#last i checked pepito never confirmed any pronouns
bloodpen-to-paper · 6 months
Regarding Elena, I'm glad we have a character most are accepting as a female/feminine worker, but please don't he/him all the other workers just cause they're not overtly feminine. The workers don't have specified genders, the ones we know to be male are that way cause the audience and CCs started referring to them by masculine pronouns and presentation. People jump so quickly to assuming everyone is male unless proven otherwise despite a huge part of Fred's arc being they didn't even know what the fuck gender was, much less which one they were. Cucurucho doesn't have a gender or pronouns, they even have a female voice modulator when speaking English and Jaiden called them a woman when she met them on the first day and people still defaulted to seeing them as some sort of man. The workers can be anything and everything, lets not limit that
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