conspiiratus · 4 years
@lachalaine​ its not much but >:’) hello ♥
         Fairy Tail. So lively. So...loud. The racket they made now echoed down along surrounding streets; their exuberance barely contained by the guild’s own walls. 
        Fairy Tail. It seemed they had not changed at all...
       The corner of his mouth pulled up in amusement at the thought and he let out a sigh. As he approached the guild hall, he supposed he could expect no less from them. They were a wild, unruly bunch, but that was what kept things interesting, or so he’d always thought anyway. It couldn’t be denied, however, that their destructive tendencies most often outweighed any positives about them. 
       ( A large stack of reports waiting for him back in his office served as reminder enough of that fact. )
       Of all the guilds, Fairy Tail had the record for most ‘incidents.’ The current Council was more lenient about the guild’s antics than previous iterations, especially given the fairies roles in recent events, but all guilds were to be reviewed now.
       And of course it was not by chance that he was the Councillor assigned the task of inspecting this particular guild ( but it had taken some delicate work on his part to arrange ). Boredom had been knocking around the edges of his life of late, and Fairy Tail had proven entertaining in the past, so it was a simple matter of two birds and one stone.
       As he took the steps to the building’s entrance, the question of how he might be received by the guild members danced into the forefront of his mind. Those like him, who worked for the Council, were typically respected by guilds but not exactly welcomed, and he guessed his past connections to Fairy Tail would perhaps have at least some of them be all the more wary of him. How fun.
       He braced himself with a wariness of his own as he pushed open the large door and stepped inside, half expecting various bits of broken furniture to be flying around as he’d heard was often the case. Instead, mages of all sorts were throughout the area, arguing, laughing, talking. A quick scan of the large room told him several of the key members were not present, and he found himself a both a little relieved and a little disappointed. They would have likely had the most interesting reactions to his visit, but perhaps they would have been too distracting or troublesome.
       Speaking of troublesome, a group of mages stood several feet before him, obliviously blocking the way while they argued, preventing him from moving further inside. He peered around them to get a look at the rest of the mages. There were certainly plenty to choose from in the guild, but who would be the main target of his inspection, hmm? He contemplated what he knew of each member as he laid eyes on them.
       No. Not her. Not them either. Too boring. Too annoying.
       Hmm, perhaps another time would have more interesting prospects... Mildly disappointed though he was, he turned to leave with that thought in mind-
       And it was that moment in which a certain purple haired woman crashed against him as she tried to enter the guild. Barely jolted, but still disliking the sudden contact, Sieg frowned down at her.
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       “You should be more careful.”
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secrecykept · 4 years
@lachalaine hi big huggies ily 
Break time~
With his ever-present smile and a bounce in his step, Chesh headed inside the house to seek Jackie’s company. His phone, snugly in the back pocket of his jeans, gave a little chirp as if to compete for his attention. He idly pulled it out as he walked into the room Jackie was in, unlocking and swiping through the notifications. Oh, was it that time already? He tapped his thumb to the digital banner at the top of the screen, opening the astrology app that had signalled him with its daily update.
He skipped down the list that appeared and had a quick read. A slight frown touched his lips and looked over to her. “Jackie, your horoscope says you might be feeling down lately, but if you open yourself up to others and accept surprise affection, your energy might return to you.”
He hummed in thought and then grinned with a light coming to his eyes. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he moved over to her. He lightly cupped her face with warm hands and, without a moment to pause, he set a flurry of exaggerated kisses across her skin. Proud of himself, he then wrapped his arms tight around her and lifted her in a hug, burying his face against the soft cushion of her hair. “Surprise! How’s this, huh? Feeling better? Mine said I need to be more generous and mindful of others today.”
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bkartz · 5 years
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2C (Amaria) and 3A ( Jacqueline ) from the Art Meme ~ Thanks for the request~! Honestly it looks like Jacqueline murdered someone and Amaria is shrieking WHY??? x’D ah fun times~!
Like my art? Commission me ! & Buy Me A Coffee~!   Please do not Repost my art !
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aquoreus · 5 years
lachalaine replied to your post: i’m thinking about a big overhaul of lisia’s...
death in the wild area sounds fun can jackie join ?
ABSOLUTELY! tbh i had jackie in mind when i was thinking about it kfjgnfjknjn
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hhemeraa-a · 5 years
“ what is the most embarrassing thing in your room ?” @ Troy!
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“Most embarrassing…?”
There wasn’t too much that Troy considered to be embarrassing… he was fairly open about all his interests, so the Naruto poster and the Sailor Moon figurine didn’t make him feel bad at all, or the floral print comforter he had since it was given to him by his mom…
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“My pile of dirty cosplay clothes in the corner because nothing is cooler than dressing up like the Black Pantha on a Thursday for work knowing they can’t fire you. I don’t even think that’s embarrassing, that’s just cool. I think it might be embarrassing just how much I wear it though. That shit is comfortable to walk around the house in. Ya know, freeing if you catch my meaning.” 
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icehaloed · 4 years
🔅 & 🔥
🔅: what’s a place that holds special meaning to them? why?by no means sentimental in a traditional sense, the many places that hold meaning to ur are rather mundane such as a spot where she saw the most beautiful sunrise or the corner of the street where she once was hit with the sudden spark of inspiration.she holds neither love nor hate for the spot in brago where she clashed with deliora, where she sealed the demon away. could she find it again? yes. not just because of the statue that has been placed there  ( kind of flattering, they made her almost a head taller ),  but because such places are clearly charted out in her mind. the same applies to the spot where other moments that had lingering impact on her life took place such as where she first found gray, but these places are just places to her, nothing too special.however, a place that holds significant meaning is the research institute were her daughter supposedly died. this place has become the embodiment of the loss, of the trauma she suffered, a place that burnt itself into her mind in the most horrific of ways. the same goes for the spot she chose for ultear’s empty grave.
🔥: what’s a place that left them motivated in some fashion?ur is, at heart, a widely self-motivated person in that most often, something that sparks her to take action comes from within herself. in rare cases, it is ambition that shines through, this being the case for how early in her life she wandered off the beaten path of ‘normal’ ice magic and hacking away restrictions and traditions until she invented ice make magic, however, usually because there is a situation, a status quo she cannot accept or even tolerate. this can be something as small as a social rule she finds to be harmful, but it can also be a demon.to circle back to the question, places that spark something in her are places where she comes face to face with a problem, no matter what its shape may be. ur’s common reaction to encountering a problem is poking it as long as it takes to find a solution, an answer to the question it asks. when it was about magic, the answer was to stray off the path and look elsewhere. when it was a demon, the solution was — in a sense — magic.
* headcanons / accepting.
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solovagant-a · 4 years
🔥+ topic of your choice ✨
- romantic ships are overrated !!! i want more stronk platonic ships !! CHOSEN FAMILY SHIPS !!! romance isn't everythinG
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aceofscale · 5 years
my url if I may pls? tho no requirement to at all hihi ✨
im so happy you sent this in cause now i can say all the shiz i’ve wanted to say to you but never had the balls to like IM you about or anything. YOUR MUSE. YOUR OC. YOUR CHARACTER. THIS CREATION. ——— perfection. truly. really. the fact that jackie is an oc and not a character from another fandom was a realisation that SHOOK ME TO MY VERY CORE. like, look, i’ve tried to make oc’s i’ve tried to pull characters from my small pea brain and like the best i can do is give them a name and maybe like ,,, a sibling or two — bUT YOU MY LOVE HAVE CREATED A WORLD. CREATED A UNIVERSE AND BEYOND IN THIS PURPLE-HAIRED BEAUTY AND I LOVE HER. like legit?? if she was in a show or a manga or whatevre i would stan her. i would have a fan account i would make the edits and go all ASDFGHJKL; in my tags. she’s incredible. 
and i’m sure you already are, as you rightfully should be, you should be so damn proud of what you have done. like, incredible. show stopping. fantastic. i love her and i read every interaction and every thought you put into her because it truly is …… mind blowing. i love jackie. i adore her to my bones. top 5 characters of all time? uh yes? bye lyon. all about jackie now.
and from our limited interactions you are just —- so lovely. you are so sweet and attentive that it makes my heart warm and my face beam whenever i speak to you. you truly are a lovely soul. stay amazing and i wish you nothing but good times and love in the new year. you really truly deserve it.
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catastrophicur · 5 years
@lachalaine asked for a starter half a lifetime ago.
            Blue and purple lights flicker and flash in beat with the music that thrums throughout crowded floor and every body writhing on it, everyone but him dancing and having a fantastic times whereas he’s only dragging himself among the throng of people partying to find a dark corner where he can stand and breathe and heal..Having sneaked in through the back after a quick altercation with a bouncer on his smoke break, he’s not here to enjoy the venue so much as lose the line of sight of the sniper who had shot him from several rooftops over. 
            At an advantageous distance where he couldn’t see or hear them even as panicked mind went into hyperaware state, there’d been little choice but to scent out somewhere busy, wherever was closest and still bustling with people so that he could exploit the safety there was in numbers. An establishment this popular would haven’t been his first pick if not for necessity. The stink of alcohol and sweat and blood nestling against his sinuses gives him more to dislike as they fill his pounding head with even more unwanted stimuli while fighting through the crowd to find somewhere quieter and likely off limits. 
            Face pale and palm clutching at the black, blistering gunshot wound hidden beneath his jacket does he sneak his way backstage and into its wings, looking for unoccupied room or storage closet to dive inside and hide. There may be no figuring out what he’s been hit with if it hasn’t already healed, but the copper tang filling his mouth and searing pain unwinding through his chest and shoulder like the serrated vines of an invasive plant demands a look - see even if he’s been fucked into calling for help. 
            Ears twitch, able to better hear individual footsteps now that distance has been put between him and the audience. Fine silvering hairs at the back of neck stand on end, rising along with the gooseflesh on his arms when he becomes certain he’s doomed to walk right into someone as the hallway offers no getaway routes to either side of him. Jude avoids eye contact with the head full of purple hair, tries to make the rush he feels to find an escape a new Fall look.  “ I’m just looking— “ Coughing fit erupts and interrupts, ruining bogus explanation before it can even be given with wet and painful spasms of his lungs. Jude looks at the hand brought to his mouth out of reflex and stares dazed at the viscous, crimson - streaked black ooze on his fingers. 
            “ You know... looking for the bathroom. Because, um, gonorrhea flare up? Yeah, gonorrhea flare up. “
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lachalaine asked: “It was an accident!” - for Casper / your choice!
❤ ▏  —  injuries ! ;
       “that seemed pretty calculated," he responds, lifting a hand to touch his cheek. whatever she had thrown at him had either been pretty heavy or she was just that strong. perhaps even both-- he could feel his cheek begin to swell already and emerald hues flicker back to her, frowning. "do you often go around throwing random objects at strangers? that'll get you killed on day you know."
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secrecykept · 4 years
@lachalaine  ✨✨ as if we could resist doing something 😅 ✨
       Birthdays. An absolutely wonderful occasion! Cakes and gifts, with family and friends around, a celebration of life lived and of the future. Kyrin had barely been able to contain himself since the moment he’d learnt Jackie’s birthday was approaching, and now that the day was finally upon them, he fairly glowed with delight. And while he didn’t know enough to be able to arrange a gathering with her friends and family, he aimed to provide the rest of the ‘perfect birthday recipe.’
       Her cake ( along with an assortment of perhaps far too many sweet treats ) waited for her inside her kitchen, but he stood outside her bedroom door and knocked lightly to alert her to his presence.
       “Birthday, Jackie!” he blurted with an excited grin, “I mean, good morning and happy birthday! It’s your birthday! I have a present for you!”
       He didn’t have a giftbox to hide it in, or paper to wrap it, so the necklace was concealed behind his back as it hung from his fingers. It had taken a fair amount of work ( and a little magic ) to make, but the result was as he’d hoped for. A silver chain with a few small, purple stones ( polished and smoothed into beads ) from which a short feather of the purest white dangled down. Of course the feather was one of his very own, and as such it would offer a measure of protection from darkness, absorbing and dispelling any evil magic to spare her if it should come her way.
       Lightly bouncing on his heels, he couldn’t keep the bright smile from his face.
       “Are you excited? I’m excited!”
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sonderrow-moved · 5 years
@lachalaine​ for quinn’s call !
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“Uh? Yes I’m single.” He motioned to himself. “See? I’m a single person. I don’t have a like. Twin attached to me with a second secret head or something. Or pregnant.”
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ofchargers · 5 years
fairy  tail  had  been  quiet  for  some  time  now ,   which  was  uncharacteristic  for  the  usually  boisterous  and  reckless  guild ;    natsu  could  feel  himself  get  less  and  less  comfortable  with  the  uneasy  silence ,   the  pink  haired  dragon  slayer  ready  to  cause  some  mayhem  on  the  spot .    maybe  he  just  needed  something  to  do ?
but  lucy  was  doing  her  own  thing .    gray  and  erza  weren’t  planning  on  going  on  any  requests  with  him  yet ,   and  his  go - to  for  filler  teams  already  said  not  today .    when  did  everyone  just  get  so  boring ?
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“    so !    ”    he  approaches  a  group  of  fairy  tail  members  he  hasn’t  seen  before ,   eyes  immediately  drawn  to  a  young  woman  with  very  purple  hair .    “    my  go - to  team’s  said  no  to  a  request  i  wanna  go  and  do ,   and  everybody  else  wants  to  be  boring  as  well  so  i’m  wondering ...    if  any  of  you  would  be  interested  in  a  tough - looking  request to  fight  some  bad  guys .    they’re  at  a  town  a  hop ,   skip ,   and  a  jump  away !    ”
@lachalaine​  asked  for  natsu !
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lachalaine said:Tossing an object at a wall repeatedly ( and gradually very forcefully each and every time )
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Kazuma said nothing as he tossed the ball at the wall. Truthfully, to say that he was angry would’ve been an understatement. Frankly, it was just a bad day in general, and he was supposed to be having a nice conversation with Jackie, yet here he was, stewing in anger from past events. Then again, being tormented by nightmares and the ghosts of your loved ones, wasn’t exactly the best way to wake up...Not that he slept much the day before. 
“Have you ever thought about your life? I mean, truly thought about it. Thought of all your regrets, all the things you’ve done, maybe the people you’ve hurt?”
Kazuma wasn’t thinking, and subtly, the fine control over his superhuman strength began to slowly wane, indicated by the harder slams of the ball against the wall, or perhaps the crushing grip he held over it. His lips curled into a bitter snarl, memories dredging up once again. 
“Or perhaps you think about all those you failed, those you killed. You know, I can still feel the blood running down my hands? I can taste it even. That metallic, yet salty tang. I carved a very bloody path to get my revenge. Yet now all I have to show for it is this, an empire built upon lies!”
Kazuma tossed the ball one more time, only to be surprised when it was embedded in the wall. Great, now he would have to pay for repairs...He set his feet on the ground, standing up and going over to the spot it was lodged in. He didn’t wear his older face, no, today he chose to stare at the face he wore when he was human. The fallen prince, the wandering demon that took the blood of mortals to preserve his youth. Truthfully? Was he really the Prince Kazuma who had been set to rule alongside his wife? 
“And damn near every night, the ghosts from my past haunt me. Were I to die now? I would never be able to face them. I’m sure they see the same monster that I see. A beast that pursued vengeance over all else. Now all I have is comforting myself in things that don’t matter. I lie to everyone, playing at being human.”
The man slowly slid to the ground, pressing his head against the wall, on the verge of crying in front of her. What was he supposed to do? When all he wanted was to do the right thing with his power, yet here he was, laid bare for her to see, unable to truly move past his mistakes.
Those who’ve gotten close to me were hurt because of me. The very two people I owe my success to? Now they’re what I am, all because I had to obey my blood oath. I’m one of the reasons they can’t go home, that their family has to be worried sick over where their son and daughter are. I’ve met their parents, and now I have to tell them that there isn’t a trace of them because I don’t want them to know what they’ve become.”
What was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to atone for all the wrongs he’s committed?
“You must think this is pathetic...Seeing me on my knees and trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do.”
Non-Verbal Venting || Accepting! @lachalaine
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aquoreus · 5 years
lachalaine replied to your post: Favorite Pokemon Based On Type Tagged by :...
I appreciate that Jackie and Lisia can bond over their love for corsola and altaria ♥️
yes ! best girls bonding! and also jackies list had Milotic, Gardevoir, Ampharos and Beautifly which i almost picked too !!
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hhemeraa-a · 5 years
Send ★ for a bunch of random headcanons between our muses!
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He!! Adores!!! Jackie!!
She’s the one that got away and while he’s not entirely butt hurt about it, he’s definitely out here ready to try again. He needs to make up for that missed last drink and relive the funny conversation of their odd meeting. 
Troy wants!!! To hold her hand and spin her around in a butterfly filled park. He just wanna take her on all these really cute dates and get really excited to hear about her interests. He wants to take cool album photos of her for her music in the botanical garden because the green contrasts really nicely with her hair, or on the beach during a sunrise because they camped out all night talking about life. This 29 year old turns into a chubby love struck teen when it comes to Jackie and I’m here for it. 
He probably doesn’t care for her music too much, but he’ll go to her shows and listen to support her because that’s what a good friend… or boyfriend, does. 
He doesn’t want to talk about the past, but he’ll warm up to it over time as he starts to realize he’s got it bad for her and it’s only a weird crush at this point. He may never tell her everything about what happened with Nicholas, but she’ll at least know more than anyone else. Except Myles. 
They seem like a pair that meet up for french fries and milkshakes and laugh themselves silly because they keep putting the fries up their noses and seeing who can make a more accurate walrus sound. 
In the summer once a month they do movies in the park and try to dress up like hipsters to get free wine from the local cafe, and then immediately scarf down tacos and ugly laugh because the movie is a bad one. 
Troy knows that she’s strong… in her own way, but can’t help being a bit protective of her every now and then. He would be the type to want to pick her up after really late shows because people are crazy and he doesn’t mind. 
He just (clenches fist) really likes her. 
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