#last ep tho…. tomorrow she’s on after the vatican i’m lichrally going to collapse
dykefever · 2 years
okay OKAY HI oh god laura so i just finished ep 5 and ive got my hand covering my mouth trying not to giggle and squeal in public this should be embarrassing but actually my reaction is soooo valid !!!!! tbh its restrained compared to how i actually feel i have so many thoughts and only ONE ep left jfc!!! Have you finished tell me everything your every thought and feeling and ill just avoid tumblr until i finish the last one (also is sweden on the euro tour agenda? i was in stockholm a couple months ago and it was lovely!!) okay bye xoxoxo mwah
HIIII omg i got this message n was like okay i will stay up and watch episode five i’ve been out all day so haven’t had time!!! and the way i had to restrain from making any noise at the end of the episode i am going full insane FINALLY FINALLY LIKKEEEEE this season has been so intense and stressful!! i’m restraining myself from watching episode six because ive things to do tomorrow BUT i literally!!!!! am internally losing my mind while in a six bed hostel dorm !!!
this season has been so interesting !!! i was a bit frustrated with the pacing at first but i think it works v well as explorations of the characters and their feelings and more than just a love story of wilhelm and simon! And it’s great for further seasons because it’s not resolving everything all at once! the pressure wilhelm feels to uphold his royal title while not wanting that life at all and the casual manipulation from his mother ALSO because she has been held to those same standards her whole life and sees no way out because abdication is Not how it happens and like..:everyone is just as stuck. and simon finally seeing wilhelm as subject to his situation and how simon changes everything for wilhelm like flipped his whole world view and how difficult that is ! yeah!!!!! anyway i am going crazy insane i have been biting my fist waiting for them to kiss. and finally. properly . they smooch. i can rest easy .
also YES sweden is on the euro agenda hoping i can get there i DO hear she’s expensive though …. i feel like i kinda have to go because of young royals tho… <3 like it would he criminal not to
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