vvandr-blog · 10 years
Send “✆” for a morning text. 
CA: honestly CA: i snatched your number from someoneCA: i dont knoww wwhyCA: BUTCA: wwe should get breakfastCA: cause im treatin
Send “✉” for a text that wasn’t sent. 
CA: soooo are you an treeman a thingCA: did you used to havve a thing for him orCA: cause im gettin real confused here
Send “☎” for a rushed text. 
CA: no time to explainCA: need your helpCA: howw fast can you seww
Send “⁇” for a drunk text.
CA: YOHOOOOCA: hAHhCA: sorry htat meant to be likeCA: yoo hoooCA: but came out likeCA: pirate speakkCA: pfft
Send “✿” for a suggestive text. 
CA: soCA: i wwas thinkinCA: drinks sometime maybeCA: you an meCA: i knoww a lovvely place ovver on broadwway
Send “ø” for a late night text.
CA: since youre like a spider lady or wwhatevverCA: do you havve poisonous fangsCA: wwhat does your diet consist aCA: do you eat bugs or wwhatCA: i really need to knoww
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b100lagoon · 10 years
lafiliere replied to your post:D —> It 100ks as if everyone has lost their minds...
The world’s gona mad long, long ago, dear. I’ve learned to accept it.
D --> I'm not even sure where to begin with all of this
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vvandr-blog · 10 years
lafiliere replied to your post:lafiliere replied to your post:wwhat the fuck i...
Tum8lr is odd.
unfortunately so
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7r1ck573r5 · 10 years
1 W45 0F 7H3 0P1N10N 7H47 5P1D3R5 W3R3 H1D30U5 P13C35 0F 5H17 45 4LL 7H3 0N35 1'V3 3NC0UN73R3D (4ND 0CC4510N4LLY 833N 3MPL0Y3D 8Y) 4R3 FUCK1NG H41RY N1GH7M4R3W4NK H3LL84LL5 W17H 5P1NDLY L177L3 FUCK0FF L3G5 4ND D4NG
8U7 7H3N Y0U G0 8L0GG1NG 4LL 7H353 R34L 3L3G4N7 L00K1NG 5P1D3YD00D5 4ND 1'M L1K3 H0LY 5H17 15 7H47 4 FL0W3R 0R 15 7H47 4 MURD3R83457 1 C4N'7 3V3N 73LL 4NYM0R3
1 M34N 1'D H4V3 50M3 0F 7H053 7H1NG5 0V3R F0R 734 M4Y83 7H053 P1NK 0N35 L00K L1K3 L177L3 P415LY GR4NDM45 0R 50M37H1NG 4ND 7H053 07H3R 0N35 W17H 7H31R 81G 455 3Y35 4LM057 P455 F0R CU73
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gillfester · 10 years
lafiliere replied to your post:lafiliere replied to your post:lafiliere replied...
That’s called evading the question, dear.
What question?
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vvandr-blog · 10 years
lafiliere replied to your post:wwhat the fuck i cannot spot the difference  ...
One’s vv and the other’s w.
#finsessen avv minn ævvi#finsessen avv minn ævvi
no theyre all vvs
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gillfester · 10 years
lafiliere replied to your post:lafiliere replied to your post:lafiliere replied...
I can tease, can’t I?
Most people can do a lot of things.
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gillfester · 10 years
lafiliere replied to your post:I am just going to take this opportunity to say that 5'4 is a very respectable height, and nothing to be ashamed of at all.
Well, you know, I do have six more than you do. Feet, that is. :::;)
How dare you.
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gillfester · 10 years
#Fixed that for you.
It must be so unfortunate to have the sole purpose of being ridden into combat.
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gillfester · 10 years
lafiliere replied to your post:My existance is toxic to abt 1/20 of the people 
I'm very bright.  Brilliamt even.
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gillfester · 10 years
Quite the catch this evening, wouldn't you say?
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vvandr-blog · 10 years
- ceruleanscepter - lafiliere
hello to the twwo of you
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