#last time i played terraria was years ago on my phone and i just barely made it into hardmode
arcadian-vampire · 2 years
Anyway good morning everyone, yesterday I engaged in the sacred autistic ritual known as 'making spreadsheets', and then I accidentally stayed up until 3am reading pages and pages of the Terraria wiki 😔
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starbladek · 5 years
50 questions
1. What takes up too much of your time? Youtube, and working on projects
2. What makes your day better? Getting direct messages from people I care about, and also making visible tangible progress on my projects
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? Someone I care about asked if they could come over tonight
4. What fictional place would you like to go to? The world of Terraria, but like only if I could go with my friends and then leave once we’re all done with it
5. Are you good at giving advice? Probably not, I frequently feel like I’m choosing the bad dialogue choice in a telltale game when trying to convey how I feel about a person’s situation and what I believe they should do
6. Do you have a mental illness? I default to saying no until proven otherwise. Part of me thinks I’m manic bipolar to some degree, and I apparently display a lot of behaviours that would indicate I have some level of autism, but I’m gonna continue saying no until I get triaged by a professional
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Yeah, there was a shadow monster man at the foot of my bed and it was scary but not as traumatizing as I’ve heard it can be
8. What musician inspires you the most? Grant Kirkhope
9. Have you ever fallen in love? No
10. What’s your dream date? Beach, shaved ice, local coop games at home
11. What do others notice about you? My smile
12. What’s an annoying habit you have? I’m always peeling my nails. I’ve done so ever since I was a kid, and I’m pretty sure it was a nervous habit back then, but it’s become so second-nature to me that it’s just something I do now, and I can’t fathom being unable to do so
13. Do you still talk to your first love? No
14. How many exes do you have? 0
15. How many songs are in your playlist? 1118
16. What instruments can you play? I’ve taken lessons for both guitar and drums, but I hated both and never tried any instrument since
17. What do you have the most pictures of? Shiba Inus, because a couple years ago I got an inflated sense of self-identify by being the “shibe” person, and in order to hold that title, I had to accrue as many pictures of them as possible
18. Where would you like to go before you die? Top of mount whitney again
19. What’s your zodiac? Scorpio
20. Do you relate to it? iirc they’re known for being chaotic neutral, so yeah
21. What is happiness to you? Receiving confirmation that my friends still like me, which is usually through the act of directly messaging me, or mentioning me in a GC or something. Also making progress/completing personal projects, and receiving validation from friends/strangers that I’m not wasting my time working on them
22. Are you going through anything right now? As a post-grad NEET, I’m very anxious over my ability to get a job doing what I like. And also I lost some really close friends recently
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? I asked someone something personal once and they said yes, and it lead to the slowest, most agonizing burn of a close friendship I’d ever experienced. If I didn’t ask that one question, if I didn’t compound those ten syllables, if I didn’t make the choice to take three seconds and ask the question, I feel like I’d be in a tremendously different spot with my friends. Also trying to pretend to be someone else in high school to appeal to someone I had a huge crush on. Also not getting an internship in college. Also-
24. What’s your favorite store? Target
25. What’s your opinion about abortion? Pro choice
26. Do you keep a bucket list? no
27. Do you have a favorite album? Sonic Firestorm by Dragonforce
28. What do you want for your birthday? Shelves and sand, and anything that’s like handcrafted and made with care
29. What are people’s first impressions of you? Pleasant, talkative, sometimes intrusive
30. What age do you seem according to most people? 21
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? Directly next to my head, so that my alarm may rupture my eardrums and I won’t disappoint whomever I’m meeting up with
32. What word do you say the most? rad
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? 28
34. What’s the youngest you would date? 20
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? Game developer presumably, because that’s what I spend most of my time doing
36. What’s your favorite music genre? Happy hardcore
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? Somewhere with pretty landscapes, lots of mountains
38. What is your current favorite song? Techno Kitty ft. Sara
39. How long have you had this blog for? Since 2012
40. What are you excited for? Friday because I’m going to a bonfire, Banjo Kazooie in smash, the prospect of one day finishing my projects, L4D3
41. Are you a better talker or listener? Talker. Being put in a dedicated listening position gives me a lot of anxiety because I’ve frequently had experiences with close friends where I didn’t commit something they said to memory, and they got mad at me later for it. I think I talk a lot more than I should in order to avoid being in a position where my friends are expecting me to commit their facts to memory, and I could potentially fail to do so and disappoint them. I still try my best if I’m but in a dedicated listening position though
42. What was the last productive thing you did? Worked on Big Bill
43. What do you want for Christmas? Things that can’t be bought in a store
44. What class do you get the best grades in? Like, objectively the art classes because they literally can’t give you anything less than a 100% as long as you exert effort in the projects, regardless of how shitty the end product is
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now? 8/10, very minor headache but I’ve got a full day ahead of me for working on stuff and playing local coop games with someone coming over later
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years? Either jumping from position to position within the software development industry, barely riding off of whatever financial float I accrued from the position prior, or working as a janitor at a mall
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? Idk when my first was, but my most recent one was when I asked that personal question to a close friend and it lead to our relationship slowly burning away over the course of four months
48. What age do you want to get married? Sometime before either of my parents die
49. What career did you want to have as a child? When I was 8 I wanted to be a mechanic for some reason
50. What do you crave right now? An icee
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As I promised to @endorstoiii, since I made her answer more then one hundred questions, I’d be answering those same questions (and I’ll answer more, because she had answered some questions previously, I had to answer them all right now).
1 - Full name: Glenda Hastenreiter Corteleti. I don’t mind if you all search for me. I’m a star, you are meant to search for me.
2 - Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
3 - Three fears: Cockroaches, to become blind, death of any close relative or friend.
4 - Three things I love: Music, reading/writing (because for me they can’t walk separately), and m e m e s.
5 - Four turn on’s: Beach House, writing something I really want to, reading something very beautiful, and good orthography.
6 - Four turn off’s: My graduation course, SJWs, my country, hot weather.
7 - My best friend: Oh, I have a lot of people I consider best friends, I can’t just pick one.
8 - Sexual orientation: I don’t care, actually, I just like people.
9 - My best first date: For me, if you’re having a date, there’s something wrong. I don’t think you should schedule a day to spend time with someone you like.
10 - How tall am I: 1,72 (5’8’’, thanks, Google).
11 - What do I miss: Reading a fantasy book.
12 - What time was I born: Midday, probably.
13 - Favorite color: I’ve never thought about that, but probably turquoise or pastel pink.
14 - Do I have a crush: Yes.
15 - Favorite quote: At the moment it’s: “You are the apple of my life / There's no one but you in the world I'd choose / You are the sum and whole of life / There is no one in the world but you and I / You connect the earth to the sky / And nothing comes between us / Our bodies or minds / Nothing disconnects us / Not silence or time” (Sum - John Frusciante).
16 - Favorite place: I don’t know, there are many amazing places here where I live. Probably the beach I went this Wednesday with my friend.
17 - Favorite food: I love eating so fucking much that I’m not able to answer this question.
18 - Do I use sarcasm: No. And I’m not able to understand it as well. And I fucking hate when people DO know I can’t understand sarcasm, but still use it with me.
19 - What am I listening to right now: GONE, by Paris (feat. Trippie Redd).
20 - First thing you notice in new person: His/her voice.
21 - Shoe size: 37 in Brazil.
22 - Eye color: Dark brown, almost black.
23 - Hair color: Dark brown.
24 - Favorite style of clothing: T-shirt, jeans, all-stars, jeans jacket, and a cap.
25 - Ever done a prank call: No. You guys might think I’m boring by now (and I am, sorry).
26 - What color of underwear am I wearing right now: Pink.
27 - Meaning behind my URL: This URL is gonna change, but it means two of my favorite bands: Warpaint and Tame Impala. However, I intend to change it very soon (maybe today) to something related to Beach House.
28 - Favorite movie: Interestellar.
29 - Favorite song: I have four: L’Inconnue, by Beach House; Billie Holiday, by Warpaint; Continental Shelf, by Preoccupations (old Viet Cong); Golden Light, by Blonde Redhead.
30 - Favorite band/artist: My all-time favorite is Beach House, no doubt. But I also love Arcade Fire, Tame Impala, Warpaint, Lana Del Rey, John Frusciante, and Lil Peep.
31 - How do I feel right now: Good, but my back hurts.
32 - Someone I love: Victoria Legrand, the goddess vocalist of Beach House! <3
33 - My current relationship status: Single.
34 - My relationship with my parents: With my mom, it’s very good (we were even talking on WhatsApp few minutes ago haha). With my dad, it’s terrible, because I hate him, and he owes me money (and care, love, and affection, but that doesn’t matter anymore, I just want my money).
35 - Favorite holiday: New Year’s Eve! I always celebrate New Year at the beach with my cool relatives, it’s awesome!
36 - Tattoos and piercings I have: None yet.
37 - Tattoos and piercings I want: I want a tattoo written [lɪŋˈgwɪstɪks] on my right wrist. I also want something related to Beach House, but I still need to think exactly what.
38 - The reason I joined Tumblr: I don’t remember why I first started using this website, but now I use it to see pictures of my favorite artists and to meet new people.
39 - Do I and my last ex hate each other? I don’t have any exes.
40 - Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? No.
41 - Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? No.
42 - When did I last hold hands? I can’t remember.
43 - How long does it take to get me ready in the morning? Just one second. I need to wake up very early, otherwise I arrive late at university.
44 - Have I shaved my legs in the past three days? Yes, I think I did that on Tuesday.
45 - Where am I right now? My bedroom.
46 - If I were drunk and couldn’t stand, who would be taking care of me? No one, I don’t drink, and even if I drank, probably no one would care about me enough to take care of me.
47 - Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Since I discovered a few years ago that I’m almost starting to lose my precious hearing, I like it at a reasonable level.
48 - Do I live with my mom and dad? No.
49 - Am I excited for anything? No.
50 - Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yes.
51 - How often do I wear a fake smile? Not that often, actually.
52 - When was the last time I hugged someone? Wednesday, I hugged my friend when we met.
53 - What if the last person I kissed were kissing someone else right in front of me? I don’t remember whom I last kissed.
54 - Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yes.
55 - What is something I disliked about today? My back is hurting.
56 - If I could meet anyone on this Earth, who would it be? Probably Victoria Legrand, I want to hug her, she seems so cute and nice <3 Or maybe William Shakespeare, he had amazing puns and jokes hahahaha! He would be the meme guy nowadays.
57 - What do I think about most? I think about a lot of things, but I’d rather keep my recurrent thoughts of today private.
58 - What’s my strangest talent? I’m a very good stalker. Beware me, people.
59 - Do I have any strange phobias? If you consider being afraid as hell of cockroaches a strange phobia, yes, I do.
60 - Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? I’m also terrified of cameras, so I’d rather be behind it. I’m also a person who likes to lead things, so being behind the cameras would be perfect, I think.
61 - What was the last lie I told? I can’t remember, I barely lie.
62 - Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? I prefer death, actually, but video chatting seems the less terrible option.
63 - Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I’ve never thought about this, so I don’t know.
64 - Do I believe in magic? No.
65 - Do I believe in luck? I don’t know.
66 - What’s the weather like right now? It’s kinda hot here even though it’s Autumn.
67 - What was the last book I’ve read? King Lear, by Shakespeare, was the last book I read fully, but the last book I’ve read was Metaphors We Live By, by George Lakoff.
68 - Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes, very much!
69 - Do I have any nicknames? There are people who call me “Gle” or “Glen”, but not everyone.
70 - What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? When I was a kid, I cut my head.
71 - Do I spend money or save it? Spend it hahaha! It’s stronger than me, unfortunately.
72 - Can I touch my nose with my tongue? No.
73 - Is there anything pink in ten feet from me? Yes, my underwear.
74 - Favorite animal: I like cats a lot.
75 - What was I doing last night 10 p.m.? Playing Terraria with my “brother-in-law”.
76 - What do I think Satan’s last name was? ?????? What kind of question is this?
77 - What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Probably L’Inconnue or Billie Holiday.
78 - How can you win my heart? Talking about things I like, sharing some strong opinions I have, and being cute to me.
79 - What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I don’t want to be buried.
80 - What is my favorite word? “Withdrawal”. I love “apocrypha” as well.
81 - My top five blogs on Tumblr: I don’t know, I barely see whom I’m reblogging from, I just reblog hahaha
82 - If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? I don’t know, I would want to say a lot of things hahaha Probably something polemic, though.
83 - Do I have any relatives in jail? I had, but I don’t know if he remains there.
84 - I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Never sleep.
85 - What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? It depends on who’s asking it.
86 - What is my current desktop picture? Macintosh Plus’ Floral Shoppe.
87 - Had sex? I’d like to keep my sexual life private.
88 - Bought condoms?
89 - Gotten pregnant? No.
90 - Failed a class? Yes, Physics.
91 - Kissed a boy?
92 - Kissed a girl?
93 - Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94 - Had job? Not yet, I’m too busy with university.
95 - Left my house without my wallet? YES! And I went crazy because I needed it for the bus passage!
96 - Bullied someone on the internet? Kinda. The girl was trying to defend her biblical argument, but I just wanted to be a dumbass because I didn’t have the patience to elaborate an argument against her.
97 - Had sex in public?
98 - Played on a sports team? I’ve played tennis, but only individually (and sometimes doubles, but I hate it).
99 - Smoked weed? No, I hate the smell.
100 - Did drugs? No, but I want to.
101 - Smoked cigarettes? Yes.
102 - Drank alcohol? Yes, but I don’t like it too much.
103 - Am I vegetarian/vegan? No.
104 - Been overweight? No.
105 - Been underweight? I don’t think so.
106 - Been to a wedding? Yes, a long time ago.
107 - Been on the computer for five hours straight? Yes, almost every day.
108 - Watched TV for five hours straight? Yes, especially when there are Grand Slams being transmitted.
109 - Been outside my home country? I wish! But no, never :c
110 - Gotten my heart broken? Yes.
111 - Been to a professional sports game? No, but I wish I could as well!
112 - Broken a bone? Does my thumb bone count?
113 - Cut myself? Not intentionally, but yes, when I’m shaving my legs, sometimes it happens.
114 - Been to prom? We don’t have those kinds of celebrations here in my country, so no.
115 - Been in an airplane? No, and I’m afraid as hell.
116 - Flew by helicopter? No, and I’m also afraid of that.
117 - What concerts have I been to? Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2013.
118 - Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yes.
119 - Learned another language? Yes, English is my second language, and I also understand a little bit of Spanish.
120 - Wore make up? Only when I was a kid.
121 - Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122 - Had oral sex?
123 - Dyed my hair? Yes! Once I dyed a part of it of pink, it was very cool, random people would look at me and compliment me because of my hair <3
124 - Voted in a presidential election? No, and I hope I don’t need to do it soon enough.
125 - Rode in an ambulance? No.
126 - Had surgery? Just a microsurgery I underwent because of an ingrown toenail.
127 - Met someone famous? Does the former mayor (who’s a senator nowadays) from my hometown count?
128 - Stalked someone on a social network? YES! I don’t do that so often nowadays, only when I really need to. However, there was a time I stalked people, like, EVERYDAY, just for the sake of it.
129 - Peed outside? I need to pee at university almost every day, so yes. But if you mean outside a bathroom, I think only when I was a kid.
130 - Been fishing? No.
131 - Helped with charity? Just giving money to people on the bus, not proper charity.
132 - Been rejected by a crush? Yes.
133 - Broken a mirror? Not that I remember.
134 - What do I want for birthday? The linguistics tattoo I’ve already mentioned or my great-grandmother’s surname Possatti.
135 - How many kids do I want and their names: I don’t want kids. Having kids nowadays is disgusting. The world is too bad for kids to live in it.
136 - Was I named after anyone? Glenn Hughes. My father is crazy about him.
137 - Do I like my handwriting? Yes! I might post a picture one day, I really like it. People once said to me it looked like elfic script from The Lord of the Rings.
138 - What was my favorite toy as a child? I don’t remember. I can barely remember my childhood.
139 - Favorite TV show: None, I barely watch TV, and when I do, I normally watch sports or news.
140 - Where do I want to live when older? Italy! <3
141 - Play any musical instrument? Yes, I play the bass (electric and acoustic) and the acoustic guitar.
142 - One of my scars, how did I get it? I just fell and hurt my hand hahaha It hurt a lot when it happened, but now I laugh at it. It was very dumb, actually.
143 - Favorite pizza topping? Chicken.
144 - Am I afraid of the dark? Not that much, only if I can’t see anything at all.
145 - Am I afraid of heights? A little bit.
146 - Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Yes, when I was a kid, my mom always used to arrive at the same time I was doing something she told me not to do, it was almost paranormal hahahaha
147 - Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Almost always.
148 - What I’m really bad at: Cooking. I hate it. I just like to eat.
149 - What my greatest achievements are: I had a text that was read by 371 people. Me and my friend were the only group who got 10 outta 10 in our Prosody final paper. I also got 10/10 in that discipline. I’m very happy with my total average right now, I have a 9,61/10.
150 - The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: That I was a dumb kid with no ethic values. I agree with everything she said, because I’m dumb and I couldn’t care less about ethic values.
151 - What I’d do if I won lottery? GOODBYE, BRAZILBALL!
152 - What do I like about myself? I’m smart, I have a good voice, a good handwriting, and I’m not ugly. I wonder why I’m still single.
153 - My closest Tumblr friend: Marina <3 @endorstoiii
154 - Something I fantasize about: I’d like to keep this private as well.
155 - Any question you’d like: Marina, you can ask me anything now. I asked to you answer all the questions, and I promised you I’d answer as well, so you can ask me anything. I don’t promise I’ll answer it publicly, though.
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