#late night chemist Cork
irwinspharmacy · 11 days
The Importance of Accessible Local Pharmacies
Local pharmacies are a lifeline for communities, offering not only medications but also healthcare advice and products. Residents rely on these services for everything from filling prescriptions to seeking health guidance. In Cork, Mayfield pharmacy stands out as a trusted healthcare provider, offering essential services to meet the needs of the local population.
A pharmacy Mayfield serves as more than just a place to pick up medications. It’s a healthcare hub where individuals can seek advice, purchase health products, and receive prescriptions promptly. Conveniently located, it offers easy access for those living in the surrounding areas.
Comprehensive Healthcare Services in Mayfield
The availability of a chemist Mayfield Cork means that residents have a nearby, reliable option for all their healthcare needs. Whether it’s dealing with seasonal illnesses, managing long-term conditions, or seeking over-the-counter remedies, a local chemist is essential for ensuring continuous access to healthcare products and advice. This convenience and accessibility are vital for individuals who might not have easy access to larger healthcare facilities.
Having a pharmacy Northside provides an additional layer of support for the community. The pharmacy offers essential services such as flu vaccinations, blood pressure checks, and advice on managing various health conditions, ensuring the community has a one-stop-shop for all their medical needs.
A Lifeline for Northside Residents
Access to a chemist Northside ensures that Cork’s northern region is well-supported when it comes to healthcare needs. For many residents, having a nearby chemist that offers a range of services from prescription refills to health consultations is invaluable. It saves time, offers convenience, and ensures that residents can easily manage their health without needing to travel far.
Pharmacies like the pharmacy Northside Cork play a crucial role in supporting the healthcare infrastructure of the area. These pharmacies are not just retail spaces but are integral to the healthcare journey of many patients, particularly those managing chronic conditions or requiring frequent medications.
Why Pharmacies are Essential for Community Health
The role of a pharmacy goes beyond simply providing medications. Pharmacies, especially local ones like Mayfield pharmacy, are part of the healthcare system that helps manage minor ailments, advise on medication use, and even offer preventive services such as vaccinations. Having such a resource readily available to Cork residents makes a significant difference in how individuals approach their healthcare needs.
For those living in Northside, having access to a pharmacy Mayfield provides peace of mind, knowing that expert healthcare advice and services are always within reach. Whether it’s late at night or during the day, the pharmacy is a crucial resource for ensuring that health concerns can be addressed promptly.
A Community-Centered Approach to Healthcare
The presence of a chemist Mayfield cork and the additional support provided by the pharmacy Northside serve as crucial healthcare touchpoints for the community. From prescriptions to wellness checks, these services are designed to keep the local population healthy and informed.
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toomuchponytail · 5 years
Poisoned Hero #5
Here, as promised like a week ago (Sorry, I’m a bad goblin) part five of poisoned hero!
Continued from part one here (hero drugged at the club), part two here (The antagonist beats up some guys in an alley), part three here (The antagonist takes some risks to save hero’s life), and part four here (Where the hero wakes up and the antagonist is kidnapped). 
It really means the world to me that you guys are getting enjoyment out of my little labors of self-indulgent fantasy, and I’m feeling one more in this series(?!) if someone wants it? 
I’ll admit I’m mad at this, I tried to make the words come out, but, ya’know...the words do what they want sometimes. Also, so long, I’m sorry! I’ve got a lot of words, they’re just not good ones...
Anyhoo, enjoy! I love you all so much. :,) 
Hero drummed his fingers anxiously on the van’s steering wheel, eyes trained to the entrance of the large abandon looking warehouse that the crime boss had told them to come to. Sidekick was seated in the back of the van, fiddling with the crime boss’s ring, out of sight so that no one would get suspicious. 
“They’re late,” hero grumbled, “I think we need to go in.” 
Sidekick hissed when they pinched their finger in the pliers for the fourth time, they looked up at hero sharply, “It’s only been twenty minutes, he’s making us stew on purpose.” 
Hero nodded but didn’t look convinced, stopping their incessant drumming to take a sip out of their water bottle, “I don’t like it though,” they muttered softly, “What do you think he’s doing to the antagonist in there huh?” 
Sidekick set the ring aside and took a deep breath, momentarily defeated by the odd locking mechanism, “We can’t know that, we only have what they sent you, don’t get bent out of shape before we know how bad it is okay?” 
Hero sighed, “You’re right,” they relented, “I’m just worried because if it’s some poison or something that was affecting them like that….Like pulsing with electricity or something, I won’t know what to do to help them,” hero threw up their hand helplessly, “I’m not a fucking chemist or whatever like them, I barely passed my chem labs.” 
Sidekick snorted, “If I hadn’t helped you you wouldn't have passed them at all,” then their expression sobered, they picked the ring back up, “We’ll figure out some way of helping them hero, okay? We can’t worry about things before they happen.” 
Hero nodded and went back to drumming and watching, a sick feeling growing in their stomach as the minutes ticked by with no appearance or message from the crime boss. 
No news is good news right? Hero uselessly tried to rationalize to themselves. 
“Got it.” Sidekick proclaimed, jolting hero out of their thoughts, they looked back to see Sidekick with the ring open in the palm of their gloved hand, a fine off-white powder spilling onto their palm. 
“What is it?--Damn it sidekick don’t breathe it in!” Hero exclaimed as sidekick took an exploratory sniff, “What if it’s poison?! Or cocaine?!” 
Sidekick shook their head, carefully taking an empty pill bottle and dumping the powder inside, “When you were out of it, The antagonist was doing all these tests to try and determine what you were dosed with, they told me it was very likely a new form of chemical weapon someone was interested in buying.” 
Realization washed over hero, “And the crime boss was here in town on business, he was supposed to meet with that CEO guy, the one who might be the Villain.” 
Sidekick didn’t say anything, their wide terrified eyes said all that they needed. 
“And..” Hero started again, his voice taking on a slightly haunted tone, “What are the odds that that is all he’s got of it?” Hero’s voice had dropped to a fearful whisper.
“I mean,” sidekick rationalized, “If you were selling something to a criminal you wouldn’t want to travel with your whole supply right? It would just get stolen, that’s why doing business with criminals is a hopeless venture,” they smiled in an almost self-satisfied kind of way, leaning back in the seat. 
“Yeah, well,” hero replied tersely, “Tell that to all of the hundreds of thousands of arms dealers and drug pushers huh? The criminal kingpins and gang leaders? Maybe they’ll buy your do-good-cause-crime-doesn’t-pay bullshit, because I won’t.” 
“Is it ‘cause you don’t have the money?” Sidekick smirked, winking at hero when he gaped for a moment at his partner. 
Hero huffed, they were on edge, it made them fidgety and irritable, they didn’t dignify sidekick’s comment with an answer, “We can’t afford to be wrong sidekick,” their voice approaching a whine, “what if the deal is going down right now? What if that’s why the crime boss isn’t here to make good on our deal?” 
Sidekick sat up, their eyes widening in worry, “That wouldn't be a bad idea hero, or, actually,  it would be a bad idea, a very bad idea.” 
Hero went back to watching the warehouse, resuming his tapping on the steering wheel in his I’m-working-out-a-problem pattern, sidekick recognized it from the nights of patrol when they’d gone over the chem lab homework. 
“We’ve got to do a sweep of the city hero,” Sidekick stated, their voice taking on a frantic edge, “If we’re right…” 
“If we’re  right we go in and free the antagonist before we do anything else,” hero said flatly, his fingers still working out his problem as well as the plastic-leather covering on the steering wheel, “They’ll get lost in the chaos, die before we can get back here, plus, we might need their help.” 
“But if we miss the trade off...you know how impulsive Villain is!” Sidekick squeaked, “If we’re right and the CEO is Villain, or even if he works for him, that means that he’s going to do whatever he’s planning to do in a matter of hours, remember the weaponized hornets?!” 
Hero shuddered at the memory, hand going unbidden to his left shoulder as if covering the ghost of a hurt there. 
The drumming stopped abruptly, hero turned to them and smiled brightly, a determination gleaming in their eyes, “We may already be too late,” hero was already pulling on his mask, readying himself to enter the warehouse, “Ready?” 
Sidekick sighed, “Sometimes I really regret signing my name next to yours on that blood pact we made as kids.” 
“Pretty sure that’s not a legally binding contract sidekick,” hero quipped, throwing open the door of the van and climbing out. 
“Whatever,” sidekick replied, following them, “My word is my bond.” 
“You sound like your dad,” hero responded knowingly, as they made their way to the rust colored door. 
Sidekick shrugged, “He had his moments…”
Hero scanned the building for cameras, finding none he put an ear to the door, “I don’t hear anything inside…” he muttered. 
Sidekick made quick work of the padlock, picking it effortlessly, hero shouldered the door open, glanced around quickly and nodded to sidekick, the duo entered the warehouse and let the door close behind them. 
It took a moment for their eyes to adjust to the darkness. The main room was huge, like a hanger for a plane, completely empty, there was a staircase leading to an upstairs area and a rusty looking catwalk, a few doors lead off to what looked to be offices. 
“You take the left and I’ll start on the right,” hero offered, sidekick nodded and was off, flashlight already in hand. 
Hero didn’t risk the catwalk, the thick layer of dust over the rusted metal told them that the crime boss and his guys hadn’t either. 
Smart man. 
Hero opened the first door easily, but didn’t find anything except a folding card table and a single computer monitor and keyboard, if they thought they’d have the time hero would have liked to have broken into it, he was pretty handy with computers, but that was the rub wasn’t it? Being a hero seemed to mean always running out of time. They pulled the door shut behind them, shaking their head. 
“Hero?” Sidekick’s voice cut across the hallway, “I think you should see this.” 
Hero followed their partner’s voice to the first room on the left, another office, except this one’s contents were much more revealing, it was full of tables covered in a fine layer of an off-white powder, a mound of silvery bags of raw chemicals in the corner, hero didn’t need to know what they were, he recognized the skull and crossbones as a universal bad sign. 
“Shit,” he breathed, looking wide-eyed at the chemicals, covering his mouth and nose uselessly with his sleeve. 
Sidekick who was mirroring his reaction almost exactly did the same, “you see the blue prints?” 
Hero hadn’t, their own flashlight zeroing in on what sidekick was talking about, tacked up on a tattered cork board were the blueprints to the city’s water system. 
Hero sucked in a breath, “shit,” they said again, staggered by what this meant for the city his mouth suddenly dry as sand. 
“Remember the report we got last week?” Sidekick prompted, “About the odd activity at the water treatment plant? We ignored it because testing came back normal and that guy is always a little...off.” 
Hero nodded absently, studying the blueprints, there were a few black marks in a few alarmingly key spots, “He’s going to dose the whole city….Maybe he already has,” Hero murmured, horrified. 
“This was never about the ring was it?” Sidekick’s voice rang with desperation, “It was something to keep us busy so that the deal could go down without an issue.” 
Hero turned, “we’ve got to find the antagonist now.” 
“You think he’d help us?” 
Hero shook their head dismissively, “Even if he won’t, he’ll be able to tell us what we’re up against, if we can find him that is,” hero felt like he couldn’t look away from the blue prints, the city, his city, his chest felt tight, for a long moment he wanted to just close his eyes and unsee it, just climb into the back of the van and have sidekick push it into the river, he’d already failed, what if people got hurt? The police would never listen to him in time, they thought he was just a manic who ran around the city in a mask making trouble for them, maybe I am, he thought to himself. Is this my fault? Did I invite more crime into town by busting up smaller operations? Hero felt sick. 
“Three more doors to go hero,” Sidekick put his hand on hero’s shoulder comfortingly, “We’ll find him, even if we don’t, I’m here with you.” 
Hero let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, now was not the time for spiraling, he managed a wan smile that didn’t reach his eyes, his partner always knew what was going on inside of his head, “Let’s go.” 
Hero and sidekick split up again, hero’s heart filled with hope when he saw that the door he went to was locked, “Hey sidekick! Come help me with this!” 
Sidekick was at the door in record time, this lock was dealt with even easier than the padlock on the front door, and it swung open into a pitch black room. 
Hero shone his flashlight into the darkness, it looked bare, just an empty concrete room...then. 
“Pl-please...” A raspy voice begged from the darkness, “...T-turn the light off.” 
A chill prickled down hero’s arms, “Antagonist? Is that you?” Hero couldn’t be sure, the voice was more of a weak croak than anything...
“H-hero?” The voice wavered filling with desperate hope. 
 Hero turned off his light and stepped into the gloom, sidekick followed, shutting the door behind them, the dark was all encompassing, and in stepping from relative light to complete darkness hero and sidekick were immediately lost in it. 
“I’m here,”Hero answered,”where are you?  he found himself whispering, it felt more natural in the darkness. 
“The...vial,” The antagonist started in bitter desperation, “There’s a vial,” he groaned, “On the desk, it’s the...It’s the antidote,” there was a sound like metal scraping concrete, chains? Hero thought it was chains, sounding like the worst sort of bells he’d had ever heard. 
Hero swallowed, no time to panic, feeling his way across the room he stumbled once, loosing his balance in the dark, but sidekick was right by his side, grabbing him and keeping him from falling. 
After a few moments of blind groping hero found the desk, another moment after that his hand closed over a syringe. 
“Got it,” hero affirmed, somewhere the antagonist made a soft choked sound in the dark. 
Hero crouched to the floor and felt along the concrete until he found the chain, using his fingers to ‘see’ he followed the chain to the person at the other end, he realized as he got closer to the antagonist that he could have skipped feeling along the chain and just followed the sound of the antagonist’s labored breathing. 
The antagonist gasped when hero’s fingers brushed the back of his hand, “s-sorry, jumpy.” 
The antagonist seemed to be on the concrete, curled in on himself, hero could feel the heat radiating off of him from where he was crouched next to him. 
“I-inject me…” the antagonist commanded weakly, “Please, I-I can’t last much longer li-like this…” 
Hero frowned in the dark, “What if this is some poison instead of the antidote? What if it kills you?” 
Hero felt the antagonist’s hand close in a vice-like grip on his wrist, “Then we hope it’s faster than this,” their voice was hollow, full of bitterness, “Quick hero, I can’t stand it.” 
“What if I kill you?” hero insisted, already readying the syringe. 
“I’ll get over it,” the antagonist promised. 
Hero took a deep breath and injected the solution into the antagonist’s arm, sight unseen, the antagonist let out a tremulous breath when it was over. 
“What now?” Hero asked. 
“Just..just wait a minute,” The antagonist didn’t explain anymore, he sounded exhausted and in pain, hero wanted to be able to get a better look at him, in the dark like this it was impossible. 
A few long minutes passed, hero realized he was still holding the antagonist’s hand, he thought about pulling away, but the antagonist hadn’t pulled their hand away either, so they figured that it was alright. The antagonist's breathing slowed and evened out eventually, hero could almost feel him relax, all the pain fueled tension dissolving.  
“Hero? Still alive over there?” Sidekick’s worried voice cut across the gloom, hero thought that they had a right to be worried. 
“Yep,” hero replied, “if this is what passes for life nowadays.” 
“You two are adorable,” The antagonist noted, his voice was still weak and raspy, “Although I can’t help but wonder if I would have been rescued ages ago if the daring duo were a little more focused on heroism and less on poorly timed comedy.” 
“And he’s back,” hero noted dryly, then he sobered, “Can we turn our lights on now do you think?” 
“I think I can handle it,” The antagonist answered, abeight, a little hesitantly. 
Hero flicked on his flashlight, turning to the antagonist to see his reaction, while he squinted sensitivised eyes against the light he didn’t look like it was affecting him too badly, hero nodded at sidekick who turned his light back on as well and made his way over to join hero on the floor. 
Hero glanced the antagonist over in the light of sidekick’s flashlight beam, he was leaned up against the wall, chained to the floor by his left wrist, it was bloody and bruised, like he’d tried to yank it out of the shackle, but, other than that he didn’t look physically injured, he just looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His normally sharp bright eyes dull and bloodshot, dark circles that looked more like bruises underneath them, he was shivering, even in the heat of the room, hero wondered if it was a result of whatever he’d been poisoned with. 
The unlikely trio looked at each other for a long moment. 
“So…” Antagonist started, his teeth chattering, “He’s got access to something that interferes with a body's electrical impulses, it makes all stimuli extremely painful, pretty sure it’s mixed with a lot of stimulants, I don’t know if that’s necessary to the mix or was to keep me awake.” 
“But you’re alright?” Hero asked concernedly searching the antagonist's face, “The antidote worked?” 
“I think so, the pain is gone, but, who cares about that? In high enough doses I think it would overload pain receptors, maybe even kill someone,” they sighed shakily, “I would have thought it was pretty cool except--” 
Sidekick interrupted them with a hug, the antagonist stiffened, their brain seemingly fried by the ambush, “we’re glad you’re okay, we were worried,” sidekick’s voice was too close to their ear, the antagonist knew he should have pushed sidekick away, said something sarcastic, but their eyes found hero instead, they were suddenly aware that hero was still holding their hand, it was warm and solid, real, hero’s was smiling, they were relieved, it was as plain on their face as the streaks of dust. 
The antagonist didn’t understand, but their available arm slowly wrapped around sidekick, hugging them back, when sidekick let go, the antagonist noticed that their chest burned, but they dismissed it as a possible side effect. 
“Let’s get you out of here,” Sidekick went to work on picking the lock that was keeping the antagonist chained to the floor, gentle where the antagonist’s wrist had met the unforgiving metal. 
“What happened?” Hero asked quietly. 
The antagonist looked away, “I was jumped, common criminal move, they got my watch off of me too fast for me to use it.” 
“The crime boss?” 
“His “people” sure,” the antagonist rolled his neck, spell seemingly broken, he pushed himself off of the wall and sat up, the trembling was easing, but it was leaving behind an unnerving weakness, “they got me here, laughed at me when I told them you and I were enemies, and then he injected me with something….It wasn’t fun.” 
“Were you in that white room?” Hero asked, unable to help himself, “everything just sort of melt around you?” 
The antagonist shook his head, “No,  it was like I was on fire. All of my nerves sizzling under my skin,” The antagonist shrugged, “Later he gave me something else, paired with an electrical current to exacerbate it, but no white rooms.” 
Sidekick gently pulled the shackle open, the antagonist cradled his injured wrist against his chest. 
“Can you stand?” Hero asked. 
The antagonist looked at him sheepishly “I can try,” hero helped him to his feet, he managed to stand for a moment before his knees buckled, the muscles in his legs trembling and aching like he’d been running for days. Hero caught him easily, looping the antagonist’s arm around his shoulders, “Whoa! Got you,” he smiled without even a hint of mockery, “Sidekick, can you get his other side?” 
Sidekick obliged, taking the antagonist’s other arm, together the three of them walked out of the dark room where the antagonist had been kept prisoner. 
They started for the stairs, “Wait,” the antagonist interjected, “Aren’t you going to show me the room with the pounds of drugs?” 
Hero and sidekick exchanged a look. 
“What?” The antagonist was getting tired of not being in the loop.
“The room’s empty, all we found were the packaging materials,” hero admitted, shifting to get a better hold on the antagonist, impatient to get going. 
“We have a sample, but otherwise it’s just the bags like the ones in your lab,” sidekick added. 
“Wait,” the antagonist started, “The drugs are gone? Like ‘in the wind’ gone” Their voice had risen in panic, “Like the crime boss has taken them to sell gone?” 
“Yeah,” sidekick swallowed, “about that.” 
“I hate to ask this considering your state but we think that the Villain is planning on dosing the city by dropping the drugs in the water, and if you feel up to it we’d like your help...again,” hero added uneasily. 
The antagonist looked from hero to sidekick and back again, he took a measured breath, hero couldn’t help feeling concern wash over him, the antagonist looked worse out here in the light, his skin had taken on a grayish tone, and he seemed to be fading by the minute now that the stimulant’s properties were wearing off, “Alright,” he agreed, “But if we’re going to make a difference at all, we’ve got to hurry, I’m crashing, after I pass out I’ll be no use to anyone for hours.” 
“By then it’ll be too late,” hero whispered, already starting to move again. 
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” the antagonist agreed.
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irwinspharmacy · 11 days
Finding Late Night Pharmacy Services in Cork
In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon to need a pharmacy during unconventional hours. Whether it's a sudden medical issue or a forgotten prescription, having access to a late night pharmacy Cork can make all the difference. Residents of Cork benefit from a range of options that cater to those urgent, after-hours needs. From prescriptions to over-the-counter medicines, these late-night services provide a vital resource for the local community.
For anyone living in the heart of the city, having a late night pharmacy Cork city available means peace of mind. It's especially helpful for individuals working late shifts or those dealing with unexpected health concerns. Having a reliable option close to home ensures that no one has to go without essential medications, no matter the time of day.
Convenient Locations for Late Pharmacy Access
If you're located in Cork, finding a pharmacy Shandon st is one of the best options for late-night medication needs. The location is easy to access, offering a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical services. Whether it's first aid products, health supplements, or prescription refills, this pharmacy meets a wide array of needs.
Pharmacies on pharmacy Shandon street provide valuable services, particularly for those in the surrounding neighborhoods. Conveniently located, it allows residents to get their health needs addressed without needing to travel far. The accessibility of this pharmacy makes it an ideal stop for late-night emergencies.
Late Night Pharmacies for Urgent Needs
Sometimes, waiting until morning is simply not an option. That's where a late pharmacy Cork becomes an essential part of the community. These pharmacies ensure that essential medications are available when patients need them the most. Whether it's pain relief, cold medicine, or emergency prescriptions, late-night services ensure that healthcare is always within reach.
For those who need a pharmacy open now Cork, having a trusted location that operates during late hours can be a lifesaver. Many individuals rely on these services when unexpected health concerns arise, ensuring they can get what they need without unnecessary delay. Pharmacies open late provide much-needed flexibility for busy schedules or last-minute medication needs.
Access to Late Night Chemists in Cork
Another crucial service for residents is a late night chemist Cork. This type of pharmacy offers a wide range of healthcare products, from everyday essentials to specialized prescriptions. For individuals needing immediate assistance outside of regular business hours, late-night chemists are indispensable.
By having access to a late night pharmacy Cork that offers extended hours, people can ensure they are never without the medications or products they rely on. Whether for a sudden illness, an urgent refill, or simply peace of mind, late-night chemists provide critical services to the Cork community.
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irwinspharmacy · 3 months
Finding the Perfect Pharmacy in Cork City: A Comprehensive Guide
Pharmacies Cork boasts a vibrant selection of pharmacies, each catering to various needs and offering a convenient, professional service. Whether you require a prescription medication, everyday health and beauty supplies, or expert advice on wellness, a trusted Irwins pharmacy is just around the corner. This guide delves into the diverse landscape of pharmacies in Cork City, empowering you to find the perfect fit for your requirements.
Location and Hours of Operation:
Convenience is paramount when choosing a pharmacy. Consider Irwins pharmacy situated near your workplace, residence, or along your regular commute. Many pharmacies in Cork City offer extended hours, including late-night and weekend openings, catering to busy schedules and emergencies.
Here's a breakdown of common opening hours:
Weekdays: Typically 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with some extending to 8:00 PM.
Saturdays: Often operate between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM.
Sundays: A select few pharmacies open on Sundays, usually with reduced hours.
Pro Tip: Utilize online pharmacy locators or search for "pharmacy near me" to find pharmacies in your vicinity and their specific opening hours.
Services Offered:
Modern pharmacies in Cork City transcend the role of simply dispensing medication. Many offer a plethora of valuable services, including:
Prescription dispensing: Efficient and professional service for collecting prescribed medications.
Over-the-counter medication: Comprehensive selection of over-the-counter remedies for common ailments.
Health and beauty products: Extensive range of personal care items, vitamins, and supplements.
Vaccination services: Seasonal flu vaccinations and travel vaccinations may be available.
Advice on minor ailments: Pharmacists can provide guidance on self-care for minor health concerns.
Mother and baby care: Dedicated sections with products catering to mothers and infants.
Travel healthcare: Assistance with travel vaccinations and essential medication for trips abroad.
Not all pharmacies offer every service. It's recommended to inquire about specific services beforehand, especially if you have particular needs.
Some pharmacies in Cork City cater to specific areas of healthcare. These specialized pharmacies may stock a wider range of products within their niche and provide tailored advice. Examples include:
Dermatological pharmacies: Focus on skincare products and treatments.
Homeopathy pharmacies: Offer a range of homeopathic remedies.
Mobility aid pharmacies: Stock wheelchairs, walkers, and other mobility equipment.
By understanding your specific needs, you can locate a specialized pharmacy equipped to address them effectively.
Online Ordering and Services:
Convenience reigns supreme in today's world. Many chemist Cork City pharmacies have embraced the digital age by offering online ordering and services. This allows you to:
Refill prescriptions: Order repeat prescriptions for collection or delivery.
Browse product selection: Explore the pharmacy's inventory from the comfort of your home.
Schedule appointments: Book consultations with pharmacists for medication reviews or health advice.
Online services streamline the process of acquiring medication and healthcare products, saving you valuable time.
Finding the Right Chemist in Cork City
"Chemist" is a commonly used synonym for "pharmacy" in Ireland. Consider the following factors when choosing your chemist Cork City:
Location and hours: Opt for a pharmacy Cork City conveniently located and with operating hours that suit your schedule.
Services offered: Ensure the pharmacy provides the services you require, including prescription dispensing, over-the-counter medication, or specialized advice.
Online presence: Look for pharmacies with user-friendly websites offering online ordering and appointment scheduling.
Reputation: Read online reviews and inquire amongst friends and family for recommendations.
By prioritizing these factors, you'll be well-equipped to select a pharmacy in Cork City that caters to your specific needs and offers exceptional service.
Cork City's dynamic landscape of pharmacies guarantees a convenient and professional service to meet your healthcare requirements. Whether you prioritize location, specialized services, or online accessibility, a perfect pharmacy awaits. Utilize this guide as a roadmap to navigate pharmacy Cork City and find the one that best suits your needs.
Remember, consulting a healthcare professional is vital for any medical concerns. Pharmacists can provide valuable advice, but they cannot diagnose illnesses or prescribe medications for new conditions.
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irwinspharmacy · 3 months
Finding a Reliable Late Night Pharmacy Cork
Finding a Reliable Late Night Pharmacy Cork
Navigating the need for medical supplies or prescriptions outside regular hours can be stressful. Thankfully, the late night pharmacy cork services provide essential support for those unforeseen circumstances.
Advantages of a Late Night Pharmacy Cork City
Living in a vibrant city like Cork comes with its perks, including access to a late night pharmacy cork city. These pharmacies offer more than just convenience; they provide peace of mind knowing that help is available round the clock. Whether it's for urgent medication needs, last-minute over-the-counter purchases, or professional healthcare advice, a late night pharmacy cork city stands ready to assist.
Key Locations: Pharmacy Shandon St and Pharmacy Shandon Street
When it comes to finding a dependable pharmacy, pharmacy shandon st are notable mentions. These locations are strategically placed to serve the community efficiently. Known for their comprehensive range of services, these pharmacies ensure you can access essential healthcare products and advice regardless of the hour.
What to Expect from a Late Pharmacy Cork
A late pharmacy Cork isn't just about extended hours; it's about offering a full spectrum of services that cater to urgent and regular healthcare needs. Here’s what you can expect:
24/7 Availability: Whether it's a late-night prescription refill or an urgent purchase of over-the-counter medication, a late pharmacy Cork ensures you are never left without options.
Professional Advice: Pharmacists on duty are always ready to offer expert guidance on medication usage, side effects, and general health queries.
Comprehensive Stock: From prescription medications to everyday health products, these pharmacies are well-stocked to meet diverse needs.
Accessibility and Convenience: Pharmacy Open Now Cork
One of the biggest advantages of a pharmacy open now Cork is its accessibility. Located in various parts of the city, these pharmacies are easy to reach, ensuring that you can quickly get the healthcare products and advice you need without delay.
The Importance of a Late Night Chemist Cork
A late night chemist Cork plays a crucial role in the healthcare system. These chemists provide essential services that are critical during emergencies and beyond regular hours. Here’s why they are indispensable:
Emergency Services: From providing necessary medications to offering urgent medical supplies, a late night chemist Cork ensures that you are covered in emergencies.
Health Consultations: Late-night chemists offer consultations on health concerns that cannot wait until the next day, bridging the gap between immediate care and scheduled doctor visits.
Medication Management: For individuals with chronic conditions, maintaining a steady supply of medication is vital. Late-night chemists help manage this need efficiently.
Detailed Insights into Pharmacy Shandon St and Pharmacy Shandon Street
Pharmacy shandon street are synonymous with reliability and quality service. These pharmacies are not just about extended hours; they are about providing a holistic healthcare experience that caters to the needs of the community. Here’s what sets them apart:
Experienced Pharmacists: Staffed with experienced and knowledgeable pharmacists, these locations ensure you receive accurate and helpful advice at any hour.
Wide Range of Products: From prescription drugs to wellness products, you will find a comprehensive range of items to meet your healthcare needs.
Customer-Centric Services: The focus is always on providing exceptional service, ensuring that your healthcare needs are met promptly and efficiently.
In conclusion, finding a late night pharmacy cork is crucial for addressing healthcare needs outside regular hours. Whether you need a late night pharmacy cork city or a reliable pharmacy shandon st, the options available ensure that you are never far from essential medical services.
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irwinspharmacy · 4 months
Pharmacy Shandon Street: Your Go-To Pharmacy in Cork
Finding a reliable and accessible pharmacy Shandon Street can be a daunting task, especially when you need urgent medical supplies or prescriptions filled. At Irwin's Pharmacy, we understand the importance of convenience and availability. Our pharmacy open now Cork ensures that you get the medications and healthcare products you need when you need them. We take pride in being a trusted late pharmacy Cork, serving the community with dedication and care.
Why Choose Our Pharmacy Shandon Street?
Irwin's Pharmacy on Shandon Street is more than just a place to get your prescriptions filled. We offer a wide range of services that cater to all your healthcare needs. Here’s why we stand out:
Convenient Location: Situated on Shandon Street, our pharmacy is easily accessible to residents of Cork City and the surrounding areas.
Extended Hours: As a late pharmacy Cork, we stay open longer to serve you better.
Comprehensive Services: From prescription medications to over-the-counter products, we have it all.
Professional Staff: Our team of qualified pharmacists is always ready to assist you with any queries or concerns.
Your Reliable Late Pharmacy Cork
Emergencies don’t keep regular business hours, and neither do we. Our late pharmacy Cork is committed to being there for you during those unexpected moments. Whether it's a sudden health issue or a late-night need for baby formula, you can count on us to be open and ready to help.
Always Open When You Need Us: Pharmacy Open Now Cork
It’s frustrating to need medication and find that every pharmacy is closed. That’s why we make it a point to be a pharmacy open now Cork. Our extended hours ensure that you have access to essential health services whenever you need them. Whether it's early in the morning or late at night, our doors are open.
Benefits of Our Late Night Chemist Cork
Being a late night chemist Cork comes with several advantages for our customers:
24/7 Availability: Our pharmacy is open late, so you never have to worry about not being able to get your medications.
Emergency Prescriptions: Need a prescription filled urgently? We’ve got you covered.
Wide Range of Products: From pain relief to skincare, our shelves are stocked with everything you might need.
What We Offer at Irwin's Pharmacy Shandon Street
Our pharmacy offers a variety of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our customers:
Prescription Services: Quick and accurate prescription filling.
Health Consultations: Our pharmacists are available for consultations on medications and health concerns.
Vaccinations: We provide vaccinations for flu, travel, and other health needs.
Health Products: A wide range of over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and health supplements.
Community-Centered Pharmacy Shandon Street
At Irwin's Pharmacy, we believe in being more than just a pharmacy. We strive to be an integral part of the community, offering support and healthcare services that go beyond just dispensing medications. Our community-focused approach ensures that we meet the unique needs of every customer, from young families to the elderly.
Why Accessibility Matters: Pharmacy Open Now Cork
Accessibility is crucial when it comes to healthcare. Our pharmacy open now Cork ensures that no matter the time of day, you have a reliable place to turn to for your health needs. We understand that health concerns can arise at any time, and being available when you need us the most is our top priority.
Trustworthy and Reliable Late Pharmacy Cork
When you choose our late pharmacy Cork, you are choosing a pharmacy that is dedicated to your health and well-being. Our extended hours are just one of the ways we show our commitment to serving you better. We believe that healthcare should be accessible, reliable, and professional, no matter the time of day.
Visit Irwin's Late Night Chemist Cork Today
Whether you’re dealing with a medical emergency or simply need a late-night supply of essentials, Irwin's late night chemist Cork is here for you. Our doors are always open, and our team is always ready to provide the care and service you deserve. Visit us on Shandon Street and experience the convenience and reliability that sets us apart.
Irwin's Pharmacy on Shandon Street is your trusted partner for all your healthcare needs. As a pharmacy Shandon Street, we offer convenience, reliability, and professional service. Our commitment to being a pharmacy open now Cork and a late pharmacy Cork ensures that you always have access to the medications and healthcare products you need. Trust Irwin's Pharmacy to be there for you, day or night.
Visit our website for more information or drop by our pharmacy to experience our exceptional service firsthand. Your health and well-being are our top priority.
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irwinspharmacy · 1 year
Convenience and Care: Late Night Pharmacy in Cork City"
Late nights can often bring unexpected health concerns or the need for essential medications. In Cork City, residents and visitors are fortunate to have access to late-night pharmacies that provide convenience and peace of mind. One such pharmacy that stands out is located on Shandon Street.
Shandon Street Pharmacy: Your Trusted Late Night Chemist in Cork
Conveniently situated in the heart of Cork City, Shandon Street Pharmacy is a beacon of healthcare accessibility when the sun goes down. Whether you're a night owl or simply need urgent medication after regular business hours, this pharmacy has got you covered.
Late Night Pharmacy Cork City
Shandon Street Pharmacy prides itself on its commitment to the community. Their team of experienced pharmacists and friendly staff are dedicated to ensuring that your healthcare needs are met, no matter the time. They understand that health concerns don't adhere to a schedule, which is why they stay open late to serve you.
With a well-stocked inventory of prescription and over-the-counter medications, you can rest assured that you'll find what you need. Additionally, the pharmacy offers essential healthcare products and personalized advice to address your unique needs.
Why Choose Shandon Street Pharmacy?
Extended Hours: Shandon Street Pharmacy is open late into the night, making it convenient for those who require medications or healthcare items outside regular pharmacy hours.
Experienced Pharmacists: The pharmacy's team of pharmacists is highly knowledgeable and ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about your medication.
Personalized Service: Shandon Street Pharmacy believes in providing personalized care. They take the time to understand your needs and offer tailored solutions.
Wide Selection: Their extensive selection of medications and healthcare products ensures that you'll find what you need under one roof.
Community Focus: This pharmacy has been a part of the Cork City community for years, and they take pride in serving their neighbors with care and compassion.
When it comes to your health and well-being, Shandon Street Pharmacy is your trusted partner in Cork City, offering reliable late-night pharmacy services.
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irwinspharmacy · 1 year
Greatest Chemist Pharmacy In Cork
We are devoted to providing patients with continued excellence in our providers. There are additionally opportunities for research in areas corresponding to drug supply, drug design, drug action, and the follow of pharmacy. Pharmacists can manage businesses for different people or set up their own companies. Our employees will assist you in making meaningful connections inside and between subjects similar to medication, science, physiology and the follow of pharmacy. We are an unbiased Pharmacy enterprise providing all aspects of pharmacy service including Prescriptions, Blister Packs , Flu Vaccinations, Covid Boosters and medication gross sales and advice. Irwin’s pharmacies Cork consists of two suburban chemists and a late night pharmacy in Cork city.
The Present Sites comprise links that permit entry to web sites not managed or controlled by KAPITOL S.A. KAPITOL S.A. Only offers these hyperlinks on your convenience and is on no account liable for the content of the sites to which they take you. Takes reasonable irwins pharmacy measures to make sure the accuracy of the Content of the Present Sites however it cannot assure that the data accessible through the above-mentioned links is accurate or complete. With regard to this data, it provides no guarantee of a lack
Feel free to message or call our group at any time or call to our stores for advice you'll have the ability to belief. Please bear in mind that the Government has modified the regulation so that you may get repeat prescriptions emailed on to this Irish on-line pharmacy with out going to the surgical procedure. We carry a full range of over-the-counter medicines, and our staff have all acquired coaching in correct use of medicines. The key element of this coaching chemist cork is to know when to convey a specific request to the attention of the pharmacist, so that you obtain the appropriate medicines and recommendation. Develop services with added value utilizing your on-line entry,seek for right info,verify the contact details of an applicant,validate all the knowledge related to incoming and outgoing calls,etc.
Broderick’s Chemist has been a staple in Barrack Street since 1927, when John D Broderick arrange store. The store was your typical old-fashioned pharmacy, working in a little bit of a time warp, till 2000. That’s when the passion of youth insisted on upgrading the premises. They underwent a significant re-fit and extension, which improved both the standard of service for our customers/patients and the working conditions for his or her workers.
At Murphy's, we provide excellent customer care with an emphasis on offering you with the solely option, value and service. Our friendly workers members Janice, Mary and Karen will also be available to help you.”  Pat Dalton, Pharmacist and owner. Our staff are more than happy that can help you and can give you recommendation on medical, well being and beauty points. Explore our intensive range of quality makeup, skincare and well being products obtainable online and in any respect O’Sullivans pharmacies. Do you need to maintain up to date with the most recent healthcare information, competitions and special offers?
Our buyers meticulously supply one of the best native and worldwide giftware to guarantee you have a big selection to choose from. We additionally gift wrap gadgets in retailer to make sure your mates, household and family members pharmacy cork obtain a present to truly remember. The website is welcoming exciting development and new expansions to support much-needed capacity for APIs presently in development and the rising wants of shoppers and the sufferers they serve.
Our deliveries are made between 4pm and 7pm, Monday to Friday. For identical day supply please place your order earlier than 12 midday. Lead by our Superintendent Pharmacist, Prof. Peter Weedle the pharmacist staff consists of Kevin Clarke, Mairead Fleming, Jayne Kelleher, Sinead Neville and Yasmin Safar Hamidi. The pharmacists shall be supported by our pharmacy technicians and other workers.
that lasts all day long. Gliding on like a cream and units like a powder, the Icon Bronzer allows you to look glowy in seconds while remaining crease free from morning through to night.
Ali Burke is the Support Pharmacist and enjoys working as a half of an excellent team at Duanes pharmacy. “Someone who did the course previously summed it up completely as having entry to ‘the board that I can’t afford! ’ It’s all about getting entry to a sounding board of like-minded people and if you pharmacies in cork step again you actually get to see the larger picture,” mentioned Mairead. The vaccine a half of the business has all the time been something Mairead has been keen to embrace. “I stuffed out the applying probably extra in hope than expectation.
You may solely use or reproduce the data throughout the Content for the needs of private, non-commercial or instructional use. Any other use, reproduction, dissemination, publication or retransmission of the Content is strictly forbidden without the written authorisation of the copyright owner pharmacies cork. You must adjust to all the directions, data and restrictions included with the Content and you should not separate them from it. In celebration of their sixty fifth anniversary of Minihans Chemist on Oliver Plunkett Street  they are launching a brand new devoted gift service.
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irwinspharmacy · 1 year
Our Store Areas Eire
The Bandon retailer is the 13th for the corporate, with others positioned in Clonakilty, Mallow, Tralee, Ennis and Limerick. Sorry, we're unable to search out shops near that location. Please strive once more or use a special postcode or place name. Never be without pharmacy open now Cork your favourite Boots products with our international supply choices. Gillian Murphy established Skehard Pharmacy in 1984 and has served as a pharmacist in Blackrock for the last 35 years. You can talk to the pharmacist privately in a session room.
Having explored many different courses, I selected this BCL degree in DCU as a end result of I felt it was probably the most appropriate for my career and private growth. Shopkeepers and pharmacists say they’re facing a rising wave of theft as the worth of necessities rises sharply. The Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) has stated the sector is quickly dropping religion in Mr Donnelly and his department’s ability to utilise pharmacies appropriately and is now campaigning for significant engagement. We have a digital picture printing kiosk within the pharmacy, which may print in all standard picture sizes, such as 4x6, 5x7, 8x10 instantly.
We take the time to debate all drugs, answering any questions you may have. We are an moral primarily based pharmacy and have constructed up a loyal buyer base that continues to decide on us as their chemist of choice. We supply private care and attention to all our valued customers,a few of whom have been coming to us for greater cork pharmacy open sunday than 40 years. Some are new families that have just moved to the realm. With a big choice of Cosmetics and skincare products, and everything you may need for that new arrival, we've all of it. Please call in for a chat, and see what we are ready to do for you.
Our friendly employees members Janice, Mary and Karen will also be readily available to assist you.”  Pat Dalton, Pharmacist and proprietor. Our extremely expert staff works towards the same goal, to offer you a dependable, confidential and personalised service as commonplace, throughout our stores,’ Helen stated. Our pharmacists have all completed extra training on the management of fertility. We inventory late night chemist Cork a large range of medication and dietary supplements commonly used to deal with sub-fertility, in addition to therapies used as a part of IUI, IVF and ICSI cycles. We have a devoted household planning space in the pharmacy, which includes basal body temperature thermometers, conception support supplements, fertility monitors, in addition to commonplace family planning product ranges.
Skincare from brands similar to Bioderma, Kinvara, Nivea, Garnier, Pestle & Mortar, Aveeno, Moogoo and The Inkey List are all obtainable instore. For your comfort, you can also send this contact sheet for us to order your repeat prescription. If you could late night pharmacy have a health-related question and you would like some advice from a Pharmacist, merely fill in your particulars, kind in your query and submit. A Pharmacist will reply to your question within 24-48hours.
Traditionally magnificence merchandise have been seen because the preserve of women yet the worldwide male grooming market was estimated at $55bn in 2020 and it ... From the emergency plasters needed for a model new pair of footwear debut, to common and essential prescriptions, the native pharmacy is a significant backbone of the community. At Murphy's, we offer late night pharmacy cork excellent buyer care with an emphasis on providing you with your finest option, value and service. All the Content printed on the Present Sites or otherwise accessible by way of them is protected by copyright. The Content and the copyright in the Content belong to or are under the control
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irwinspharmacy · 1 year
Online Store
Cobh Pharmacy supplies the group of Cobh and guests to the town with a broad range of pharmacy and health care services. If you are in search of a pharmacist or chemist in Cork, Cobh Pharmacy might be ready that can help you. Our services embrace dishing out prescriptions with full treatment management late night pharmacy cork city, weight management, smoking cessation, blood pressure checks and medical recommendation in your medication treatments and situations. Seamus Burke, Haven Pharmacy, Burke’s (Macroom, Co.Cork) has been serving the people of Macroom since 2012. He prides himself on providing great customer service with a personal contact.
Never be without your favorite Boots products with our international delivery choices. As of Monday the 5th of July we'll start COVID-19 vaccination in the pharmacy. Our pharmacist will measure your waist circumference or will do a BMI verify.
Dan McCarthy’s Pharmacy is an Irish, household owned pharmacy group, serving the well being and beauty needs of communities in Cork since 2008. The company started with a single pharmacy in Cork city and has since grown to include 11 pharmacies throughout Cork city and county. Dan McCarthy’s Pharmacy is devoted to offering high-quality services to its clients. The company’s pharmacy staff are all qualified pharmacists who present professional recommendation and help to clients. The firm also has a team of fully educated magnificence therapists who offer a range of magnificence therapies.
Ahead of the busy June bank vacation weekend, hospital administration are reminding the public that the hospital’s minor damage unit shall be open daily from 8 a.m. According to consumers, the disappearance of the screens appears to be widespread, affecting Lidl shops in various cities and cities across Ireland. If this applies to your prescription you will obtain an e-mail with particulars of the required fee.
If you want further access to Ireland's greatest local journalism, contemplate contributing and/or subscribing to our free daily Newsletter . Please allow advertisements as they assist fund our trusted native news content material. Non-prescription medicines may be purchased on-line from the Drinagh Pharmacy website late night pharmacy cork. Lloyds Pharmacy have made it straightforward to search out out when your native retailer is open through the festive interval. "Hickey's Pharmacy stores will be closed on Christmas Day the 25th December. The majority of our stores may even be closed on St.Stephens Day the 26th of December," they mentioned.
LloydsPharmacy is devoted to providing the very best quality well being care to their patients and their families. They have a powerful presence in Irish communities, and their focus is on providing the absolute best recommendation and assist for all of their patients’ well being and wellbeing needs. Their pharmacies are situated throughout Ireland, and they are dedicated to providing the very best service to their prospects. They offer a broad range of companies, from prescribed drugs to over-the-counter medicines, and they're always out there to reply any questions you might have about your health. They also offer a broad range of health merchandise, from beauty products to health equipment, and they are at all times happy that can help you find the proper product for your needs. They delight themselves on being the main pharmacy chain in Ireland, and they're all the time available that will help you with any of your health care wants.
If you need help on which vitamins are right for you, a member of our team might be very happy to help. Our brands embody Sona, Solgar, Vitabiotics, Seven Seas and lots of extra. We additionally stock a wide range of probiotics- Biokult,Alflorex & Optibac to name but a few. All information about the firms which are represented in the catalog are up to date mechanically.
You can now guide your seasonal Flu Vaccination at Haven Pharmacy Burkes, Macroom. Follow the link for additional information and our on-line booking platform. Our Haven Pharmacy Gift Cards may be redeemed in any of the forty Haven Pharmacy shops nationwide. ‘It was a difficult yr for us as Covid took over many lives and companies pharmacy shandon st, it was something none of us might have predicted,’ says Helen Harrington, supervisor of the Bandon store. ‘We opened our first store in West Cork in March 2020, the week the pandemic kicked off in Ireland. Please strive again or use a different postcode or place name.
We’ll take the time to pay attention and supply the health recommendation you need. We offer an intensive range of mobility aids, incontinence wear, compression stockings,healthcare, and household products, all designed to make life easier. We present a massive range of beauty products for ladies and men including Clarins and Chanel.. Our beauty specialists are at hand to advise you on merchandise pharmacy shandon street and coverings. He has a ardour for enterprise, news & products and has spent plenty of time all round the nation studying and experiencing the best of every little thing. His mission at TopRated.ie is that will assist you discover the most effective sourced news and firm reviews in Ireland.
We dispense all health service prescriptions and give you info on any possible side- results, including any particular precautions and warnings and additional info leaflets. We are at all times here to offer you any information you must require relating to any illness or healthcare problem. Our extremely skilled staff works in path late pharmacy Cork of the same objective, to give you a reliable, confidential and personalised service as standard, all through our shops,’ Helen stated. Develop services with added worth utilizing your online entry,seek for appropriate info,verify the contact details of an applicant,validate all of the information associated to incoming and outgoing calls,and so on.
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