#lady sabbatine treleaux
minti-tales · 6 months
Vierapril, Day 3 - Wish
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(The Knightly Mother) No matter how far you roam, the friends you make, the lives you change by your heroics...
You always come home to Ishgard.
Do you wish for things to have been different, daughter mine?
We're not all minstrels, my dear. No amount of ballads can bring me back.
But do go on. Mourn. Let thoughts of me be the fire in your belly, dear Minti. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain.
Remember, please remember. Whenever you have need of me, call, and I will answer.
I am, forever and always, your Fray.
I love you more than you know, my sweetheart.
(Minti) We would have made such a good team, maman. You'd like my friends. We'd save the world, you and me.
(The Knightly Mother) We already do.
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minti-tales · 11 months
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"Do you think she'll turn out well as a Temple Knight? Our ward, I mean."
Angelique, majordomo of House Treleaux, gave a grunt of acknowledgement, her head still buried in the book she was reading. A True Account of the Foundation of Ishgard was a riveting read indeed, if the torn sleeves and cracked spine were any indication. "We should be expecting a visit from the Count de Fortemps by week's end. That Haurchefaunt boy *insists* on visitation hours with our ward, despite protestations. I say, she is bound to be noticed by someone outside our confidence, Lady Sabbatine, if she allows this, this unchivalrous behavior to continue."
"Angelique, I asked you-"
"I don't suppose you've had a moment to read the letters our House receives from the Church? Horrid things, all of them, accusing us of 'heresy.' Heresy! Can you believe that? Hypocrites and dragon lovers, the lot of them, if what's in this book is true. I should very much like to march up to the Archbishop, in front of Halone and the congregations, and-"
Sabbatine put a gloved hand on her friend's shoulder and squeezed. "<Darling>."
The book snapped shut.
"<Breathe for a moment, won't you? Just breathe.>"
Angelique closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, then out, sending clouds of steam up into the freezing evening air. It was cold tonight. Every night in Ishgard was bitterly cold.
"Our Minuet. She's expressed an interest in becoming a Temple Knight. Certain parties even heard that she aspires to be an Azure Dragoon, of all things." Lady Sabbatine smiled softly. "There's bound to be some good for the House in that, is there not?"
Angelique frowned and wrinkled her nose. This could be something to help the House, the first good thing to happen since their arrival in Coerthas. "Maybe. I'll need time to look into the application process, who to make good friends with. If she *does* become a knight, the house would have an argument for legitimacy, for existing. A living guard against the Church, so that you might continue whatever it is you're doing with that stone of yours."
"Perfectly good research." The jet black stone, tucked away in a hidden pocket of Sabbatine's armor, pressed hard against the elezen's breast. Its etchings were like red hot fingers digging into her skin. Truly an occult artifact, were the Church to find it.
"Pray, continue your reading. Don't mind my idle musings," Sabbatine said with a smile.
"As you wish, my Lady."
(Credit goes to @saesama for helping to make this screenshot happen!)
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minti-tales · 1 year
FFXIV Write, Day 18: Fish Out of Water
The Arcanist's Guild's Thubyrgeim receives a visitor.
"Guildmaster, there is a new applicant, a viera girl, who requested specially to see you. They came bearing a letter, addressed from a prominent house of Ishgard, House Treleaux. The letter is, of course, for your eyes only. So it says on the envelope."
Murie, guild receptionist, was well accustomed to welcoming new adventurers to Limsa Lominsa's Arcanist's Guild. Not everyone made it past the initial studies, of course, and she was usually the first to recommend exceptional students to Guildmaster Thubyrgeim Guldweitzwyn (acting guildmaster, Thubyrgeim was quick to note). A new student having a letter asking for Thubyrgeim by name - from House Treleaux, no less - was unusual.
From what Muri recalled of Ishgardian traditions (a hobby acquired from years of idle chatter at her desk), House Treleaux was one of the weaker houses, more recently established by one Symon Treleaux, "Lorde of the Deep Woodes." Lord Symon came from a tradition of carpenters and blacksmiths, and was minorly famous for crafting armor inspired by his love of the Dravanian Forelands. Who was it that earned the house's first knighthood? One of his grandsons? No, one of the Armones, there were several, all who purported to be the successor of Symone the Greene and inheritor of the House.
Regardless of who the true heir to Symone was, the house was no stranger to controversy. There was that mystery woman, the Duskwright, who stepped up to lead House Treleaux in the wake of the Calamity. Lady Sabbatine, wasn't it? Daughter of one of the Armone "pretenders." Murie wasn't privvy to all the rumours being passed about, she wasn't in the right circles - but she'd hear things now and then. Something about connections to Lord Lolorito and the Syndicate. Rumors of witchcraft and dark arts practiced by knights loyal to the House. "Greene Knights," they were called, for a supposed pagan connection to nature and the dark spirits living within. All this and more ran through Muri's mind as she lead the new viera student to the Guildmaster's office. Do not viera women wear far less? Surely those clothes are of elezen make. The girl looks like she has not rested well - perhaps she was sweating buckets in her sleep.
Thubyrgeim, for her part, was seated behind her desk - K'rhid Tia's desk, really - looking over the proposed changes to the hunting logs, again. There were complaints from former students about having to defeat Balloons, specifically their ability to Self Destruct and not being able to avoid the attack in time. Had they not heard of stepping away from the beast before it blew itself to the heavens?
The office door being swung open - and the brown skin viera gingerly stepping inside - was enough to distract Thubyrgeim from the log. "Come in, come in, do have a seat. I promise that unlike some of the local fauna, I do not bite." She smiled and gestured towards the open seat across from her. Murie bowed, handed over the letter, and gently closed the door behind her, leaving the two alone. The girl could barely hold her gaze - troubling.
"Murie tells me that you come to us from across the sea. Do I have the right of it?"
The girl nodded, still looking away from Thurbyrgeim.
"The name you gave Murie was 'Minti Chocolate.' Mhm. Whereabouts across the sea, if you feel that you can share?"
"Ishgard." The girl twirled some loose fabric on her dress, focused on the ground.
"Ishgard. A rather cold clime for someone like you, I imagine. You appear to be viera, although, please correct me if I have that wrong." Thurbyrgeim paused, in hopes of a response. Nothing. "...assuming that my observations so far are accurate, rava viera aren't typically found in cold climes. Which brings me to my next question: do the clothes you're wearing come from the same place this letter does?"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
Thurbyrgeim adjusted her glasses. "Merely weaving some threads I possess into cloth, so to speak, Miss Minti," she said confidently. "I will be looking at that letter now, thank you."
The letter didn't possess the signature perfume Thubyrgeim had come to associate with Lady Sabbatine's writings - spices, sandalwood, with a hint of some holy incense she couldn't put a finger on. The writing was immaculate, as always, but something was off. The letters appeared to be much shakier than usual, and there was an ink blot just after the name "Treleaux." Clearly, this was written under duress.
My dear Guildmaster Guldweitzwyn:
I am sending one of my wards abroad, to the city you call home, Limsa Lominsa.
I trust you will show her some useful magickal tricks.
She goes by the name "Minti Chocolate." Please treat her well.
Yours in correspondence,
Lady Sabbatine Treleaux
So, this was the girl Lady Sabbatine had been writing of. She who had a magical potential, and was to get a fresh start, away from the cold. Things began to make sense.
"Well, Miss Minti, I first want to say that I understand why you are here. You are in no danger, now. I will make sure of that. Secondly, I want to properly introduce myself. I am Thurbyrgeim. As Murie has doubtlessly explained, I am serving as acting guildmaster until our wayward leader deigns to return. I assume our capable receptionist also spoke of our art's origins?
Allow me, then, to expound upon it's nature…"
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minti-tales · 9 months
Meet The Choir
It's Monday, so I'm giving you lore bits about my character's "Choir" - the result of Minti's job crystals resonating with her aether and Echo. In non-WoL timelines, they are aetherically created constructs made from Minti's imagination; in WoL timelines, they are people she's met on the way to becoming the Champion of Eorzea. Think of them like party members you'd meet in a classic Final Fantasy game. Or, if you've played Civilization games or Disco Elysium, they're like those pop-up advisors who appear to tell you about how cities work, or to tell you that your ugly tie looks GREAT on you.
I go into more detail HERE and HERE.
Without further ado, let's meet our aetheric host:
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Lead Soprano: The Artist (They/None)
Note: "I am here to create. You may refer to me however you wish."
"The world may be dark indeed, but have faith. The chill of winter must come 'ere we find the warmth of spring."
Manifested from the Samurai job crystal. Self-appointed voice of reason, coordinator with the many other voices in Minti's crystals. Logic with tempered passion.
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Soprano: The Firebird (She/Her)
Note: "Let me burn freely, and fully. You'll let me do that, won't you?"
"You always fought with such passion, my love. Harken to my dance..."
Manifested from the Dancer job crystal. The voice that burns bright and pushes Minti forward, even in the darkest of days. May be a misremembered paramour, or even one of the Four Lords. (Mortals don't have love affairs with primals...do they?) Passion with tempered logic.
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Soprano: The Frost Queen, She Made of Ice (She/Her)
Note: "I've been waiting to rejoin the Choir for a very long time. High time to grow my hoard..."
Originally manifested from the Dragoon crystal, but was abandoned in the Coerthas Highlands. Rejoined the Choir when Minti retook up the lance.
Used to take on the form of an ancient Ice Dragon, and may, in fact, be the spirit of one bound to the job crystal. Has a long memory and a dragon's hoard to match.
Experience. Acknowledgement of the past, remembrance of sins, and embrace of the future.
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Soprano: The Steel Queen, She Made of Machina (She/Her)
Note: "Loading standard greeting and designation....Hello. I am The Steel Queen. Standard operating procedures are in place."
Originally manifested from the Machinist job crystal. Currently manages Machinist and Sage, but Sage may be splitting off into their own voice.
Anticipation and proper procedure. The voice best suited for memorizing job rotations.
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Lead Alto: The Signora (pronounced Si-NO-rah) (She/Her)
Note: "Hello there. You aren't busy at the moment, are you? Of course, you are browsing your website, yes, but are you busy afterwards. We should talk."
The voidsent bound to Minti's Reaper crystal. Originally known as the Countess Alessandra. Before her world became enveloped in Darkness, she was a favored figure in the kingdom of Troia. Has a lovely singing voice. Is not proficient with the subtle art of assassination, who told you she is, that's a rumour.
Greed. The drive to see a difficult fight finished.
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Alto: The Knightly Mother (She/Her)
Note: "My face may be unfamiliar to you, but I am assured you know who I am. I am, as always, waiting and willing to take the reins from you, Warrior of Light.
Just say you have need of me, my friend.
I will never abandon you."
The darkness inside Minti's Dark Knight crystal. The collected memories of one Lady Sabbatine Treleaux - dark knight, matron of a fallen Ishgardian House, mother to a Viera who was a long way from home. Protector to the very last breath.
Friend, comfort, honor.
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Lead Bass: The Royal Volunteer, or Volunteer (He/Him)
Note: "No aethergraphs while I'm working! Please! What's that Au Ra doin' ther-"
Originally manifested from the Gunbreaker crystal. The classic Final Fantasy adventurer, always ready to do content, whether that's roulettes, raids, or delivering mail for the Deputy Post-Moogle. Many, many letters...
A big man with an even bigger heart, who wants to improve his skills when there's a chance. Getting in misadventures with Scions or friends is his bread and butter.
Reliability, friendship, love given freely and often.
And that's everyone! New voices will be added in future posts.
I hope this has been of some help to you, at least in understanding how Minti's Echo works.
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minti-tales · 1 year
FFXIV Write '23, Day 1: Envoy
CW: Language.
"Ser Charibert. Father Dumond. How unexpected of you to visit, and at such a late hour. Will you be coming in for tea? I'm afraid that it might take a little while to boil water - we lost our housemaid not two weeks ago. Thought she would be better off with the Fortemps, she did. As if we don't have enough to pay her well!"
The cracked wooden doors of Grandwell, House Treleaux's manse in the Crozier, were wide open, letting in the "damnable cold" the Lady Sabbatine was never fond of. She - her Ladyship, a Duskwright of minor importance - was wrapped up in her favorite purple and gold evening gown, the clothes looking as faded as their wearer. Her snow white hair was a mess, not done up in buns or a weave, like it would've been if there was time to prepare for guests. She thought to portray the role of the matriarch of her House, aloof and unafraid of her very important guests, but the Ishgardian cold knew her better. They knew her better.
The cold crawled up her arms with ravenous glee, feasting, sending her into shivers. It didn't matter that her favorite blanket was wrapped tight and snug against her bodice, her body well sculpted after years of training in the Knighthood. "Won't you come in?" she said, with a touch of urgency in her voice. It wasn't like the Temple Knights, much less a man of the cloth, to stay in the doorway thus. But they always did look at her with more than a modicum of loathing. She was a thief who stole from the shadows of Gridania to make her fortune, after all. A woman who reported directly to the Consortiums in Ul'dah. Everyone in polite society knew that.
Charibert spoke next. The old elf at his side, dressed in simple blue robes tied up with a white cord, nodded occasionally and held the holy symbol of Halone in front of his wrinkled, cracked lips. It swung in the evening wind, spinning like a bird on the gold chain it was suspended on.
"Lady Sabbatine Treleaux, of the House Treleaux, daughter of the late Ser Armone Treleaux," he said, every word pulsing with the rotten fires of faith that burned in his chest. "Pray forgive our visit. It is late, as you have observed so astutely. We are on rather important business, you understand. Concerns sent down from the Holy See, directing us to your place of residence. These urgent matters, I'm afraid, make it that there is no time for you to entertain us." Dumond nodded again, as Charibert continued. "We will, however, come in, by your invitation. It would be rude to refuse a woman of grace, as yourself."
Dumond scurried past Lady Sabbatine, as cockroaches do when they find a warm hearth to swarm in. His eyes seemed fit to pop out of his head and roll around on Grandwell's treasures and antiques, fewer though they were in recent years. Such a toad of a man!
But clever Wards knew their way around toads - humanoid or not - so as to overhear the Lady of the house in a tense meeting with Temple Knights. A Ward, such as the "hyur" Minuet Chocolate du Treleaux, who, despite their youthful appearance, had experienced much since their exodus from the faraway land of Othard. She was so clever as to sneak out of her bed chambers, undetected by any of Treleaux's remaining servants, and press herself right up against a wall that bordered the living room, the wall hollow enough to catch most of the conversation herself.
It wasn't good. Charibert was accusing her Ladyship of harboring a dragonspawn, in addition to being a heretic herself, a Dark Knight. A "Grey-eared witch, with a scaled devil suckling from her teat, has no place in the good city of Ishgard," he said. Someone must have seen Minuet without the shawl she kept over her ears - a way to keep herself hidden from the eyes of the inquisitors. But, it was more than just the accusations of heresy, wasn't it?
"You will be brought to trial, where you will be tried for charges of heresy, and put to death if found guilty, which, I assure you, you will be. You have until the first light of tomorrow morn to settle your business and say your goodbyes. Your heresy will be burnt out of you, my Lady, by all means necessary."
The toad spoke up for the first time. "A-Additionally, House Treleaux is dissolved, as such horrendous witchcraft cannot, will not be tolerated! N-no! H-House Dzmael will be the rightful owner and executor of all their, your, assets. Lady Sabbatine," he croaked. "Vile witch. I s-shall take great delight in seeing your hellspawn burn before Halone's radiant gaze. Mm. Yes."
As soon as Charibert and Dumond left, Lady Sabbatine knew that her candle was nearly out. If Lady Sabbatine was to die - no. She would go out reminding Ishgard of the rot deep inside its heart, sword in hands. Her kingdom had lost its need for gallant knights long ago.
Lady Sabbatine found her ward, her lost lamb in the woods, sobbing in the hallway. The poor girl was slumped against the wall, hand up against the cracking paint in an attempt to steady herself. Not so long ago, her Minuet was ambushed by bandits in the snows near Dragonhead. She would have died a frozen wretch, if not for a knight of Onyx Shade who happened to be riding nearby, and decided to teach her the ways of honorable combat. How much like a storybook...
With armored glove, Sabbatine lifted the girl's chin up. "A squire should not despair," she said with eerie calm, "even when the blade is closest to one's neck. For what is your sword to do, but parry and give yourself room to fight back?"
Minuet sniffled, and reached out to hug her Lady, her adopted mother. It was a warm embrace, in the midst of looming tragedy. "Don't go," she whispered. "We could run away together, couldn't we? Go somewhere, like Limsa, or places East."
"And what would that solve, Minuet? Nothing. All it would do is prove that the Church is right, that we are monsters worthy only of burning in the hellsfire. Monsters who flee at the mention of Halone's grace." Lady Sabbatine brushed tears away from Minuet's eyes. "Cry all you need, and when you're done, Modeste will have a gift for you, from me. But you can't open it until you're ready. Promise?"
Minuet gave a muffled "Yes."
"Good. Then I have needs to attend to, my dear. Twelve be good to you."
If everything went according to plan, Minuet should be far from Ishgard by the break of morn - maybe already on the island if the merchant Sabbatine hired was fast enough. In her packs would be a purse of gil, a fresh change of clothes, and a letter of introduction to the acting guildmaster of the Arcanist's Guild, Thubyrgeim Guldweitzwyn. The guildmaster was to call Minuet by her chosen name, Minti Chocolate, and teach her ward in the ways of summoning. It would have to be enough for her to start anew, away from Ishgardian eyes. Maybe, just maybe, she would never find the crystal in which her Lady's memories were kept. Maybe it would just be a pretty gem in her possession.
Lady Sabbatine, for her part, had a trial to attend. She would give Ser Charibert a rousing defense.
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minti-tales · 1 year
FFXIV, Day 23 - Suit
Minti's retainer gets new armor.
"Marget - 'Miss Minti' - is this all really necessary? My afternoons are not usually spent in my undergarments, next to one of your mannequins. I didn't even know you had mannequins."
"Tante, just hold still, I need to measure your waist. Squeeze?"
"I say! …fine. I'll hold my breath."
Oh, to go back to the days when Angélique Treleaux, retainer for Minti Chocolate, was being dragged along for tea-time with the House Fortemps boys. Back when all was right with the world, when the viera sticking her with sewing pins and pressing measuring tape along her waist was just a House ward. Times were very different then, with a young woman who seemed to care more about dresses and looking pretty than about the frigid world outside her bedroom window.
Angelique, or "Tante," as was her business nickname, was an old friend of Lady Sabbatine. They were duskwrights, both from Gridania, of course, and the one's sudden fortune made it possible for the other to come into a level of comfort. "Angels of the morning and the evening," some drunk bard at Buscarron's had called them, as they were so different, but complementary in their personalties. He'd said more, but he received a good head slam against a wooden column as proper payment. Sabbatine always did keep company with the darker parts of the woods. Perhaps that's why she took so easily to the training as a Greene knight.
In the house manse, Lady Sabbatine relied on Angelique as a sort of majordomo: a friendly ear for advice, governess, and head of the few servants who remained after the Calamity. She was no formal knight, but a familiarity with the craft was helpful for dealing with day-to-day business. It suited her, to be honest. Let the Lady be the dreamer, while she worked to make those dreams come true.
Marget, the viera girl Lady Sabbatine had adopted as her ward, helped make the days go by easier. She was a quick study, cheerful, polite. No inclinations towards the knighthood or martial callings, from what Anqelique could recall. Just an normal young lady, although given to moments of great sadness.
When that fateful day arrived - when Ser Charibert came to visit - Angelique was terrified. For the first time in her life, she didn't have a ready answer, or a back-up plan, or really much of anything. With Lady Sabbatine accused of witchcraft, the house's reputation fell into tatters, as did everything else. She, like the rest of the servants of House Treleaux, went into hiding, or left Coerthas entirely if they had the means. It was fortunate that the retainer service for adventurers was a place to go to. Nobody seemed to mind the sudden influx of Ishgardians looking for work in Eorzea's major cities. Halone must have been watching, because a young arcanist asked for her by name. A "Minti Chocolate," who'd hired several retainers - Rokker, End-of-Spring, and Twilite - and was looking for one more.
Which brought Angelique to now, where she was being fitted for a new "chrondite top of fending." Imagine, her girl learning how to become an armorsmith and a blacksmith! If only she could be alongside for all those adventures Minti kept having, and meet the Warrior of Light herself. (Rumor had it that she was from the Vaubans.) Until those days, there were ones like these, filled with new armor and good memories. Twilite would be jealous.
I'd like to see you try and fit into these boots, old girl, the duskwright thought.
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minti-tales · 1 year
Hello! I am new to Minti and learning about her after reading Driftward's fics. Does she end up getting together with Zero, or have I misread the magic kiss post's tone?
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(Endwalker spoilers ahead! CW: Talk about consent, mental health.)
So! You've decided to start reading my blog. Thank you, hello, I apologize for the mess and lore confusion. I am a WoW refugee, now mostly permanent XIV player.
In the three years I've played XIV (off and on), this character has gone from having no lore to "Possible cryptid/reincarnated concept or a really traumatized Rava viera from Ivalice, we're making things up as we go." There are WoL Minti and Adventurer Minti versions, depending on whether I'm writing something to fit a friend's story.
Let's talk about Minti, then about Minti and Zero specifically.
"You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!" - Monty Python
Minti is an adult Rava Viera, regardless of whether she's WoL or Adventurer. She's lived long enough to go into exile close to the Garlean invasion of Dalmasca, receive various job crystals and training in Kugane and Eorzea, and ultimately join Gage Acquisitions as a hirable adventurer. She's also been the ward of one Lady Sabbatine Treleaux, former head of House Treleaux, now deceased and possibly haunting/part of a Dark Knight crystal.
In game, we see that Meteor has very different interactions/experiences with job crystals, ranging from unleashing his Inner Beast to the saga that is the Dark Knight storyline. Depending on how many jobs he runs, IC'ly he's a slow cooker full of spirits, emotions, a voidsent he's made a contract with, and whatever is going on with Sage, I haven't done that yet. Our hero is experiencing a lot.
Something similar can be said for Minti, although I organize her job crystal interactions into a choir analogy. Think Riva, the alien negotiator from Star Trek: Next Generation, in "Loud as a Whisper." I promise this is leading towards the answer, I just need to provide some background and explanations.
Minti's "Choir":
Lead Soprano: Samurai/Dancer
Understudy Soprano: Gunbreaker
Sopranos: Summoner, Machinist
Lead Alto: Reaper (filled position left by former lead alto, Dark Knight). Minti's voidsent is called Altoprima. Also known as Signora, the "Bella Voce" of Troia.
Alto: Dark Knight (stepped down from position as lead alto).
Background singers: Other jobs as the story calls for, although Sage or White Mage might be making an appearance once I get crafting to a point I'm good with.
I try to distinguish when these voices are "speaking" by using Tumblr's fonts. I'm not going to say which font represents which voice, to save some bits of mystery.
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Zero. Oh boy, Zero.
So, as we discover during the MSQ of Endwalker - and the patches leading up to confronting Golbez - Zero was Lord Zenos's voidsent. He was a reaper. Reapers make contracts with voidsent, who have a symbiotic relationship with each other: we get cool void powers, they get yummy yummy souls to feast on.
Zero remarks on at least one occasion on how Zenos thought about us, as a "friend." Depending on how you write it, and how much you think Zenos knows the Meteor/the WoL, they are privy to a *lot* of information about us.
So, when Minti meets Zero for the first time, whether it's in Radz-at-Han or on the Thirteenth, she's unnerved by them. They're this being who was bound to someone who had a very, very bad relationship with her. Zero is a Lord of their Domain, and they're very good at being a reaper and Memoriate. In the story I wrote, they're not the "Becoming Human" Zero we get later on. At the time of the encounter, they've made it to the Source, they're turning apples into Essence of Apple, etc.
"Minti, you're taking too long."
Right, sorry.
So for the prompt, I chose Magic Kiss, interpreting it as "Demon Makes A Contract Through A Kiss With A Mortal." I was also playing out the scenario in my head as I was writing it, which hopefully explains why it wasn't neatly written out, like some of my other work.
Minti was scared by Zero doing a perfectly imitation of this Au Ra they'd seen in Radz-at-Han. In the moment, it reminded her of facing off against Zenos, and just being within earshot of the man. She didn't know what Zero intended to do to her, but she was not going to let it continue.
As the writer, I prefer not to put my characters in situations that stress me out or mirror similar situations I've experienced in my life. I get that people are free to write whatever they wish, it's their imaginations, there's really dark writing out there, etc., but I don't want to get into territory that makes me uncomfortable. (That's the theme of 2023 for me, Comfort.)
So yes, while there is a Magic Kiss, it's meant to be a Contract in the same vein as the ones Zero does/talks about in the MSQ. It's not intended to be sexual, and comes after a night's worth of discussion, summarized here: "You made me feel very scared, let's talk, and see if there's a way to acknowledge this happened and look for ways to not repeat this in the future. We're working together, and you're a voidsent who is learning how to Be Human. All that said, it doesn't excuse you from what happened." Prospects of a Zero X Minti ship are very low, at the moment. I know they're a fun character, and there are active ships, but that's how things played out on the ask.
I hope this clears things up, even a little. If you're looking for a comfy kiss response, I did one for Krile Baldesion and Minti!
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minti-tales · 2 years
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From the desk of Lady Sabbatine Treleaux.
To my esteemed colleague, Lord Edmont De Fortemps, of House Fortemps.
Greetings are extended, once again, by Lady Sabbatine Treleaux, of House Treleaux, of the Holy See of Ishgard. You will be assured that I have not ceded control of my House to House Dzemael, despite the vile rumours to the contrary. They are, as ever, slavering hounds eager to consume whatever they can get their filthy hands on.
I trust you remember our correspondence regarding my ward, a "viera" who calls herself Mintee Chocolate. (I am asked not to share her true name, though it is known to me.) She has grown in confidence and stature since I last wrote, although she appears to have aged very little. The girl excels in swordplay and lancework, enjoys singing and dancing at all times of day, and despises the rituals that come with living in high society. She is becoming a little reflection of me, which makes me both amused and fearful. I will continue to work to temper those Lominsan inclinations, Edmont, but I fear there is only so much of her to make into a "proper lady." The call of the carefree, pirate way of life could be much too strong a lure for her.
I learned more about Miss Minti's origins this past week! She is a "Rava" viera, and comes from lands far to the east. Much of her homeland has fallen to the Garleans, and as a result of these unfortunate circumstances, forced young Minti to seek her fortune elsewhere. I understand that such travels usually spell exile for viera like her, so it is all the more fortunate she came under my care, don't you think?
On a different note. Regarding your warnings about me engaging in acts of "hedge" knighthood, and my research into the dark arts forbidden by the Church - I continue to ignore them. I remind you that what I am doing is important work; work that reaches outside the jurisdiction of the Church. Understand that the art of a Dark Knight is an ancient one, one that I hope to understand while I still draw breath. I've served enough time as a holy Knight.
I am taking the liberty to craft a memory crystal, in which I might impart my accumulated knowledge. I know not when this task will be completed, but it must be completed. I am dancing within the flames of the Church's inquisitors enough as is.
I sincerely hope my ward will never need to use this crystal. It would be the result of dire circumstances indeed - or my passing - if she were to use it.
Pass my greetings along to your sons, won't you?
Written with care,
Lady Treleaux
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minti-tales · 11 months
9. How do they feel about Zenos?
19. What do they think of the Heavens Ward?
Boy, talk about a double whammy. I want to post that gif of John Mulaney saying "We don't have time to unpack this!," but guess what? This is an ask me. I must make time to unpack this. These. Let's a-gooooo
I should start by saying that these answers are likely to be me bleeding into Minti. I tend to leave fragments of myself in the characters that I write, some bigger than others. Some fragments turn into a troublesome, but lovable bunny who tries *very very hard* not be defined, who drinks my glamour potions, and spends all of my gil.
Zenos was never a character I liked. I think they're a well written villain and foil for the Warrior of Light, but I never said "Hey, it's Zenos!" with a smile on my face.
He reminds me too much of relationships I've had in the past, where I was, at different times, the rebound, the whipping post, the obsession, and the tryst. (I recently learned that the person who was obsessed with me in high school was stealing my parents' information to open credit card accounts, twenty years later. *Twenty. Years. Later.* If this is you, and you're reading this, grow the hell up. I moved on, so can you.) I realize as I'm writing this that the ask is in danger of turning into *Tales of Hoffman*, the German opera where a drunk poet sings about their ruined relationships in a Bavarian tavern, so let's steer this towards Minti again. I also realize not everyone is going to get this reference; I was a wannabe theater kid with a cousin who did opera and church friends who sang in the local opera theater company.
The point I'm failing to make is that Zenos is obsessed with Minti, the Warrior of Light. Zenos would, and tries, to burn the world down so that Minti's focus is entirely on him. It doesn't matter that he defeats her more than once in the MSQ; it doesn't matter that he turns into a frickin' primal, Shinryu. At the end, it's down to who Zenos decides are the superior predators: himself and Minti. The rest of the world doesn't, shouldn't, exist.
Zenos scares her; he scares her every time he shows up. This is not a "I can fix him" situation, this is "I'm with someone who can kill me, but chooses not to. I want to leave." Being left alone with him at the end of the universe is the worst possible scenario.
Later on, when we meet Zero and go through post-6.0 content, it was hard for me and for her to distinguish Zero from Zenos. In Minti's mind, they were the same person, just with a different body and name. Who knew when Zenos was going to emerge from Zero like a skinwalker and go "Did you miss me, Warrior of Light?" Which is why that kiss meme went in the direction it did - fear that Zero wasn't Zero.
"One Walks in Shadow, One Walks in Light" was an attempt for me to distinguish Zero from Zenos before the end of 6.5. I - me - needed to have a good story for them, and 6.5 provided that. Dare I even say that they're *friends*. Can you believe that? Friends. Good friends! Not friends with benefits, but good, "I got your back, you got mine" friends.
So, after all that rambling, Minti is glad Zenos is dead, may he decay at the far end of the fudging universe and not come back.
OH BOY OBERTO, let's talk about the Heavens' Ward. Those people. The people who killed Lady Sabbatine. Those people.
When I talk about Minti being a Ward of House Treleaux, I mean it in the way that the Warrior of Light is a Ward of House Fortemps in the MSQ. They're part of the house, but not by blood. They're under the house's protection.
House Treleaux was never in good graces with the Church, pre-Heavensward. As I've written elsewhere, they got accused to practicing witchcraft and consorting with dark powers to become knights of the Greene (Dark Knights). That reputation didn't get helped after the Calamity, when Lady Sabbatine Treleaux took control of the house, aided by her friend and contemporary gal being pal? Angélique. Sabbatine also considered the Ward to be more interested in controlling the good people of Ishgard than giving them Halone's grace.
All it took was rumors of a long-eared witch's spawn being sighted around the Jeweled Crozier for Ser Charibert to have reason to make a "house call". You can read how that went in my first DWC entry for this year, "Envoy."
She despised them when she was young, she despises them now. It was a pleasure to defeat the Knights of the Round in combat.
I hope this helps.
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