hmm now that i have access to this... whats a lobstuck? my dad has a lot of posters and merch of it, his phone background looks like lobstuck and so does his computer background. what is it about why does he like it so much?? - laetitia
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(There’s a knock on Bones’s door!)
[ What a coincidence, right as Laetitia is walking back home! ]
"Oh!! Mister Ardor, right? Hello~~! Why is my dad passed out in your arms?"
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(There is some knocking at the door. A message pops up on Bones's phone from Tsubasa)
[Hey Bones. Well considering you left your phone at home I'm gonna guess it's one of his limbi or an abno looking at this but uh... can you let me in?]
[okie dokie~ i can assume you're one of dads friends since he has you in his phone? whats your name i dont know what his phones name for you means - laetitia]
[ No answer yet. You can probably hear the Pokemon anime from inside his house, though. ]
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(Very frantic knocking on Bones’s door!)
[ Laetitia immediately runs up and opens the door (with Funeral's help.) ]
"Hi!! Please help us!!"
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“He’s with my dad(??) last I saw” -Rutherford
rutherford? oh, mister ardors son right?? thank you very much! is the other guy being true mister rutherford? - laetitia
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Carmen is a bit h ass motherfucker. I will flay her corpse. I will rend her down as the stars of this world beg for mercy. I will kill her an endless ammount of times through and endless ammount of ways. And that will not cover a fraction of her sins. Yi sang feet :)
um. ill show this to dad when he's back? - laetitia
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Yes, theyre are homosexual
Dongbaek 🌼
woaaah my dads like that!! anyways i'm sure my dad also has your address somewhere, i'll send one to you!! - laetitia
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Can i join your sleepover? The ghosts keep telling me i should meet new people
Dongbaek 🌼
ohmywingsghostsarereal??? - laetitia
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my dad has that on his computer i think - laetitia
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im scared and decided i dont wanna know about lobstuck... im going to go watch the pokemon (is that how i spell it?) thing my dad likes byebye my friends and my dads friends :D - laetitia
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Uhmmm do you know if your dad lives in a wing? I can just ask big sister to shatter walls until she finds you ^^
ummmmmm we live in... district thirteen i think? the nest of that one yea!!!! - laetitia
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Gift sounds nice…we’re friends now. I can teleport I just have to ask my sister since she’s faster
okay!! how do i give you my dads address - laetitia
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Florence, I like books and gifts, we should trade
:O hello florence that sounds very fun!! i can try to send a gift over right now if you want - laetitia
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My mom disappears sometimes too, but she always comes back…so I think your dad will come back too! With lactose
thank you um um ummm um. who are you do you want a gift - laetitia
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Theyre being true.
-Totally different person
oh - laetitia
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He helped himself be the first trans absenty father. To him you are nothing but an ant compared to his wanta
ummmmmm dad told me to not trust strangers actually so i dont believe you :P - laetitia
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