOKIES #KTROOKIES19             #SEARCHING_FOR_L?VE
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ktent · 5 years
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            [ ♥ ] KT ENT @ktent • May 29
            KTROOKIES 〖 #EL_DORADO 〗             Music Release ➫ 2019 06 01             #KTROOKIES #KTROOKIES19             #SEARCHING_FOR_GOLD
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ktent · 5 years
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            [ ♥ ] KT ENT @ktent • May 27
            KTROOKIES 〖 #WHAT_IS_LOVE 〗             M/V Release ➫ 2019 05 28             #KTROOKIES #KTROOKIES19             #SEARCHING_FOR_L?VE
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ktent · 5 years
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            [ ♥ ] KT ENT @ktent • May 31
            KTROOKIES 〖 #EL_DORADO 〗             Music Release ➫ 2019 06 01             #KTROOKIES #KTROOKIES19             #SEARCHING_FOR_GOLD
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