not-souleaterpost · 6 months
Commodus - a human cartoonishly evil monster?
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So I randomly rewatched "Gladiator" after many years on tv and one thing I found interesting because I remembered it differently from being a kid is the bad guy.
And it isnt that he is "secretly misunderstood and sympathic!". No, but he is evil in a different way. Because instead of coldly and calculatedly killing his dad how I assumed, he seems to genuinely cry, even while and after doing it, implying it wasnt just manipulation to get the victims guard down.
Basically that scene has my whole point - Commodus isnt the kind of psychopath who either kills with stoic indifference or with a mustache cackling laughter - he does it with a childish whine.
And this is the type of evil he reflects - a spoiled child who doesnt simply not care about if he is right, but one that lies to himself to be it, throws tentrums and all.
He genuinely seems to convince himself that his actions are "right" no matter how obviously cruel and petty, he really thinks that "everyone betrays him for no reason".
And most tragically, he in a twisted way feels and seeks love, hence only truly enforcing his sick desires after being "betrayed" enough.
Hell, he even seems to want to have the main guy be on his side and his horrible "punishment" seems too like a childish "Oh you sliighted me, I'm gonna do it a million times more!"
(Ofcourse he wanted Maximus to be under him to feel superior again, but even that is motivated by "my father didnt love me and Im actually being a good guy by giving him a chance, and by rejecting me, me killing his family in the most brutal and depraved way is totally cool!)
Anyways, maybe thats obvious, just found it interesting on a rewatch after many years, especially for a popcorn movie with a obvious good and bad guy (compare with Pan's labyrinh that had the fascist guy be so over the top in a stupid way that I just felt I was watching an episode of happy tree friends, but thats a topic for none other day...)
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The Fall of Elysium
Before I began writing I would like to put this trigger warning. Mentions of Suicide, Self-Harming, Homophobia and r*pe (also extreme language but I feel like that’s not as psychological) I’ll update this section with the exact location so you’ll be able to skip those parts if needed. DM me if you’re offended or triggered by anything written here and I’ll take it down or re-write it immediately. With that, the story follows MOA perfectly up until the bit where Annabeth and Percy fall. The first paragraph is directly from that book with a few minor changes. I hope you all enjoy!
Annabeth sobbed as she hit the edge of the pit. Her legs went over the side. Too late, she realized what was happening: she was tangled in the spider silk. She should have cut it away immediately. She had thought it was just loose line, but with the entire floor covered in cobwebs, she hadn't noticed that one of the strands was wrapped around her foot — and the other end went straight into the pit. It was attached to something heavy down in the darkness, something that was pulling her in.
“No," Percy muttered, light dawning in his eyes. "My sword. . .”
But he couldn't reach Riptide without letting go of Annabeth's arm, and Annabeth's strength was gone. She slipped over the edge. Percy fell with her. Her body slammed into something. She must have blacked out briefly from the pain. When she could see again, she realized that she'd fallen partway into the pit and was dangling over the void... and Percy was gone.
Percy felt a yanking sensation as he was pulled away from the love of his life. He watched, frozen in place when the last strand of curly blonde hair vanished into the never ending abyss. That was it. No gut-wrenching scream, no beat drop in the theme music, pure silence as all of the seven seemed to be put on pause. Then, like a flash of lightning, Percy shot upwards only to nearly hit the bloodied chiseled face of Jason Grace. Jason was shocked at what he saw. Percy’s face was full of anguish, his usually vibrant eyes lifeless, his mischievous smile replaced by a trembling lip. And anger. Through all of this his eyes were as threatening despite the fear and despair. His face twisted as he slapped Jason’s arm away and pushed himself up.
“D-don’t you dare touch me. Don’t fucking touch me ever again!”
“Percy,” Jason whispered, his voice gentle and caring.
“No! Don’t say a word!” At this point tears were streaming from Percy’s face and his entire body was trembling. His mouth twitched in disgust.
“Calm down Per-“ Called Piper, her charmspeake wrapping everyone around her, compelling them to sit down as they thought about the small things in life. Her voice was so desperate even Jason began to sit before a large scraping noise filled the cavern. Percy was running. Running right towards the pit.
He was maybe 3 yards away before Frank swung into action, shifting his body into an eagle as he held his struggling friend in his talons. Grunting, he managed to pull Percy in front of the rest of the group, his legs still in a jumping position. He hit his head as Frank dropped him, still flailing as he tried to escape the talons. Jason and also held down his limbs as he screamed his throat out. Leo looked like his brain was working overtime, trying to analyze the problem as if Percy were a machine to be fixed. Jason remained emotionless, calm even, as if he knew this would all come to pass. Piper knew better. She and Jason connected eyes, the concern in their faces hidden, but enough for the two to read it off of each other’s.If Percy’s like this... and Annabeth’s gone... what happens to the 7?
Jason feared he knew the answer. There was no more 7. They had lost. And as far as he was concerned, it was all his fault.
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mona-rizla · 7 years
Asaf Avidan - In a Box II - The Labyrinth Song
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💚 = Who do you secretly ship?
I really had to wrack my brain for this one. I’m not really prone to shipping things in secret at all...
...But when I thought about it further, I suppose that I AM prone to having complicated emotional responses to certain relationships that I don’t actually feel comfortable shipping?
So like...
I ship villain/heroine dynamics primarily. There’s something about that particular combo that just gets me immediately.
Sometimes there will be a villain/heroine dynamic in something that I’m not entirely comfortable with or I’m actively against, but it will hit my excitement buttons a little bit anyway on occasion, which I just do my best to ignore lmao.
Sometimes Freddy/Nancy does that. A terrible admission maybe. I don’t ship it, and certainly not for the creepier underlying suggestions involved. I find Freddy pretty gross in general, he hits my creep factor too high. But it’s hard watching New Nightmare specifically and not getting some of those nostalgic adversarial Labyrinh feels, especially when the fictionalized! Heather and Robert have a positive relationship (for the most part; fictional!Heather has a complicated relationship with the series and Freddy’s popularity) and they joke about maybe them being in a romance next time instead of a horror film...there’s just something about that confusing emotional relationship juxtaposition combined with fighting a spooky dude in a dream world that’s just straight up fun, you know? I’m sorry, I can’t help it! 
I know you’re a big NOES fan tho, so I would be interested in your response.
Hannibal/Clarice is fun as well, but those movies make me extremely uncomfy, even after seeing them more than once, so it’s just not something I actively ship.
Oh, and I swear to god, I think I shipped Jasmine/Jafar as a child???
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bettybrants · 4 years
does anyone want my shitty urls or ill release them
brad-davis (released)
llvermorny (given away)
lukecastalian (released)
lukecastelian (given away)
labyrinh (given away)
milesmoraels (given away)
reigndrops (given away)
betttybrant (released)
rachel-dare (given away)
paralised (given away)
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nbd just crying over the nostalgia critic’s video on labyrinth and crying
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prince-tutu-blog · 10 years
Just finished Labyrinth five minutes ago...already watching it again...I love it...
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