#late pharmacy Cork
irwinspharmacy · 11 days
The Importance of Accessible Local Pharmacies
Local pharmacies are a lifeline for communities, offering not only medications but also healthcare advice and products. Residents rely on these services for everything from filling prescriptions to seeking health guidance. In Cork, Mayfield pharmacy stands out as a trusted healthcare provider, offering essential services to meet the needs of the local population.
A pharmacy Mayfield serves as more than just a place to pick up medications. It’s a healthcare hub where individuals can seek advice, purchase health products, and receive prescriptions promptly. Conveniently located, it offers easy access for those living in the surrounding areas.
Comprehensive Healthcare Services in Mayfield
The availability of a chemist Mayfield Cork means that residents have a nearby, reliable option for all their healthcare needs. Whether it’s dealing with seasonal illnesses, managing long-term conditions, or seeking over-the-counter remedies, a local chemist is essential for ensuring continuous access to healthcare products and advice. This convenience and accessibility are vital for individuals who might not have easy access to larger healthcare facilities.
Having a pharmacy Northside provides an additional layer of support for the community. The pharmacy offers essential services such as flu vaccinations, blood pressure checks, and advice on managing various health conditions, ensuring the community has a one-stop-shop for all their medical needs.
A Lifeline for Northside Residents
Access to a chemist Northside ensures that Cork’s northern region is well-supported when it comes to healthcare needs. For many residents, having a nearby chemist that offers a range of services from prescription refills to health consultations is invaluable. It saves time, offers convenience, and ensures that residents can easily manage their health without needing to travel far.
Pharmacies like the pharmacy Northside Cork play a crucial role in supporting the healthcare infrastructure of the area. These pharmacies are not just retail spaces but are integral to the healthcare journey of many patients, particularly those managing chronic conditions or requiring frequent medications.
Why Pharmacies are Essential for Community Health
The role of a pharmacy goes beyond simply providing medications. Pharmacies, especially local ones like Mayfield pharmacy, are part of the healthcare system that helps manage minor ailments, advise on medication use, and even offer preventive services such as vaccinations. Having such a resource readily available to Cork residents makes a significant difference in how individuals approach their healthcare needs.
For those living in Northside, having access to a pharmacy Mayfield provides peace of mind, knowing that expert healthcare advice and services are always within reach. Whether it’s late at night or during the day, the pharmacy is a crucial resource for ensuring that health concerns can be addressed promptly.
A Community-Centered Approach to Healthcare
The presence of a chemist Mayfield cork and the additional support provided by the pharmacy Northside serve as crucial healthcare touchpoints for the community. From prescriptions to wellness checks, these services are designed to keep the local population healthy and informed.
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devid12s · 9 months
Beyond Business Hours The Essential Role of Late Night Pharmacies in Cork
Cork, a city known for its lively spirit and bustling streets, doesn't slow down when the sun sets. As the community continues its activities into the late hours, the need for essential services becomes increasingly vital. Late-night pharmacies in Cork stand as crucial pillars of support, providing access to medications, health advice, and healthcare services when other establishments have closed their doors. In this article, we explore the indispensable role of late night pharmacy Cork highlighting their significance in promoting community health and well-being.
Addressing Health Needs Beyond 9-to-5:
The rhythm of modern life in Cork often extends beyond the traditional 9-to-5 working hours. Late-night pharmacies recognize and cater to this reality, ensuring that residents have access to vital healthcare services when they need them the most. Whether it's a sudden illness, a prescription refill, or urgent health advice, these pharmacies act as a lifeline for the community, providing a reassuring presence during the late-night hours.
Emergency Healthcare at Your Fingertips:
Health emergencies don't adhere to a schedule, and late-night pharmacies in Cork play a crucial role in offering emergency healthcare services. Whether it's a minor injury, unexpected illness, or the need for urgent medication, these establishments provide immediate assistance, helping residents address health concerns promptly. The availability of emergency healthcare during late hours contributes significantly to the overall safety and well-being of the community.
Convenience for Night Shift Workers:
Cork, like many dynamic cities, has a significant population engaged in night shift work across various industries. Late-night pharmacies cater to the unique needs of night shift workers, offering a reliable source for medication refills, health consultations, and over-the-counter remedies during their waking hours. This convenience ensures that those working late into the night can access essential healthcare services without the constraints of a traditional schedule.
Technological Integration for Accessibility:
Late-night pharmacies in Cork leverage technology to enhance accessibility for residents. Online platforms, mobile applications, and real-time updates on opening hours provide individuals with immediate information about which pharmacies are open late at night. This integration of technology not only streamlines the process of obtaining healthcare services but also aligns with the digital age, ensuring that information is readily available at the fingertips of those seeking late-night assistance.
Community Assurance and Well-Being:
Knowing that late-night pharmacies are open in Cork offers a sense of assurance to the community. It signifies that help is available when needed, fostering a supportive environment where individuals feel confident in addressing their health concerns during unconventional hours. The presence of late-night pharmacies contributes to the overall well-being of the community, reinforcing the idea that healthcare is not confined to a specific timeframe.
Late-night pharmacies in Cork play a vital role in ensuring that the city's residents have access to essential healthcare services beyond traditional business hours. Their commitment to providing emergency healthcare, convenience for night workers, technological integration, and fostering community assurance makes them indispensable components of Cork's healthcare ecosystem. As the city continues to thrive into the late hours, late-night pharmacies stand as essential guardians of community health and well-being.
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lavenderwatercolor · 5 years
Cranberry Vodka, Arthur Fleck x Reader
Prompt: “You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
Warnings: Cursing, drinking.
Pairing: Arthur Fleck/Reader
A/N: I wrote this for the #arthurfleckjokerwritingchallenge hosted by @arthurfleckjoker2019, I thought it was a cute fluffy one-shot and I hope you all enjoy!
You have a history of getting a little out of hand when you drank. Nothing crazy like getting into fights at the bar or parading naked through the streets, but you were a little… enthusiastic about things. Like when your neighbors brought over peach cobbler to welcome you to the neighborhood you cried and called them beautiful and told them you loved them.
And when you met Arthur, you were a little more than tipsy. You were at a comedy club with your friends and sat down at the only table available, which was his. After a few more dirty martinis you were chatting up a storm, asking him every question you could think of. 
When the show ended you gave him his number and that started a beautiful friendship, and you tried not to drink around him after that.
You and Arthur had a very interesting friendship. It was quite obvious he had a little crush on you, you could tell because of the way he looked at you. He snuck glances at you when he thought you didn’t notice, with this look in his eyes. Like he was exactly where he was supposed to be. 
It would be far from the truth to say you didn’t feel the same way. Maybe not in the way he was so deeply enthralled by you, but you did think of him as more than a friend. How could you not? He was so kind, so sweet, he would do anything for you and you knew it. 
Arthur never had a friend. Sure, he had ‘friends’, but none of them were in it selflessly. At work, they’d call him their friend, but only to butter him up for favors. Other people that he saw often in his life were in no way considered his friends. His social worker, the woman at the pharmacy who would give him his prescriptions, the manager of his apartment, they were all just side characters in his own sad novel. 
But you. He adored you. You were his only true friend. The only person to help him when he needed help, the only one to check up on him out of the blue and make sure he was okay, the only one that didn’t get uncomfortable when he laughed.
So, you tried not to ruin it with your drinking. 
One night though, your neighbors brought over a bottle of vodka, assuming from their first meeting with you that you enjoyed alcohol. You very much loved alcohol, you loved to drink, but hard drinks like vodka were one of the worst things you could consume. You always got lonely and invited people over, and if you were with people you became way too flirty. 
It just so happened, you were alone on a Friday night and opened the bottle. The cork popped open and you made yourself a Cape Cod, your favorite mixed drink. Cranberry juice and vodka, with a lime on the edge. 
After your first two drinks, you reached the lonely stage and called up Arthur. 
It took a few rings, but he picked up. 
“Hello?” He answered, sounding as if he didn’t expect a call. You looked at your watch and realized it was nine P.M. You hoped you didn’t wake him or his mother.
“Hi, Arthur. It’s (Y/N).” You smiled into the receiver, laying back against your couch while you took a sip of your drink. It was smooth, sweet, with a little surprising tang.
“Oh, (Y/N).” His tone brightened and you felt your heart warm at the change in his voice. “How are you, how was work?”
“Work was fine, boring, as usual.” You found yourself twirling the phone cord around your finger, grinning like you were a high-school girl talking to her boyfriend late at night. “How was your day?”
“Uh, fine. It was fine.” 
“Are you busy? Or anything?” 
“Uhm, no. No, I’m not busy. Why, is something wrong?” The sudden concern in his voice was evident, new nervous thoughts running through his head. 
“No, not at all. I was wondering if you uh, if you weren’t busy maybe you could come over?” Your mind raced to think of an excuse, normally when you asked him over at night it was for dinner or if you had a funny story about your day. But your day was uneventful and you had eaten dinner in town. You didn’t even have left-overs to offer.
“Sure!” He said before you could lie your way out of awkwardness. “My mother, she just went to bed. So sure, I can come over.”
“Okay!” You breathed out a shaky laugh, taking another sip of your drink in an attempt to calm yourself down. “Okay, well, I’ll see you soon!”
The two of you hung up and you went to freshen up your makeup and pour yourself another drink. He took a while to get to your place since he walked, and you would have offered to pick him up if you hadn’t been drinking.
Arthur rang your doorbell shortly after you prettied yourself up and drank two more cocktails.
“Arthur, hi!” You beamed as you opened the door, welcoming him into your house. 
“Hey.” He smiled sheepishly and walked past you, taking his coat off and hanging it by the door. “I saw a cat on the way over.”
“Aw, a kitty?” You swooned over the thought and closed the door behind him. 
He raised a brow at your strange dreamy attitude but said nothing about it, only nodding. “Yeah, a brown cat. Looked old.”
You led him to your living room and quickly picked up your empty glass, not wanting him to know you were drunk. In your state of oblivion you had no idea that it was painfully obvious how drunk you were. Not to mention the sweet smell on your breath and the way the cranberry juice had stained your lips. He gave you the benefit of the doubt though, since you weren’t acting nearly as out of control as the night he met you.
“So, how was your day?” You drew out your words, which of course, didn’t go by Arthur unnoticed. 
“You already asked me that. On the phone.” He was amused by the way you were acting. The way you slurred your speech and stumbled around the room was funny to him, you acted much different than his coworkers when they drank. Randall invited him out once to drink with them. Accepting his invitation was a decision he regretted almost immediately. 
You were much nicer, though, much more warm and comfortable. 
“Oh, right.” Your laughter, oh how he could melt just listening to it. “Well, do you wanna watch a movie? Halloween is coming on soon.” 
Arthur was a bit confused as to why he was there, every time he had come over to your house, it was for a specific reason. No one had ever invited Arthur over to just ‘hang out’. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t happy, though, it meant you enjoyed his company enough to have him over for no other reason than to just be with him. 
“Yeah, sure.” He shrugged, not even trying to keep the bashful smile from his face. 
You sat close to him on the couch, maybe too close to him, judging by how stiff he sat. Every time your arm would accidentally brush against his, he would tense up for a few seconds. It was adorable. And the fact that you were well past drunk only made him more appealing to you. 
“Ease up, Arthur.” You said after a while of him doing this over and over. “It’s just me.”
The way you spoke only made him more nervous. He swallowed hard and opened his mouth to say something, but his throat felt far too dry to speak. He barely managed to croak out an ‘I’ before he choked on his own words. 
Did you truly make his that nervous so easily? You could have toyed with him a bit, been cruel and made it worse for him, but you couldn’t bare do something like that, not when you were in the state you were in. 
You didn’t see your next action as malicious. Really, you didn’t think much of it at all. You only wanted to be closer to him. But if your goal had been to relax Arthur, you had done the complete opposite. You leaned in closer to him, resting your head in the crook of his neck. He smelt so good, aside from the smell of old cigarettes. You could barely put up with that.
Arthur fucking froze. 
“What cologne do you wear?” You asked, turning your head so you could smell him better. Doing so, your nose brushed against his earlobe, sending sinful chills down his spine. He had no fucking idea what cologne he used. It was the same bottle his mother had bought him for Christmas all those years ago. 
“It smells so good.” You continued when he didn’t answer, only nuzzling your face further in his neck. 
He had no idea what to say. He was a thousand miles beyond nervous, his heart was slamming 200bpm against his chest, and his right leg bounced uncontrollably. He’d never felt his heart beat like that before. He imagined this was what cocaine felt like.
Apparently, leaning your head on his shoulder wasn’t close enough for you, so you looped your arms around his waist and curled into his form. 
Okay, it was time for Arthur to start asking questions. “(Y/N),” His voice trembled as he spoke. “What are you doing?”
What were you doing? Wasn’t it obvious? “Do you not like it?” You asked, ready to move if he so wished, but for the moment you remained where you were. 
He answered immediately, tripping over his own words. “No! I mean, I like it just fine, I just, don’t know why you’re… being like this with me.”
“Uhm,” You laughed, looking up at him. “Because I like you. And I want to.” 
His heart jumped to his throat. “What did you just say?”
“I said… what did I say?” You giggled, trying to play with him a little. You’d always been a playful drunk. 
But Arthur was having none of it. “(Y/N), please,” 
The tone of his voice was enough to make you understand the seriousness of the situation for him. “Okay, I’m sorry.” Leaning up so you could look him in the eyes, you smiled. “I said I liked you.” 
If you could burn one image into your head for the rest of your life, it would have been the look on his face when you said those words. His features went slack, all but his lips, they twitched into a smile of disbelief. Seeing him go through a range of emotions at once was an experience all on its own. 
“Wait,” Suddenly, he didn’t look so happy anymore. “You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?” He furrowed his brows, glancing down at your cranberry reddened lips. 
“A little.” You admitted, biting your bottom lip. “But, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart.” 
His eyes scanned over your face, searching for anything he could use to help him understand what the fuck was going on. You were drunk, he had known that since he walked in your house. So what did that mean? Were you lying? Was it the alcohol talking?
“Arthur, you’re thinking too much.” You sighed and reached up to brush a stray brown curl from his face. “It’s not hard to believe, is it? I mean, I invite you over for dinner all the time, we go out together every weekend-”
Arthur leaned forward, his heart racing, and kissed you. 
You hadn’t expected him to be so bold. You kissed back, boy, did you kiss back. You ran your fingers through his soft hair and sighed, thankful he had made the next move.
When you pulled back from his lips he was silent for a moment, only to lick his bottom lip and chuckle. “You taste sweet.” Before he even realized what he was saying he had said it. For a split second he panicked, but when you giggled and leaned in to kiss him again his fear subsided.
“I’m actually really glad I’ve been drinking.” You admitted once the second kiss was broken. Arthur listened intently as you sat back in the couch, resuming your position of cuddling him. “I don’t think I would have told you that if I was sober.”
Arthur smiled to himself as he felt you relax against him. Yeah, well, in that case, he was really glad too. 
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irwinspharmacy · 11 days
Finding Late Night Pharmacy Services in Cork
In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon to need a pharmacy during unconventional hours. Whether it's a sudden medical issue or a forgotten prescription, having access to a late night pharmacy Cork can make all the difference. Residents of Cork benefit from a range of options that cater to those urgent, after-hours needs. From prescriptions to over-the-counter medicines, these late-night services provide a vital resource for the local community.
For anyone living in the heart of the city, having a late night pharmacy Cork city available means peace of mind. It's especially helpful for individuals working late shifts or those dealing with unexpected health concerns. Having a reliable option close to home ensures that no one has to go without essential medications, no matter the time of day.
Convenient Locations for Late Pharmacy Access
If you're located in Cork, finding a pharmacy Shandon st is one of the best options for late-night medication needs. The location is easy to access, offering a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical services. Whether it's first aid products, health supplements, or prescription refills, this pharmacy meets a wide array of needs.
Pharmacies on pharmacy Shandon street provide valuable services, particularly for those in the surrounding neighborhoods. Conveniently located, it allows residents to get their health needs addressed without needing to travel far. The accessibility of this pharmacy makes it an ideal stop for late-night emergencies.
Late Night Pharmacies for Urgent Needs
Sometimes, waiting until morning is simply not an option. That's where a late pharmacy Cork becomes an essential part of the community. These pharmacies ensure that essential medications are available when patients need them the most. Whether it's pain relief, cold medicine, or emergency prescriptions, late-night services ensure that healthcare is always within reach.
For those who need a pharmacy open now Cork, having a trusted location that operates during late hours can be a lifesaver. Many individuals rely on these services when unexpected health concerns arise, ensuring they can get what they need without unnecessary delay. Pharmacies open late provide much-needed flexibility for busy schedules or last-minute medication needs.
Access to Late Night Chemists in Cork
Another crucial service for residents is a late night chemist Cork. This type of pharmacy offers a wide range of healthcare products, from everyday essentials to specialized prescriptions. For individuals needing immediate assistance outside of regular business hours, late-night chemists are indispensable.
By having access to a late night pharmacy Cork that offers extended hours, people can ensure they are never without the medications or products they rely on. Whether for a sudden illness, an urgent refill, or simply peace of mind, late-night chemists provide critical services to the Cork community.
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walviemort · 6 years
paternal instincts, part 2
Emma’s fear of pregnancy leads Killian to find—and use—a spell that allows him to carry their child instead. A canon-divergent CS pregnancy fic, just with the roles flipped a bit. (mpreg; rated T for implied sexy times) | AO3
A/N: dedicated to @sherlockianwhovian and @cocohook38 for their inspiration
Part 1
Chapter 2—Let’s Make A Baby
Summary: The spell is cast—but how long will they have to wait to find out if it worked? 
“Ugh, I’m supposed to drink that?” Emma’s nose crinkled in disgust as she sniffed the potion brewing in Regina’s vault. “That smells terrible and looks worse.”
A few days after making the decision to give male pregnancy a go, they got together with Regina to get started on the spell. Truly, the number of foreign objects it required did make Killian give it a sidelong glance, and the egg it contained smelled as though it was long past its prime. But they trusted Regina.
“The most effective potions are usually the most disgusting, but the last ingredient should help,” the queen assured them.
“What’s left?” Emma asked, and Regina answered by plucking a hair off Emma’s head, drawing a yelp. (Killian was consequently more prepared when Regina grabbed a few of his.)
After twisting the hairs together, Regina dropped them into the brew and conjured a fireball, which she then used to ignite the burner below the cauldron. The gray, sludgy draught began to glow as Regina stirred it, until it illuminated the entire room with white light. Killian shielded his eyes from it, but a few moments later, it stopped, leaving behind a much more pleasant-looking purple liquid.
“That’s it?” Emma asked, peering in. “Where did all the gross go?”
“It’s saving itself for when your future child spits up on you,” Regina quipped with a smirk.
“I’m suddenly remembering all the crap that goes along with birth, too,” Emma added. She cast an apologetic glance toward Killian. “Sorry in advance.”
He had to chuckle a bit. “I was a pirate for well over a century, love; I’ve seen more than my fair share of gore.” He waved his hook for emphasis. “I’m sure I can handle whatever’s to come.”
“I’m gonna remind you of that,” she teased back, smiling.
Regina made quick work of bottling the potion, making sure the right amount got into the vial, and handing it to Emma. “Well, there you go. Do you want to drink it now, or later?”
Emma took it gingerly, holding it in her fingers like it might break. For a moment, she studied it intently, but then turned to Killian. “Do you have your flask?”
He reached into his inner coat pocket to pull it out. “Of course.”
“Cheers?” she offered, a bit uncertainly, and held up the vial towards him.
With his thumb, he flicked the cork off his flask, suddenly aware that this would be one of the last times he could do so for a while, assuming all went well. “Cheers, love,” he replied, lightly tapping her drink with his.
Simultaneously, they brought their phials to their lips; he only took a small sip of his as he watched Emma drain the small bottle. It seemed to go down without issue, and she actually licked her lips when she was done. “That was actually...kind of sweet,” she observed, setting the empty glass on the table.
He stepped forward and took one of her hands. “How do you feel, love?” His worst fear was that it would somehow go on to hurt her.
“Fine,” she said right away, but then pressed her free hand low on her abdomen. “It tingles a little, but it’s not uncomfortable. What about you?”
“And he probably won’t for a while,” Regina added, reading over the spell. “Just like normal conception, once it happens, you probably won’t notice for a bit.”
They nodded at her, and then stared at each other. A slight heaviness hung over them, realizing what might come next. But he knew a good way to diffuse the tension.
He gave Emma and wink and said, “So, love, what say we get started?”
She stepped a bit closer to him with a flirtatious smirk. “Sounds good to me.”
“Not in my vault, you won’t!” Regina exclaimed. “You have a room; go use it.”
“Okay, bye, Regina,” Emma said, not unlike a teenager might. “And thank you,” she added, more genuine.
The queen gave them a soft smile. “Good luck.”
The gray smoke of Emma’s magic then surrounded them, and they were back home, in their bedroom.
“You ready for this?” Emma was looking up at him with a tiny smile, slightly trepidatious, but he could also see the excitement in her eyes.
“Aye, love. With you, always.”
The next few weeks were some of the more pleasurable in Killian’s memory. How could he complain at the chance to make love to his amazing wife almost every night? Unless they had to work a late shift or were sick, they came together as often as possible in hopes of conceiving.
One night after their first couple attempts, falling sated into their bed after a rather pleasurable shower, Killian held Emma close to him with his hand over her midsection, as if he was trying to sense a change.
“Do you feel any different, love?” he asked quietly as her hand joined his.
“I mean, I’ve been pretty sore all over with how much we’ve been going at it, but I don’t feel any different than I normally do after sex.” She squeezed his hand. “It’ll happen when it happens.”
“Aye,” he agreed, but he was finding he was more impatient than he thought he’d be.
About three weeks after taking the potion, Killian awoke one morning with a queasy stomach. Remembering that as being one of the early signs of pregnancy, he got excited, even if all he could manage for breakfast was some dry toast. But Emma’s complaints of cramps and menses later on put those thoughts to rest for a bit, and his stomach bug disappeared after a day.
After that, he tried to tamp down his own expectations, reminding himself what Emma said—it would happen when it was meant to. They certainly enjoyed their continued copulation as they tried, and managed not scar Henry in the process, which was an added bonus.
It was some weeks later when Emma joined Killian in the kitchen for breakfast, placed her awful tart pastries in the toaster, then leaned against the counter to look at him while he ate his cereal (a marvelous invention, really). “Hey, Killian,” she started.
“Yes, my love?” He looked up from his bowl at her. Her hands were crossed over her chest and she was studying him with a warm gaze. “What is it?”
“I think you might be pregnant.”
He swallowed; he truly didn’t want to get his hopes up again. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, for starters, my boobs kind of hurt, and it has nothing to do with what we did last night.” He involuntarily licked his lips at the memory, making her chuckle. “And second...I’m late.”
“How late?”
“A couple weeks.”
He hazarded a glance down at his stomach. Could there really be a new life growing in there, and he hadn’t noticed? He had been a bit more fatigued as of late, but he figured that was more to do with their evening activities than anything. And he was glad he hadn’t overindulged on alcohol anytime recently. Glancing back up, he asked, “How do we know for sure?”
“Well, I guess we should take a test.”
He’d seen the bits of plastic here that could tell a woman if she was with child, though he still wasn’t sure how they worked; it seemed to be time he found out. “Alright then. Shall you or I take it?”
Emma’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Oh. I don’t know. Maybe we both should, to be safe?”
They swung through the pharmacy on the way to work that morning, unable to wait any longer. And, over the course of the morning, they both took one (though he was quite shocked that his urine held the answer).
And both came up positive.
For a good, long moment, Killian just stared at the little plus sign on his, letting it wash over him: they were going to be parents. Unconsciously, his hand settled on his stomach where the product of their love now resided. There was still a long journey ahead of them, but knowing that they’d finally started it was an incredible feeling.
Blessedly, Leroy did not show up to the station unannounced as they celebrated the news in the back room.
To make sure, they scheduled an appointment with Dr. Whale, who confirmed it via a blood test: Killian was indeed pregnant. A further scan of his abdomen showed the image of a tiny, bean-shaped being deep inside him, and the doctor said the child was approximately 6 weeks along and would be due in late October, around Emma’s birthday.
As Killian cleaned the weird, cool gel off his stomach, he did have to ask, “Whale, how do you not find this odd?” Not once had the doctor questioned the fact that Killian was expecting rather than Emma.
Whale just shrugged. “Anything is possible with magic. I learned ages ago not to question it.”
Given the long list of odd things he’d born witness to as well, Killian accepted his answer. “Fair enough.”
The doctor printed off images of their child for them to take home and vowed not to say a word until they made it public knowledge. (The threat of Killian’s hook probably helped.)
Back home that night, they lay in bed as the sweat cooled on their bare skin, and Emma’s hand drifted down to rest just above his belly button. “I still can’t believe it worked,” she murmured in awe.
He placed his hand over hers. “Did you truly doubt it would?”
“Honestly, I’d kind of started to lose hope; and when I was late, I did panic for a second that the bean was in me.”
“Oh, love,” he said, pulling her tight with his blunted arm. He wished she’d told him her fears sooner. Though—hold on—“Did you say ‘the bean’?”
She smiled up at him sheepishly. “Yeah; I mean, we don’t know if the kid is a he or a she, and the picture looked a lot like a magic bean; so, given our history with those…”
He couldn’t help the grin that split his face at her explanation, though the tears that started brimming at his eyes were likely due to hormones. Memories of their trip up and down the beanstalk, and so many adventures in between, flooded his mind; it was honestly kind of amazing that they’d come this far from all of that.
“It’s perfect, Emma.” He squeezed her hand. “We’re having our very own magic bean,” he added, voice thick with emotion.
She placed a kiss on his shoulder. “And this one is going to take us on the greatest adventure of all.”
thanks for reading!
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foodieflavors · 3 years
How to make Soft Drinks Part 1
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Soft drinks are enormously popular beverages consisting primarily of club soda, sugar, and flavourings. Nearly 200 nations enjoy the sweet, sparkling soda with an annual consumption of quite 34 billion gallons. Soft drinks shops rank as America's favourite beverage segment, representing 25% of the full beverage market. within the early 1990s per capita consumption of sentimental drinks within the U.S. was 49 gallons, 15 gallons over the subsequent most well-liked beverage, water.
The roots of sentimental drinks are history. Two thousand years ago Greeks and Romans recognized the medicinal value of drinking water and bathed in it for relaxation, a practice that continues to this. within the late 1700s, Europeans and Americans began drinking sparkling drinking water for its reputed therapeutic benefits. the primary imitation drinking water within the U.S. was patented in 1809. it was called "soda water" and consisted of water and saleratus mixed with acid to feature effervescence. Pharmacists in America and Europe experimented with myriad ingredients within the hope of finding new remedies for various ailments. Already the flavoured soda waters were hailed as brain tonics for curing headaches, hangovers, and nervous afflictions.
Pharmacies equipped with "soda fountains" featuring the medicinal soda water soon developed into regular meeting places for local populations. Flavoured soda water gained popularity not just for medicinal benefits except for the refreshing taste moreover. The market expanded within the 1830s when soda water was first sold in glass bottles. Filling and capping the gaseous liquid in containers was a difficult process until 1850 when a manual filling and corking machine was successfully designed. The term "soda pop" originated in the 1860s from the popping sound of escaping gas as a pop bottle was opened.
New soda flavours constantly appeared on the market. a number of the more popular flavours were soft drinks in India, sarsaparilla, root beer, lemon, and other fruit flavours. within the early 1880s pharmacists experimented with powerful stimulants to feature soda water, including cola nuts and coca leaves. They were inspired by Bolivian Indian workers who chewed coca leaves to keep at bay fatigue and by West African workers who chewed cola nuts as a stimulant. In 1886 an Atlanta pharmacist, John Pemberton, took the fateful step of mixing coca with cola, thus creating what would become the world's most famous drink, "Coca-Cola". The beverage was advertised as refreshing also as therapeutic: "French Wine Cola—Ideal Nerve and Tonic Stimulant." some years later another pharmacist, Caleb Bradham, created "Pepsi-Cola" in North Carolina. Although the name was a derivation of pepsin, an acid that aids digestion, Pepsi didn't advertise the beverage as having therapeutic benefits. By the first 20th century, most cola companies focused their advertising on the refreshing aspects of their drinks.
As flavoured carbonated beverages gained popularity, manufacturers struggled to seek out an appropriate name for the drinks. Some suggested "marble water," "syrup water," and "aerated water." the foremost appealing name, however, was "soft drink," adapted within the hopes that soft drinks list would ultimately supplant the "hard liquor" market. Although the concept never stuck, the term potable did.
Until the 1890s soft drinks were produced manually, from blowing bottles individually to filling and packaging. During the subsequent 20 years, automated machinery greatly increased the productivity of soppy drink plants. Probably the foremost important development in bottling technology occurred with the invention of the "crown cap" in 1892, which successfully contained the carbonic acid gas in glass bottles. The crown cap design endured for 70 years.
The advent of automobiles spawned further growth within the drinkable industry. Vending machines, serving soft drinks in cups, became regular fixtures at service stations across the country. within the late 1950s, aluminium beverage cans were introduced, equipped with convenient pull-ring tabs and later with stay-on tabs. Light-weight and break-resistant plastic bottles came into use within the 1970s, though it had been not until 1991 that the potable industry used plastic PET (polyethene terephthalate) on a good scale.
Soft drink India manufacturers are quick to reply to consumer preferences. In 1962 diet colas were introduced in response to the style of thinness for ladies. within the 1980s the growing health consciousness of the country led to the creation of caffeine-free and low-sodium soft drinks. The 1990s ushered in clear colas that were colourless, caffeine-free, and preservative-free.
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
hooray I think I was productive today :) friends can read this time (except cassidy, you gotta leave, birthday spoilers) but if you figure out my secret project dont tell anybody 
uhhh I dont remember much of this morning other than I just wanted to keep sleeping and my cat was probably clawing at my sheets again. I knew I needed some tape so I could tape together patten pieces for my project and my mom needed meds picked up, so I gathered my things and went to the store by myself with my mom’s card and a short shopping list. all fuckin morning I kept repeating the Minecraft creeper song and the clip from “Korone saying eating Myke Tyson's ass Good Ending” where she has the birthday cake hat. so imagine me, sitting in my car, singing “eating, mike Tyson’s, ass. NOOO” on repeat while looking for a parking space. I ended up walking laps around the store because I didn't know where they kept the fuckin hummus and I had to text my sister and ask. then there was SO much trouble at the pharmacy. basically they didnt have my mom’s insurance on file so I put her on speakerphone while she acted like a boomer not being able to read her own insurance card. the worst part is that because the pharmacy lady was talking to my mom over the phone, I couldn't kill time and be on my phone. so I had to just STAND THERE staring into the middle distance for entirely too long playing with the 2 sets of keys I had clipped to my hand purse wallet thingy. at least I felt cool in my outfit and my boots. eventually it all pretty much worked out and I got to bring home 2 out of her 5  medications and all the groceries. but the lady at checkout thought I was struggling with the machine or an idiot or something (or maybe she was trying to be helpful, whatever) and came over to help me like 3 times. like!! I'm sorry im tired and a little overstimulated and like to take my damn time!! whatever its fine lol. afterwards I drove over to dollar tree to get tape, but I ended up getting a lot of other things too. I saw that they had a brand of tape where you could buy extra rolls without the plastic thing that holds them so I got both. there was also satin ribbon which I was very tempted to get to add to my project, but since I did have fabric to color match to I put it away. instead I got a set of tiny jars, glitter, and craft glue to make into liquid glitter jars. my first idea was to maybe make them into a necklace with fake flowers and shrinky dink fairy wings, but I think they'll just be for decoration. I wanted a snack while I was there and got some crackerjack, like from the baseball song. if you didnt know, yeah its real and its just candied popcorn and peanuts with a little sticker inside. but its really damn good! that's why I ate 2 out of the 3 boxes kn the back and shared the 3rd with my dad. after checkout I sat in the parking lot eating crackerjack straight from the box since I forgot hand sanitizer and watching tiktoks. when I tried to go home there was a huge line of cars outside the entrance to the neighborhood with an ambulance in there and police lights up front, so I turned the other way and took the other entrance. when I came home I found my mom in the process of ripping up carpet in front of her bathroom so she can replace it with tile. we had discussed this earlier today but I thought this would be an eventually project, not a today project. so I spent some time cutting carpet, ripping up foam, sweeping, and prying away the spiky wooden boarders. we need to either remove or hammer down some nails that go down into the concrete before we can start laying down tiles. I spent some time taping together my pattern pieces, cutting 1cm strips off the side of 25 pieces of paper until I got 5 long lines of 5 sheets that I would need to match up and tape together. I didnt have enough space on my bed so I brought it all out to the kitchen floor. it was the biggest clean flat surface in the house I could think of. I got frustrated about pieces not fitting perfectly and my printer cutting off important parts at the very bottom of pages, but I made it work. I roughly cut around each piece and when I brough them all back to my room, I saw my cat had gotten sick on my bed which made me more frustrated. she was asleep on my blankets and very warm so when I picked her up I was worried for a moment that she might have a fever, but she’s fine. I let her out of my room so I could take off the sheet she messed up and ran it and a couple other things through the wash. for the rest of the afternoon I let my cat stay outside without me, and she ended up staying outside for hours, never straying too far from the door but not coming inside when I invite her. I'd check up on her every so often and set her food dish. my sister kept asking me to find my wallet that had mom’s card in it which frustrated me more, and by now I was also getting hangry, so I was fuckin mad and tired and needed to be alone in my room for a bit. I have her card info saved on my phone so I just texted that to her so she could pay for food. I noticed my dad’s boss had called me and I missed it, so I called him back nd he just said It would be a couple days before any updates. I wish he would have just texted me but whatever. I sat outside with my cat while we ordered, making sure she was ok and wasn't hurting her eyes in the sun. I went in the car to pick up food but made my sister go in alone. we ate together in her room while I watched tiktoks and she worked on homework. after that I looked at the stuff u got from dollar tree and started making the 5 mini glitter jars in the bathroom. they all turned out pretty cute, but the pink and red ones are lowly leaking baby oil through the cork stopper. after that I had 2 tiny jars left, so I shoved in dried rose petals and baby’s breath and crushed leaves, all from the flowers my dad got me for valentines day. I think they turned out ADORABLE, and I'm going to borrow some earring making supplies from a friend who bought them in bulk to start a small buisness of reselling aliexpress charms as earrings but quit after a while and still had a ton of leftover supplies. I think I might want to add some twine and shrinky dink fairy wings to the earrings, so I spent a while making 2 test pieces and fucking up a scrap piece to test how to make the hole for the earring hardware. I talked to my dad bout my whole process when he walked in on me preheating the oven, and he agreed to buy the smallest drill bit the hardware store had to offer so I could just drill the hole after baking. luv u papa <3 by then it was getting a little late so I went back to my room. I only have a week or so to finish my project, and I didnt want to get into pinning and cutting fabric tonight, so instead I prepped my patterns. I zoomed into the pattern pdf so it was life sized and traced the missing edges that got cut off by my printer and cut out all the pieces with an xacto knife. I was struggling all day to figure out what the hell these 2 huge shapes labeled lower front and lower back were supposed to be, until I looked through the pdfs again and realized it wasn’t even for the version of the pattern I was using!! so I folded them up and added them to the scrap paper pile. now I have all my pattern pieces nicely prepped resting on an open drawer because otherwise my cat would step all over them. tomorrow I think I'll start pinning and cutting, but not until I read through all the instructions like 3 times and try to look up a youtube tutorial. but its 2:30 am now and im hungry, good night sleep well mwah <3
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anotherdoor · 7 years
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Due to garbage internet connections for the last couple of weeks, the blog posts have not been particularly forthcoming. Wifi connections in Northern Italy seem to be tenuous at best. As such we are now faced with the task of catching everyone up within the next 3 days, coz it would be weird to be writing catch-up once we’re home, right? So basically I’m saying expect a brief surge in blog activity! Thank god our Airbnb in Perugia has a decent wifi.
Anyways, let’s talk about Florence. We spent a whole 7 days there (such a long time!). It was actually really nice to spend a reasonably decent chunk of time in one place – it meant that we could take things a lot slower and have some time just for R&R. Which we needed at that point. Shaun was still unwell (is still unwell [Shaun – pretty sure it’s bronchitis, pretty sure the chest pain is a bad sign]), and while I have a slightly higher constitution score than him [Shaun – at least +10 higher], I was also starting to succumb to whatever illness he had contracted.
Our Airbnb was a lovely little flat on the outskirts of Florence, not far from the Rifredi Station (which is a 5 minute train ride from the main Santa Maria Novella Station). We did have to share the flat with another couple at any given point in time, but it was OK. We actually met a lovely Swiss couple there, who stayed for 3 nights and they taught us how to use the Moka pot (an ingenious Italian invention – home espresso anyone?) and a cork-screw properly. Turns out that if you want to drink wine, cork-screws are a necessity. There seems to be a general disdain for screw-capped wine bottles in Italy – cork sealed bottles are the norm here. I can now say that I truly appreciate a screw-capped bottle. They are so much more convenient. And you can properly reseal them. Corks are a huge hassle. There is no evidence that cork sealed wine is better. It’s just more annoying. Especially when you screw it up! ‘Hurrah!’ you may proclaim, ‘now there’s cork shards floating through my wine. So much extra flavour. Delish!’ New Zealand had the right idea of moving away from cork sealed wine is all I’m saying.
Okie doke, rant aside, we did quite a few things in Florence while we were there (we had 7 nights after all). In regards to ‘resting’ activities we did some random wanderings of the neighbourhood we stayed in, caught up on laundry (at last), had siestas, watched some Netflix and made lots of home cooked meals (the fact there was a kitchen at our Airbnb was a massive boon – you rapidly get sick of eating out, especially in a foreign country where you’re never entirely sure what the bill will be until you go up to pay, and always have to ask whether anything on the menu is “senza glutine”.). Luckily, most Italian supermarkets and pharmacies have a good range of gluten free products to choose from, so we were able to make gnocchi, ravioli, and spaghetti, among other tasty meals. We had mozzarella with pretty much everything, obvs. Mozzarella in Italy is amazing, not at all like it is in New Zealand (in my admittedly limited experience). The basil pesto in Italy is similarly amazing. We had it with potato gnocchi on multiple occasions. So good!
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In central Florence I discovered (with help from friend Google) my favouritest bakery in the whole wide world – Starbene; an entirely gluten free bakery! It was like being in gluten free heaven. They had pizza, delicious focaccias, sandwiches, calzones, doughnuts, pastries, little biscuits, they even had a range of gluten free beers and other beverages. It became a habit to go there for lunch. I think we went 4 out of the 7 days we were there. We would probably have gone more, but we arrived late in the evening the first day, the second was purely catching up on “chores” (i.e. getting groceries and laundry etc), and then we had a day-trip to Pisa on another day (which will be talked about in another post). On top of having amazing gluten free food, the prices were about that of a standard bakery. So refreshing after being charged a premium most other places. So much happiness!
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Right, so we ended up avoiding most of the super touristy attractions, having developed a deep-seated hatred for queuing in the dead heat of the sun while being harassed by street vendors. Plus, we both discovered that neither of us particularly cares that much about religious art or the many variations of Duomo, cathedral or church. Especially if we have to pay and/or queue to see them. So we gave the Uffizi Gallery, Duomo and vast majority of museums in Florence a miss. 
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Instead we did a lot of walking. We trekked up the hill on the far side of the river to the Piazza del Michelangelo (note: most of the best things in Florence are on the other side of the river, Starbene being the main exclusion). We walked through a lovely little rose garden on the way up, where we got to go on a bronze statue scavenger hunt. The views from the Piazza were amazing – Florence is a gorgeous city. So many terracotta roofs and flamboyant spires! After soaking in the views, we continued up the hill to a cemetery where lots of (dead) famous Italians were buried. It was so quiet in there, and we were totally alone most of the time. The tombs and headstones were a great show of wealth and art. It was interesting, if a bit eerie.
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Other things we did: Went to the Central/San Lorenzo Markets (a cornucopia of leather goods, fresh fruit, meats, cheeses etc. - definitely worthwhile to see!), visited the Boboli Gardens (pretty, but a bit underwhelming for the admission ticket), walked the Stibbert Gardens (there was a pond full of turtles! And a cute little Egyptian temple.), went to the Oblate Public Library (vast and sprawling, with great views over the Duomo), rubbed the snout of the ‘little piggy’ statue (supposedly good luck, weirdly fun), not to mention a whole lot of wandering the streets and general exploration. We also went to this great little fort called Forte di Belvedere, which acts as a weird art/sculpture exhibition space. It was one of the best places we visited, so great that Shaun will apparently write a separate blog post about it.
I think now is a good moment for a photo montage.
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Until next time.
- K
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vsplusonline · 5 years
8 food items that were invented by mistake | The Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/8-food-items-that-were-invented-by-mistake-the-times-of-india/
8 food items that were invented by mistake | The Times of India
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8 food items that were invented by mistake | The Times of India
TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on – Mar 2, 2020, 11:22 ISTShare fbsharetwsharepinshare
01/9Did you know potato chips were the result of a mistake?
People who dedicate their lives in inventing something face a lot of difficulties than we think. We have examples of Einstein and Edison who failed multiple times before succeeding in what they were inventing. But not all experiments have to be as tiring and disappointing as not being able to light a bulb 1000 times. Like every other thing on this planet, food was also invented and has evolved from time to time. New dishes and ingredients are being invented and researched every day. Sometimes out of apathy and sometimes out of sheer luck. But the food industry has also seen its shares of ups and downs and in the process of creating delicious cuisines, people have committed mistakes and thankfully, some of them are as delicious as potato chips. Yes, potato chips is a result of a frustrated chef’s dire need to satisfy one of his customers. There have been many such foods that we can’t imagine our survival without were invented by mistake.
02/9Potato chips
Created by a man called George Crum, potato chips were first invented in 1853. Crum worked as the head chef in Moon Lake Lodge in Saratoga springs. The restaurant was famous for serving fries and one customer complained about the size of the fries to be too thick. Crum made another batch for him with thinner pieces but he was still fussy. So, out of frustration, Crum decided to make slice as thin pieces as possible and fry them. Not only the customer loved them but the world knows them as the best snack, our favourite potato chips.
As a part of an experiment to create an alternative to his cocaine addiction, John Pemberton, a wounded veteran sought to create this drink. He created a tonic in his pharmacy with little amounts of cocaine along with caffeine-rich Kola nut. It was bought by Asa Candler, another pharmacist, for $2,300 who added soda to it to increase bubbles. Coca Cola became the most loved fountain drink of America by the late 1890s.
Made by an 11-year-old in 1905, popsicles are one of the most loved treats among children even today. Frank Epperson left his soda making equipment on his porch overnight with a mixing stick stuck in it. He woke up to the most delicious surprise the next morning. After 17 years, he started selling it with different flavours and the treat soon became an instant hit.
Many legends revolve around the making of the sandwich but our favourite one is when a guy named John Montagu couldn’t leave intense gambling round, to think clearly, he ordered meat stuffed in two pieces of bread. Some people also believe that his work did not allow him to get up often, so he prepared a meal that would take the least number of utensils and can be eaten without getting hands dirty.
Although the creator of one of the most consumed drinks is unknown, champagne was invented in the year 1490. It was created from the champagne wine and during the fermentation of the wine, it started producing bubbles which were not seen as a good sign. The temperatures of the champagne region started to rise, creating a shorter growing season. The heat in the environment leads to the production of bubbles at a rapid pace which causes the fermentation process to take place twice within the same batch. With this, the produce of the bubbles increased so much that it would force the corks of bottles outside and the bottles exploded. After the bubbles were controlled after a certain level, the product that came out was amusing and is now called champagne.
07/9Kellogg’s corn flakes
Will Kellogg, one of Kellogg’s brothers, invented the cornflakes in the early 1900s. While trying to create a healthy granola treat for his patients, Will and Harvey Kellogg accidentally created flakes out of wheat berry. So, Will Kellogg kept experimenting until he succeeded in flaking corn. Now we know them as famous breakfast cereal, corn flakes.
08/9Ice-cream cones
This one was created out of an act of kindness. Ernest Hamwi participated in St. Louis’ World fair where he was selling waffle-like pastries called Zalabis. His neighbour was selling ice-cream and soon ran out of plates. So, to help him, he made cones out of Zalabis that could contain the ice-cream. This soon became a hit with the customers and now ice-cream is incomplete without a cone.
09/9Worcestershire sauce
A British governor of Bengal called Lord Marcus Sandy came back to England in 1838 and was craving for a special kind of Indian sauce. So, to attend to his craving, a sauce was made with the same ingredients and taste that he described. The sauce was not sold in markets for a long time because of its stench but once it made out, there was no looking back.
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titheguerrero · 6 years
Pharmaceutical and Other Health Care Corporations Funnel Dark Money to Republicans to Defeat "Leftward" Democratic Candidates - Partisanship Trumps Social Responsibility
Introduction - Health Care Corporations Profess Social Responsibility As we noted recently, large health corporations, which must deal with patients, health professionals, and government regulators, usually profess their social resonsibility.  For example, Biotechnology firm Genentech, now a subsidiary of giant Swiss biotechnology and pharmaceutical company Roche, has an elaborate web page about how the company seeks to do good.  Some quotes:
we’re passionate about applying our skills, time and resources to positively impact the patients we serve, the scientific community and the places where we live and work.
We approach giving back the same way we approach discovering medicines: we start by looking for the root cause of a problem and then we explore how we can contribute to a solution.
And particularly
We believe that the best work happens when everyone has a voice.
Similarly, giant American pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly espouses these core values
Three long established core values guide Lilly in all that we do: Integrity: We conduct our business consistent with all applicable laws and are honest in our dealings with customers, employees, shareholders, partners, suppliers, competitors and the community. Excellence: We pursue pharmaceutical innovation, provide high quality products and strive to deliver superior business results. Respect for People: We maintain an environment built on mutual respect, openness and individual integrity. Respect for people includes our concern for all people who touch or are touched by our company: customers, employees, shareholders, partners, suppliers and communities.
Of course, in the policy arena, large health care corporations also tend to advocate for policies that are to their financial advantage.  Furthermore, top executives of large corporations have been known to donate to political candidates who favor their policy positions, although they used to consciously spread their donations out to all parties and many candidates to avoid any appearance of partisanship, while making themselves visible to whomever might be in power. However, as the current US political chaos leads to more journalistic investigation, there is increasing evidence that large health care corporations have been secretly backing policy positions that do not correspond to their high-minded public statements about corporate social resonsibility, and are becoming quite political, even partisan in the process.  They do so through the use of dark money. 
Pharmaceutical Companies, Other Health Care Companies - and a Tobacco Company - Join Effort to Attack Left-Wing Politicians On November 5, 2018, Lee Fang wrote about how big corporations, including big health care corporations, enthusiastically financially supported a dark money operation that specifically targeted "progressive" or "socialist" candidates:
Republican operatives and representatives from America’s largest business groups — alarmed at a wave of upset electoral victories by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other avowed democratic socialist candidates — have been plotting to stem the tide of left-wing Democrats sweeping the country. Andrew Wynne, an official at the Republican State Leadership Committee, spoke to business lobby leaders in July, encouraging them not to ignore the latest trends within the Democratic Party. He called for Republicans’ allies to enact a unified plan to defeat progressives in this week’s midterm elections. 'Recent elections have proven the leftward shift,' said Wynne. 'An anti-free market, anti-business ideology has taken over the Democratic Party, particularly this year during the primaries.' Wynne was particularly exercised about the primary victory by Democrat Alexandia Ocasio-Cortez: 'Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez captured the energy of these voters to win a congressional nomination in New York, defeating the incumbent who many thought could be the next Democratic speaker of the House,' Wynne continued. He noted that the defeated incumbent in the Ocasio-Cortez race, Rep. Joe Crowley, a moderate Democrat and former chair of the business-friendly New Democrat Coalition, 'was someone who the business community could have a conversation with on the Democratic side.' On the other hand, Wynne warned, Ocasio-Cortez would not be so receptive to business lobbyists.
Of course, these sentiments coming from a Republican operative are not surprising.  What was surprising was how Mr Wynne wanted to fund efforts to comabt these supposedly left-wing politicians.
Officials from the Republican State Leadership Committee, which assists Republicans in capturing power on the state level, explained during the call that they expected to raise $45 million in direct contributions and $5 million to $7 million through an allied dark money group for election campaigns this fall. The group is organized under the IRS’s 527 rules and operates in a manner similar to Super PACs: It can raise and spend unlimited amounts from individuals and corporations. The latest disclosures suggest the group is well on track to bring in significant corporate support for electing Republican state officials. Koch Industries, Crown Cork & Seal, Genentech Inc., ExxonMobil, NextEra Energy, Range Resources, Eli Lilly and Co., Marathon Petroleum, Reynolds American, (a tobacco company which is a subsidiary of British American Tobacco), Boeing, General Motors, and Astellas Pharma are among the companies that have already provided at least $100,000 to the committee. Many of those companies are from industries that have long contributed to GOP causes, including resource extraction, financial services, tobacco, retail, for-profit education firms, and private health care interests.
Furthermore, the Republican State Leadership Committee has been collecting money from other dark money organizations which in turn are funded in part by health care companies:
Several of the largest donors to the Republican State Leadership Committee are themselves dark money groups. The Judicial Crisis Network, a 501(c) nonprofit that does not disclose its donors, has given $1.5 million to the group. The ABC Free Enterprise Fund, a dark money affiliate of a lobbying group that represents non-union construction companies, gave $100,000. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has given $1.7 million to the committee. The chamber, notably, does not disclose its donors but has been financed in the past by Goldman Sachs and Dow Chemical, among other major American and foreign companies.
We recently discussed the health care industry contributions to the US Chamber of Commerce, which came from PhRMA, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the pharma trade association, and from specific companies, including contributions of at least $100K from: Aetna, Abbott Laboratories, AbbeVie, Amgen, Anthem, Celgene, Cigna, CVS, Eli Lilly, Express Scripts, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Mylan, Procter & Gamble, and UnitedHealth. So a lot of big health care companies, most of whom profess their devotion to the greater community and social responsibility, have been funneling considerable money as quietly as possible into an effort to thwart one particular group of politicians, that is, candidates from the leftish wing of the Democratic party. So much for Genetech's claim:
We believe that the best work happens when everyone has a voice.
Or for Lilly's claim:
Respect for people includes our concern for all people who touch or are touched by our company: customers, employees, shareholders, partners, suppliers and communities.
  Discussion and Summary This is now the fifth time we have discussed the role of dark money in health care. - In 2012 we discussed a case of "dark money" being used to conceal sources of support for particular health policy and political positions. - Earlier this year,  we discussed the case of huge pharmacy chain CVS,which proclaims its "social responsibility," and its policy of only making charitable contributions to improve "health and healthcare nationwide."  Yet CVS was donating to America First Policies, a supposed non-profit group devoted to promoting the partisan agenda of President Trump, including "repealing and replacing Obamacare," and immigration policies such as building the "wall" and deporting  "illegal immigrants." (Note that these CVS dark money contributions were separate from those discussed above.) - In September, we discussed how the pharmaceutical trade organization, PhRMA, and some large drug companies donated money to a dark money organization to combat a state initiative to limit pharmaceutical prices, but also to the American Action Network (see above) to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act (ACA, "Obamacare") despite their previous support for and then current neutrality on the ACA. - In October, we discussed how many health care corporations were donating to dark money groups, predominantly groups, like the US Chamber of Commerce, devoted to distinctly right-wing causes, almost all lately related to the Republican party and in sympathy with the Donald Trump regime. Health care corporations recent and current funding of dark money groups seems to openly conflict with the corporations' promises of social responsibility.  The slanting of these efforts towards one end of the political spectrum, one party, and now the current president suggest that these corporations may have partisan agendas. Note that without the various ongoing investigative efforts mainly inspired by the actions of the Trump administration, we would have little idea that this was going on. May such investigations continue and intensify.  Maybe the recent elections, which gave the opposition to the Republican party and Trump control of the US House of Representatives, will lead to more such investigations. Furthermore, the increasing knowledge of these corporate actions raises a big question: cui bono? who benefits? It is obvious why a pharmaceutical company, for example, might want to defeat legislation that would lower its prices. It is not obvious why it would want to consistenly support actions by one party, or by people at one end of the political spectrum, even if some such people seem "anti-business."  After all, for years big corporations and their executives openly gave money to both US parties and their candidates, apparently in the belief that this would at least allow more visibility for the corporations' priorities no matter who was in power. Now, the most obvious theory is that the new practice of secret donations only in right-wing, Republican, and/or pro-Trump directions, which must be orchestrated by top corporate management, and which are not disclosed to employees or smaller corporate shareholders, are likely made to support the top managers' self interest more than the broad priorities of the corporations and their various constitutencies. Thus not only is more investigation needed, at the very least, "public" corporations ought to fully disclose all donations made to outside groups with political agendas.  This should be demanded by at least the corporations' employees and shareholders, but also by patients, health care professionals, and the public at large. Meanwhile we are left with the suspicion that top health care corporate management is increasingly merging with the current administration in one giant corporatist entity which is not in the interests of health care, much less government by the people, of the people, and for the people. Article source:Health Care Renewal
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irwinspharmacy · 3 months
Finding the Perfect Pharmacy in Cork City: A Comprehensive Guide
Pharmacies Cork boasts a vibrant selection of pharmacies, each catering to various needs and offering a convenient, professional service. Whether you require a prescription medication, everyday health and beauty supplies, or expert advice on wellness, a trusted Irwins pharmacy is just around the corner. This guide delves into the diverse landscape of pharmacies in Cork City, empowering you to find the perfect fit for your requirements.
Location and Hours of Operation:
Convenience is paramount when choosing a pharmacy. Consider Irwins pharmacy situated near your workplace, residence, or along your regular commute. Many pharmacies in Cork City offer extended hours, including late-night and weekend openings, catering to busy schedules and emergencies.
Here's a breakdown of common opening hours:
Weekdays: Typically 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with some extending to 8:00 PM.
Saturdays: Often operate between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM.
Sundays: A select few pharmacies open on Sundays, usually with reduced hours.
Pro Tip: Utilize online pharmacy locators or search for "pharmacy near me" to find pharmacies in your vicinity and their specific opening hours.
Services Offered:
Modern pharmacies in Cork City transcend the role of simply dispensing medication. Many offer a plethora of valuable services, including:
Prescription dispensing: Efficient and professional service for collecting prescribed medications.
Over-the-counter medication: Comprehensive selection of over-the-counter remedies for common ailments.
Health and beauty products: Extensive range of personal care items, vitamins, and supplements.
Vaccination services: Seasonal flu vaccinations and travel vaccinations may be available.
Advice on minor ailments: Pharmacists can provide guidance on self-care for minor health concerns.
Mother and baby care: Dedicated sections with products catering to mothers and infants.
Travel healthcare: Assistance with travel vaccinations and essential medication for trips abroad.
Not all pharmacies offer every service. It's recommended to inquire about specific services beforehand, especially if you have particular needs.
Some pharmacies in Cork City cater to specific areas of healthcare. These specialized pharmacies may stock a wider range of products within their niche and provide tailored advice. Examples include:
Dermatological pharmacies: Focus on skincare products and treatments.
Homeopathy pharmacies: Offer a range of homeopathic remedies.
Mobility aid pharmacies: Stock wheelchairs, walkers, and other mobility equipment.
By understanding your specific needs, you can locate a specialized pharmacy equipped to address them effectively.
Online Ordering and Services:
Convenience reigns supreme in today's world. Many chemist Cork City pharmacies have embraced the digital age by offering online ordering and services. This allows you to:
Refill prescriptions: Order repeat prescriptions for collection or delivery.
Browse product selection: Explore the pharmacy's inventory from the comfort of your home.
Schedule appointments: Book consultations with pharmacists for medication reviews or health advice.
Online services streamline the process of acquiring medication and healthcare products, saving you valuable time.
Finding the Right Chemist in Cork City
"Chemist" is a commonly used synonym for "pharmacy" in Ireland. Consider the following factors when choosing your chemist Cork City:
Location and hours: Opt for a pharmacy Cork City conveniently located and with operating hours that suit your schedule.
Services offered: Ensure the pharmacy provides the services you require, including prescription dispensing, over-the-counter medication, or specialized advice.
Online presence: Look for pharmacies with user-friendly websites offering online ordering and appointment scheduling.
Reputation: Read online reviews and inquire amongst friends and family for recommendations.
By prioritizing these factors, you'll be well-equipped to select a pharmacy in Cork City that caters to your specific needs and offers exceptional service.
Cork City's dynamic landscape of pharmacies guarantees a convenient and professional service to meet your healthcare requirements. Whether you prioritize location, specialized services, or online accessibility, a perfect pharmacy awaits. Utilize this guide as a roadmap to navigate pharmacy Cork City and find the one that best suits your needs.
Remember, consulting a healthcare professional is vital for any medical concerns. Pharmacists can provide valuable advice, but they cannot diagnose illnesses or prescribe medications for new conditions.
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morewandering · 6 years
Monday 6 August 2018
Ponderosa Campground and King City
After a quiet and restful night (but thus far just about every night has been quiet and restful) we move our camp from site 16 to site 9. Then we drive back to King City to seek a flash drive on which to load my Rocky Mountain Sierra Club photos. We acquire the flash drive at a pharmacy and then find a well-shaded picnic table at a county park where we sit and wait as my computer chugs away transferring the photos. Once they are on the flash drive and labeled we find the local post office and send them off to Rob.
That task completed, we return to the Cork and Plough about 3 pm for a late lunch. This time we eat a much lighter meal. While we dine, we finally connect with G who fills us in on her latest adventures in Maine. Before returning to camp we indulge in two ice cold Starbucks java chip frappuccinos which we sip as we drive back to camp.
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irwinspharmacy · 3 months
Finding a Reliable Late Night Pharmacy Cork
Finding a Reliable Late Night Pharmacy Cork
Navigating the need for medical supplies or prescriptions outside regular hours can be stressful. Thankfully, the late night pharmacy cork services provide essential support for those unforeseen circumstances.
Advantages of a Late Night Pharmacy Cork City
Living in a vibrant city like Cork comes with its perks, including access to a late night pharmacy cork city. These pharmacies offer more than just convenience; they provide peace of mind knowing that help is available round the clock. Whether it's for urgent medication needs, last-minute over-the-counter purchases, or professional healthcare advice, a late night pharmacy cork city stands ready to assist.
Key Locations: Pharmacy Shandon St and Pharmacy Shandon Street
When it comes to finding a dependable pharmacy, pharmacy shandon st are notable mentions. These locations are strategically placed to serve the community efficiently. Known for their comprehensive range of services, these pharmacies ensure you can access essential healthcare products and advice regardless of the hour.
What to Expect from a Late Pharmacy Cork
A late pharmacy Cork isn't just about extended hours; it's about offering a full spectrum of services that cater to urgent and regular healthcare needs. Here’s what you can expect:
24/7 Availability: Whether it's a late-night prescription refill or an urgent purchase of over-the-counter medication, a late pharmacy Cork ensures you are never left without options.
Professional Advice: Pharmacists on duty are always ready to offer expert guidance on medication usage, side effects, and general health queries.
Comprehensive Stock: From prescription medications to everyday health products, these pharmacies are well-stocked to meet diverse needs.
Accessibility and Convenience: Pharmacy Open Now Cork
One of the biggest advantages of a pharmacy open now Cork is its accessibility. Located in various parts of the city, these pharmacies are easy to reach, ensuring that you can quickly get the healthcare products and advice you need without delay.
The Importance of a Late Night Chemist Cork
A late night chemist Cork plays a crucial role in the healthcare system. These chemists provide essential services that are critical during emergencies and beyond regular hours. Here’s why they are indispensable:
Emergency Services: From providing necessary medications to offering urgent medical supplies, a late night chemist Cork ensures that you are covered in emergencies.
Health Consultations: Late-night chemists offer consultations on health concerns that cannot wait until the next day, bridging the gap between immediate care and scheduled doctor visits.
Medication Management: For individuals with chronic conditions, maintaining a steady supply of medication is vital. Late-night chemists help manage this need efficiently.
Detailed Insights into Pharmacy Shandon St and Pharmacy Shandon Street
Pharmacy shandon street are synonymous with reliability and quality service. These pharmacies are not just about extended hours; they are about providing a holistic healthcare experience that caters to the needs of the community. Here’s what sets them apart:
Experienced Pharmacists: Staffed with experienced and knowledgeable pharmacists, these locations ensure you receive accurate and helpful advice at any hour.
Wide Range of Products: From prescription drugs to wellness products, you will find a comprehensive range of items to meet your healthcare needs.
Customer-Centric Services: The focus is always on providing exceptional service, ensuring that your healthcare needs are met promptly and efficiently.
In conclusion, finding a late night pharmacy cork is crucial for addressing healthcare needs outside regular hours. Whether you need a late night pharmacy cork city or a reliable pharmacy shandon st, the options available ensure that you are never far from essential medical services.
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irwinspharmacy · 4 months
Pharmacy Shandon Street: Your Go-To Pharmacy in Cork
Finding a reliable and accessible pharmacy Shandon Street can be a daunting task, especially when you need urgent medical supplies or prescriptions filled. At Irwin's Pharmacy, we understand the importance of convenience and availability. Our pharmacy open now Cork ensures that you get the medications and healthcare products you need when you need them. We take pride in being a trusted late pharmacy Cork, serving the community with dedication and care.
Why Choose Our Pharmacy Shandon Street?
Irwin's Pharmacy on Shandon Street is more than just a place to get your prescriptions filled. We offer a wide range of services that cater to all your healthcare needs. Here’s why we stand out:
Convenient Location: Situated on Shandon Street, our pharmacy is easily accessible to residents of Cork City and the surrounding areas.
Extended Hours: As a late pharmacy Cork, we stay open longer to serve you better.
Comprehensive Services: From prescription medications to over-the-counter products, we have it all.
Professional Staff: Our team of qualified pharmacists is always ready to assist you with any queries or concerns.
Your Reliable Late Pharmacy Cork
Emergencies don’t keep regular business hours, and neither do we. Our late pharmacy Cork is committed to being there for you during those unexpected moments. Whether it's a sudden health issue or a late-night need for baby formula, you can count on us to be open and ready to help.
Always Open When You Need Us: Pharmacy Open Now Cork
It’s frustrating to need medication and find that every pharmacy is closed. That’s why we make it a point to be a pharmacy open now Cork. Our extended hours ensure that you have access to essential health services whenever you need them. Whether it's early in the morning or late at night, our doors are open.
Benefits of Our Late Night Chemist Cork
Being a late night chemist Cork comes with several advantages for our customers:
24/7 Availability: Our pharmacy is open late, so you never have to worry about not being able to get your medications.
Emergency Prescriptions: Need a prescription filled urgently? We’ve got you covered.
Wide Range of Products: From pain relief to skincare, our shelves are stocked with everything you might need.
What We Offer at Irwin's Pharmacy Shandon Street
Our pharmacy offers a variety of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our customers:
Prescription Services: Quick and accurate prescription filling.
Health Consultations: Our pharmacists are available for consultations on medications and health concerns.
Vaccinations: We provide vaccinations for flu, travel, and other health needs.
Health Products: A wide range of over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and health supplements.
Community-Centered Pharmacy Shandon Street
At Irwin's Pharmacy, we believe in being more than just a pharmacy. We strive to be an integral part of the community, offering support and healthcare services that go beyond just dispensing medications. Our community-focused approach ensures that we meet the unique needs of every customer, from young families to the elderly.
Why Accessibility Matters: Pharmacy Open Now Cork
Accessibility is crucial when it comes to healthcare. Our pharmacy open now Cork ensures that no matter the time of day, you have a reliable place to turn to for your health needs. We understand that health concerns can arise at any time, and being available when you need us the most is our top priority.
Trustworthy and Reliable Late Pharmacy Cork
When you choose our late pharmacy Cork, you are choosing a pharmacy that is dedicated to your health and well-being. Our extended hours are just one of the ways we show our commitment to serving you better. We believe that healthcare should be accessible, reliable, and professional, no matter the time of day.
Visit Irwin's Late Night Chemist Cork Today
Whether you’re dealing with a medical emergency or simply need a late-night supply of essentials, Irwin's late night chemist Cork is here for you. Our doors are always open, and our team is always ready to provide the care and service you deserve. Visit us on Shandon Street and experience the convenience and reliability that sets us apart.
Irwin's Pharmacy on Shandon Street is your trusted partner for all your healthcare needs. As a pharmacy Shandon Street, we offer convenience, reliability, and professional service. Our commitment to being a pharmacy open now Cork and a late pharmacy Cork ensures that you always have access to the medications and healthcare products you need. Trust Irwin's Pharmacy to be there for you, day or night.
Visit our website for more information or drop by our pharmacy to experience our exceptional service firsthand. Your health and well-being are our top priority.
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irwinspharmacy · 4 months
Late Night Pharmacy Cork: Convenient Access for Your Health Needs
Finding a late night pharmacy Cork can be a lifesaver, especially when unexpected health issues arise. At Irwin's Pharmacy on Shandon Street, we understand the importance of providing accessible and reliable healthcare services, even during late hours. Our commitment to serving the community ensures that you have access to essential medications and health products when you need them the most.
Why Choose a Late Night Pharmacy in Cork City?
In Cork City, having a late night pharmacy is crucial for various reasons. Emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours, and having access to a late night pharmacy in Cork City means you can obtain necessary medications without delay. Whether you need pain relief, prescription medications, or over-the-counter products, our pharmacy is here to support your health needs at any hour.
Benefits of a Late Night Pharmacy in Cork City
24/7 Access to Medications: Our late night pharmacy in Cork City ensures that you can get your medications anytime, day or night.
Professional Advice: Our knowledgeable pharmacists are available to provide expert advice on medication usage, side effects, and health concerns.
Emergency Services: In case of sudden health issues, having a late night pharmacy in Cork means you don’t have to wait until morning to get the care you need.
Services Offered at Irwin's Pharmacy Shandon St
At Irwin's Pharmacy on Shandon Street, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of services to meet your healthcare needs. As a trusted pharmacy on Shandon St, we provide:
Prescription Services
Our pharmacy on Shandon St in Cork City is equipped to handle all your prescription needs. We ensure timely and accurate dispensing of medications, offering a seamless experience for our customers.
Over-the-Counter Products
In addition to prescription medications, our pharmacy on Shandon St stocks a variety of over-the-counter products. From pain relievers to vitamins and supplements, we have everything you need to maintain your health.
Health and Wellness Advice
Our pharmacists are always ready to offer personalized health and wellness advice. Whether you have questions about medication interactions or need guidance on managing a health condition, our pharmacy on Shandon St is here to help.
Late Night Services
Understanding the importance of accessibility, our late night pharmacy Cork City extends its services beyond regular hours. We are committed to being there for you when you need us the most, ensuring that your health is never compromised due to time constraints.
Why Irwin's Pharmacy is Your Go-To Late Night Pharmacy
Choosing Irwin's Pharmacy on Shandon Street means opting for reliability, convenience, and comprehensive care. Here’s why we stand out:
Community-Centered Care
As a part of the Cork community, we strive to offer services that cater to the specific needs of our neighbors. Our late night pharmacy in Cork is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services around the clock.
Experienced Staff
Our team of experienced pharmacists and healthcare professionals is dedicated to ensuring you receive the best care possible. Whether it’s filling a prescription or offering health advice, we are here to assist you.
Convenient Location
Located on Shandon Street, our pharmacy in Cork City is easily accessible, making it convenient for you to visit us anytime. Whether you live nearby or are passing through, you can count on us for your health needs.
When it comes to finding a late night pharmacy in Cork City, Irwin's Pharmacy Shandon St is your trusted partner. We offer a wide range of services, from prescription medications to health and wellness advice, ensuring that you have access to quality healthcare whenever you need it. Visit us today and experience the convenience and care that sets us apart as the go-to late night pharmacy in Cork.
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irwinspharmacy · 1 year
Shandon Street Pharmacy: Your Destination for Late-Night Pharmacy Services
Located conveniently on Shandon Street, this pharmacy is committed to ensuring that healthcare is accessible to everyone, regardless of the time. Here's why Shandon Street Pharmacy is a top choice late night pharmacy in Cork:
Extended Hours: Shandon Street Pharmacy stays open late into the night, allowing you to obtain essential medications and healthcare products when other pharmacies may be closed.
Diverse Range of Products: The pharmacy offers a wide selection of prescription medications, over-the-counter remedies, personal care products, and more, ensuring that you can find everything you need in one place.
Experienced Team: Shandon Street Pharmacy is staffed by experienced pharmacists and knowledgeable healthcare professionals who are ready to assist you with your healthcare needs and answer any questions you may have.
Community-Centered Approach: As an integral part of the Cork City community, this pharmacy values its customers and is dedicated to providing personalized care and support.
Whether you have a sudden healthcare concern, need to refill a prescription, or require advice on managing a health condition, Shandon Street Pharmacy is here to help.
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