#kwonshines masterlist
jisungsmochi · 6 years
end up here; lee donghyuck part one
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finally posting another imagine! this is based off the 5 Seconds of Summer song because i can’t seem to think of an original storyline at the moment lmao. anyways, pls enjoy & send requests if you have any! 
A/N: part two will be uploaded tomorrow!!!
You walked in, everyone was asking for your name
You just smiled and told them “Trouble”
My head spins, I’m pressed against the wall
Just watching your every move,
You’re way too cool
And you’re coming this way
His eyes followed her every move from the moment she entered the classroom, his peers were whispering to each other, glancing at the new girl. His mouth hung open as his friends were trying to get his attention
“Hey, Hyuck?” Jaemin flicked the zoned out boy, on the shoulder, causing him to snap out of his small trance.
“Y-yeah?” he answered back, ignoring Jaemin’s actions
“Whatcha looking at?” Jaemin smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at Jeno who was ready to introduce himself to the new girl. Donghyuck’s eyes widened as he saw his friend approach the girl before tapping her on the shoulder. The two boys who were seated, watched as Jeno began speaking to her. They couldn’t pin point any specific words that were being said, but the conversation was cut short when Jeno spun on his heel, waddling his way back to his seat.
“What did you say to her?” Donghyuck asked, trying not to sound too interested at that point.
“Well since I’m class president, I thought I should have been the first to introduce myself, so when I asked her for her name, and she just said ‘Trouble’” Jeno explained, causing Jaemin to furrow his eyebrows in confusion, but Donghyuck let out a small chuckle.
He thought you were absolutely captivating, from the way you shot down Jeno, to the way you placed all your items on your desk neatly, not focusing on anybody but the teacher. To say the least, Donghyuck was intrigued by you, but he just didn’t know if he could talk to you, if Jeno, the most popular boy in the grade, couldn’t hold a proper conversation with you, what chance did he have?
As class ended, the three boys made their way the front of the school, stopping by Jaemin’s locker first. They were discussing plans for the weekend, Donghyuck wasn’t listening as attentively as he should have been. His mind kept wandering to the mysterious girl who had barely said a word since she stepped foot in the school. Suddenly, almost as if it was on cue, the girl he had been wondering about, waltzed her way through the hall. She held her books close to her chest, her black leather boots tapping on the ground harshly, her face was unreadable, no expression could be clearly made, and she was coming his way.
Donghyuck panicked, he glanced to see if his friends noticed she was walking closer to them, but they were looking at some comics that Jaemin had randomly found in his locker. Donghyuck’s palms became sweaty, he looked at the girl, making direct eye contact, he couldn’t get out of it now. Before he knew it, there you were, standing in front of him. You reached to about his shoulder, having to tilt your head to properly look at him,
“Um excuse me? you’re standing in front of my locker” you politely tell him, waiting for him to move. Donghyuck mentally face palmed himself, muttering a short apology before moving towards his friends. You watched as he hung his head low, trying to insert himself into the small huddle with his friends.
How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we’re walking back to your place
You’re telling me how you love that song
About living on a prayer, pretty sure that we’re half way there
And when I wake up next to you I wonder how,
How did we end up here?
As you put your books in your locker, you kept stealing glimpses at him, although you could only see his back. You closed your locker with a slight bang, thinking to yourself ‘here goes nothing’. You tapped his shoulder, waiting for him to turn around, internally preparing yourself to talk to him.
“I really like your Cobain shirt, I haven’t seen this design before” you compliment him, hoping you didn’t immediately make the atmosphere awkward.
He was startled by your question, genuinely taken back by your small frame in front of him once again.
“O-oh thanks! It was my dad’s, maybe that’s why you haven’t seen the design before. I really like your uh jacket” he blurted out, not properly processing any word that left his mouth.
“Thanks, I’m y/n by the way, I came here like yesterday” you placed your hand to shake his, he quickly took it and gave your hand a soft squeeze, his cheeks feeling hotter by the minute.
“I’m Donghyuck” you nodded along with him, pulling your hand away and placing them inside your pockets.
“I’ll see you around” you gave him a small smile before walking off to your next class.
Donghyuck waited until you were out of sight, before turning back to his friends, who’s jaws were dropped.
“What was that about?” Jaemin smirked, giving the rose coloured boy, a nudge.
“Nothing, she just complimented my shirt” he shrugged, playing it off as something insignificant.
“I can’t believe she spoke to you first; did she tell you her name?” Jeno questioned, referring to last period where you completely shut down his attempt to talk to you.
“yeah she did tell me her name, and is it bad she spoke to me first? Maybe I’m a catch” Donghyuck shrugged before swinging his backpack over his shoulder
“See you later losers” he teased before pushing open the doors of the school and making his way home.
As he made his way to the front of the school, he saw you sitting at the bottom of the staircase, tapping on your phone.
He looked around, seeing if you were waiting for anybody, before he could have a proper look around, you were one step ahead of him. You skipped up the stairs, giving him a small wave, in which he reciprocated.
“Fancy seeing you again” you joked, watching as his face softened upon looking at yours.
“It’s not like you just saw me like 5 minutes ago” he rolled his eyes playfully, watching as you pushed some hair behind your ears.
“what were you doing, sitting on the steps?” he questioned.
“well, I was dropped off at school this morning and now I have no idea how to get home? I was going to call my brother but he’s busy and my parents are at work” you sighed, gripping your phone in your hand a bit tighter.
“oh that sucks, where about do you live? Maybe I can help” he offered generously, making your face instantly light up.
“yes! Here’s my address” you showed him your phone which had you address written in your notes, he glared at the screen for a few seconds before looking back at you.
“This is actually going to sound crazy, but you live on the next street to mine, we can walk home together” he recommended, which immediately made you blush. Hoping he wouldn’t notice, you nod quickly, turning to walk down the stairs as he trailed behind you.
As you walked next to each other, part of you both wanted to start a conversation.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but judging from your outfit, I assume you like rock music?” He stammered, shoving his hands inside his pockets, awaiting your answer.
“I guess so, I’m not a die-hard fan but it’s pretty good, it’s all my parents listen to during Sunday cleaning so” you chuckled softly, which made his face light up even more.
“Same, my parents play Michael Jackson any chance they get” he shook his head slightly, kicking some small rocks that were on the sidewalk.
“On the topic of music, I really like that song, about living on a prayer? Bon Jovi I think” you rambled on, not sure if he was still interested in the conversation.
“yes!” he stopped to high five you, the contact making you both widen your eyes at each other and retract your hands.
When you reached your house, you invited him in to continue your current conversation on how you plan on spending your weekend.
“I’m going somewhere with Jeno and Jaemin, the guys I was with earlier” he explained as he took a seat on your desk chair.
“Ahh I see, was Jeno the one who tried to talk to me?” you snickered, thinking back to the encounter.
“Yeah, he was pretty cut that you shut him down” you both laughed at the situation.
Before you knew it, you were both sitting on your bed, listening to random albums you found in your room whilst chatting about random topics. Every time you spoke, he would make sure to be fully attentive, not missing a single word you were saying. You felt his eyes on you, making you blush, hoping he wouldn’t say anything if he did see your cheeks heating up. On the other hand, he was filled with nerves, unsure of how to answer you or what to say to you. Despite that, he felt comfortable with you, as if he had known you for a while. You reciprocated those feelings, at ease that you found someone new who you didn’t feel like you had to try hard to impress. That was the thing, you didn’t need to try at all. To him, you were already incredible.
You both lost track of time, which was signalled when there was a knock on your bedroom door. It woke Donghyuck, who glanced down at you, who was fast sleep. It was around 6:30pm, not too late for him to rush home. You wriggled underneath your sheets, your eyes opening to meet Donghyuck lying next to you. Your eyes widened when the knock was heard again. Your brother opened the door, glancing between you and Donghyuck who immediately shuffled away from you and stood at your desk.
“You finally made friends!” your brother teased before announcing “Dinner’s being delivered, you’re lucky mum and dad aren’t here to see this” he chuckled as he closed the door, leaving you embarrassed and Donghyuck, in shock.
“Are you going to be in trouble?” he rushed to you.
“No, my brother just likes to tease me, and my parents wouldn’t mind if you came over to be honest, I don’t usually bring around a lot of friends anyway” you shrugged, laying back down and patting the space next to you for him to lay.
He thought to him, how did I end up here?
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jisungsmochi · 6 years
end up here; lee donghyuck part two (final)
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finally here is part two (final)  i hope you guys enjoy it! i had alot of fun wriitng it :) 
also here’s part one: end up here; lee donghyuck part one
Next day out everybody thought you were so insane
Cause you were so far out, of my league
My friends said I should lock you down, before you figure me out
And you run away
But you don’t and you won’t, as you kiss me and tell me that
You’re here to stay
The following Monday, you were standing at your locker, replying to unread texts, when suddenly, you felt a figure in front of you. You stopped your actions before looking up to see the same boy you had walked home with, a few days ago. He gave you a closed mouth smile, swaying on his feet, before greeting you,
“Good morning!”
You smiled back at him, adoring how bright he seemed at such an early hour of the day.
“Good morning to you too” you replied, now placing your phone back into your pocket.
You weren’t sure if you were being delusional, but as soon as turned back to look at Donghyuck, you felt multiple eyes fixed upon the pair of you. Perhaps they were just glancing about, you thought to yourself, until you heard small murmurs from behind you. He didn’t seem to notice, as he began talking to you about his weekend. You tried your best to react to his stories but you couldn’t help but glare back at the people who were previously whispering. As you walked next to him, you began to shove out the constant thoughts of others and focus on his words. The way he slowed down his footsteps to match with yours, how he always paused after each sentence, waiting for your reaction or even a simple nod. You admired how he cared about your opinion, whether or not he thought it was important to you. He made you feel at ease, despite barely knowing him. On the other hand, he was absolutely thriving on his sudden confidence, he had never thought he would be able to talk to you, nonetheless befriend you. Every time you smiled at him, his chest became tighter, his eyes brightened at your every word, he wasn’t sure what he was feeling exactly, but he knew it wouldn’t stop anytime soon.
As weeks rolled by, more people began to notice how close you had both gotten. Donghyuck tried his best to keep his feelings suppressed but the more you two hung out alone, the more he wanted to hold your hand, give you tighter hugs and kiss you when he wanted. Jaemin and Jeno would often tease Donghyuck about his crush on you, but he would always end up turning it into a counselling session.
Donghyuck was sat on his bed, his head hanging off the edge of the bed whilst Jeno was seated on the floor and Jaemin was seated on the bed.
“Why does she make me feel like this?” he whined to his two clueless friends. Jeno rolled his eyes and chuckled,
“Wish I could relate but sadly, I cannot”
“Gee, helpful much” Jaemin threw a pillow at Jeno who caught it instantly before clutching it to his chest.
“Do you know what people say about you two?” Jaemin brought up, causing Donghyuck to sit up straight.
“N-no what do people say?!” the alarmed boy questioned, worry washing over his face.
“Well I heard that some people think she’s completely insane for wanting to hang out with you, I guess they think she’s out of your league” Jaemin shrugged, trying to brush off some of the harsh words from their peers.
“Really? Do you guys think the same?” Donghyuck widened his eyes, hoping his friends could help lighten the situation. Jaemin fixed his eyes onto Jeno who was avoiding eye contact with the both of them.
“Okay to be honest, I did think she was a bit out of your league but then I saw the way you two are around each other!” Jaemin smiled at the worried boy, patting his shoulder lightly,
“And you?” Donghyuck turned to Jeno who was now looking directly at him.
“I thought the same. But only because you haven’t had a perfect record with the other girls you have crushed on, you can get really insecure sometimes” Jeno sighs, guilt immediately washing over him.
“So you guys don’t think it will last?” Donghyuck barely whispered, tears threatening to leave his eyes. Jaemin laid his hand back on his shoulder, Jeno now moved to sit on the other side of him.
“We aren’t saying that, we’re just saying, don’t let your insecurities get the best of you. She’s an awesome girl, don’t drive her away” Jeno gave him a reassuring smile before giving him a slight squeeze on his shoulder. Donghyuck nodded at his friend’s words, knowing that they had good intentions. He needed to confess his feelings to you soon, otherwise he would be living the same broken love story all over again.
You had invited Donghyuck to have a sleepover whilst your parents were away for the weekend and your brother was moving to his university dorm. You were planning on confessing to him tonight, knowing this was your best chance. You nervously paced back and forth around your living room, rubbing your hands together, reciting the words you were going to say to him. Your thoughts were interrupted when the sound of the doorbell rang through your ears, causing you to snap out of your current state. You took a deep breath in before opening the door, to be met with a smiling Donghyuck, clutching the straps of his backpack. As you greet each other, he makes himself comfortable on your couch as he has done many times before. You let out a soft sigh, instantly forgetting the exact words you wanted to say to him. You decided to tell him later on in the night, maybe when he will least expect it, little did you know, he was having the exact same issue.
As the night progressed, you had both finished playing multiple video games back to back, you were now sitting on the couch, playing music through Donghyuck’s Bluetooth speakers whilst talking about random things that had happened to you. You leant against his side, causing him to move his arm to rest behind your head while you began mumbling about how school was basically killing you. Donghyuck smiled down at you, his cheeks were flushed and his arms were stiff. You noticed, pulling yourself away to look at him.
“Are you even listening to me?” you tease, scrunching your nose at him, which made him go all heart eyes for you.
“If I’m gonna be honest, no” he chuckled, pulling your back towards him to continue laying in the same position. This time you couldn’t help but blush, nuzzling your head into his chest. As you laid against him, you could hear his heart practically pounding, you moved so that your arms were wrapped around his torso with your head still on his chest.
You listened as his heart continued to beat, the soft music in the background making the atmosphere more intense. He sighed while playing with your hair, not saying anything.
You weren’t controlling what came out of your mouth next,
“I like you”
He stopped playing with your hair, and pulled you up to face him.
“W-what did you say?” his eyes were fixed on yours, not leaving them.
“You know what I said, I like you” you confidently repeated, watching as he became shy. You boldly moved closer toward him, retaining eye contact.
“T-thanks? I mean, I really um, I really like you too” he barely whispered, causing you to smile brighter than ever. His heart was rapidly pounding as you held his hands in your own.
He blinked at you intensely, not sure on what to do next. You could sense he was nervous, but your sudden confidence was overpowering you as you leaned towards him, your lips touching the surface of his own.
“Is it okay if I- “before you could finish your sentence, he closed the gap between your lips. His hands were placed at your waist as yours were wrapped around his shoulders. The kiss didn’t last long, but it was enough to make you both blush harshly after pulling away. He buried his head into the crook of your neck, mumbling the things he liked about you. You giggled at his actions, holding him tightly against you. This was new, to the both of you and you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Call me lucky cause in the end,
I’m a six and she’s a ten
She’s so fit I’m insecure
But she keeps coming back for more
Donghyuck’s hand was placed in yours while you were both walking home. You were giving him song recommendations and new artists you were interested in, but he couldn’t focus on your words properly today. He stopped the both of you in the middle of the side walk, causing you to turn back to face him.
“You look really pretty today” he looked directly into your eyes, his compliment startling you.
“W-w-what, no I look gross today” you tried to deny his compliment, covering your face with your hands. He chuckled at your movements, pulling your hands away before continuing,
“you’re the prettiest girl I have seen in my life.” He was making you flustered on purpose.
“and you’re the most handsome boy I have seen in my life” you retorted back.
“Nah babe, I’m like a six but you’re a ten” he brushed off your compliment before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
“I can never win” you mumble, wrapping your arms around his body tightly before moving your head to look up at him.
“You already have me; I think you’ve won” he smirked before leaning to place a soft kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, pulling your hands to rest on his cheeks, feeling his face heat up as you did so. As you both pulled away, you placed one last peck on his lips, before saying
“How did we end up here?”
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