sweetsuke · 1 year
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some more ships i couldn't fit in the other post + an example of what im planning to do with the actual keychains
i think ill have them link via magnetic hearts, because i've seen a couple of people do keychains with those and they're super cute. and then if people want just a single keychain without any ship involved, they'll have a little full heart dangling off where the half would usually be :>
the designs where i actually have the characters standing next to each other will be the stickers^^
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ryctone · 10 months
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CR Rarepair Week Day 2: High School AU
*Screams into the void*
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cookierunevents · 1 year
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phantom-bleu · 2 years
My kumicara ideas r basically. Caramel comes across a fox w a hurt leg on one of her patrols outside the citadel and its oh so cute and looks very cold and hungry and in need of help so she gives it sum of her food rations and takes it back w her to nurse it back to health. And its very loving to her etc like its such a friendly sweet fox. When it gets better she plans to set it free in the mountains again but instead the fox just fucking transforms into a Beautiful Woman whos extremely affectionate w her and absolutely doesnt want 2 leave so carmy is just like. In shock but she feels compelled to let her stay sooo she just does. Kumiho is rlly moved by caras selflessness caring 4 her as a fox and finds her really sweet and cute so she loves her now and tries 2 win her over romantically. Shes super pda and caramel is like. Not used to that i imagine shes just trained 2 be a watcher her whole life and shes pretty young so she has no romantic experience whatsoever and has No idea how to react to kumiho flirting w her 24/7. She thinks she likes it but shes very bashful. Which endears her to kumiho even more ohh nooo
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cookierunevents · 1 year
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