usnewsper-politics · 3 months
Prime Minister Urges Unity and Constructive Debates for India's Progress #bettermentofIndia #billsbeingpassed #collaborationandcooperation #constructivecriticism #economicgrowth #farmerswelfare #futureparliamentaryproceedings. #healthydebates #lackofproductivity #nationalsecurity #oppositioninParliament #parliamentaryproceedings #politicaltensions #PrimeMinisterNarendraModi #recentelections #unityamongpoliticalparties
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thedanfox · 8 years
Never enough time in the day - 077
It's been a couple of days since I last wrote. I thought I was gonna get stuck at work last night so after I brought Christopher to school and I went back to bed. Luckily I didn't get stuck. There is a lot going on this week. Yesterday the school had a 2 hour delay and I had to bring Christopher to the dentist. Today and Friday are the only mornings I have free. Tomorrow I have the lawnmower that was purchased being delivered. Kinda funny since it snowed yesterday, but it is April so it needed to be bought. On Thursday there is a doctors appointment bright and early for the baby. Not sure if I'm gonna get up at 5:30am or not. I like to stay up a little later on nights off to give myself some normalcy or at least the feeling of it. If I get up at 5:30am on Thursday its gonna be a rough morning on Friday. I wasn't able to do much today. I went out and bought some stamps and printer paper. Then went to Aldi's to look at something my grandmother wanted me to see. Other than that I adjusted my budget to try and pay off the lawnmower quicker and I'm getting ready for work in a few minutes. I feel like I could use more time to do stuff. I'm thinking Friday since Dawn's mother is picking Christopher up from school and he is staying the night there I might be able to accomplish more. I need to make a list.
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jonthal · 11 years
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
Prime Minister Urges Unity and Constructive Debates for India's Progress #bettermentofIndia #billsbeingpassed #collaborationandcooperation #constructivecriticism #economicgrowth #farmerswelfare #futureparliamentaryproceedings. #healthydebates #lackofproductivity #nationalsecurity #oppositioninParliament #parliamentaryproceedings #politicaltensions #PrimeMinisterNarendraModi #recentelections #unityamongpoliticalparties
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thedanfox · 8 years
Attention Span -074
I watch a lot of YouTube videos. A lot might even be an understatement. If you asked my wife she would probably tell you I don't put my iPad down. Most of what I watch are people's Vlogs or motivational videos, but I also tend to watch stuff that teaches me stuff. I don't ever want to stop learning. Well in a video I started to watch about re-wiring mindset I learned that the average human loses attention 6-8 times a minute. I had to laugh at that because I am pretty sure I lose attention a lot more than that in a minute. Not when people are talking to me, but when I'm thinking. I think this contributes to why I forget to do things, or what someone tells me. I seriously use my phone calendar to set reminders for important things, because I know there is a possibility I'm going to forget if I don't. This is probably the reason why I say I want to do things and then either never do them or wait months before doing it. I would feel bad for someone if they were stuck in my head. They would probably come out needing medication. At which point they would probably feel bad for me. Now if I managed my thoughts better I would most likely be more productive, but I haven't mastered that yet and I'm 36 years old. If I would just write down half the stuff I am almost certain I would have some pretty damn good ideas. I believe everyone has things they excel at and I believe somewhere in my head I'm missing something. Not a part, but a thought, a vision or maybe even that Aha moment. I should probably work on this. Though I'm sure I will forget this by tonight. Well that's my story. I was gonna call it my rant, but I'm not mad or frustrated so I don't think it qualifies. Till next time.
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thedanfox · 8 years
My internal struggle with the morning - 073
Ok so I know I said I need to be in a pattern of getting up earlier, but it's easier said than done. This morning Dawn once again did me a favor of alerting me to my alarm. At this time I thought I turned off the alarm but really only hit the snooze. I took one leg out of the blanket and hung it over the edge of the bed for a second and then proceeded to put it back in bed. Now it's not that I was to tired to get up. In all reality I felt much better than most mornings. It was a series of thoughts in my head. Like what am I gonna do this early in the morning and do I really want to be tired all day. So my thoughts won and I climbed back under the blankets. I really want to be productive, but I can't do the stuff that I need or want to do that early in the morning. I felt bad for Dawn this morning because my alarm woke my poor pregnant wife up like 40 minutes earlier than she gets up. It's easier on days I know I have to get up early for something. I want to be a morning person, but working second shift makes that really hard on me. When I did get up at about 10:20am it took me a little while to do something. I knew I had to accomplish something but didn't know what I was going to do. I finally decided it was time to get the fence posts. So that was my big accomplishment of the day. Now I just need to talk to the neighbor and see when he wants to work on putting the fence back up and see if he agrees with my idea of using quickcrete (not sure I spelled that right) to stabilize the posts. Well off to do the dishes in a minute. I have been dreading them since I saw them in the sink. As always have a great day and talk to you soon.
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