#lan sizhui would also like to knwo why older people iutside of his sect look like they're close to fainting when they see him
bimyself06 · 1 month
You know it'd be pretty funny? To read a fic where Wei Changze is When Rouhan's son and WCZ look's eerily similar to WRH. The kicker here is for A-Yuan to either be Wen Xu or Wen Chao's kid perhaps even WRH I don't care so long as he to resembles WRH, and since Wei Wuxian looks like his dad(at least from I remember in the flashback from the donghua, I haven't seen a description for WWX parents yet in the books) this causes people to often think they are father and son. When Lan Wangji returns to the Cloud Recesses with A-Yuan and claims him as his, many had to wonder when LWJ and WWX slept together and how WWX got pregnant.
Lan Sizhui grows up being told he looks like his other parent and that side of the family while the Lan clan keeps on trying to find features he shares with LWJ, there are quite a surprising few(wink wink, genetics work mysteriously esp when mdm lan 's fam is so unknown, wink wink) without also adding most of LWJ mannerism with WWX friendliness.
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