#kuchen being a supportive big bro... i love it very much
majunju · 1 year
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itsukismoon · 8 months
Event story - Chapter 10 (Grateful Days)
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>> part 11
When Lannes announces the Grateful Festival Special Area Award, everyone starts talking to each other. Lannes thanks all the meisters who made such an event possible, and adds that Velvet will be opening the park to everyone around the world. He thanks everyone for creating such a joyous event, and the crowd cheers.
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Velvet: Of course, there will be times when everyone’s help will be needed in order to continue operating. In order to deliver to the world this dream created by everyone, let’s keep working together.
lannes also thanks the Chevalier knights for granting security to this place which is visited by many dignitaries.
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Harriet: It is an honour for me to be able to protect a place full of wonderful love!
Alex: I vow to protect everyone’s smiles until the end. Please continue enjoying yourself peacefully without worries.
Then, the Special Area Award begins. Lannes would like to praise all guilds, but alas the world of craftsmen is based on friendly rivalry. The most popular area was the Gourmet area run by Gastronomy! Lannes invites a representative of the guild to leave a comment on the stage, and Oscar sends Kuchen over since he’s an ambassador, much to Kuchen’s dismay (Oscar is an ambassador too btw lol). Anyway, he heads to the stage with a slightly listless look after being encouraged by Emma.
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Kuchen: I— No, everyone at Gastronomy is all about making the most delicious food, that’s all there is to it. However… I think that by getting involved with other people, our skills can be further refined. (YESSSS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!) If those who gave us such an opportunity would want to eat our best food from now on— No, if they feel like they would want to make it together, then I’d be happy.
He meets Emma’s eyes and suddenly smiles admits the crowd’s roaring applause. She feels her heart warm at his words as a chocolatier and as a member of Gastronomy.
Next, the Alliance award goes to Tokohana, due to their role in preserving the traditional culture and their praising of peace through their work. Aoi steps on stage and admits that although he’s the ambassador, Asahi is the one who actually created Tokohana and continues to lead it. At first, he only thought of it as a fun occupation, and he probably does think that now, too; still, he now believed it is something very interesting too, and continuing to pursue being a meister at Tokohana will surely make him happy in the future. They will put to good use and continue cherishing their culture, their friends and the people who support them.
Velvet, as the landlord of this place, announces the Velvet award: the Water area, led by Jounetsu Taikai.
Searle: Aniki (= big bro)!! They called us!!!
Elma: Eh…? EHH…!? F-FOR REAL!?
According to Velvet, they were the ones who best embodied the concept of entertainment, and as an entertainer himself, he can’t help but respect that. He then invites Elma onto the stage.
Elma: EH, wait a min’! What am I even supposed to say at a time like this?! Hey, Shii-chan!?
Searle: Sheira and Uru are getting drunk over there~? Aniki, do your best!
Elma: Wait a minute! I need to think of the perfect phrase— Ah! Dassu, you come at the perfect time! runs over to DasteHey hey, don’t you have some kinda cool phrase to say?!
Daste: Hell if I know. Just go with your usual Whey Whey. I’m busy so don’t get me involded in this. walks away
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Elma: EHH———!? Ah, uhm… first of all, thank you! I didn’t think we were going to be chosen for something, so I’m really happy! We only think about surfing all the time, and we get yelled at a lot… we caused problems during this Festival too. But, that’s because of how addicting it is! Really, I think surfing will save the world! It’s a lot of fun, so make sure you come to our guild! Even the people who never tried it before, we will teach you real quick! Also, Emma-chan! For before and now… thanks a bunch! I’m gonna tell you now!
All the awards are given out, and everyone gets off stage.
Adel: …don’t tell me this is the end. How pompous.
Then, Lannes announces a special prize.
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