#laadgovernorandsankadevi answers
Hi, hope you are doing well. I love your fanfictions and your take on the show....I know alot of people ask you this... but will you ever update footprint in the sand... I miss that story. Thanks
I am doing alright. I will be updating Footprints on Sand soon. I do struggle with chronic disorders, and I have a pretty busy life as well. I also got COVID over the summer and recovering been quite rough.
Keeping myself alive, and reminding myself that I have free will is more of a priority than engaging with fandom spaces.
I absolutely miss doing the analysis posts and writing fanfics. I hope I am able to find myself back sooner than later. I'll be thankful to anyone who sticks around whenever the next update happens, however like I've stated multiple times before, I came back to IPKKND for myself and I started writing fics and doing episode analyses for myself.
I hope that's respected by the numerous messages and comments I've received. I promised to finish FOS and stick with that, but I cannot give you a specific timeline or updated schedule.
Thank you for checking in!
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featheredclover · 4 months
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I was gonna stop with the men....but I thought why not get the women involved
PS : for future polls for female characters, if anyone has better ideas for the 'answers', please let me know!!
Tagging: @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @shiyaravi @andli @chutkiandchotte @hand-picked-star @msbhagirathi @phuljari @arnieobsessed @arnav-ki-khushi @arshispyaar @arshilearner @hi-this-is-permabanned @laadgovernors @laadgovernorandsankadevi @laad-governess @barshifan @minpdnim @thenainitaldisaster @thedupattaknowswhatsup @barshifan @muttonthings @thedustyshehnai @sankititaliya
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@butaneandthebeast​ legit making me cry with one of the best comments on my podcast ever :”)
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Y'all are getting me through my work, literally binging the whole podcast while finishing my reports and Excel sheets, so thank you so much for this (also thank you to jalebi-weds-bluetooth for tagging me on Tumblr, a literal angel ) It's really interesting to hear all y'all's thoughts on this because my interpretations of the actions were similar, but slightly different. I think to me, arnav and khushi's relationship is one of hidden depths. The comfort they feel from each other, the thing that makes them soulmates, is the emotions that they are able to draw out from the depths of each other. 
Arnav is shown to be loving and kind to certain people, like his Di, but even then it's a protective sort of love. He isn't going through the pain with her necessarily, he just loves her too much for her to be in any sort of hardship. But when it comes to Khushi, he actively feels the emotions, not even because he wants to, necessarily, but because this person resonates with him on a different frequency than the rest of the world, can make him do things he himself did not consider himself capable of, extremely hidden depths as they are. Meanwhile, Khushi, who is fiercely independent in front of everyone (for the most part), finds herself seeking solace from the one man who seemingly cannot give it. But her heart (or destiny?) knows that he is the best one to provide it. 
Because, essentially, they're two sides to the same coin, two answers to the same question: what do you do when you have a tough life? What do you do when you have to make yourself independent? How do you protect your loved ones? It's essentially deconstructing the mechanics of the soulmate trope and showing you the insides, like look, this is how soulmates are made, this is why they are soulmates. I could go on and on about this for hours (and I have, to be honest, my best friend doesn't even watch the show but she now knows (about) it thoroughly ) This show truly has a soft spot in my heart, and apparently this is the hill I've decided to die on (especially the kidnapping & remarriage tracks, those are my jam) Anyway, thank you for the lovely analysis, I'm looking forward to the next episode 
@laadgovernorandsankadevi​ (tagging you cause this was our episode and you have to read this)
Engagement like this just fills my damn hearttttttt
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Hello everyone!!!!
Welcome to the question and answer session of Iss Podcast Ko Kya Naam Doon? There’s my face, lol, and fifty questions of IPKKND answered :)
FINALLY, lol, this episode is out :D Enjoy!!!!!
@herelivesahobbit @laadgovernorandsankadevi @muttonthings @lostafpanda @pandora-678
- S
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Hi there! It’s my first time sending you a question but I’ve been following your page for quite some time. And this is amazing!! Especially the one shots you write on ArShi! Now coming to the question. I would like you to shed some light on the post- remarriage intimacy and chemistry of Arnav and Khushi. I have seen people complaining how their passion fizzled out, or how Arnav’s eyes that used to burn with passion and longing for Khushi, turned into someone who started taking his wife for granted. I, in all honesty, am a little confused. While, I know the extra-ordinary love between them would always exists, the inconsistency post- remarriage, was hard not to miss. That’s why, I’m here to ask you this question. How do you see their post remarriage intimacy and how do you think their shared chemistry/ intimacy would be after a few years of marriage. Hope this is not too much. Take care!
Hello Hi!
Thank you so much for sending in a question! My apologies for not answering earlier. I had been under the weather, and real life has been kind of a bitch!
Thank you so much for enjoying my fics! I simply cannot be more overjoyed than I am at people finding my fics worth reading!
Coming to the question at hand, I think you partially answered your own understanding of why the audience/fandom reaction to Arnav and Khushi's post marriage chemistry evokes their unsatisfactory response.
Within the show, the drop in the quality of production value, direction, and the writing reflected within the tracks that played out once Shyam was ousted from the Raizada mansion. As an ardent viewer and of course, a questionably obsessed fan of Arnav and Khushi, I found myself filling in the gaps in the writing with my own interpretation of their characters.
I think our understanding of their chemistry stems from how clearly they lusted or desired one another during Diwali. That energy even if not replicated in future tracks thereafter, is understood by us as viewers. That chemistry felt more passionate and raw compared to them post-marriage. it is probably because the initial lust and desire felt forbidden to both Arnav and Khushi.
For a girl like Khushi, who is not just prude but also is exploring her feelings surrounding sex and desire for the first time with a man who she shouldn't logically like, let alone love; those feelings make her toe the line of her own morals she is so proud of. Thus the chemistry is heightened by her own understanding of her feeling something forbidden.
For Arnav, Khushi is someone exact opposite of who he thought would be the most compatible partner for him. She also evokes something visceral in him which he is not fond of initially. Arnav concisely forbids himself from wanting to explore his desire and lust for Khushi. Obviously him having a girlfriend, and then the Shyam misunderstanding plays a huge role in how Arnav disapproves of his own desires for Khushi.
The chemistry is raw, passionate, fiery and carries hose undertones until throughout the show from the first episode till the farmhouse episode. So, once the two finally give into one another and their desire to be physically intimate with one another, that forbidden factor that evokes the sensuality when they are next to one another is gone.
Now, coming to my take on how their chemistry evolves, I think the interpretation of every varies based on their own interpretation and opinion of what sex and desire mean. I think within the show, we see Arnav and Khushi share a more sweet, and gentle relationship when it comes to sex. Even within the karvachauth dance sequence, there is a touch of gentleness mixed with eagerness and frustration of delaying their intimacy due to Khushi fasting. Thats not to say that the sensuality is lost altogether.
I think with a character like Arnav, a lot of us want to think of him being more dominant and aggressive to an extent when it comes to intimacy and sex but in my opinion, Arnav is definitely someone who understands that a good time, and fun intimate moments rely on understanding your partner's needs.
My take on their intimacy would be that there would be small touches of physical assurance. I think we see an example of it post-marriage when Khushi gives Arnav a hug after he agrees to see a Hindi film over going to the Darby, or when Khushi gives him a quick kiss when she is stressed and isn't able to share her decision of taking part in the mrs. india contest at Arnav's office —, there could also be moments where they are emotionally overwhelmed over something together and that translates into them getting physically intimate.
I think over the years, the two seem like characters who will incorporate vacations or weekend getaways to spend time together. I do think yearning for each other physically will be a consistent thing in their relationship. You need to want someone, or desire their physical presence to want to have sex or be physically intimate in anyway. If we consider the average lifestyle of a MD of a multi-million company alongside Khushi alluded to be a restauranteur or sweet shop owner in the REWIND, and then her owning the catering dabba business, the yearning and want to be with each other in between their busy lifestyle will always be present, and that can always translate into a good time between the two.
I am not sure how else to answer or share my take on their intimacy. Ultimately, like I said before, everyone's take on desire and sex translates into how they see the same ethos translated into any work of fiction.
You mentioned reading my OSs, so I would redirect you to the smut pieces I've posted thus far. Eventful Endings, Before You Go, and then one of the Verses in Motion show bit of my interpretation of how intimacy would exist between the two after their marriage. The absence of intimacy or sex being 'forbidden' will most probably be replaced by whatever situation they find themselves in.
I think the show's writing really messed up in portraying how their intimacy is challenged when they are in stressful situations or how they consider their physical responses to each other when they are angry or mad at each other. The weak writing and direction that infantilized Khushi's insecurities in the end did a lot of damage to our perspective of desire existing between the two.
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Hi Lg&Sd.. Was wondering what are your thoughts on the first Shyam reveal…? Imo it was done brilliantly with each person revealing different pieces of information…. But at the same time it was soooo irritating bc of Shyam twisting words and Arnav being quiet…. What is your opinion? Thank uuu
Hello hello love,
Ooo I haven't been really asked any serious canon questions, and I kinda feel nervous answering this!
My opinion is similar to yours. I think the revelation was done quite well. The slow build up since its revealed to the viewers that Shyam is the one behind Arnav's kidnapping makes the revelation worth while to a huge extent, and I think that's where a lot of frustration of Arnav being quite stems from.
I think the most important element of the first reveal is that none of the family members including Manorama questioned the accusations thrown at Shyam.
My take is that the family members had been growing wary of Shyam and his excuses since his late arrival on Teej, and when he abandoned Anjali on their wedding anniversary. I think the fact that his disappearance wasn't taken as uncharacteristic, but there reaction was more along the lines of "He left today? He just left on this day, on your anniversary!" says a lot about how the Raizada's perceived Shyam.
Family members were shocked and taken aback by the extent of accusation yet none of them, especially Akash did not think the accusations were based on lies. I did love how NK was there to account and confirm everything Khushi had to say about Shyam, especially since Manorama witnessed Khushi in a similar situation as Arnav did on the terrace, NK's testimony helped cloud her view of how she treated those accusations. Of course, we might think that NK being there for Khushi on every occasion doesn't provide proper leverage and Shyam tries to use that impression as a way to paint NK as a fool, but NK is also one of the few people in Shantivan who doesn't lie to anyone without probable cause.
I think more than NK's words, it was Payal unintentional revelation of how Shyam posed as a bachelor and lived with them that did more for Arnav stay quiet because at this point Arnav heard all the witness testimonies he needed to hear to fully trust Khushi and all of her actions.
I think Arnav being quiet comes from a place of lack of material evidence against Shyam. If he were to add into the statements presented by NK, Payal, and Khushi, it would again go back to he said, she said. Him being quite restores some of the credibility of him being rational in contrast to the impulsive and defensive tone that NK, Payal, and Khushi had in their accusations.
His reason, stating that he's throwing Shyam out for betraying his sister, and hurting his wife holds more weight in the eyes of the family than him offering any verbal testimony. Everyone knows Chotte is overprotective about Di. Everyone sees this because of the way Arnav acts, and reacts about his sister rather than what he says. A lot of what Arnav feels about someway is understood by his family through his actions, rather than his words.
Obviously a combination of that would be more effective in a lot of other situations besides this one. I think our reaction as viewers who are coming off the high of seeing this man get away with so much is of frustration because we want Shyam to be punished. We want to see a pay off for all his atrocious actions but Arnav himself is unaware till after his marriage about the extent of damage Shyam has repeatedly caused. Even in the last of Shyam, no one truly finds out the extent of damage Shyam has caused overall, or has been exposed to the list of atrocities this man has committed.
NK starts his accusations towards Shyam to corroborate Arnav's kidnapping and back up Khushi's words. Payal's accusation is to hold Shyam accountable for the mischaracterization of her sister. and then Khushi starts her accusations off by holding Shyam accountable for Arnav's state. It was not Anjali being cheated on that pushes the bar for Khushi, it's her Arnav ji being harmed that pushes her over the edge.
This is getting very long but to answer your question, I think Arnav remaining quiet while frustrating lets him retain a bit of his credibility in eyes of Akash and Deviyani at least because he points at the emotional damage Shyam caused to the two women in his life rather than the physical damage he faced through his hands. It's not about what's right or wrong because there isn't any evidence for that, but there is evidence for the emotional upheaval his presence is causing within the revelation and that makes his actions justified in my eyes.
I think Shyam was at his best in this scene. We finally saw a glimpse of the infamous lawyer brain to some extent and he was great at bouncing off defensiveness of NK and Khushi. I missed Mama ji in this scene so much because I think he would've been in line with Deviyani rather than Manorama!
I hope my words make some sense. This is just my take on the scene, so please don't hold me to it! This is also the very first ask I've gotten asking me to share my views which I did not expect at all. Thank you so much for a wonderful question! I was very nervous to answer because I am used to india-forum's format for discourse.
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hello!!! hope you're having a great day. i wanted to ask your opinion - what do you think about why Arnav fought his attraction to Khushi SO hard and so aggressively...i mean WHY is he so resistant...like i know i know misunderstandings and he runs away from feelings due to trauma and all of that...but is it ONLY that due to circumstances he has this terrible impression of her and hence can't permit himself to even consider any feelings for a girl he has such a low opinion of, who is so unsuitable for him and has totally different values than him? he keeps repeating to himself variations of "I'm not that weak, I'm not that weak" and occasionally "I don't want to think of this girl yet I can't stop". But, how much of a role does the intensity of his feelings have in how much he avoids them? I mean, say, if he suddenly felt this level of lust/attraction towards a suitable candidate from his social class with similar lifestyle whom he has no reason to hate, would he decide to pursue it (maybe by just dating or whatever) or would he still go to great lengths to push away/avoid that girl because, as he tells Anjali once, if he finds a girl who affects him deeply he would avoid her? I hope my question is not too confusing :/ thank you!
Hello hi!! I'm having a decent day, hope yours is going well though!
Oh my, so I think Arnav is incredibly well sketched as a character. His character remains the most consistent one throughout the show, and that really helps us in understanding his perspective.
It's been alluded to a number of times that Arnav was a stubborn kid with anger issues. He's recalled as somewhat of a difficult child by the Raizadas, who was mostly close to his mother and sister. We don't hear much about his relationship with his father before he learnt about his infidelity.
We see upon Subhedra's return that he was emotional at seeing her, so he might have been closer to her as well until she left. He is ousted by his uncle from his childhood home, so his trust in Subhedra has completely shattered because she refused to make sure that her surviving son didn't harm the children left behind by her now-dead son.
You asked "besides the trauma" would he avoid the feelings he had. It hard to say if he would because we don't see any concrete moments that establishes Arnav is an open and accepting child. We see him as someone who was rigid, stubborn, and whose every whim was catered by his sister and mother as much as they possibly can. In light of what's alluded of his childhood, I think it's safe to say that the pattern of having a close knit circle of people he trusts in consistent throughout the show. The only people allowed in his circle of trust are Anjali, Shyam by extension of Anjali, and Akash on occasions. He respects Mama, Mami, and Nani but we don't see him making efforts to include their opinions into the life he prefers to live.
The trauma of watching your parents commit suicide is vital to how Arnav looks at relationships moving forward. You cannot pull that aspect away at all because that trauma determines the role he chooses to play in all his relationships. The circle of people he trusted all throughout as a child or growing up, had every single adult neglect and walk out on him besides his sister who herself was a victim of the tragedy and survivor of that traumatic event.
When every single adult in your life fails you, you only have yourself to depend on and this is where Arnav's control issues stem from in my opinion. His sister was left at the altar on her wedding day and lost her parents. In Arnav's mind, he thinks his sister suffered more. In light of his sister being the only person he's trusted and been himself, and the only person who didn't abandon him throughout that traumatic events, he feels compelled in making sure that he does everything he possibly can in order to make sure his sister gets every happiness she possibly get. And ensuring that requires Arnav to be in control of all situations moving forward.
Understanding Arnav's reasoning for control in important because that control is what he relies on in-duration of his relationship with Lavanya. He control how much time they both spend together. He is her boss at the workplace, and control the assignments/tasks given to her. He allows his family to control her choices after HE invites her to live-in with him in his house. As much as his relationship with Lavanya was doomed since the beginning, he is the one to take the decision of them breaking up.
Now coming to the part of your question where you said, what if his desires towards Khushi were directed towards a girl of his own stature and social standing. I think his reaction would've been same. Arnav used class difference between him and Khushi as a means of drawing a line between the two of them so neither one would cross over to the other side. Hypothetically, if it was of the similar socioeconomic class, Arnav would probably try to chalk that girl up as shallow, or only trying to date/marry him to keep up her socioeconomic status intact. He would resort to blatant sexism which we saw him use elements of with Khushi.
Falling for someone requires you to loosen up your sense of control. Arnav recognized how love drove his mother to choose death over her children's lives and self-respect. He saw the impact of unyielding love being returned with betrayal and breaking the one person he loved the most.
He doesn't want that for himself. He is the only person his Di has.
So his avoidance towards Khushi stems from the lack of control he has over his feelings towards her. The first thing that affects Arnav about Khushi is her hurt at the guesthouse. It's her tears in the storeroom afterwards that make him pull away. He realizes that the usual attraction and desire is surpassed by how he feels about Khushi when it comes to caring, anger, or hurt.
To answer, why did he try to resist his feelings; it's because he was slowly losing control. He was losing control over how he felt about her. An already pessimistic person, and given that circumstances allowed him to always believe the worst in Khushi, he disliked how much he couldn't stop himself from caring about her. He uses insults and intimidation tactics to push her away. He is brash in his tone with her but he fails every single time to not care. It takes Arnav a good amount of time to trust Khushi. If he hadn't been kidnapped, and she hadn't endangered herself as much as she did, he probably might have never come to trust his feelings for her as much as he did. And if he hadn't allowed himself to trust her like that, he probably wouldn't have had the courage to overlook his trauma and come to the wedding.
The process of falling in love required Arnav to completely loose the facade of ASR which rested on his ability to control situations around him. Letting go of control meant letting go of the foundation he built his persona on. It meant letting go of everything that made him successful.
That's why he said to Anjali, which is after he met Khushi; that he wouldn't allow a girl like that into his life. That is why the minute he realizes that his emotional cheating has surpassed into him giving into his attraction and desires for Khushi on Diwali, he announces his engagement to Lavanya. It's open declaration of him reminding the both of them that he will never choose her despite what his actions said a while ago. He does his best to keep Khushi out of his life for as long as he could. He would've done the same if it was anyone else besides Khushi up until Diwali.
He doesn't start indulging her until after the cocktail party. But whether he would've done that with someone else if it were not Khushi, depends on those hypothetical circumstances.
Hope that helps provide some insight into the question you asked!
- LG&SD :)
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Hey, how are you, your fanfictions are amazing, love your work I love the break up of lavanya , I wanted to ask if you can write something about lavanya and NK
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy my fics!
So, I don’t ship Lavanya x NK although I do see why a lot of others do and why it’s an accepted headcanon in the fandom.
There are a number of fan fics, especially AUs that have been written on Lavanya and NK as a couple but I’m afraid I can’t recall any to direct you towards them.
I know that @jalebi-weds-bluetooth and @ridzmystique are two people who’ve written on NK and Lavanya as a couple into their fics. Feel free to browse through their fanfic indexes.
You can also ask @onadaanparindey and @featheredclover. They are avid fanfic readers and might be able to redirect you to the fics that include NK x La as a couple.
Hope that helps!
7 notes · View notes
Hiiii LG&SK! My question is about Arnavs sixth sense when it comes to knowing Khushi is on the phone. He can ALWAYS tell its her but it doesn't seem to work the other way round lol unlike the "awareness" of each other's physical presence. This might seem silly but it always fascinates me like do you think they intended for that to be part of the whole magical DM-ordained awareness thing? If so, why didn't Khushi have it too? But ya it's so cute when Khushi calls and hangs up twice after the first Lavanya breakup and by the third call Arnav snarkily calls her out. And she's like wtf lol. It was such a funny moment. Anyway thank youuu and I love your blog :)
Hello hello!
Thank you for enjoying my blog! There's not much analyses on it as of yet but I hope you enjoy the fics over here! :)
By awareness I am guessing you mean both of their instinctual guess of knowing the presence of one another? Like Khushi stepping inside the AR offices for the first time, and that making Arnav feel restless and anxious despite not knowing it was Khushi?
I don't think it was suppose to be "Devi Mayyian ordained", as you put it. I think it was just to represent how much of an intense connection Arnav and Khushi shared with one another. I like to think Arnav and Khushi as a couple who were also each other's twin flames.
Since both of them met, they couldn't help but think about one another. They were able to push thoughts about each other to the back of their mind on instances, but they still thought of one another, which goes to signify that despite not being in-sync, the two were intrigued to the point of always thinking about one another whenever they found themselves in close proximity of one another.
I would have to disagree on the Khushi calling Arnav after his and Lavanya's first break up to be cute. She felt a lot of guilt by Nani commending her for breaking them up which was far from the truth, and Arnav, who is generally a private person who had his sister push and probe him to learn of his inner most thoughts had a breakup that his entire family learnt about instantly and treated it with overdramatic callousness. I think that moment really showed how despite not being in agreement of one another, Arnav was able to understand that it was Khushi because she was the only one trying to fix his broken relationship. In contrast to that moment, I think it was really cute when Akash was trying to talk to Payal but was nervous to call so Arnav took matters into his own hand and called Payal, except later when she couldn't differentiate between Arnav and Akash's voice. Arnav tells her that he's surprised that she didn't recognize his voice to which she doesn't have a reply.
In terms of "why didn't Khushi have it", I think Khushi is always too caught up in the moment to really consider what is going on around her, until afterwards. On one occasion, she doesn't realize it's Arnav whose trying to call to apologize her, but the moment she stops for second after slamming the receiver down, that instinctual-gut recollection feeling make a reappearance and she thinks it might've been him. There's also the moment before janmashti, where Khushi is headed to give Lavanya her phone just as Arnav enters the house and she stops for a second. She then goes on as if nothing happened because she didn't see him around but then of course we see them colliding.
I think Khushi realizes that even though she never truly realizes she's talking to him, it's not the same for him; when during her trying to leave him before their remarriage, she avoids talking to Arnav on the phone while pretending to be sick Madhumati. She knows he'll recognize her voice through anything even when she ends up messing up at recognizing his voice at times. There's a little moment around remarriage track where Arnav teases her about it by pretending to be Akash.
I think Khushi does have the same instinct as Arnav but she's just too caught up in her surroundings to be attuned to every single move of his, whereas Arnav is extremely introverted and observant so he's able to pick up on her presence more easily.
I think the instinctual feeling they get about each other's presence wasn't something too far fetched from reality. Think about having a crush during your school days, and then getting really nervous once you're near the school building. And when you get a call from a friend, and you want to hope its your crush or someone associated with them. I think similar feeling but 10x more stronger is present in twin flames, and that's something we witnessed with added flair for the sake of the story being a soap opera, on the show.
That's just my take, my interpretation isn't a know-it-all for the show! Hope that helps with a bit of insight; Thank you for your question!
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hello maansi here got to know about some of ur work thru jalebi-weds-bluetooth 's tumbler.can i get ur ffs index ?thank u.
omg Agent J is one of my fav human beings! Thank you @jalebi-weds-bluetooth for giving my stuff a shout out!! Of course you can get my indexes. They aren't too hard to find. There is a pinned navigation post that has links to everything, but just in case: this is the tumblr index. this is the link to the wordpress index with everything. You can also just go through archives of wordpress. The ao3 and wattpad fics are accessible through here, and this is india-forums index.
Hope that's helpful!
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Hi, dear how are you I am new to this universe. I have read your breakup stories of Arnav. I wanted to ask how can see your blog post content, its says permission denied for me. Please tell thank u.
Welcome to IPKKND & tumblr!
Thank you for reading The Breakups! I hope you liked them!
I’m unsure what you’re asking.
My blogs, this tumblr and the wordpress are both public. The ao3 and wattpad fics are also publicly accessible. The india-forums fics are the only ones which are members-only but everything posted on IF is already available on the wordpress.
You can check the FAQ section of the wordpress if you’re talking about any post that needs a password or is private!
Hope that answers your question!
4 notes · View notes
will you do the song os you said you will do
Would love if you add greetings next time around!
I am assuming you are talking about my post where I asked people to sent in verses or lyrics for me to write OSs on them. I do have a bunch of requests from that and I'm doing my best to get to them whenever I can.
Real life can bit of a pain sometimes therefore responses to all of them weren't posted straightaway. Rest assured, I will be answering/posting to every request I've gotten. Meanwhile you can read the responses already posted under this tag or through this index post!
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Hey, how are you, your fanfictions are amazing, love your work, just needed to know, when will you update the breakups os and foot prints on sand. Both stories are amazing, they show pre khushi's arnav. Can't wait for Lavanya's chapter.
Good luck.amazing writer.
I’m doing as alright as one would in the third year of a pandemic! Hoping you are too!
Thank you so much for enjoying my fan fictions. It’s always so heartwarming to know that someone else loves your interpretation of the characters!
Break Ups has been received with mostly mixed reviews so I really appreciate you giving it a shoutout! It’s my favourite OS series to write. You’re aware that the remaining parts left are of Lavanya and of Khushi. Both are quite lengthy and require a bit more time than the other ex-girlfriends. The last update was in December. I’m hoping to post an update about Lavanya by the end of next week hopefully!
For Footprints on Sand, I had two updates of between 5k-6k words posted in the last week of December and first week of January. I’ll post the seventh update of the series sometime in the next two weeks!
I do tend to travel quite a bit, and I actively manage few chronic health issues which makes juggling my other interests, reality, and all of ipkknd stuff a bit hard. Because of this I can’t promise consistent updates of anything for the time being!
Thank you for loving my stuff! Hope you have a great day!
3 notes · View notes
Can you please post the remaining chapters of "Footprints on sand" . I am feeling really restless after only getting to read the first four chapters which were overwhelming!! Please complete this brilliant FF. Please consider it as a heartfelt request.... With lots of Love❤.
Hey, thank you for such a sweet message!
I’ve posted on my IF index and the wordpress blog about going through life and health difficulties which has made me put the rewatch on hold alongside pause on fanfic updates!
I’m hoping to unlock the next chapter in the coming two weeks but I cannot offer a consistent schedule for updates yet!
I’m sorry about that but there are a bunch of new OSs that I’ve posted that feel free to check out and leave critique on! Rest assured, I will continue Footprints on Sand except the updating schedule will be erratic!
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Hi, I saw the ask about Mystic Skies by the anon, just wanted say if they are looking for it, they can ask the writer on her derangedwriters (wordpress) blog. She's writing another story too rn too. :) <3
thank you so much for sharing! hopefully they see this! <3
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Hi, thanks for the pm! I just wanted to see if I m in the right place to read Mystic Skies novel! Becos I cannot simply find it on the indexes
Hi babe, I didn't write Mystic Skies. My popular fics are Raizada Chronicles, Life As It Is, and Judas Kiss. Good Luck x
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