fratboykate · 1 year
There they are frat boi and mau returning from small sized country riots while kyau and kygau are returning from the TROJAN WARS, we are currently living our Odyssey.
i have no idea what this means but i support you and them lol
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fratboykate · 1 year
It kills that the gladiator side of this blog is so desperate that they are doing everything in their hands to bring them back from war. There is even fan art now. Next, they’ll try to make its very own soundtrack now if it means one KYGAU prompt gets written
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fratboykate · 1 year
Sometimes I forget the height difference between k & y but seeing the tiny gladiator next to her tol idiot gives me enough joy for the rest of the week
Smol & Tol ships truly fuel my soul
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fratboykate · 1 year
Yeah, our poor gladiator babes are out there like…
KYGAU!Yelena: *squints at all the other Yelenas* ☹️ you mean to tell me Papi writes updates for you all? I’ve been trying to get this delicate snowflake of a senator’s daughter out of some real SHIT situations on my own for months now…
KYGAU!Yelena: Bitchhhhhhhh I literally did that to save your life—and you know how you repaid me? YOU STARTED A PUBLIC BRAWL
KYGAU!Kate: “😬😬😬”
…just kidding, we love you, Papi 🫶🏼
LISTENNNNNNNNNN i will get to it 😩🫣
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fratboykate · 1 year
Viking, gladiator and kyau!Yelena being murder besties while the rest of Yelenas stare at them like the awkward monkey meme
I can't believe I forgot about Viking!Yelena joining in on the murder conversation. Jail time for me.
Imagine saintly FB!Yelena who won't even let Kate do a bump of cocaine and sensitive Painter!Yelena from the black plague days listening in on the lunatics talking about beheading people and cheering like:
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and mouthing to each other like "We gotta go we gotta jettttttttt"
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fratboykate · 2 years
No rush or pressure, but how is the research for Gladiator AU? No pressure though! Enjoying everything you give us! :)
I haven't touched ANY writing since I got out of surgery. Just the tid bits you've seen here and it hasn't been proper writing at all. Sorry 🙃 It's been A Ride and not even over yet.
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fratboykate · 2 years
Just take your time! There's really no rush for it! I enjoy your other work just as much as gladiatorau :)
I want to write it! I have a soft spot for Gladiator. That and Italy AU are *chef's kiss*. I just wish I didn't need to do as much research to pump out chapters. We'd be waaaaaay further along.
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fratboykate · 2 years
Gladiator au update sometime in the future? Maybe? After you fully recovered? :) I know you've been super busy with life and everything else so take your time! No rush for it!
That's also half-written lol. It's really the research for every update of the period aus that kills me because I get stuck on even the smallest shit and then three weeks later I'm still reading articles trying to figure out if fucking Romans could move out of the Roman Empire and if they could which would be the best place to go. I kid you fucking not, for the past like three weeks, I feel like I've read every article and looked at every map from back then and then read about all the tribes/empires that surrounded Rome and if they had good relationships with Romans just to see if I can nail this. STILL NO ANSWER. I'm working on it! I swearrrrrrrrrrrrr. It's just a tricky set up at this point and I *might* have an alt for it but still overall trying to figure it out.
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fratboykate · 2 years
Take your time with gladiator au I know everyone is obsessing with fbau!
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It's so hard in progress that all the tabs for the new chapter are open 😂 I'M NOT EVEN WRITING THIS PROPERLY why am I so hung up on the small details??? This could've been out like a week ago if I didn't have to do like a book of reading and I still don't have the big answer I'm looking for...TRAGIC. I'm going to try and drop it at least by tomorrow. If I have to fudge some shit for know just to get it out and you know the correct answer...pretend you saw nothing
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fratboykate · 2 years
Hey so um I know like a tomato war is going on in your asks but I'm wondering if there's point in the future for gladiator au? If not that's okay!
YES YES YES that other anon requested it and I *swear* I have it in progress. I've just kept getting pulled away and I still need to do more research on this one specific thing that I'm stuck on. It's the only reason I haven't released the next part but I PROMISE I haven't forgotten about that request. It's pinned to the top of my notes app.
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fratboykate · 2 years
Papi, it's been 84 years since you fed us Gladiator AU and you left it in a juicy place. Where is it going next?
They're riding like hell on that horse. Like they're running from the devil himself, well... because they are. Actually, they're running from much worse. They're running from the might of the entire fucking Roman empire. They've been riding for hours and Kate is crying uncle from the back. Yelena is ANNOYED. This is Kate's fucking fault and now she's "tired". Ain't that cute lol. But Yelena runs the horse into the forest and finds them a spot. They can rest...BUT NOT FOR LONG.
"I'm going to go see if I can find us water."
Yelena is being hella snippy and, frankly...I don't blame her. The fuck did Kate just talk her into?! The severity of it has sunk in as they've been riding and she's mad Kate made her kill a bunch of innocent people. Killing people in the arena is one thing but none of those people had to die. She was a Gladiator not a fucking murderer. She's also fully convinced it won't take a genius to figure this out and that they'll be after them/her in not time so she's STRESSED.
Yelena starts to leave in whichever fucking direction. They're literally in the woods at night. She doesn't have a fucking clue where she is going to supposedly "look for water" aka mostly she just needs space for a second. But Kate, Kate never knowing when to read a room comes after her and is like
"Bitchhhhhhhhhh...did I not leave you on horse babysitting duty???"
Yelena keeps walking but Kate literally cuts her off, stands in front of her, holds her face, and kisses her. For the first time in almost nine months Kate's lips are on hers.
Within seconds the waterskin Yelena was carrying is on the floor and her hands are around Kate. Within a minute they're on the floor ripping each other's clothes off.
Later, when they're tired and spent, and with the moonlight illuminating them, Kate straddles Yelena and does her best to examine her body looking at all the new scars she doesn't remember from before. Kate had memorized Yelena's body and she can easily spot which ones weren't there. Yelena tells her the story of all of them.
Yelena is now reminded why the bullshit from the last twelve hours is all worth it. She'd kill anyone she has to for a million nights like this. After a while they fall asleep in tangled in each other's bodies.
When Yelena wakes up Kate isn't there. She puts her clothes on and she walks back to where they left the horse. The horse is gutted open and Kate is sitting there, tears running down her face with a dude holding a knife to her neck.
"She's finally up. Lucky for me, you're not that hard to find Beast."
"Did Drusus send you?"
This is one of the headhunters that is after her.
"At least you're smarter than you look and..."
One of Yelena's knives is tucked out of sight on her back along her waistline. She isn't sure how Kate gets the message but it's a good thing they're on the same wavelength because all she has to do is look at Kate a certain way and Kate knows to move her head out of dodge. Out of nowhere Yelena's knife comes hurtling at the dude's skull, lands in his eye socket, and cuts him off mid sentence. He's dead.
While Yelena runs up to the dude and starts picking his pockets to see what he has on him she's is like "BITCH...moveeeee!" because Kate is sitting there, lounging like they're on vacation.
They take his horse and jet.
They get to the nearest town and Yelena gives Kate some of the dude's money.
"Go get new clothes. You 1) have dude's blood on you and 2) stand out everywhere with your rich girl fit. Get shit you can blend in with. I'm going to go get us some stuff. Keep your head down. Don't attract attention to yourself."
"Clothes, generic, be chill. GOT IT!"
Does Katerina Episkupus have a SINGLE FUCKING CHILL BONE IN HER FUCKING BODY?! We all know she doesn't...
Sooooooo...Yelena is over at the food end of the market getting them supplies to last them days. They're probably going to have to go deep into hiding if she also has headhunters after her and they can't be going places to get food and water. They need to be stocked up. All of a sudden...a commotion from the center of the market. Then she hears Kate's loud ass fucking mouth. OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!
She quickly pays for this shit, grabs all the other things she had already bought, and hustles through the crowd. She finds Kate legit brawling with a dude and the entire market looking at them. Yelena jumps in and the dude is on the floor with one punch. She looks at Kate and she's like
"He punched his wife. I had to punch him."
"jcmsbfksjfkwfjsjfjdn I WANT TO KILL YOU."
Yelena grabs all their shit and drags Kate out of there while everyone on the market stares at them. Then Yelena notices Kate's hands are empty and she doesn't have any bags.
"Did you get clothes? Where are the clothes?"
"I was in the middle of buying clothes from him and then he was a fucking prick."
Right then they're walking by a stall that has clothes hanging and Yelena just rips whatever was closest to her hand off the hanger and they basically start running at that point. Add "thief" to the growing list of crimes Kate continues to drive her to commit.
The commotion has attracted the attention of the young rookie soldiers that are assigned to patrol the market. One of them takes one good look at Yelena and instantly recognizes her. He used to be a Gladiator stan at one point. He went to games every weekend with this family. It was his fucking jam. He grew up watching Yelena fight in the arena. There's no mistaking her.
What is a woman like THAT doing here, causing these sorts of trouble, and accompanied by another woman who is clearly of much higher status??? That's definitely going to stick out in his mind.
If this is how these idiots were trying to fly under the radar they MISERABLY failed. Word is already starting to spread that Yelena is wanted for the murder of a Roman General so it's not going to be long before every soldier in the Republic is looking for her and being asked about her...including this kid.
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fratboykate · 2 years
Motor Mouth Kate Bishop having the dumbest fucking ideas since the dawn of times
How do we get out of one murder??? LET'S COMMIT ABOUT THIRTY MORE! THEN ADD ARSON TO THE LIST!
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fratboykate · 2 years
Okay Papi, I’m very curious now. What happened after Yelena killed Kate’s husband in KYGAU and became Roman Public Enemy #1?
Sooooooooo....they're like..."FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK"....
"My dad is coming over to talk to him about something in like...an hour. They have some politics shit they have to discuss."
And Yelena is like "OF COURSE...JUST MY LUCK..."
Kate begins to pace. She's thinking.
"We have to kill everyone."
"UHM........COME AGAIN?!"
"We have to kill everyone then burn the house down. We'll put one of the girls in here. Dress her in my clothes. We can make it seem like someone broke in, killed all the guards, then us, then all the staff."
"It'll look like *I* killed everyone."
"Not necessarily...He's a general in the Roman army and he's kind of a piece of shit. He has a lot of enemies."
"Kate...the timing...It doesn't take a genius..."
"If we do this I can come with you. It's the perfect excuse. We can get a clean break."
"THIS IS DUMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - AND KIND OF SHITTY (but you're hot and you make me do dumb things...) You bring whoever you think looks the most like you in here. Take care of her. I'll......go take care of everyone else......"
So they split up and each goes to do their thing. Kate brings one of her servants into the room. She's pale. She has dark hair. After a fire, she would pass for Kate. Kate asks her to put one of her tunics on. Then her hands starts shaking. She's never hurt anything bigger than a bug. But she knows Yelena will die for this if she doesn't kill this one person. She'll trade all of the lives in this house for Yelena's. She'll give up a million lives for Yelena's.
Kate asks the girl to turn and grab something and then slices her throat just like she saw Yelena do to her husband a few minutes ago. It's the only way she knows someone could die. She saw it was quick. This should be merciful.
Kate breaks down immediately after.
Fifteen minutes later Yelena walks in, winded and covered in the blood of fuck knows how many people.
"M'kayyyy we gotta jetttttttt..."
"Burn baby burn!"
They start lighting everything that will burn on fire as they make their way to the door. The place goes up like a matchbox and they take off running down an alley that leads them to where Yelena's horse is tied.
Kate's like "Where we going..."
Yelena's like "As far away from your fucking terrible idea as possible......"
Kate's parents were on their way and they just see black smoke from the general area of where Kate's house is. They're like 🚨🚨🚨!!!
By the time they get there three minutes later the place is a fire ball.
It's ashes when it's done burning but they find all the bodies. "Kate" and the husband are in the master bedroom. Dad is DISCONSOLATE. That was his only child. His bb girl. Light of his life. But also.....just like Yelena said......HE AIN'T FUCKING DUMB.....
They go home and they're grieving her. But that night he's thinking thinking thinking thinking...........the FIRST WEEK Kate is back and she turns up dead?????? Throat slashed? With her husband? Everyone else in the house murdered? And then the place burned down? Only a fucking SAVAGE ANIMAL would do that. No one honorable would even come up with such a thing. He calls over one of his guards and he's like:
"Find out if the Gladiator is still where she's supposed to be............"
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fratboykate · 2 years
Yes sure Viking Yelena this Lady Kate that but you left me with a cliffhanger on the Gladiator AU which you haven't solved and I need answers. What happens after she finds out Kate is married?
When Yelena finds out Kate is married she's LIVID. She has been enslaved almost her entire life and she's never once considered breaking out even though she knew she easily could for years now, but this time she's like "fuck this shit. This bitch played me and she's gonna get an earful. I don't give a fuck if they kill me. Life is pointless anyway." So she breaks out and deadass takes out 2/3 of the guards and even some other gladiators that were loyal to the owner in the process but she breaks out. Her owner is TICKEEDDDDDDDD. He hires three of the most ruthless head hunters: "FUCKING FIND HER. NOW."
This bitch makes it back to Capua days later and the ride has only made angrier because she's had time to fester. She tracks Kate down to the market. She's there with her mom and some of their servants.
All Kate feels is a hand yanking her into a dark alley and she disappears from her mom's side. She tries to scream but the other hand is covering her mouth. Then she turns around and sees who it is. Her face lights up. She smiles genuinely for the first time in eight months. She tries to kiss Yelena but she gets SHOVED away.
"What happened to I'll wait for you? You're full of shit and I bought it."
Oh............she knows about the husband thing.
"What are you doing? How did you get here?"
"Don't fucking change the subject."
"My dad had someone follow me and he saw me leave the brothel/kiss you and then go watch you leave. He was going to fucking have you killed for dishonoring the family. I couldn't let that happen. "If it gets out no one is going to want to marry you after you slept with a fucking gladiator". But this army dude accidentally overheard and he stepped in and was like "I'll marry her anyway." So my dad was like "done" and he forced me. But he's a piece of shit, he gets drunk, he throws it in my face that I'm tainted by gladiator, then he hits me. I don't love him."
"Bullshit. You fucking lied to me. Fuck you."
Yelena storms out of there. She's gonna leave the city and then leave Rome. She can be free now. But then it's eating her up. She has to see Kate one last time. She needs a proper conversation and know if she's telling the truth. She finds out where Kate lives with this dude and sneaks into the house.
When she gets there she can hear Kate and the dude SCREAMING at each other. He is in fact talking about how Kate is all worthless because of her stint with a Gladiator. And Kate is basically like "well you're worthless in general" then all Yelena hears is a slap in response and she sees red. She's like "not on my watch."
She runs to where she heard the voices coming from, walks into the room, and is like "Yo, BITCH!". When he turns around she slices his neck open. He's dead in two seconds.
WELL FUCK...she now 1) is a runaway slave who 2) has head hunters after her AND 3) also just killed the husband of the daughter of one of the most important senators of the republic who also just happened to be a general in the most powerful army in the world.........
............that's gonna be a problem..........
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fratboykate · 2 years
No! Sorry, I said it wrong, I meant like Caterina and Helena for the Gladiator Era. Do all time periods have different variations of Kate’s and Yelana’s names?
Have you met me? You know I do! This is exactly why I don’t want to have to write the whole thing because I already did all the research for the names lol.
These are in chronological order. Kate's names are a looooot more accurate, still some minorrrrrrrrr liberties because that’s what writers do but she’s literally like 90-95% historically accurate. Belova literally just.........doesn't exist outside of Russia so I took some liberties there. All of her last names are basically of my choosing except for the Victorian one which can be Belova. I tried to get them as close to “Bel” and end in a vowel as possible but couldn’t always be the case with naming rules of the language. Her first name is very accurate across the board tho.
150 BC, Capua/Roman Empire, Roman Times — Katerina Episkupus & Helena Bestia. Bestia is "Beast". She was bought when she was still pretty young and she was kind of this untamable wild child so her owner just named her "Bestia” and it's also a perfect name for a Gladiator. It's basically her “stage name” too. "Helena The Beast."
8th Century, Northumbria, Early Middle Ages - Kate would be Northumbrian and Yelena would be Viking/Norse. Names would be: Catharine Biscop & Helene Belisdóttir
1300s, Italy, Middle Ages - Caterina Vescovo & Elena Bello
Late 1700s, France, French Revolution - Cateline Evesque & Hélène Beauchêne
1868s, New York/Chicago, Victorian Era - Katherine Bishop & Yelena Belova
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fratboykate · 2 years
I’m the anon who asked the last gladiator one and I just wanted to say ty for that! These really make my day and yesterday was rough. Your headcanons and tags are my favorite escape from reality. Ignore the critics, they’re missing brain cells. I thought it was hilarious you had the “you good bruh” in there 😂 Hope you have a great day Papi! ❤️
Well at least SOMEONE didn't hate my illiterate antics...
Glad it made your day a little better, my friend ✨
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