#lan's feelings regarding mega growing ''old'' are complex and i'm trying to convey that
just-absolutely-super ยท 2 months
Mini crack
Mega: thank you for listening to me Roll
Roll: anytime sweetie. I know you needed to get it out
Mega: I just wish I knew what was going on with Lan. Why did he just stop aging me up without talking to me at all about it?
Roll: Mayl is talking to him right now
Mega: then I'll talk to him again tomorrow
Roll: but Mega, do you still want to be aged up?
Mega: yeah, I do. But I also need to have a long talk with Lan. I need to know his reasons for going behind my back on this
Roll: of course. But if it helps, Lan doesn't exactly look like he's 36, so you still match agewise in a way
Mega: *gives Roll a small smile* thanks Roll
(I didn't write Lan's side cause I thought maybe you wanted to do it)
With Lan and Mayl in their room
Lan: ...
Mayl: You've been really quiet today. That's not like you...
Lan: Maybe I'm in a quiet mood
Mayl: Or maybe you and your brother had a fight?
Lan: Not really a fight just...a disagreement
Mayl: *eyebrow raise*
Lan: *tired deep sigh* I'm not aging Hub up anymore
Mayl: Oh...so that's why
Lan: Yeah...
Mayl: And you explained to him your very good reasons for doing so, right?
Lan: Yes...well, not entirely
Mayl: And why not?
Lan: Because he wouldn't understand and argue with me, Mayl! He won't get that watching him age is hard for me! Dad spent so much time bringing him back from the dead, why should I make him grow into a wrinkly old man? Staying 35 would be good for him because he'll look young and healthy, forever immortalized!
Mayl: Mmhmm...
Lan: I know that look. You disagree with me
Mayl: No, I don't disagree. I understand this is hard for you, but you must also know it's hard for him too, right? Seeing your twin age while you stay young...isn't that why you two decided to age together in the first place? To grow old together like you were supposed to?
Lan: Don't get me wrong, I was all for it, but the older we get...the more I realize I can't bear seeing him age. Hub is going to live a very, very long life as a NetNavi, he shouldn't have to live it as some...old man!
Mayl: Even though that's what he wants?
Lan: I don't like talking about the future, but one day I'm going to die and...there's a very good possibly Hub won't. His coding is so complex thanks to his DNA and humanity that only me and Dad can successfully mod his body. I don't know, I just think it would be better if he remained young-looking instead of looking at his reflection and seeing this elderly body that can't naturally die
Mayl: It sounds to me like you two need to have a very long conversation about this
Lan: I know. I wanted to talk to him more about it but...it's hard. It's like arguing with a wall sometimes!
Mayl: I'm sure Hub feels the same way about you too
Lan: ...
Mayl kisses his forehead
Mayl: Get some rest, love. It's your day off tomorrow so you can sleep in as long as you want, then you and your brother can have a long talk
Lan: Alright. Thanks for listening, Mayl
Mayl: Of course
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