#lars hair here. go girl give us everything etc
redpoet2 · 6 years
Steven Universe’s Change Your Mind: A Review
I had planned and wrote out a 12 page reaction paper on the episode, like shot for shot my thoughts, and planned to copy/paste it here and add reaction gifs... For some reason Tumblr won’t let me. I have tried twice in the past 2 days, wasting the better part of 2 whole days (I started the minute I finished watching the episode for the first time and have only taken periodic breaks for my sanity).
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I don’t want to want to waste my time again by spending all day on it again, only for it to not work and I loose the last strain of sanity i have left. So instead I am just going to give my overall review in parts, in the hopes that this things actually posts, and my more detailed version (minus the gifs) will be lost to time and space.
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First things first! The new outfits/forms: - Peridot's form I instantly loved. Her visor and hair are on point! Literally! I love her new outfit, she finally got her stars! I also love that she is basically Static Shock with her levitating trash can lid!
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- Lapis’s new form will take some getting use to. I love the look, with the crop top and the baggy pants/sandals. She looks like Aladdin and I’m okay with that. I just have a problem with the gold strings/shoes. I understand why she has the gold and what it is suppose to mean/symbolize. I just have OCD and have a hard time when I see clashing color pallets. This is just an issue I have in general, so I will just have to get use to it.
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- Amethyst’s new form is probably my favorite. Her star shorts, her tank with her visible gem window, its so her! The color palate is also the best she has had, I hope she keeps this form for awhile but knowing Amethyst she probably won’t have this for long.
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- Pearl’s new form is very cute and very simple. I like her new shoulder pad like jacket, it’s even got a star on the back! Those skinny jeans are also very cool!!!
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- Okay confession time. I am fine with Garnet’s new form except for the visor/shades. Don’t get me wrong I love the shape, it’s just that color clashes with the rest of her. I know its similar to her gauntlets, but to be honest that part has always bugged me as well. I will get use to them eventually, it just might take time, just like with Lapis.
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Next let’s cover the new fusions: - Rainbow Quartz 2.0: This is so important, this was the only fusion we know of that took place between Rose and another single Gem! (Again that we know of) So seeing this new form with Steven is so big!!!! And it didn’t disappoint! I love everything about them. They are basically a queer Mary Poppins and I love everything about them! I love their rainbow powered umbrella. I love their puns. I even love that they are voiced by a boy!
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- Sun Stone: Holy crap. They are a Flaming Cheeto with sunglasses… and a walking embodiment of every 90’s “Cool Kid’s Cartoon” cliché, right down to the fourth wall breaking…. I love them!
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But suction cups as a weapon? Really?
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- Obsidian:
Where do I even begin? This is the first on screen appearance of the Temple Fusion in real life! Like this is a big deal! Okay, first off let’s talk about the 4-way fusion dance! Garnet with her hand movements and hips. Steven just mash potato-ing is adorable. Pearl is elegant as ever with those ballet moves. Amethyst fist bumping and rocking her hips as well. All forming a pyramid! Awesome!
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Then when they all fused and started to form Obsidian, and all those arms started forming I was getting super excited! And then we got to see her (or Them since Steven is a part of the fusion) and she does not disappoint. She is basically a gem version of Ta Ka from Moana and I love everything about her! Also THAT SWORD!
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The Diamond Reformations:
- Blue’s reformation was the first and easiest. She was closest with Pink, and after Steven showed her how miserable she and the other Diamonds made Pink, how much Blue made Pink cry, I knew she was going to reform. I also love that Blue stood up to Yellow and even called Steven by his real name, not joking like before. But maybe I am bias, she is MY diamond after all.... #MyDiamond
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- Yellow’s was next and I knew she’d be a tough one but once Steven and Blue got through to her she crumbled easier than Blue.
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I will however say that when she called Steven by his real name, the moment didn’t feel as earned as Blue’s. It should have been given a bit more time, or at least shown Steven’s reaction like when Blue did it.
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- I knew White would take the longest, she is a toxic abusive parent and its very hard to get them to stop being abusive, let alone admit that they are abusive. Her taking control of the diamonds and the crystal gems was bad enough, but when she PULLED OUT Steven’s gem, I was about ready to never forgive her.
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I was dead set on her needing to be poofed or something, but no. Steven did the unthinkable, he got through to her. How? By throwing shade at her! That come back was straight out of the pilot, like DAMN!
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Also can we just take the time to reflect on how utterly creepy a lot of this episode was.... like nightmare fuel creepy...
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The Ending:
- When this special started I honestly didn’t think we’d make it back to Earth in one piece, let alone redeem all the diamonds and cure corruption. Like yeah the ending felt more like a series finale and if they canceled Season 6 and we just had the movie left I would be okay.
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We have a few unanswered things, but the big important stuff got resolved so I am not exactly sure where to go from here....
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What’s Next:
- We Still don’t know what is in the chest in Lion’s mane! - All the corrupted gems are healed so now we can do stories around them! - The original Pink Pearl is no longer being controlled by White. She is free, and we still don’t know how her eye was damaged. - Speaking of we still don’t know much of Pearl’s backstory before she was given to Pink Diamond/Rose. - Jasper is uncorrupted but that doesn’t mean her redemption arc is over, it hasn’t even started. - Lars is back on earth with the Off Colors so we can do some stories around that, like more on their backstories, interactions with the crystal gems, exploring earth, etc. - How are the Diamonds made? Who made them? Was Pink an off-color or intended to be that color. - We don’t know what happened to Russia in this world - More lore on the Gem constructions on earth, like especially that Geode Storm thing from season 1. - Since Lapis is back and now a crystal gem, she and peridot need to fuse. - In fact all the remaining gems need to fuse with Steven at least once and with each other! We need more fusions okay?! - Speaking of fusions Greg needs to fuse with Steven at some point as well. - Era 3 has began. Is Homeworld going to stop their evil ways? Will gems get treated better? Will there be a civil war on Homeworld? Was Escapism foreshadowing for season 6 and beyond? - The rose quartz’s in the bubbles at the zoo need to be freed. The Humans too. - We need to learn Lion’s backstory. How did he “Die” and did Rose know she could bring him back? Also is Lars now going to get powers like Lion? Is Lars immortal now? - Mystery Girl needs to come back. - We need to see Sapphire and Ruby’s new forms, so we need an episode where they come out again, hopefully just to be cute and show off, not because they’re mad at something/someone. - We need to rebuild the barn or Uncle Andy is going to be pissed. - We have Lars’s ship AND Pink Diamond’s legs. We can travel to other colonies and parts of space unknown. I could go on and on but I think I’ve made my point.
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This finale was cosmic. Beyond anything the show has done before. Now begins the long wait for the movie! I hope we get an actual trailer soon. Or just some more information on it, like the villain, or if this takes place before or after season 5. Things like that.
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