#last reblog made me laugh about his flashback with Gin again
roulettefeel · 11 months
From a young age Midori was raised on the mindset that you didn't need friends you only needed to WIN
The mental toll of this upbringing would only come out years later in therapy. He was the therapist.
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companionjones · 5 years
Thank You, Doctor
Requested by: Anon
Request: Not sure if you take requests for the resident still, but could you write a story where Conrad has either a panic attack or a flashback in front of his co-workers, and he starts hyperventilating?
Fandoms: The Resident (FOX)
Pairing: Dr. Conrad Hawkins x Doctor!Reader
Warnings: Brief mention of a horrible accident, Panic attack, PTSD triggers
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    Unfortunately, it was already a worrisome day for Conrad. He had passed a construction site on his way to work, and the sound of a jackhammer shook him up a bit. Conrad hoped he would have time to calm down once he got to work.
    He did not. As soon as Conrad walked through the doors, he was notified that there had been a major accident. A few cars had hit a bus full of people. Conrad was in surgery for three hours, and it was a very stressful procedure. Conrad never got a chance to calm himself down. With each passing moment, he was more on edge.
    Once the surgery was finished, Conrad searched for a place where he could take a breather. However, before he could, he happened to pass a hospital room with a particularly agitated patient. The man was screaming incoherently and wildly thrashing around. It was chaos in there.
    It was too much chaos for Conrad to handle. Everything in his sight suddenly became blurry, and Conrad started shaking uncontrollably. He knew everybody was staring at him, and that only made Conrad freak out more. Conrad booked it to the nearest supply closet.
    As he ran for cover, you saw him from where you were, down the hallway. You were understandably alarmed. You put down the charts you were looking at and followed the panicking doctor.
    “Conrad?” You shut the door behind you, and crouched down to the floor next to the man.
    Dr. Hawkins had his knees pulled up to his chest. The poor man was hyperventilating. He didn’t respond to you.
    “Conrad,” you tried again, a bit more forceful. You placed a hand on his shoulder.
    He pulled away from you.
    “Hey,” you persisted, “you’re hyperventilating. You need to breathe with me. Come on, breathe with me.” You proceeded to showcase a healthier breathing rate. You were thanking God when he started to follow you. You congratulated, “There you go,” with the biggest smile you had had that day, and you weren’t even trying.
    The resident had started deeper, but his breaths were still shaky. “I...I’m sorry.”
    “No. It’s okay, Conrad. Don’t even speak, yet. Just focus on breathing for now...For me.” You bit your lip and ducked your head after that last part. You secretly hoped that maybe you being there helped Conrad more that if anyone else was in your place.
    It took Conrad a little more time to calm down enough to speak properly. “Thank you for coming in here.”
    “Any time of the week.” You turned yourself around and sat beside Conrad.
    His chuckle was in response to your own.
    “Can we talk about it?” you cautiously asked.
    The resident was silent for a moment. It was clear he was gathering himself. “It’s just...It was a lot today, you know. With the crash and everything...And I rode by a construction site this morning.” Suddenly, his voice got really low. It was almost as if he was embarrassed. “The jackhammer was really loud.”
    “Jackhammer...Your time in Afghanistan.” You put the pieces together for yourself.
    Dr. Hawkins nodded, “Yeah.”
    For a few moments, you and Conrad sat in silence.
    Then, you reached down and placed your hand on his.
    Conrad gazed at the sentiment and smiled, “Hey, I know this Is bad timing, since you just saw me go into a PTSD-fueled panic attack.” He chuckled a little.
    You couldn’t help but gin in response. You kept your eyes on your connected hands.
    He took a quick breath. “I was wondering if I could take you out.”
    “Whoa! Where is this coming from?” Your head snapped up to level with his.
    The resident laughed a little harder at your newest response. “I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while now. Since the day we met, in fact.”
    “Really?” Dissolving into full-blown giggles was inescapable just then.
    Conrad was laughing even harder then, too. “Really...So, what do you say?”
    “I say: Pick me up at 8,” you grinned.
    Hawkins excitedly repeated you, “Really?!”
    “Really,” you giddily nodded back after a few seconds of stomach-knotting laughter. Then, it was your turn to take a breath. “So, you wanna get back out there?”
    He was quiet for some time. You could tell he was preparing himself for his answer. “Yeah...yeah. Come on, let’s go.” he stood up and offered a hand to you.
    Taking it, you also got back to your feet. “Whatever you say, doctor.”
    Conrad beamed, “Thank you, doctor.”
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! If you would like to read more, I have more fics on The Resident over on my page. You should go check it out. Also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I take requests for one-shots, multi-chapters, headcannons, and preferences. No smut, please. I write for a variety of fandoms. If you’re wondering if I write for a specific fandom, please ask me. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you.<3
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