jfcisaacnicholson · 7 years
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lessthanmacyalexis · 7 years
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Moodboard: Macy Alexis Barianna and Dustin Montgomery
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
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TASK 3: A Letter
Dear Mother,
Maybe I shouldn’t even put that, maybe I should’ve just put your name there. Because, May, you were never really a mother to me. You were barely one to Johnny even before I was born. You were a good doctor and a good friend, or so I’m told. Dad even says at one point you were a great wife, he says you guys were happy in the beginning. But you were no mother, and you didn’t even try. 
You treated me horribly, you ruined my self esteem, you made me feel worthless, for a while you convinced me I was a terrible mistake. Johnny and dad did their best to protect me from your hate, and let’s face it you weren’t around a lot anyway.
I didn’t hate you until you died, I did know how powerful of a feeling hate is before that day. You were always drinking too much. you were always selfish, but you ruined more than one person’s life that day. You hurt dad beyond belief, you abandoned me and Johnny.. But worst of all you almost killed an innocent person, instead you left a teenager with the inability to walk for almost five years. 
And I hate you for everything you did. I hate you for living and I hate you for dying. But you changed my life, for better or worse, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t be who I am today if you hadn’t broken me down and then left me alone in the ruins of years of disgust and cruel words from my own mother. 
But now I’m twenty, and I’m not great, but I’m alive and I don’t know if I would be if you were around when I was growing up. 
I have Johnny and dad and Uncle Steve and the rest of the family, and I can finally say these words; I forgive you. I forgive you for everything, and I won’t hold onto that hate, I won’t allow you to do that to me. So I forgive you, but I don’t love you, and I don’t miss you. 
Rest in peace, 
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dexterwatkins-blog · 7 years
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B U C K E T L I S T {+1}
Work on special effects/design for horror flicks.
Own a special effects shop and get hella big.
Teach more people about ASL.
Adopt a cat.
Get an apartment.
Get a good job.
Attend a drag show.
Try a vegan lifestyle for a week.
Learn SASL (South African Sign Language)
Move to SA.
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livfcrever · 7 years
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Olivia Ramirez Bucket List -2017
Get away from the fame for a little while
Make a real friend
Move past her brother’s death
Start painting again
Fall in love
Get Married
Lots of pets. Maybe one kid
Get a tattoo
Become a VS angel
Figure out some way to honor her brother’s memory.
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lakewooduni · 7 years
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For our fifth task, we’re gonna have you invade your character’s privacy. Post some screenshots from their phone! This can be of their snapchat, twitter, camera roll, contact lists, whatever! We’ve got some links to different PSDS you could use right over here, or feel free to just write it out, post some pictures of what their lockscreen would be, some snaps, etc. be sure to tag your responses with lakewoodtask. We can’t wait to see them!
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notmickjaggerr-blog · 7 years
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>> listen here.
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storm-mua-blog · 7 years
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>> listen here.
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Dear Beau,
        You being here has been eating me alive ever since I ran into you again. I wish I could tell you all this in person, but I still think it’s better that you want nothing to do with me. I hate how I treated you before I left Portland. I hated every harsh word I said to you and I wanted to take them back as soon as I said them. There’s no excuse and I don’t think you ever should forgive me, but I want to explain this. And give you the apology you never got but always deserved Even if you’ll never get this letter.
        I didn’t have a choice, the first time I left. My father was a terrible person, and he got me and my brothers involved with some horrible people. When my father agreed to testify against them, they found out our addresses and threatened him through us. None of us new about this until after Andrew died. William and I got put into witness protection, and I couldn’t tell anyone where I was going, or even that I was leaving. I never though I’d ever have the chance to go back to my life. But my father got killed and then they had no reason to come after us anymore. I was reeling. It’d been such a big part of my life finding my brothers after we got separated, and I found Andrew almost a year before I found William. We barely got two years to be a family again.
        I don’t miss my father much. He was the reason that we were apart for so long, he’s the reason we lost Andrew. But I miss my brother so much. And I’m terrified of that ever happening to anyone I care about again. Even though we’re supposed to be safe, I can’t know for sure. I don’t know how the trial went without my father’s testimony. I’m terrified that one day this will all come back and I’ll lose William too. And I couldn’t put you at risk too. I miss you, so much. I miss the possibility of our relationship and I miss just being able to talk to you how we used to. I hate the person I was when I first saw you again. That awful and mean person that was so angry at everything. I hate that I took it out on you, but I don’t hate that it drove you away from me, because you’re really better off. 
        I’m trying not to be her, anymore. Get back to myself when I was happy. It’s hard. I’m still so angry sometimes, I’ll want to snap at someone for breathing heavy too close to me. I want to scream and curse and just be miserable so many times. But when I don’t, it feels so good to be able to smile and mean it. To be kind and put a smile on somebody’s face. And I think one day, I’ll get to that point again. Maybe one day I’ll feel like a whole person again. 
        I really hope you’re happy, Beau, because you deserve to be. You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met and you deserve the world. I hope your studio does really well and you can get everything you’ve ever wanted out of life. I wish things could have been different, because you’re someone who I’d never want out of my life in any other circumstance.  And as much as I think you need to hate me right now, I hope that maybe someday, a long long time from now you might look back on the short time we had as a happy memory, because I’ll be holding on to it for a long while. 
                                                                                                             I’m so sorry,                                                                                                                     Caitlyn.
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crhrdng · 7 years
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Invade My Phone- Cara Harding
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jfcisaacnicholson · 7 years
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b u c k e t l i s t {+1}
Learn the Tokelauan language.
Become a successful journalist, possibly move from TMZ gossip to something such as Rolling Stone to cover all the music.
Own at least ten pair of Yeezys.
Do a nude photoshoot.
Color hair silver.
Go to the Caribbean for a year.
Learn how to Salsa dance.
Be a great father and husband. 
Make own brand of wine called ‘Beverly Moms’
Meet Beyonce, Rhianna and Nicki Minaj.
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blake-manson · 7 years
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b u c k e t l i s t {+}
See the Northern Lights
Be as great of a father as Killian is to Evie.
Get married... again.
Have another baby.
Provide a life for his family that they’d be proud of.
Learn how to play piano.
Become a successful therapist.
Write a book.
Travel around Europe (Excluding the UK)
Learn to cook something besides pasta and eggs without burning it.
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lessthanmacyalexis · 7 years
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                                     Macy Alexis Barianna
December 25th, 2000 -  Age 9: Macy Alexis gets a tape recorder and casette tapes for Christmas. She can’t get the timing right, and ends up mashing songs together on accident. Eventually she started doing it on purpose, swearing she liked how they sounded. Until she got real mixing equipment, at least. 
September 11th 2001 -Age 10: The entire Barianna family crowds back into their parent’s house.  The watch on the new even though they can see the smoke outside. Macy Alexis can’t remember any other time she’d seen her father that scared. 
October 31st 2004 - Age 13: Macy gets her first kiss at a Halloween party, while playing spin the bottle. Superman’s kiss tastes like melted snickers and pizza grease. 
April 13th, 2006- Age 14: Macy Alexis DJs a school dance for 50 bucks. She keeps taking jobs, and eventually develops a following.  The height of her career was getting to headline her own show at a club on her 18th birthday. Her experience earns her a full ride at the University of Wales. 
September 2nd, 2007- Age 15:  Macy Alexis buys orange hairdye from CVS. It comes out patchy and terrible, but she keeps her hair orange for the next decade. 
May 23rd, 2007 -Age 15: Sarah Winslow moves in a block away from the Barianna household, and transfers into Macy’s class. They’re dating by the end of the school year. 
July 12, 2007- Age 16: Macy Alexis loses her virginity. 
January 10th, 2008- Age 16 Macy says I love you for the first time. Sarah says it back. They make plans for when they graduate, to run away together, to college outside of the US. Be out and live their lives together. 
July 22nd, 2009- Age 18: Macy’s mom walks in on Sarah and Macy. Kicks her out without the chance to pack anything, or say goodbye to her siblings. Tells her that she’ll pay for a hotel room until Macy goes to Wales as long as she stays out of contact.  Macy tries to turn to Sarah, only to find that Sarah is claiming Macy pressured her into having sex, that she never wanted to.  Macy has nobody to turn to. She comes home one day when her family is gone to pack a bag and take the cat. It is the last time she’ll step foot in the Barianna household for seven years.
Novemeber 10th, 2013- Age 22: Macy Alexis reapplies for her student visa for her dual masters degree after double majoring in Music Technology and Music Production. Her extended student visa is denied, and she moved to Portland to finish her masters degrees. She only finishes one while she’s there. 
January 28th, 2014- Age 22: Macy sleeps with Tybalt Sinclair. Neither of them realize the condom breaks. She gets pregnant, Briefly, she considers an abortion, before deciding to go through with it and  become a mother. 
July 12th, 2014- Age 23: Macy Alexis reaches out to her younger siblings about her pregnancy. It’s the first contact she’s had in five years with any member of her family. 
October 14th 2014- Age 23: Julia Blake Barianna Sinclair is born. Sinclair is legally removed from all official document while she is two, and Ty has no legal custody. Macy hasn’t spoke to him since before Julia was born. Julia Blake is the love of Macy’s life.
November 22nd, 2015- Age 24: Macy Alexis meets Dustin Montgomery. They talk about where they would escape to if the purge was real and weird creations of children’s imaginations. She has no idea what she’s in for. 
December 25th, 2015- Age 24:  Macy’s entire family is in Portland to spend the holiday with her and Julia. Rhys decides to move to Portland with her.  Macy sneaks away from her family after their dinner to spend a portion of the holiday with Dustin.  She realizes that she doesn’t feel casually about him at all. 
January 12th, 2016- Age 24: Macy Alexis breaks things off with Dustin. She doesn’t want their relationship to be casual and he had made it clear that was all her was interested in right now.
January 14th, 2016- Age 24: Macy Alexis is entirely sick of losing people in her life. Her family for five years, Sarah, Ty, Laiken, and now Dustin.  It felt like a matter of time before she lost everyone again anyways.  She makes sure her last words to everybody are ‘I love you’, and writes suicide notes. She doesn’t give Dustin his. Suffering from untreated postpartum depression, Macy Alexis swallows an entire bottle of pain medication. She barely survives. 
March 30th, 2016- Age 24: Macy Alexis moves back to New York.  She keeps in touch with Blake,and tries to keep in contact with her other friends, but loses touch with all of them. 
July 1st, 2016: - Age 24: Macy is offered a job at Lotus Records as a assistant music producer.  They offer to pay for her to finish the last credits of her major at Lakewood University.  After her birthday, Macy Alexis moves to LA. Tries to convince Blake to move back stateside. 
December 4th, 2016 - Age 25:  Macy runs into Killian teaching at Lakewood University.  Her gut gets the better of her, and she lets Blake know where he and Evie are.  She does not regret meddling for a second.  Still posits that they are soulmates, and belong together. Though she’ll never say it outloud because she think’s they’d lord it over her forever, she hopes for a relationship like theirs someday. 
May 3rd, 2017- Age 25: Lotus records scouts All Systems Go. Macy Alexis is assigned as their lead producer. It will be the her first ever producer credit. 
June 28, 2017- Age 25: Macy runs into Dustin again. None of her feelings have faded. In a moment of panic, she strips her hair of all color. Blake has to talk her out of sleeping with a stranger just to not fall for him again. He comes over that night. Macy wonders if this is what real love feels like. 
June 30th, 2017- Age 25: Macy invites Dustin to In-N-Out so she can talk about how she’s feeling. He brings it up first. They agree to take things slow. They are bad at taking things slow.
July 14th, 2017-Age 26: Dustin sleeps with Jagger, a day after having spent the last two with her for her birthday. Macy finds out because of a snapchat Jagger sends to Killian.  They aren’t technically together, but Macy is very jealous and hates thinking about it.  She is godawful at pretending it doesn’t bother her. Loses a day of recording talking to her band about how much it bothers her.
July 18th, 2017-  Age 26:  Macy bites the bullet and talks to Dustin about the situation with Jagger. The two are officially together.Not casual, not talking, not taking it slow. She thinks it’s funny that that was what it took, two weeks of talking and one odd one night stand, but she is over the moon. 
 August 29th, 2017- Age 26: Macy is stressed beyond reason between the album finishing recording and Julia’s terrible twos. Her anxieties get the best of her, and she and Dustin have a blow out fight. It’s the first time they say they love each other.  She thinks that’s it for their relationship, and decides against her brain that she’s not going to lose him again.  
September 2nd, 2017- Age 26: Leila, the cat that Macy has had since she was six,dies. Macy shuts down, forgets to charge her phone, forgets to shower, forgets to eat. She’s like this for three days. 
September 7th, 2017- Age 26: Macy finishes the initial recording of her first producer credit album, a day after a phonecall with Dustin where they made up from their fight. 
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
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Kili Grover Moodboard; 1/?
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dexterwatkins-blog · 7 years
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Dear Mom & Dad,
First of all, I just want to tell you that college is actually pretty fucking amazing. I don’t know why you were so worried for me to go and spread my wings, it’s been a pretty awesome experience so far. Is it difficult? Yeah, but isn’t life itself a bit difficult? I’m learning a lot, I’m actually progressing in my classes, making to lectures on time, and I’m actually going to class. It’s a miracle, right? But I’m really excited to be here. It’s a lot more than I thought college would be - and maybe it’s a good thing I can’t hear. Means I miss out when people are talking about parties and everything so I actually study and do what I need to in order to pass.
I just want to thank you guys for letting me go. I know that it hasn’t exactly been the easiest over these past few years with me losing my hearing and needing to go to special classes to learn how to communicate. I know it was difficult when I was angry at the world for my stupid decisions, and I’d just like to apologize for being such a little brat and angry at you guys. It wasn’t your fault, it was mine and I’ve accepted that. I realize that there are always consequences to your actions, and sometimes they’re pretty tough to live with. But, you just gotta deal with it and keep living life to the fullest, right? 
If there’s one thing you guys taught me it was that you need to work hard, even if that means losing time on the things that are supposed to matter. I never understood why you guys worked so hard, we were fine. More than fine, I mean you showered me with money and expensive things all the damn time to buy my love. I just wanted sometime with y’all really. But I guess I get it now. When you’re hung up in a job that you really like doing, you’ll do whatever you can to excel in it. I just wish that we had gotten to spend more time together and make more memories and laughs and maybe even sad things. I wish I could have heard mom laugh more, that was something I always loved hearing. Or dad telling a stupid dad joke that was so horrible it was good. I miss that. But I know you guys have your lives and you’re trying to be the best - even though in my opinion you already are. 
I guess I just want to say thanks for showing me what I hope I become, minus the keeping myself so busy I have to try to buy my love with people. I think that you guys should take a break, live a little like I’m doing. Getting out of there was the best decision I’ve ever made. But anyway, I’ll see you guys on holiday. I hope you’re doing well and that things are amazing and work is great.
Lots of love,
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livfcrever · 7 years
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Dear big brother,
            Fuck, I miss you Matty. You were my best friend, you know? I know you and Sam were close and all because you were twins and whatever, but I think we were kinda closer, right? I love Sam, but you were always the one who acted like a big brother to me. You kicked the shit out of the first guy to break my heart, remember? He dumped me for some cheerleader and then this big touch college guy came back and knocked him out. Dad yelled at you for days about that, but he told me that if you hadn’t, he would have. Can you imagine him trying to fight some dumb sixteen year old? You were always looking out for me, protecting me from the photographers too, would always hide me behind you even when they were supposed to be taking my picture. 
               You’re not supposed to be dead. You’re supposed to be running the company with Sam right now and getting married and having cute babies that I can dote over and be a super cool aunt to and send them back to you all messy and sugared up. Sam has a baby boy now. He named him after you. You’d love his wife. I’m modeling now.  It’s not so bad, I make a lot of money and get a ton of free stuff. I’ve got my own big ass house right by the Hills, it’s kinda empty but whatever. There’s a whole new family living in our old house. Somebody else is sleeping in your room now.  That’s so weird. 
               I don’t know what I’m doing Matty. I’ve got tons of people that are always around me but I don’t know if I’ve actually got any friends. I had my first girlfriend a few months ago. She was pretty cool, but she wanted to vote for Trump. And she told me that right to my face like I’d be supportive of it. So I dumped her. Mom and Dad weren’t thrilled when I came out, but they’re working on it. They’re doing okay. Mom looks sad a lot.  We all miss you so much. 
               Come back. You’ve got to come back. Make a deal with God, tell him your baby sister needs you alive down here with her. There are people down here that need you Matty, tell him he was so goddamn selfish with his stupid plan to take you from us so young. Please just come back and wake me up and let this have been some horrible dream. Please come back Matty. Please. I need you back here, big brother. You’ve got to be alive still. Come back.  I love you. Come back.
                                                                                                     Your baby sister,                                                                                                                            Liv.
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