#larry is more than a little afraid of floyd. mostly because Ghost and partly because she always kind of looks pissed
duckapus · 10 months
Larry: *walks out of the bathroom and jumps when he sees Floyd leaning against the opposite wall with her arms crossed making Direct Eye Contact* Uh, F-Floyd! Hi...
Floyd: How are you in my house, Larry?
Larry: Uh, GG invited me and the guys to a sleepover?
Floyd: *looks him over with her usual bored expression, which feels surprisingly intimidating in this context* That would explain the blue claws. And the sparkly eye shadow.
Larry: *chuckles nervously* Y-yeah, that's...that's a Thing.
Floyd: Hm. Wouldn't have figured that you three of all people would go along with "girly stuff." *she rolls her eyes when she says the quoted part*
Larry: *shrugs* Eh, it's nothing we haven't done before. Wendy's the only Koopaling I was already related to before Dad adopted us, Piantas wear skirts all the time as some kinda cultural thing, and Zack...well, honestly he probably would have an issue if it wasn't GG's idea. Little dude's a simp in the making.
Floyd: Fair enough. Make sure you guys keep it down in there alright? Just 'cause I don't need sleep doesn't mean I don't want it. Plus it is my house.
Larry: You got it. *starts heading back to GG's room*
Floyd: And Larry? *he pauses and turns back to see a rare smile on her face* I'm really glad she got attached to you guys. Having some normal-ish friends has been good for her.
Larry: *smiles back* We're happy to have her.
Floyd: *realizes something after he leaves* Wait, since when does GG live in my house? *shrugs after a few moments* Eh, whatever. Not like there isn't plenty of room. Long as she doesn't trash the place.
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