#lady danbury gonna be laughting her ass off when her nibblings call her up to complain about their clingy spouses
sea-owl · 2 years
I may or may not have fell into the Bridgerton fandom. And with like any fandom I drop into I may or may not have fun by thinking of some AU's. I haven't seen this exact one so have some immortal spouses/reincarnated Bridgertons AU.
(Also this was partly inspired by @thekatebridgerton I highly recommend their blog)
Magic is a recessive gene that has been slowly dying out, and the immortals being born from this magic is becoming less and less. Many now believe it nothing more than fairytales. 
Few knew the truth, such as Simon Basset who was the first born in his family with magic after many generations. His father hates him and constantly remarks that his son's magic is a curse that killed his mother.
It isn't until Lady Danbury comes barging into his life that he learns his magic is something that is just a part of him like his hair or eyes. Lady Danbury mentors Simon and instructs him to keep an eye out for others like him.
"Magic likes to come in waves. Once one of you is born others are sure to follow."
And she had been right. When Simon married his wife Daphne every single in-law he got after had magical abilities. They all liked to joke that their spouses were magic detectors. 
Simon could not have been more grateful for it when it was time for each one of them to separate themselves from the family. 
Immortality was a bitch sometimes. 
For the most part all eight of them stuck together. Of course, there were times where one or two might have gone and done their own thing for a decade or two, but they all knew where the general location of their family was. 
And while none of them have any issue of shifting their age to fit their story or letting themselves appear to age to stay in a place longer they do tend to favor certain age groups. With Simon, Kate, and Sophie preferring their 30s, Penelope, Michael, and Phillip preferring mid to late 20s, and Gareth and Lucy in their early 20s or very late teens in the earliest. They pretend not to notice that the ages they chose tend to follow a certain order. The same way they all pretend not to notice how none of them have step a single foot back in Britian since they left. 
Again, immortality is a bitch at times, but if there is anything their Bridgerton spouses have taught them it’s that there is always room for some chaos. 
Penelope, Michael, Gareth, and Lucy have made it a sport to see who can trick the government to give them the biggest tax breaks in their lifetimes. In 2015 they somehow managed to drag Sophie and Phillip into it to shake up the playing fields. Sophie and Penelope vs Michael and Phillip, vs Gareth and Lucy.
Pall mall games have gotten more extreme with the added use of their magic. Kate has more than once set the mallet of death on fire, along with her ball. Penelope has literally gotten into her siblings’ heads and used her words to trick them into missing their balls. Phillip uses nearby trees or bushes to hide his siblings’ balls or obstruct the goals. Gareth likes to literally hide in the shadows to trip others. Simon adds more magical force than necessary when striking his ball. Lucy randomly changes the weather, and Michael turns the goals invisible. 
In their current lives the eight siblings are living in America posing as former foster siblings who stayed together after they each aged out of the system. It gained quiet the sympathy for their current company, which definitely helped the donations. Simon and Kate are the coheads using their knowledge and time as a duke and viscountess to get ahead in the business. Sophie runs HR, she makes sure any employee feels safe in their company, and God help you if she finds out any type of management is taking advantage of those under their leadership. Penelope is the creative director whose team handles things such as the website, design work, copywriting, and content writing. She teams up with Michael, the head of the company’s PR, when it comes to advertising to make sure the company follows their brand and keeps it in good standing with the public. Phillip is making sure the company is staying ecofriendly, often looking for plant-based alternatives to keep their carbon footprint low. Gareth and Lucy used as the company darlings and are sent out during charity functions or demonstrations. 
In this life it is safe to go by their real names again, though they decided to use the Danbury name just to get a reaction out of Lady Danbury, who has long taken residence in a forgotten about piece of property she owns. 
While they all miss their spouses dearly, and each still wear their wedding bands on a necklace, they have adjusted to life without them. Afterall they still have each other. 
Meanwhile back in Britan there was a lovely couple named Edmund and Violet Bridgerton who had eight children all named after a letter in the alphabet. When each child reached puberty their memories of their past lives returned. 
And they each have been looking for their spouses ever since. If their parents could be reunited, then they sure as hell would find their soulmates again too. 
Violet understands her children’s pain every time a lead goes nowhere. She calms their fears when thoughts creep up that their spouses didn’t reincarnate like they did. 
“They probably go by a different name now,” Edmund would reassure his children. 
The children would mumble an agreement, but Edmund could see them get more twitchy, become more desperate every year that goes by without them finding their loves. 
Edmund never expected to be the one to find his in-laws. It just happened so casually too. 
He had been looking at partnering with a new company to help his become more ecofriendly. A friend of his suggested Danbury Inc who was in one of the same industries as the Bridgerton group. 
“They’re young,” one of Edmund’s associates shrugged. “But they definitely got what you’re looking for.” 
A meeting was set up between two helpful PAs and Edmund was on his way to America. 
“Ah Mr. Bridgerton!” A young secretary greeted. “Mr. and Ms. Danbury are finishing up their sibling lunch and they’ll meet with you shortly. You can wait in the conference room here.” 
Edmund nodded, taking in his surroundings as the secretary left. The office walls were all glass with shades rolled up at the top. Giving a perfect view of the the office around it. It was a rather open floor plan with eight desks laid out among the floor. Near the back of the room sat a large table with eight people around it, and why did they look so familiar to Edmund? 
Edmund squinted taking them all in. He’s seen them somewhere before but where?
Edmund sticks his hands in his pockets, a crinkle of paper catching his attention. 
Pulling it out he finds the drawings Benidict always makes sure he has of the spouses should he ever stumble across one of them during his business travels. Benidict constantly keeps it updated to match the age they would be if they still held the same age differences as they did in their previous lives. 
Edmund studies the drawing for a moment before looking back at the group of eight. 
Edmund looks back down at the drawing and then back at the table. 
Scrambling for his phone Edmund snaps a picture to send to the family group chat. 
Guess who I found.
Violet is the only one to respond. 
The children are already running out the door. We’ll be on the next flight. 
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