#landscapeengraving herding argriculturalpractices forgottenworld
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#LandscapeEngravings #AgriculturalActivities #Herding
Unleashing the mysteries of the cultural diversities.
Watching the film #TheForgottenWorld gives us an understanding of the spatial settings of the escarpments in Bokoni Mpumalanga.
We can only imagine the kind of livelihood the Bokoni people lived which is highly embedded with agricultural activities. The landscapes reflect most the historical redundancy that are currently used in academic purposes and research of which it now symbolises that their world has been forgotten.
something of interest is the engravings and patterns that were found on the rocks, they communicated certain messages and gave certain images some of which cannot be interpreted…in relation to our personal experiences that we were exposed to in the field, we’ve recognised that similar rock engravings are now used to symbolise different meanings in spaces and cultures.
we’ve also picked up in the film that agricultural activities are still similar to the traditional ways of farming in the current period for example using cattles to herd along the farms made their work easy in comparison to the rural settlement farms the system is still the same but there is an advancement of technology such in that they use tractors, revealing that the old african agricultural practices are now being forgotten.
Their buttering system as a form of trading was being ought to be a consistent daily tasks such as metal, steel and grains,thus we can see that there has been changes in the form of trading such that in the current period we use capital, natural resources such as gold and copper as our form of trade. this is an interesting comparison we’ve picked up.
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