theretirementstory · 2 years
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Greetings from Bar-sur-Aube, where the weather is 8c and mostly sunny….. hang on a minute Météo is now saying rain is due (that wasn’t forecast).
This morning, bright and early, I drove out to discover a few villages I had either seen signposts for or had just driven through, on the main road, heading elsewhere. It really does pay to look beyond that row of houses on the main road.
First I turned off the main road and drove up a hillside, the road was surrounded by trees and the dappled light coming through the tree canopy was a delight. Over the top of the hill I drove down into the village of Éclance, I didn’t park up (it’s not very big) and I continued my journey to Trannes. I had seen a sign for a lavoir but I couldn’t spot it from the car and so continued on my way. I passed the church which did look lovely but didn’t stop. The purpose of my journey was to visit La Rothiere, where on the 1st February 1814 a great battle raged between Napolian’s army and a German/Russian army. This village was a delight, I parked up on the aptly named Rue du 1er Fevrier 1814, as I was getting out of the car the distinct sound of the grues (cranes) flying towards the lakes filled the air. To my left was “La mare” a stagnant body of water with signage showing little toads which inhabit it in the spring. I then spotted a lavoir (top photo) and the church at the top of the street (second photo). I wandered around for a while then drove to the war memorial I had passed as I arrived. It was a huge memorial for such a small place (114 inhabitants) commemorating the dead of 1814, 1870-1871 and 1914-1918. Rather than drive to Dienville to see Lac d’Amance, which I suspected would be busy with people wanting to see “la grue”, I drove home. It was a wonderful way to spend a pleasant time on a Sunday.
So what else have I been up to this week…. well I visited “Count Dracula” again and had more blood taken, it was difficult to take and they didn’t seem to get a lot but it was enough and the results were with me by the afternoon.
Pauline, was in town to visit her grandmother and she called round to see me on the 1st November “Toussaint”. It was great to see her and it was such a lovely day that we even managed to sit outside for a time.
I then had a cleaner arrive to give me a hand with the housework. Well to be honest she was “more broken down” than I am. She was shuffling around and didn’t get half of the work done that I had thought she would. Next week there will be a list and to be honest if she doesn’t get a move on, she will be given the elbow. Do I expect too much, I am not sure!
I managed to book the taxi to take me to Nancy, however, speaking to the pharmacist on Saturday he said I shouldn’t go for the appointment while I have “no rights to healthcare” as it could cost a lot of euros and it may not be refunded 😳.
I went to a (free) concert in Dienville with Anie and her friend Monique (she drove us there), it was the “orchestre aubois des jeunes” it was wonderful, full of energy and the hall was packed! I was out late (that’s not like me) and it was 10.30pm when we got back to Anie’s and I had to drive home! No problems so that was good.
I have had my flu jab, am due to take my last antibiotic this lunchtime and hopefully I will be feeling ok for a while longer.
“The Daddy” flew to Amsterdam on Thursday, he should arrive back in the UK today. My gorgeous grandson, threw his head back and managed to give “The Mummy” a black eye! My gorgeous granddaughter is doing really well in school and it was lovely to see a video of her reading , using her finger under the words and building up the letters, wow I remember learning to read that way too.
“The Paralegal” who is also the hospital visitor, was on that duty yesterday but not before he had been out shopping for himself. He has had a “happy new haircut” and hopefully he will be “making a list, checking it twice” not because he is Santa but just to aid him through the coming weeks.
I found this short poem and thought it apt, Risk by Anais Nin
“And then the day came,
when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom.”
Oh yes, I have purchased Xmas cards and stamps, so must get organised writing those. It doesn’t seem much like Xmas being around the corner does it?
I am now going to eat my lunch, and then catch up on a few jobs before I settle down to some knitting or stitching up.
Have a good week until next week!
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