#kuron x solar
solarstellarstar · 2 years
From moodboard memes!
❤️  for a moodboard about a romantic relationship of my muse: Kuron x Solar (AU ship)
Having a hard time picking between this song and this one for them... something in my mind is telling me that 'Bitter Sweet' fits them more but IDK-
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They really put the 'enemy' in 'enemies to lovers'
Solar was 100 percent in denial first
"nononoNO! this can't be happening...!"
Kuron's honesty is brutal... but for some reason, Solar liked that.
it was better than constantly being fronted to a sugar-coated Kou... right?
she still hung out with kou frequently, much to Kuron's dismay and envy
somehow amusing to watch him to chase after her, desperate
so she naturally played along by turning his advances down because she thought it was 'cool'
but this actually frustrated Kuron so she ceased
Contrary to popular belief, Solar often was the one in control in the relationship
Flustering Kuron by holding him up by the chin and pulling him in close by the necktie/neck scarf
ehehhehs solar you absolute flirt
but she was absolutely at a lost for words when she found out he was into that stuff-
"Are- are you sure?! Are you absolutely okay with me doing that??-"
the idol industry will never know ehe
okay actually they have released some duets together and people were suspicious...
but they both have a lot of fun sneaking away from the paparazzi
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solarstellarstar · 2 years
☄: What you think of your Muse.
✫: Why you began RPing.
☑: An OTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
From Fun Mun asks!
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Admin/Mun Speaking…
☄️: What you think of your muse
I cherish and adore Solar with all my heart and I’m quite happy with her design, but I’m also always tweaking and polishing her character and story to what I think suits best
I think she’s adorably dumb- but one thing is for sure: I made her to be morally grey, which is interesting because I haven’t shown much of her morally wrong side yet but hopefully, that time will come EHE
example of morally wrong solar with no context:
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✫: Why you began RPing.
I have played Roblox, Moviestarplanet and games with chat features ever since I was young and I guess that’s how roleplay became a hobby of mine LMAO
Writing and interacting with other people is a lot of fun and it’s nice to see myself improve on Tumblr and on Discord- \(^o^)/
My roleplaying peaked when I was in the Ace Attorney fandom, good old days 😩
☑️: An OTP with your muse in it
THIS ASK RIGHT HERE. I literally am so indecisive because I love all the potential ships that Solar can enter, whether it be canon or with OCs. I cannot choose only one.
For some reason, I love Solar x Kou EVEN when it's canon in Solar's personal story that nothing goes further than a mere crush on him and Kou only views her as a friend. because im a sucker for unrequited love.
AND I CAN'T FORGET SOLAR X YUI. LITERALLY. THEM. Solar my lovely bicon (oh my wlw heart 🤧)
However... when it comes to original characters...
Solar x Maeko Igarashi @renamami
Solar x Vilhelm Herron @ethereal-logy
Solar x Havria Del'vrie (also @ethereal-logy literally all of his OCs are hot)
...Don't tell Solar I said this but *COUGH COUGH* this guy right here: @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat
Solar x Korisu Hanabusa @korisuu (I know we only mentioned this once probably as a joke BUT NOW I'M INVESTED)
Of course, those probably won't be the only ones and I'm excited for a lot more to come in the newer future (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧
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