#kyra plays ac valhalla
leofrith · 3 months
i know we've all already talked about varin's axe and its significance to eivor but can we talk about her first axe, the axe that she kills the wolf with, the axe that she carries with her at all times for the entire duration of the game, the axe that can never be unequipped even when she goes to vinland and has to leave all her weapons behind. hello.
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jhudoras-bluffs · 1 year
Also finally got into the proper headspace to play video games again and got into ac odyssey over Valhalla because obviously but literally fuck the developers for that silver islands quest… I would conquer the world for thaletas. Also fuck developers for making me do that to kyra just so he can go home on his own??? Like… anyways need a fleeting romance like that.
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lesbianlenas · 2 years
hi, horizon forbidden west asker again,
i think i also preferred ac odyssey to valhalla! the boat mechanic was better imo and i don’t think i ever got the perfect block timing down for valhalla lol
but the romance in both really took me tf out in different ways
kassandra not really being tied down to anyone, and the one person she does somewhat seem to get attached to (kyra)…doesn’t end up doing so hot and then she’s destined to wander around holding a giant golden staff watching the people she loves and cares about die around her?????
eivor not really being interested in many people other than randvi, and (at least in my playthrough) not wanting to betray sigurd either so the both of them just. pining for an entire game (just to fuck in sigurd’s bed later lol)
and i usually hate spear and bow in other games too! but imo at least, horizon makes the bow super easy to use and the mechanics are really smooth
(and you can pretty much stealth everything)
i’ve never played dark souls so i’ll watch for your updates on what it’s like!
(sorry this ask is so long)
lol no worries i like long asks. i thought the boat was p useless in valhalla i almost never used it and i hated the controls on it so much i was always having to do k turns and the controls were like backwards for some reason it was so hard 😩 didnt really like the naval combat in odyssey but the boat was sooo much better in that and i would easily take the naval combat over driving the boat in valhalla at all lmao. also yes w the romance i think that was one of the few things i actually like more w valhalla in having like an actual love interest vs only one offs although i wish that there was more u could do w randvi like u cannot even take her on dates? but like yeah kassandra’s story is so sad in that way bc she’s destined to stay alive for so much longer than anyone she loves so it’s like i guess i’m glad she didn’t make any lasting romantic connections but also she deserves it so much 😩 but even tho eivor has a lasting romance i still feel like it’s sadder for kassandra to b immortal than it would have been the other way around…..i feel like eivor despite having so much love for the ppl around her would have taken that as an honor w her sense of duty/want for glory vs kassandra just wanting to be happy w the ppl she loves. esp w the epilogue where shes like i don’t want to do this i don’t want to watch everyone i love die it is so sad fr…..
but that is def reassuring abt horizon zero dawn like i said it’s on my to play list but that makes me feel better abt playing it if the combat is enjoyable for a fellow spear and bow hater lmao….there is a good chance i will try it next once i finish dark souls for sure i def think after i finish that i will want to play smth that is nothing like it…..word of advice since u have not played dark souls don’t play it unless u want to b so angry & frustrated & then feel the life drain out of u when u accidentally use all ur special healing potions u got at the beginning of the game & cannot replenish so u basically had them for nothing now & then immediately lose 8000 souls right after. when u already lost 8000 souls an hr ago. i do not want to think abt it……
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leonhardt-simp · 3 years
Played ac odyssey for kyra and kass, stayed for the story 😩 i really wanna play valhalla too bad its not on steam
It’s on Epic games store 🥲
Though fr- Kass at the end. I was like “Oh Lord Have Mercy-”
I love strong Spartan woman Kassandra 😌✨
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elellan · 4 years
An AC Valhalla Post!
I bought it on a whim, desperate to have something to do in these jobless months, and here are my lengthy thoughts (spolier-free) accompanied by pics under the cut, and if you have questions about the game or you’d like to comment it I’d be glad to know what you think about it!!!
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1. F!Eivor is fantastic. I was worried at first, because I really missed Kassandra (who will always be best babe), and Eivor didn’t click, but by and by she grew on me and now I love her. She is tough. I mean, yes, I know that she is a viching and that I shouldn’t be surprised by it, but you have no idea how tough she is. And she’s also incredibly good-looking, as you all can see. And, at times, incredibly kind... ehrm, maybe not when she behedeas her enemies while screaming, but anyway.
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2. The graphics are amazing. The environmental ones in particular. The water, the fields, the meadows, the snow, the light of the setting and the rising sun. I pass half of the game commenting to myself: “No way, have you seen this meadow?” Yes, I am particularly fond of meadows. I remember being in love with Odissey’s environment too, but this is new. I really can’t say if the characters’ graphics have improved... there are some cutscenes where they look amazing (the npcs look somewhat with melted faces), especially the fighting ones. They are really impressive.
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3. Exploration and Combat system: there is ALOT to explore. Like, a lot. And there are several environmental riddles to solve. Which is nice. The secondary quests are really funny and not too long, and sometimes (this is very important) they allow you to bring back to your camp some pet-friends. A nice thing is that the armor pieces and the weapons are not so many, you can only acquire them as treasures (you can see that golden icon in the picture above), so your inventory will always be quite clean and you’ll not be loaded with useless things (which, on the other hand, you could sell in the other game and become rich). The thing that worries me is that I’ve already found a very strong armour and I’ll be stuck with it for the rest of the game, so I won’t be able to play Eivor-fashion-model. Damn. The combat system is good, very interactive and fun (the raids are my favourite thing), though my Eivor seems somehow stiff and sometimes not very responsive (probably cause she carries too much weight or cause she is low on stamina, idk). 
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4. Other things: the game is really buggy, I actually had to restart it because the main quest didn’t appear anymore on the map (it has been horrible). The talent-tree is very confusing and only after 40hrs of gameplay I’ve started to understand how to use it (special abilities are acquired as treasures as well, and I find it really clever). The romances up until now (I haven’t finished the game it yet) don’t seem so well-developed as I hoped, but maybe the game will prove me wrong the more I go on. I hope that something like the Kassandra-Kyra story will come up and charm me. The plot is quite engaging (look, I lost track of the present timeline and I don’t care about it, honestly, while the game has a whole sublot in a whole different world which is really impressive and that I won’t spoiler here). I love the fact that you have your own settlement and you can improve it the more you acquire resources. There is also a dice game inside the game called Orlog that I adore! I spent half hours playing Orlog only. Eivor constantly gets high on mushrooms. It’s hilarious. You can pet dogs and cats.
All in all I dare say that it was money well spent, and since I usually wait a lot for the prices to drop, I’m happy that I can say that. I’ve spent the last week addicted to the game and I guess that I will be so at least for the next month. Imagine my (forever alone, as I renamed her) Eivor, standing still on a hill, enraptured by the meadows and by the rays of the sun, when suddenly a pack of wolves attacks her and I’m dead before I know it. :)
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leofrith · 21 days
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same picture.
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leofrith · 3 months
the comb of champions world event has got to be one of my absolute favourites in the whole game because it's just really sweet and "burdened, decorated, and delicate" is such a big brained way of describing eivor.
but also because it's the first of several instances throughout the game in which eivor risks life and limb for pussy.
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leofrith · 3 months
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leofrith · 1 year
playing any arc in valhalla after ledecestrescire now is just constantly like where is leofrith. where is he.
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leofrith · 1 year
do you think faravid utilized girl power when he gave halfdan lead poisoning
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leofrith · 1 year
taking roughly 1827482875 years to get through the eurvicscire arc this go around because it's just sooo boring once you know what happens like. the first time i played it i was unimaginably stressed out the entire time because eivor was juggling elaborate fabrications between like three separate people and i wanted to crawl out of my skin.
but now knowing that none of those lies really have any consequences in the end it's really just halfdan and faravid's epic divorce arc and eivor has the unfortunate bad luck of being roped into supervising the proceedings. and this is immediately after she got yelled at by her brother 😭
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leofrith · 1 year
replaying the wincestre arc and having sudden unexpected war flashbacks to the aelfred section of tlc 🧍🏻‍♀️
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leofrith · 8 months
basim's isu memories manifesting in the form of a woman who is also him. genderqueer basim REAL.
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leofrith · 2 years
kassandra and eivor are like............what if we were to hold hands and work together to absorb the power of this artifact.........and we were both queer women 😳😳😳
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leofrith · 2 years
i know this joke has already been made i know there's no way in hell this joke hasn't already been made but. eivor and odin:
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leofrith · 2 years
randvi, when she walks out of the longhouse in the morning and the first thing she sees is eivor standing in an on fire circle in front of valka's hut: i'm going back to bed.
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