#kunugigaoka light music club 2nd band
fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
Class 3B - Fukiyose Eiji (OC)
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Another goddamned redesign update with this bastard because my art style keeps changing.
He also appeared on my most recent calendar mark written short.
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Fukiyose Eiji (吹寄 英二) ー causing trouble for others and himself because of his unpleasant tongue; an audacious prick indeed!
"These roses symbolize my undying devotion towards you, my dear Ryuunosuke! Please accept them!"
Birthday: August 3
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Blood Type: O
Favourite Subjects: Japanese and Biology
Worst Subjects: PE and Health
Interests and Special skills: Antagonizing people
Current Club: Light Music Club
Treasured Item(s): His old journal about flower languages
Favourite Food: Egg pie
Bento or Snacks: Snacks
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Tall, good-looking, and gets good grades; he could have been considered as an ikemen if it weren't for his liking towards provoking people for fun.
He is un-athletic and hates sports with a burning passion. The kind of excuses he makes to avoid participating in any physically demanding event is an ongoing concern among the teachers.
He is, however, very diligent and gets the job done, but still has a lot to say. You can expect him to dutifully fulfil tasks given to him while loudly complaining about it at the same time. Chiba Ryuunosuke is usually on the receiving end of his passionate complaints, and it pisses him off.
Anybody in Kunugigaoka who had come across him either finds him annoying or might consider attempted murder.
He and Shimada Miho are the founding members of D.R.E.A.M, one of the bands formed in the school's light music club. But aside from writing lyrics, Eiji avoided being given any sort of responsibility within the band - band leadership was pushed onto Chiba, and club presidency was transferred to Miho.
Tsuchiya Kaho was initially mildly interested in him... until he opened his mouth. Since then, Eiji is usually on the receiving end of Kaho's wrath whenever he sets her off. He had no choice but to always cross paths with her since she is best friends with Miho.
He and Kanemoto Shiori are partners in crime. He is her frontsoldier while she exposes any Kunugigaoka student she has dirt on behind the scenes. If things go south, Eiji is there for a reason.
He is the easiest to blame for any slight inconvenience because he tends to dig his own grave even further.
By the 2nd semester, Chiba had temporarily kicked him out of the band for about 16 times.
Because of all the questionable things he had been doing the past three years, a good number of students believe that he might be gay.
At one point, Nakamura Rio was convinced that he is Chiba's secret boyfriend.
Chiba still hadn't forgiven him, and probably never will, for what he did in their 2nd year.
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fumiko-matsubara · 5 years
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"THE BAND IS BACK Y'ALL!!" - Miho Shimada
When this photo was taken, Eiji and Chiba were mercilessly teased by the girls, especially Eiji.
Miho (to Eiji): Yo what's with the hair lol
Ayaka: Got dumped by your girlfriend on a date or something?
Miho: Was he even taken in the first place?
Eiji: Shut up!
(He just wanted to put effort just for once)
Daisuke (to Chiba): Why are you covering yourself so much?
Ayaka: What are you, a celebrity?
Miho: Maybe the fame finally messed his head lol
Chiba: (inwardly screaming)
(He's just making sure that no one, especially Miki, recognize him)
Despite landing in 3E, Chiba is still on good terms with Miho and Eiji.
Miho and Eiji couldn't bring themselves to downgrade Chiba or else Ayaka (or even Chiba himself) will have their heads.
But since the school discourages main students to interact with any 3E students, Miho and Eiji just ignore him at school (and vise versa)
But they still occasionally hang out outside of school, Chiba just needs to disguise himself to not be recognized by anyone from Kunugigaoka.
Especially his classmates, but good thing they haven't seen his eyes.
It's Miki who he has to be very careful around though. That girl can even see the smallest ant from 10 feet away.
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fumiko-matsubara · 5 years
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Kunugigaoka's Light Music Club: Band #2
I would like to think that the light music club of Kunugigaoka had at least 3 bands then the rest of the members are either a bunch of duos or soloists.
Chiba is part of the 2nd band and their genre is Alternative Rock because that's like the only genre they can all peacefully agree to perform onstage.
(Takes place a year before canon timeline)
Position: Keyboardist/Guitarist
Year: 1-D
Position: Lead Guitarist
Year: 2-C
Position: Bassist
Year: 2-A
Position: Main Vocalist
Year: 3-A
Position: Drummer
Year: 2-B
Just a little concept I've been working on lately.
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