#kudou 2th ofa user
marunalu · 8 months
Hi! MHA 406 is almost bad for my taste because of Bakugou. But One thing!
AFO facial expression!!! Please analyze this!!! Please!!!
From now on I will just ignore EVERYTHING related to bakugou because it makes no sense any longer to get angry about it. Bakugou is horis pet character and the only character who truly matters to him. At this point bakugou is just the most horrible written gary stu character in shonen history and its clear that hori doesnt care about how shitty his writing of him is. Most of the mha fandom kisses bakugous ass anyway so the horrible writing about bakugous fake "death", his even more horrible written resurrecction and now in this chapter bakugous pain somehow making him able to create bigger explosions and making him faster just shows that hori can write whatever he wants about bakugou and the fandom will still eat this shit out of his hands! Like... I dont care anymore. So I will just do my best and from now on ignore this character as good as I can. If it will be suscessful is the other question, because horis writing of bakugou is just SO bad 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anyway lets look at the actuall only intetesting part in this chapter. FINALLY we get a little bit more of afos and yoichis backstory and FINALLY we know 2ths name, because I was sick of calling him 2th all the time. My question is now is kudou his first or his last name? Because I think it would be weird if afo calls him by his first name. The only way this would make sense is if kudou once worked for afo and they were friends. Also interesting that we get 2ths name reveal before 3ths 🤔
Now I have the hope that we will soon get a little flashback "arc" or at least a few chapters dedicated about afos and yoichis past. Now about afos expression. Well LOOK AT MY MAN!!!
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I LOVE how vulnerable he looks here. And its a smart move of hori to only show afos eyes (which for once dont look dead) again while the rest is in shadows. He doesnt want to reveal yet the utter despair on afos face when he realizes that his brother is DEAD! But you can clearly see in the way afos eyes and eyebrows are drawn how devasted he is. He is crying! To see the great demon lord and most dangerous super villain who ever lived with such an human expression is actually quite heartbreaking. It shows and confirms that deep down his demon lord facade is simply just a mask to hide his own human heart! Its nothing but an act to look strong and untouchable, so nobody could hurt him! Hori is showing us that, yes, this horrible bastard who did so many evil things to others is still a human deep down with feelings and emotional pain and who actually suffers. Thats how hori writes his villains and to me it was always pretty obvious that he would go the same route with his main villain. Afos demon lord facade is nothing but a coping mechanism to excuss his own evil actions and trying to distance himself from his own humanity.
This chapter confirms without a doubt HOW MUCH afo loved his brother. His only family! And the most interesting part is that afo wasnt even aware that HE killed yoichi. He was SEARCHING for him. He believed him to be ALIVE! Its his enemy who gives him the news that he murdered his own brother, but afo seems to be completly taken by surprise by this! There is just no way that afo actually REALLY tried to kill yoichi with full intent and backs up my theory that yoichis death was an accident or that yoichi sacreficed himself for someone else afo wanted to kill (like kudou and 3th) and then kudou took an injured yoichi to an other place where he died shortly after. Afo believed yoichi to be fine, he had NO IDEA his brother was dead! And it explains so much why afo is so obsessed with the ofa quirk. Its his only way to get yoichi back. The only thing that is left of him. His only way to make amends with yoichi and MAYBE even telling him that he is sorry for what he did!
He clearly still believes everything is kudous fault (what he is telling himself) like I mentioned already a few times in other posts. Kudou freed yoichi from the vault, filled his head with even more heroic ideas which in return made yoichi eventually even more reckless and putting himself in harms way. In yoichis eyes kudou and 3th are his heroes. What is the opposite of the hero? The villain! Lets remember that afo never called himself a villain while yoichi was still alive and even tried to put the blame on his followers when they did something horrible to others ("they did it on their own. I never told them to do it.") He was trying to keep his hands clean. But now Afo WANTS to be a villain, because in his mind its the heroes fault that his brother is dead! And maybe its not just that he wants to be a villain, but also that he believes he cant go back anymore. He crossed the line with yoichis death so to speak. He lost the only person that mattered to him. Why should he care for anyone else now? The world took everything away from him and thats the reason why he wants to destroy everyones happiness and future in return.
And if dfo is canon it could mean that inko and izuku were the first thing after 200 years afo cared about or even loved and saw as his last chance to leave his villain life behind him (him mentioning that he wants to retire). But then all might happend and izuku got ofa. Now there is most likely really no going back anymore.
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marunalu · 8 months
Don't you find it strange that every time AFO sees Bakugo he reminds you of Kudou? If Dad for One theory turns out to be true then AFO hates Bakugo for the same reason he hates Kudou: hurting a member of his family (Yoichi and Izuku).
As much as I hate the idea, but I think I need to accept the very big possebilty that bakugou is related to kudou. And that sucks because kudou >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bakugou. Personally I still dont see much resemblance appearance wise except the hair style, but yeah hori really wants to hit home that bakugou looks identical or at least very similar to kudou to the point afo and shigarafo are both freaking out and concentrate their full hate for kudou on bakugou. I was told that "kudou" is a family name in japan, so that means at least that his last name isnt bakugou and there is still hope that they arent related. Also kudou died young and that means for him and bakugou to be related he needs to already be a father at the time of his death, otherwise the whole "2th is bakugous ancestor" theory falls flat. So I hope bakugou looking like kudou is more about hori trying to ad symbolic parallels, but knowing his bakuboner I dont have much hope....
But yes if dfo is true then bakugou abusing izuku while reminding afo of kudou and seeing him as the culprit why his brother died, could explain his immense distaste for bakugou he already clearly showed since kamino.
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marunalu · 8 months
Given that we’re only give one name “Kudou” instead of the full name, given that AFO is extremely angry right now. One would expect him to say Kudou’s full name given this situation and what happened to Yoichi. Kudou IRL is apparently a family name and given that society hasn’t adapted the names=Quirk idea yet, given they just developed, so there isn’t any meaningful identity for the names in relations to Quirks. Kudou is definitely fighting for a reason prior to his start of fighting AFO as a whole. Obviously he could’ve just fought for himself but something is there that is causing him to fight for the rights of the Quirked people, perhaps a Quirked family or someone like that. Given the situation at hand and that if Kudou were to be a direct ancestor of Bakugo, he would need to have a child now. It’s more realistic that Kudou is a relative of Bakugo and that Bakugo is a descendant of the family member that Kudou is protecting.
The only thing that makes no sense to me of this whole "2th is bakugou ancestor" theory is that kudou died YOUNG! Like VERY young! We dont have an exact age, but we were told all ofa users died very young (except 4th) and kudou doesnt look older then in his early twentys. That means for him and bakugou to be directly related he already needs to be a father at this point! And that makes no sense.
Lets say for a moment dfo is canon, that means even afo waited 200 years before he startet a family! Why? Well for once he was focused on building his empire and rule over japan during the dawn of quirks. It was a dangerous time even for someone as powerful as afo. He even keeped his brother in a vault to protect him. I just cant see kudou starting a family at that young age at a time japan was in full chaos and then even starts a rebellion against that overpowered "emperor" with the full knowledge to endanger his entire family! So the only way I think for kudou and bakugou to be related is if kudou has a brother/sister/cousin which is bakugous direct ancestor. I can deffinitetly see kudou trying to protect his own family like parents and siblings, but I really dont think he already fathered a child at the dawn of quirks when japan was in chaos and he was the fulltime leader of an rebellion. Like Im pretty sure he had other things in his mind then getting layed.
So to me the only way kudou and bakugou can be related is if its just a relation from a few corners so to speak. Kudou isnt bakugous greatgreatgreat grandfather but more like a greatgreatgreat uncle/cousin or something like that. I still hope though its just about symbolic parallels between them.
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