#arthur fleck x reader fluff
ledgerserious8 · 7 months
Little Neighbor | Arthur Fleck & Reader
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Warning : Don't copy my writing Don't steal my writing. All rights are reserved for my writing
Genre : Flutter First Met
Summary : The first met with your neighbor Arthur.
Word count : 1.4k
You let out a little sigh from your mouth as You was in the elevator as seem ready to go to the building you lived in
Arthur was your neighbor from two weeks but you never talked to him or met him, You was so busy with your things since you started living in Gotham
The both of you was standing in the electricity but his eyes on you
"You seem new here?" - He begged as he was eyeing you carefully
"Excuse me?" - You asked him calmly as looked at him after waking up from your thoughts
"I mean, yeah, you do seem new here." - He explained as stated clearly
"You are my new neighbor, right?" - He added as he was still looking at you with his pale face
"Yeah I'm here from two weeks" - You replied shortly as seem a little bit shy
"You're a very quiet person. I like that in a person." - He said as he was smiling a little but his white face made it a little bit off puting
And your nod to his words made him feel curious about you because he liked people calm and peaceful like you
"My name is Arthur Fleck it's a pleasure to meet you." - He said to you as held out a pale hand for you to shake
"It's pleasure to you but I don't touch" - You replied politely as waved to him and smiled
"That's fine, anyway are you busy right now?" - He asked you clearly and was just nodding with his head
"No I'm not busy now, Need something?" - You asked him calmly and your word made him smiling
"Would you mind doing a little of chit chat with your new neighbor?" - He replied as sighed as he was trying to talk to you more
"Yeah it would be good since the electricity still working" - You explained calmly and smiled back
"That's good then. I mean, this is an awkward time to become neighbors." - He stated as the lights were still on in this part of town - "So how's your life been? Are you moving here with anyone?" He asked you curiously and was still nodding.
"No I'm alone but my aunt will visit me soon" - You replied calmly and he can noticed honestly in your voice
"I'm also alone. It's just me and my mom." - He whispered softly as he sighed as he was finally finding common ground with you.
You can feel some sadness in the tone of his voice but you decided to not ask him
"So what's your name young lady?" - He asked you but his face was still pale.
"I'm Y/N" - You replied politely as smiling friendly
"That's a beautiful name. It suit you." - He admitted as he was showing a little bit of charm.
He was taking his chance right now to maybe befriend you or hopefully to romance, there's something about you was dropping him to you
And you can feel it too about him he seem so gentle and a man with golden heart but locked and hiding in darkness like a treasure
"I'm going to ask you an awkward question. Would you like to be my friend?" - He asked you as his shiny face was showing a little bit of hope
The both of you was enjoying the silent moment together but still, he was hoping for an answer from you.
"Sound Great" - You replied calmly to him and smiled friendly and you seem comfortable with him
"That's good to hear." - He replied as his face became happy and seem more shiny to you
The light flickered slightly as the both of you was smiling at each other, the silence was a little bit of a weird but still enjoyable moment for both of you as he can studying you and see everything about you
"Would it be wrong if I ask you another awkward question?" - He asked you politely with his white, pale face.
"No it's okay go ahead" - You replied politely, trying to convince him to be completely comfortable
"If you don't mind me asking do you have a boyfriend?" - He asked you as his face turned into a little bit of a disappointment.
He was hoping but he is not that lucky - "You are quite young right? I can tell you're not married or anything right?" - He added as he was trying to see if he have a chance with you.
"Honestly I'm single you know It's hard to live in city like Gotham and it's so hard to find a good man here" - You explained calmly as remembering the rumors about the criminals of Gotham and how everyone can be under control
"Yeah, I mean, Gotham's not a nice place and I completely understand." - Arthur replied as he was still nodding to your words showing how wisdom you are
Then he smiled at you. - "Will it be weird if I ask you one last question?" - He asked you as his curiously face was still waiting for your response
You nodded silently to him allowing him to asking you, you still seem so shy to him and he liked that soft side of you
"Do you mind if we chat somewhere more private?" - Arthur asked you nervously but he was trying to be friendly but you can noticed his nervously
"I mean my house or something. Maybe my mother is home, we could have some snacks." - Arthur added as chuckled as he was rubbing the back of his head by his hand
"It would be great thing to do but it's better to be next time" - You explained calmly and trying to be polite with him
"It's morning and you know everyone had work to get money and live" - You added softly
"Oh, that's ok. I understand. It's kind of a busy day for everyone." - Arthur replied politely as he was nodding with his head to you
Then he sighed with a little bit of disappointment as noticed the elevator doors opened to make the both of you realize it's time to back in reality
"Well, I guess we should go our own ways now. See you around neighbor." - Arthur explained as he seemed like he has something else to say but he just smiled and waved at you.
"See you next time little Neighbor" - You replied as waved to him back and started walking outside the elevator
You called him a little neighbor because the way his eyes was looking at you like a little child inside his soul and his expression showing innocence and gentle heart
That golden heart you're curious to find..
Arthur was quite disappointed with that reply, but still, he was happy since he made a little friendship with someone like you in his place
He smiled at you one last time before the both of you went your ways and disappeared from his eyes by walking away
Arthur went back into his own apartment as he was feeling disappointed now.
Not just because you didn't agree with him and refused his request. It's because he is now thinking about how lonely this world is and how he has no luck in love or a companion for himself
He just walked slowly and sit on his bed and looked at the ceiling silently for a few seconds
"Why does life have to treat me like this. No one even notice me." - Arthur mumbled to himself as he sighed softly
But then he remembered your words to him and it's made him started smiling with himself It made him actually feel like there was someone like you in this world who cared for him and was his new friend
Even if it wasn't in the romantic way. Arthur actually liked being cared for as He was now laying on his bed again and smiling softly and remembering you
He would love to be your friend..your boyfriend..your comedian...your arthur and especially..your
Little Neighbor
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star-dust-stuf · 1 year
Arthur Fleck x fem!reader
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title: baby, think you’re bad?
warnings: violence, harassment
a/n: I wanted to write this because I think I’d be flattered if someone killed for me tbh, sorry for any typos, as always enjoy!
it was the last place I wanted to be, about nine at night on an empty bus- I wish it was empty all there was where three men sitting across me laughing like they where drunk and a man dressed as a clown a little farther from me but he didn’t seem to bother me as much as the drunk men across me. All the man in the clown suit did was mind his business, didn’t even look at me half the ride but he did when the men started to bother me and he saw it.
“Hey?” One of the men said, waving his hand to get my attention. I didn’t look up from my lap that my purse was sitting beside me and I was gripping on edge.
“Hello?!” He was getting angry I could tell by his voice, didn’t look.
“He’s trying to be nice, hey?” The other one day next to him, I saw by his shoes.
I turned my head slowly to the clown, a tear formed in my eye from fear and he saw this. He glanced at me and the men, again and again before on of the men threw a piece of rolled up paper at me that he grabbed from his pocket. I mad wit clear I was crying and they began to mock me.
“Aw, don’t cry!” They mocked, one of them touched my shoulder and slid next to me, he touched my thigh.
I tried to get up but he grabbed my wrist and sat me back down. “Let go of me!” I didn’t sound scared as much as I was.
All the sudden my attention was drawn to the man far from me, he began to laugh uncontrollably it seemed he couldn’t help it. “Something funny?” The man sat up and got towards him.
He still laughed and covered his mouth, they mocked him, laughing along and on of them even sat beside him, talk his wig off showing his brown hair that gleamed in the dim light as it flickered.
“I- have a- c- condition!” He laughed as he reached for his bag.
“This your friend?” The man said looking at me.
I didn’t say no or yes, I was too busy with the man next to me, he took it upon himself to put his hand on the back of my head, when my tears grew stronger he pulled my hair hard enough for me to yell out in pain.
Laughing, the man got up after the others knocked the bag from his hand, he heard me cry and felt to do something. I saw him reach in his back pocket but the man knocked him to the floor. The two men kicked him, the clown stayed down, not fighting, he was building the courage I saw on his face he was.
Holding himself he got fed up. A loud shot echoed and a yell escaped on of the men who slammed his body on the wall of the train, leaving a blood trail that stained. The other two men jumped, this time the clown had the gun pointed at the man next to me. He got up, hands in the air and he didn’t hesitate to shoot him down.
I screamed aloud and got to the floor, dragging myself to the door and putting my knees to my chest, my head faced down. One last man ended up making to the other part of the train and of course the clown followed, I heard the shots far from me.
Crying as the tears stained the floor under me, it was silent and all I could do was stay still, I had no choice but to pray to myself. Rocking back and forth I felt a gloved hand on my bare knee. I jumped.
“It’s ok..” I heard the clown say, he breathed heavily, his gun lied beside him as he was on his knees. His makeup was ruined, sweat drowned his makeup the blue was on his chin and the red stained his neck.
I looked at his gun, my tears swelled. “No- it’s ok I won’t hurt you!” He pushed his gun behind him.
He softly put my knees down, then putting my dress down over them to make me more comfortable, he was polite, and kind. He looked at me with his eyes, his so soft eyes. He was scared for himself, he’s never killed anyone and I saw that in his face.
“T- thank you.” I whispered to him.
He glanced at me, he was overall shocked. “What?”
I chocked, “thank you…”
He tilted his head, “why?”
“You helped me.”
“But I killed them.”
I shrugged, wiping the tears from my cheeks, “and?” He smiled, “is that really a- a condition?” I sniffed.
He tripped on his words. “Yeah.”
I nodded, “are you ok?”
He noticed I saw him being beaten on the ground. “Yeah…”
“Can I walk you home?”
“I killed three men, and you want to walk me home?”
I nodded, I wasn’t even thinking about what he did only why he did it, why did he do it? As we walked up the steps and I to a long tunnel to the city I wanted to know. He was tripping over his oversized shoes and I couldn’t help but smile.
“Why did you- do that?” I held my arms in the cold.
“They wouldn’t leave you alone, I guess I did it for myself too.” He saw me shivering.
Reaching into his bag he grabbed his oversized coat as well, matching his overall outfit. He put it over my shoulders and his sweet smile shined through his makeup. “Thanks.”
“Why aren’t you scared?” He questioned me.
I shrugged, “I guess I’m just grateful someone was there or it could’ve been worse.” He looked down at the wet pavement and smiled to his large shoes.
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fleckssadgirl · 9 months
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮
Arthur Fleck x Reader
Warning: Gross amounts of fluff.
Enjoy this Christmas Ficlet.
You hated the cold.
No matter how many oversized sweaters you donned, the wind still found its way through your icy skin.
You enjoyed an evening stroll down to the only area in which Gotham had some greenery: a small park. With your feet in fuzzy socks, and double knotted combat boots, you shivered in the Christmas Eve air. This was not the weather you were hoping for, but you couldn't bring yourself to wuss out, simply from the cold, but you soon regretted your decision. Your nose hairs were starting to turn into icicles, and your ears were getting sore. You could use a large cup of coca, with loads of whipped cream on top. The very thought gave you the energy to leave your walk and up the several flights of stairs to reach your dreadful apartment.
When the screech of a gate reached your ears, you knew that the heat from your building would soon relive your incessant chills. It was by no means a burst of warm air, but it was certainly better than outside, and that was enough for you. Even the rattling of the elevator didn't seem to bother you as much as it normally did: it was warmer than the winter wonderland you had exited from.
You were about to slide the key into the lock when you heard the dull sound of footsteps, nearing you. Glancing upward, your eyes met the figure of your next door neighbour: Arthur Fleck. His head was down, and he was carrying a bag of what you presumed were medications from the pharmacy. You knew of Arthur's condition, from the few times you had spoken to him. He was rather quiet, but you could tell he had a kind soul.
"Hey Arthur!"
He turned around in surprise, his eyes meeting yours. It made your heart stop for a quick second.
"Hey, Y/N." He smiled gently, setting down his bag and reaching for his keys.
"H-have you had a good holiday?"
He turned back towards you again, seeming surprised you were continuing this conversation. He opened his mouth, and shut it again, giving a slight nod.
"That's good." You weren't sure exactly how to continue the conversation and you glanced at your snow-slicked boots, trying to think of another question you could ask him.
Before you could he finally spoke. It was so soft you felt yourself stop breathing in fear it would be too loud.
"How has yours been?"
"Great!" You responded far too quickly and enthusiastically. You cringed inwardly.
This response seemed to have startled him, as his eyes widened and he gripped tightly on his door handle.
Before he could beeline for his apartment, you stepped towards him.
"Uhm, I was going to maybe drink some hot chocolate, and listen to some music. Would you....care to join me?" You felt your face get hot, as you fidgeted with the hems of your sleeves.
He looked down the hall, and back to you.
"What, me?" he questioned, gesturing to himself.
You grinned.
"Yeah, who else, silly?"
His hand was clutching the doorknob with all his might, his eyes darting to his door.
"Well, uhm, my mom is expecting me..." He refused to meet your eyes, as he stared down at a stain in the hideous carpet.
"Oh, well that's alright." You bit your lip, trying to hide the disappointment that most definitely was on your face. You liked the guy, what could you say? There was something very intriguing about him, that kept you wondering.
"Sorry." He barely whispered.
"No, it's alright. I get it. Have a good Christmas." You almost scrambled to get your own door open. Once you had closed it, you felt yourself breathe normally for the first time since you had seen him.
You couldn't lie; you were pretty crestfallen when he made his excuses. You were certain you had freaked him out by being too eager, something you were normally quite good at, but for some reason hadn't been. He gave you butterflies, and you weren't sure why.
Sulking, you trudged towards your sofa and let your weight fall down on top of it, not caring if you had even removed your coat or boots.
It's not like you had expected to see him. Why were you so upset he didn't accept your invite?
You know exactly why, a little voice chirped, to which you huffed in annoyance.
You were too lazy to even get up and make your much needed cup of cocoa, opting for a sip of tepid coffee, which made you gag in repulsion.
So much for a nice Christmas Eve.
It had seemed like hours, but had only been a few minutes, you heard a knock at your door.
Part of you wanted to ignore it, but you also were curious who was on the other side.
You, with some difficulty, finally made yourself get up and open the door.
To your utter and complete surprise, it was Arthur Fleck.
The butterflies returned.
"Hey, Arthur."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
You could swear you could hear your heart beating.
"I-I wanted to come over, it's just...I got nervous and...." a small fit of giggles suddenly erupted from his mouth.
You looked at him with deep concern.
"No, it's ok. Really. I completely understand. You don't need to explain yourself to me." You reached out, resting a hand on his arm, and rubbing it comfortingly.
He clutched his chest, taking a few deep breaths.
"I-I, appreciate it." he finally got out, blinking back his watery eyes.
You smiled at him, your eyes gleaming with warmth.
"Come in. I'll make you some hot chocolate."
He nodded and let you pull him into the apartment.
You were stirring a packet of chocolate mix into warm milk, your toes bouncing, as you hummed the chorus to a popular Christmas tune. The cocoas were loaded with whipped cream and topped off with a slightly dinky candy cane. You admired your effort, and took both mugs to where Arthur was sitting.
He was admiring your large collection of records, his eyes set on your special edition of Nat King Cole.
"Jazz fan, huh?"
He set the record down, and reached for the cup of cocoa.
"Yeah, I guess so."
You took a sip. You felt it warm your body almost immediately, and let yourself relax and sink into the sofa. There was something so wonderful about this time of year, even if the cold was like Hell frozen over.
And the company certainly made it better.
You supposed he was quiet because he didn't have much to say, but, you wondered if maybe he had so many inhibitions set into him, that he just chose not to talk, in fear of what others would think.
"Why are you always so nice?"
The question seemingly came out of nowhere and took you off guard.
"Because I like you."
You couldn't believe you had said that with so much nonchalance, you wanted to both pat yourself on the back and smack yourself in the face.
He nearly spat out the hot chocolate from his mouth. Choking slightly, he gasped for air.
"Y-you d-do?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I? You take care of your mom, you work in a place to make people laugh, and you always smile at me when we cross paths. I think you have such a lovely soul, Arthur. I hope that you know that."
He seemed genuinely grateful for your praise. It was clear he didn't hear it often. You feared that people often judged him because of his condition.
"No. I guess I didn't." He ran his hands down his arms as if a chill had run through him. "I think that I don't deserve that."
You wanted to cry at his confession. What a tragic admission, to not know your own goodness.
"Oh, Arthur. I know you do."
Before either of you could comprehend what was happening, had reached out for his face, and had kissed him.
It was brief, and uninteresting, but it sent a larger wave of heat than the hot chocolate had.
You wanted another one.
You hesitated, fearing he hadn't wanted to be touched this way, but were completely shocked when he reached for the back of your neck and kissed you again, this time with a little more movement.
Your head had gone completely fuzzy, and you had forgotten all concepts of time.
When he pulled away, you let out a rattly breath.
"Wow, Arthur I had no i-"
You didn't finish your sentence before his mouth was on yours again.
There was no stopping him now. You had confessed, and now so had he. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as his hands slid from your neck to your waist, and finally settled on your hips.
Neither of you were sure how long you kissed, but you were certain the moment he released you that you were addicted.
You laughed, your fingers finding their way through his chestnut curls.
"You keep that up, there's no way I'm letting you leave."
He chucked.
"I probably should. My mother might need me."
Before he could stand up, you let your legs cage him between you.
"Nooo, you can't go now. I just got warm." you pouted.
"Y/N, c'mon, you'll be alright. I promise."
And with that he lifted you off him, and made his way to the door.
Before you could feel more saddened at his disappearance he turned just before exiting.
"Don't worry baby. I'll be back."
With a wink, he closed the door behind him.
Merry Christmas indeed.
Hope you like!
Have the most wonderful Christmas!
<3 Lyddie
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Hello! i’m wondering if you could possibly write an Arthur Fleck fic where it’s y/n’s first time meeting Arthur. Possibly at one of his comedy shows, or in the apartments, which ever. In the fic, i just want them to possibly feel a connection between each other. Hopefully you see this!
Hi there!! Got a little carried away with this one, but I had a lot of fun writing it! I read comedy show or apartments and I was like “why not both!”😂 I hope I did your idea justice! Thank you for your request!
The Spark ✧.*
‣ Pairing: Arthur Fleck x GN!Reader
‣ Summary: After years of searching and failing to find ‘the spark’ that lovers always talked about, you began to think it wasn’t a real possibility for you. That was, until you stumbled into a man by the name of Arthur Fleck.
‣ Genre: Fluff
‣ Warnings: None!
‣ Word Count: 5,158
‣ Have an idea for a fic you’d like me to write? Send a request here. But first, make sure to read my Request Info!
Arthur Fleck/P!Joker Masterlist
Main Masterlist
You absent-mindedly swirled the straw inside of your drink, one elbow positioned on the dimly lit table beside it as you supported your chin with the palm of your hand. Glancing around the room for what had to have been the hundredth time that night, you let out a disappointed sigh.
"Stood up again, huh?" You muttered to yourself. "Just my luck…"
The crowd around you laughed, and if you didn’t know better, you would’ve assumed they were laughing at you. Rather, they were all focused on the pretentious man standing under the spotlight on the small platform stage. It was a Thursday night at Pogo’s, which meant the mic was open to any comedian daring enough to take on the task of trying to make the dreary people of Gotham laugh. This particular comedian seemed to have knocked it out of the park. Everyone was practically rolling out of their seats with laughter.
Everyone, but you.
You wouldn’t say you were a hard person to please when it came to humor. There were many things you found funny —even a lot of the darker stuff. Your humor just didn’t align with the misogynistic and overall bigoted jokes that seemed to be ever-flowing from this guy’s mouth. Having arrived at Pogo’s nearly an hour and a half ago, you could confidently say that the jokes from everyone else that had taken the stage that night had been no different. Quite frankly, you were bored.
It wasn’t even your idea to come to Pogo’s that night. Your date recommended it, raving about the comedian who went by the same name as the one currently on stage before you. According to him, this guy was the "comedian of the century".
You could feel your eyes threatening to roll into the back of your skull just thinking about it.
Dating in Gotham had left you jaded, and this was one of the many reasons why. You just couldn’t seem to find someone you truly felt a connection to. After being on so many first dates with multifarious characters —all of which never led to a second, you began to lose hope in finding that special someone to share your life with. At first, that reality stung like a hundred paper cuts on your lonely heart. But after some time, the loneliness faded, and you realized you didn’t really mind being alone. You enjoyed your own company better than most others’. And you never disagreed with yourself on things like whether pineapple belonged on pizza, if cereal was a soup, which superpower is the best, which jokes were funny and which were plain bad —you know, the important stuff. Whether or not you found a partner in the future was no longer a top priority on your list, as not only had you given up on the terrible dating pool of Gotham, but you had also finally found contentment within yourself and the prospects of being alone.
That was until last week, when you met the no-show date of yours in person for the first time. Your friend had mentioned him in conversation before, so you weren’t too surprised to find he had joined your scheduled get-together with a few of your other friends that evening. He introduced himself, and the two of you seemed to hit it off quite well. You didn't talk about very much, but you swore you felt something.
The spark, perhaps?
You had always been told about a special spark that you’d feel when you met "the one." However, nobody could seem to tell you what exactly it felt like. All you were told was, "You’ll know it when you feel it."
Unfortunately, you’d never get to find out whether you were right about that spark. You even stayed far longer than you normally would have for a no-show date like this. As much as you had yourself convinced that you were totally fine with being eternally single, you couldn’t deny the fact that you were still a hopeless romantic at heart, always seeking out that special connection, that special spark.
That’s why you stayed as long as you did, suffering through ninety minutes of ridiculously bad jokes —though you seemed to be the only one in the room with that opinion. Looking back, you were glad your date didn’t show. You deserved better than someone who thought the jokes you’d heard all night were the pinnacle of humor.
Cheers from the crowd around you pulled you out of your thoughts and back to the center of the room as the previous comedian could be seen waltzing off the stage. The announcer took his place at the mic, reading off the information for the next comedian in line. A disgruntled huff left your lips. The last thing you wanted was to stick around for another insufferable act filled with the same jokes. Besides, it was getting late, and you’d already waited long enough for a date that was never going to happen.
Getting ready to leave, you took one last sip of your drink and collected your things. You pulled out your wallet, fishing for a tip to leave the waiter, just as the announcer finished reading their script.
"For his whole life, was told that his purpose in life is to bring happiness and joy into this cold, dark world…Uh…Right. Everyone, please help me welcome Arthur Fleck!"
Your ears perked up at those words. That introduction was much more interesting than any of the others you’d heard. Still, you continued to search for the five-dollar bill you knew you had somewhere in your wallet, not paying any mind to the clapping around you or what was happening on stage.
That was, until he spoke.
"Hello, it’s good to be here." His velvety voice was laced with nervousness. He chortled, but it didn’t sound natural at all.
Forgetting about the tip, you glanced up at the man in the spotlight. Your heart unexpectedly fluttered in your chest as you observed the man —Arthur, was it?— closely.
He wore a merlot-colored vest over a white button-up shirt, paired with matching red slacks and brown loafers. His hair was slightly brushed back, little brown curls framing his face that stopped just a couple inches above his shoulders. Dark eyebrows highlighted a pair of eyes so strikingly green that you could distinctly see them from the back of the room where you were seated.
Arthur… He was certainly handsome. What concerned and intrigued you was the veil of pain over his smile and eyes and the underlying strain in his voice. There was something about him that drew you in —made you want to know more. Your wallet laid disregarded on the table as your eyes remained focused on him.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Arthur swallowed back the growing lump in his throat. "Not now. Remember your practice." He repeated these words over and over in his head, begging the laughter not to take over again. He had performed this act once before a couple of months ago, but his condition had stolen the show from him, which left everyone laughing at him and not his jokes. He was embarrassed, but he couldn’t help but think, "What’s new?". Yet, after that failed performance, he somehow felt more determined to try again. He practiced and practiced any time he had the chance, often in the mirror or in his living room in front of an imagined audience.
He really felt like he had it down pat this time. All he had to do was get ahold of his laughter long enough to get through it.
Clearing his throat, he glanced down at the journal gripped tight by his trembling hands before looking back up at the audience.
"I h-hated school as a kid." One line down, and he only slightly chuckled. He made sure to smile like he rehearsed.
"My mother would say, 'You should enjoy it; one day you’ll have to work for a living.'"
Arthur could feel his throat closing up again. Sweat began to bead on his forehead from the stress and the hot stage lights above. He took a deep breath, trying to center himself before moving on to the punch line.
"N-No, I won't, ma’, I’m gonna be a comedian!" He held his arms out with a smile.
Scanning the silent audience, he began to feel his confidence crumble. As it did, the laughter became harder to suppress. He awaited his own doom…
A giggle could be heard somewhere in the distance. Arthur felt a bolt of excitement run through him, reviving his dwindling composure as he quickly began searching for the owner of the laugh amongst the dark sea of judging eyes around him.
Finally, they landed on you.
Arthur was immediately captivated by your beauty. You were all dressed up, your hair was done up nicely, and your radiant smile was pointed directly at him. You even laughed at his joke! Or were you just laughing at him like everyone else typically did? He wasn’t the best at reading people, but your smile seemed warm and your eyes friendly. And honestly, with your eyes locked on him in that very moment, he didn’t really care much whether he was misreading that or not. There was something about you that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Something that drew him to you —made him want to keep making you smile like that.
Arthur took his newfound confidence and continued with his act, trying his hardest to illicit more of that wonderful sound you made earlier.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ⋆⁺₊⋆
For the first time all night, you laughed. Not even a pity laugh, like the few you’d heard sprinkled amongst the quiet. Arthur evidently had some sort of condition he struggled with, but despite that, he was genuinely funny. The more he continued with his act, the more you found yourself laughing. You didn’t even care if you were the only person in the room who found his jokes hilarious. They clearly had terrible taste, and dammit, you were actually enjoying yourself!
It seemed like after he and you made eye contact, his laughter subsided a bit, enough for him to get through things a little more smoothly. Even so, you still felt deep concern each time he seemed to choke on the laughter that forced its way past his lips. You had never heard of such a condition, but it was clear to you that his laughter was not voluntary. You found yourself admiring his bravery and persistence, even when he was continuously cut off by his painful laughter, and eventually, the announcer, telling him his time was up.
You felt your blood boil at the announcer for interrupting his act so rudely. The other comedians had been allowed to finish their full acts, even if they went over their allotted time. They just wanted Arthur off the stage.
A pang of worry hit you as Arthur’s laughter finally got the better of him and came out in full force. You felt the urge to leap out of your chair and help him as he buckled over with his back turned against the audience, covering his mouth as if trying to stuff the laughter back inside himself. You didn’t want to make him any more uncomfortable than he already was, so instead, you clapped. Not once did you clap at the end of the other comedian’s acts that night. But Arthur, he made you truly laugh. If any one of them deserved praise and support, it was him.
You clapped loudly enough to fill the deafening silence in the room, standing up in your chair with a smile. Arthur turned his head to look at you, his lips tugging into a genuine smile that reached his eyes before he was abruptly taken over by another fit of laughter. Your eyes followed him as he quickly scurried off the stage, heading into the backstage area. Your heart tugged against your chest at the sudden absence of him, a sensation that confused you.
It couldn’t possibly be the spark you’d been searching for…right? You barely knew the man.
You didn’t give yourself any more time to think before you tossed a random bill onto the table and rushed towards the backstage area you had seen him vanish into. Your feet moved quickly down the stairs, your eyes scanning around for him. Stopping in an unfamiliar room, you found it to be filled with nothing but framed photos of popular comedians who had performed at Pogo’s and a TV hung in the top left corner by the stairs from which you came. It was quiet and empty, but there was a hallway ahead that you hoped might lead you to the person you were seeking.
This time, you hesitated before moving your feet. Was this weird? Creepy, even? All you wanted was to speak to him face-to-face. Tell him his act was great. But would a normal person come bursting through backstage all for that?
"Hey!" You jumped at the booming voice behind you. "Didn’t you read the sign? Performers only!"
You spun around on your heels, not even looking the person in the eye as you mumbled an apology before quickly racing back up the stairs and heading straight for the exit of the building.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ⋆⁺₊⋆
For days after, you couldn’t stop thinking about how ridiculous an idea that was. You were certain that if you did happen to meet Arthur then, he would’ve thought you were crazy. You didn’t know him at all. He definitely didn’t know you. All you knew of him was what you observed in less than 7 minutes of his act. You made eye contact a few times, he smiled at you, whatever. Nothing special.
So why was it that you couldn’t get him out of your head?
Weeks passed, and the thoughts of Arthur Fleck persisted. You went over the memory of him from that night about a million times. Not just that, you’d been catching yourself imagining what he was doing at any given hour, as well as what kind of person he was. The thoughts kept coming and coming, frequently hindering your focus and only growing louder in the darkest hours of the night. You were beginning to question your own sanity a little. Obsessively thinking about a stranger you barely knew surely wasn’t normal. You knew this, yet you couldn’t seem to separate him from your mind, no matter how hard you tried.
There was just something about him. The way he shined so brightly against the depressing gloom of the city, despite the odds stacked against him —that which you knew you’d only seen the smallest glimpse of. He was a rare gem in Gotham, and you felt lucky to have witnessed him in person. Your only regret was that you never got to officially meet him.
With Gotham being so largely populated, you knew the chances of seeing him again were slim to none. If only you hadn't missed your chance. You’d debated going to Pogo's again in hopes that you’d catch another one of his performances, but you lacked the time, money, and, quite frankly, the willpower to sit through any more of those other dreadful acts. You may have been bordering on crazy when it came to your interest in this complete stranger, but you weren’t THAT desperate.
So, you let him go. Tried to, at least. He still popped into your head frequently throughout your days, but you managed to accept the grief of never getting to know who Arthur Fleck truly was, telling yourself that he was probably not as special as you made him out to be in your head. Arthur Fleck was just a stranger you projected your deepest desires onto, making him out to be the kind of partner you’d always wanted to share your life with but could never seem to find out in the real world. There was no such thing as the ‘spark', the magical connection people always talked about in the movies and that your friends and family raved about. Maybe it was real for them, but not for you. Foolish, were you, to think otherwise…
⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Arthur had been distracted lately, more so than usual. He frequently spent a lot of time in his head; contemplating life, crafting jokes, having conversations with himself, daydreaming scenarios that helped him cope with the harshness of his reality. But as of late, most of his mind had been consumed by one particular subject.
He didn’t know you. Didn’t even know your name. But something about you left a lasting imprint on his mind for days, weeks after his last gig at Pogo’s.
Your beauty, your smile, the way your eyes perked up when they met his. Even at the far end of the dark room, you stood out so clearly to him. And the things he felt when he heard your laughter...he couldn’t possibly describe in words. Never had he been filled with such warmth from a stranger —and all you did was laugh at his jokes! Nobody ever laughed at his jokes.
Nobody, but you.
And you didn’t laugh at him once. He paid close attention to see if you would, all while hoping with everything he had that you wouldn’t. Instead, he was met with an expression filled with joy and kindness, and at certain moments, deep compassion for him.
If it wasn’t for you, he wouldn’t have been able to get through his act. Your laughter was what kept him going and inspired him not to give up. That’s why he wanted to be a comedian in the first place. To make people laugh. To give people a sense of happiness that he himself had been cruelly stripped of his entire life. As Arthur had regrettably learned time and time again, most people found that sense of happiness in laughing at him, seeing him hurt, beating him down —but not in his jokes. Even his own mother didn’t think he was funny.
But you did. And that mean the entire world to him.
Since then, there was seldom a moment in which thoughts of you weren’t floating around his head. He pondered over everything he could remember about you. He imagined what you were like, what your name was, what made you smile, if you had a partner. He selfishly pretended you didn’t for the sake of the daydreams he created of you and him together, despite knowing that if you were to meet him, you’d probably want nothing to do with him. Hell, he wasn’t even convinced you were actually real. How could someone as perfect as you exist? Nobody in Gotham had a smile that bright. Nobody in Gotham would ever openly show him such kindness and warmth. It was impossible…right?
Arthur carried on with his life, knowing that you were likely just a part of his imagination, and he once again confused fantasy with reality. He had been watching too many romantic films lately, and it got to his head, that’s all.
But that certainly didn’t stop the persistent thoughts of you and the deep desire that you did really exist. That, for the first time, he had been truly seen by someone real.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ⋆⁺₊⋆
"Shit. Dammit. Come on," you cursed under your breath as you struggled to lock your friend’s car with one hand, all while performing a balancing act with an overflowing box of items in your arms and two bags slung over your shoulders.
You felt lucky to have such great friends —the kind that would let you borrow their car when you suddenly got evicted from your apartment. You weren’t feeling too lucky about that, but at least you had people you could rely on to help you through it.
It didn’t help that it was such short notice, leaving you scrambling to find somewhere else to live. Your friends had offered to let you stay on their couches while you searched, but as it turned out, there was only one place within reasonable distance of your job that you could afford, so your search didn’t last long. It wasn’t a great place, by any means. It looked to be practically falling apart, and it was in a terribly dangerous area of Gotham, but you would take that over being on the streets any day. Besides, it was cheap enough that you would conveniently save a few bucks a month. Not much, but it was better than not being able to afford the rent at all.
After successfully locking the car, you walked carefully towards the entrance of the apartment building. With how exhausted you were from frantically packing everything at the last minute, the last thing you wanted to do was take multiple trips to and from your friend’s car for some basic necessities. That said, you made a mental note to move your friend’s car to a safer location before the end of the day. Apparently, the area was known for a lot of car break-ins and robberies.
You walked through the entrance of the building, not having much time to look for where to go before you abruptly collided with someone in front of you, causing most of the items in your arms to fall onto the dirty checkered floor below your feet.
"God, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t really looking—I mean, I couldn’t really see where I was going, and I...I’m sorry," you said as you rushed to pick up all your belongings off the floor. Wanting to avoid witnessing the stranger judge your frazzled state, you kept your eyes glued to the ground and focused on putting things back together in a way that would allow you to carry it all again.
"It’s alright. I wasn’t looking where I was going either," the stranger responded. They seemed surprisingly understanding, something you were not used to receiving in the merciless city you resided in.
"Sorry. H-Here, let me help," he added, just as you noticed the familiar brown loafers on the stranger’s feet. Suddenly, the rest began falling into place.
Wait a minute…That voice. You knew that voice.
You shot your head up just as the stranger crouched down to help you pick up your things. Your eyes met in that moment, leaving you both frozen in place for an unknown amount of time as you each took in the familiar face of the person before you.
It was Arthur. The man you had been thinking about for an embarrassing amount of time. It had been almost a month since you’d seen his act at Pogo's, and thoughts of him still remained active in your mind all this time later, despite your many attempts to lock them away and forget about him.
The chances of you two seeing each other again were so very slim, and yet, there you were, crouched at eye level on the floor, staring at one another in shock. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you realized you had been blatantly staring at him for what would definitely be considered too long and scrambled to find something to say.
"You’re Arthur Fleck from—"
"You were the one who—"
You and Arthur laughed sheepishly, heat rising to your cheeks as you looked into each other's eyes.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ⋆⁺₊⋆
There was that laugh he’d been craving to hear all month. It filled his ears and soothed his soul. Even better, your speaking voice was the most heavenly sound he’d ever heard. The way you said his name was enough to have him on the verge of melting into a complete puddle on the floor, and it took all of his conscious energy not to do just that. He was surprised you even remembered him at all. ‘Memorable’ was not a word Arthur would even think to associate himself with. Arthur was invisible to much of the world around him. But strangely, miraculously, not to you.
Not only that…you seemed to be real. The fact that he was so shocked to find out you were the person he ran into pointed more to the possibility of you not just being a figment of his imagination. Never in a million years had he expected to find you in this dump, of all places.
"Y-Yes, that’s me. I’m Arthur." He nodded timidly. "Why are you here?"
"What a stupid question. You didn’t even ask for their name!" he thought. He tried to think of the right things to say in this kind of situation. He had imagined many scenarios of meeting you, but never like this. It became harder to breathe as he realized he had already said the wrong thing. Now you probably thought he was rude and a loser. Why did he always have to mess everything up?
Surprisingly, though, you laughed.
"I swear, I’m not stalking you!" You joked, putting your hands up in playful defense. "I’m actually moving in today." Arthur felt relief fill his being, but the threat of a laughing fit still loomed over his head. You were just so pretty, and perfect, and so much better than he had imagined. He would never forgive himself if he messed this up.
"I’m Y/N, by the way. It’s nice to officially meet you…I’m assuming you live here?" You smiled at him, radiating the same warmth he had received from you at Pogo’s all those nights ago. If he could bask in it forever, he would.
Y/N… Your name definitely suited you better than any of the ones he came up with in his mind. He avoided the temptation to repeat it aloud in front of you. He wanted to know what it felt like rolling off his tongue.
"Yeah, eighth floor," he said. "What floor are you on?" 
Your eyes grew wide, and you blinked a few times in what appeared to be shock.
"E-Eighth floor…"
Now it was Arthur’s turn to feel shocked. What a strange twist of events that seemingly led you both here. Arthur thought he’d given up on fate, seeing as his life had only been filled with one traumatic event after another, no matter how hard he tried to change things for the better. Either fate had a nasty grudge against him or everything was all random chance, and he just so happened to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time. For Arthur, it was easier to believe the latter. At least that way, he still had some sense of control over his life. He’d take his chances in a battle against bad luck over some divine force that he surely stood no chance against.
As he gazed upon you now, he couldn’t help but feel conflicted once more. Maybe he was wrong about fate. Sure, it was his performance at Pogo’s that caught your attention, but Arthur certainly wasn’t the one that led you to being at the club that night, nor the reason that you were moving here —on the same floor of the apartment building he lived in, no less. Maybe it was luck, maybe it was a crazy coincidence, or maybe it was something more…
A glimmer of hope filled his heart as he smiled at you. Maybe you were real, and maybe fate was too. If all the terrible things he went through were the exact things required for him to end up here in this very moment with you, then it was all worth it to him.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Arthur was surprisingly not much different than what you imagined him to be like. He was very sweet, and you found his timidity around you charming. Your heart fluttered every time he smiled at you. The smiles he presented you now were not veiled with pain like the ones you had seen from him on stage. They were soft and sincere, and they accentuated the wrinkles around his pretty green eyes.
You accepted his offer to help you carry your things up to your apartment. He claimed he was headed that way anyway, though you swore he had been exiting the building when you ran into him. The possibility of him dropping his plans to help you instead released a whole swarm of butterflies in your stomach.
Arthur pressed the elevator button for the eighth floor, shifting the weight of the box in his arms as he did so. He had insisted on carrying both the heavy box and one of your bags for you, leaving you to carry a few smaller items and the other bag slung around your shoulder.
"I, um…I never got to tell you how much I loved your act! I wanted to speak to you afterwards, but…I guess I missed you," you said.
"Uh, yeah, sorry about that…" He shot you an apologetic look.
"Don’t worry about it." You smiled. "I’m just glad I get to tell you now. You’re really funny, Arthur. Funnier than all those other comedians, if you ask me."
Arthur’s cheeks turned a rosy pink as he looked down at the box in his arms, a big smile taking over his face. "Thank you. That means a lot."
The elevator door screeched open, and the two of you walked down the hallway of your shared floor, your conversation continuing on the way to your door. You both found yourselves walking slower to avoid the inevitable end of the moment you were so immersed in.
Something about the way Arthur spoke to you made you feel special. His tone was gentle, and his eyes held a deep curiosity for every word that you spoke in return. The more the two of you talked, the more comfortable you began to feel around him, and you could sense Arthur felt the same way; his previous nerves now diminished as he casually walked alongside you.
Eventually, you arrived at your destination, but that did nothing to cease your talking. Arthur amusingly pointed out the fact that your apartment was directly across from his and joked about bringing a shitty casserole to your place to welcome you to the neighborhood. You noticed Arthur’s face brighten even more as you laughed at this.
He even offered to help you gather the rest of your things and bring them into your apartment, which you happily agreed to —not only for the help but for the extra time you’d get to spend with him. You were ever so curious to know more about the mysterious Arthur Fleck, who had nearly consumed your every thought for so many days. He intrigued you more than anyone else you’d ever met, the bright light of his soul drawing you nearer like a moth to a flame.
It was at that moment that you finally understood. The spark you’d been seeking your whole life was neither a thing nor a feeling. It was a person.
Finally, you had found your spark.
And his name was Arthur Fleck.
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fleckficgirl · 2 years
Arthur Under the Mistletoe 🎄
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Summary: You throw a party on Christmas Eve that doesn’t go as planned...but in the very best of ways. Extremely fluffy oneshot and the title speaks for itself :)
Warnings: mental illness
Word Count: 2087
Notes: I was inspired by @jokerownsmysoul​‘s recent post about who she’d kiss under the mistletoe. Obviously, I’m choosing Arthur Fleck as well! Be sure to listen along to the Christmas album hyperlinked in the story, too. Hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
“This is a disaster!” you wailed. “Why did I think anyone would ever come to my party?”
Your tear-filled eyes finally overflowed and you buried your face in your hands.
You realized what a sight you must be: young woman in a sparkly pink party dress and white heels, sitting in her own empty apartment, crying unconsolably...and on Christmas Eve, no less. 
Throwing this party was an idea you’d discussed with your therapist a couple weeks prior. You hadn’t thrown a party since childhood, but the idea had sparked your imagination. Deciding you were going to be more outgoing and invite people over for the first time since you moved to Gotham six months ago had gotten your creative juices flowing. 
You'd invited everyone on the eighth floor, including some of the neighbors downstairs you'd chatted with a couple of times. Now you laughed ruefully at yourself for having gotten so excited about decorating the apartment, planning a menu, music and games....only to be stood up by everyone at your own party.
This gathering was supposed to make you feel less alone. But now you felt more lonely than ever. 
You glanced around your festive living room and kitchen. You’d decorated the walls with Christmas garland. A Jolly Christmas from Frank Sinatra was playing on the record player. A full bowl of punch sat in a large, untouched crystal bowl on the coffee table, along with cookies, cake, chips and finger sandwiches. 
And mistletoe. You’d bought mistletoe and placed it over the front door. You’d also gotten dressed up and put makeup on (which wasn’t the easiest thing to do when dealing with depression). But the party had been set to start at seven and it was now a quarter past eight. The writing was on the wall: no one was coming. 
You stood up from the sofa, figuring it was time to start cleaning up. Dejectedly, you made your way over to the record player and turned it off, knowing the joyful, nostalgic tunes would only depress you further. 
A small knock at the door made you jump out of your skin. You froze. Had you actually heard that, or was it your imagination? Afraid of what might be on the other side, you tiptoed to the door and peered through the peephole. 
Was that....Arthur Fleck? From 8J down the hall?
You'd run into him a couple of times in the elevator, but only spoken once, during the garbage strike earlier that year. He was shy and sweet. And beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that you’d gotten completely tongue tied around him...had found yourself blathering some incoherent nonsense about how pretending that the streets smelled like pine needles - your favorite scent - was the only thing keeping you sane through the strike. 
Deep in the back of your mind you'd hoped he would show up tonight. You wiped the tears from your eyes - not wanting him to see you see you upset - and opened the door.
The sight of him now almost made your heart leap into your throat, and you had to remind yourself to breathe. Arthur was wearing a crisp blue cardigan, and his beautiful brown hair was combed back in loose curls. He’d dressed up for the party and looked even more handsome than you’d remembered. 
“Hi, Arthur,” you squeaked.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” Arthur held up a small wrapped gift with a bow on it. “Sorry I’m late. I had a gig that ended at seven and raced back over here to change first.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you replied, letting him inside. “You’re...actually the only one who showed up.” 
Arthur stepped into your living room and spun around, surprised. “I’m the only one here?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, trying not to break into tears again. “So if you don’t wanna stick around, I understand.”
“But everything looks so beautiful.” Arthur pointed at the garland on the walls. “And you look...especially nice tonight.” He stepped over to the record player. “I love this album. Do you mind if I put it on?”
You sniffed. “Wait...you mean...you wanna stay?”
“Only if you don’t mind having me.”
You shook your head. You were still reeling with disappointment - this wasn’t at all the party you’d imagined - but you were grateful that at least one person had showed up. Even more grateful that that person was Arthur. 
“Please stay,” you responded, a small smile spreading over your face. “I’d love it if you stayed.” 
Arthur beamed and turned the record player back on.
“Can I get you some punch?” you offered, moving towards the coffee table. 
“Sure!” His eyes lit up, almost glittering. “Except, if it has alcohol in it I really shouldn't mix that with my medications...”
“Nope, alcohol-free,” you smiled as you poured him a glass. “And feel free to help yourself to any of the snacks.” 
Arthur took the glass from you and sat next to you on the sofa. “What made you want to throw a Christmas party?”
“Well,” you mulled the question over. “I've been feeling kinda down...kinda lonely. I have some...problems with depression.”
“I know what that feels like,” Arthur said. “To feel lonely, I mean. And sad.” 
“I can get extra sad around the holidays,” you continued. “And I couldn’t fly home to see my family this year. So I thought...maybe I could invite people over. Maybe I’m not the only one who has a hard time at Christmas.” 
"Well I’m glad you threw the party. And I'm really glad you invited me,” Arthur smiled, shyly placing his hand over yours. "When I got your invitation, I knew there was no way I'd miss it.”
“Well, I’m sorry it’s not much of a party,” you lamented. “I guess it's official: all my neighbors hate me. Except you.”
“They don't hate you,” Arthur countered. “They probably just had other plans.”
You paused, taking a thoughtful sip of punch. “You're right,” you nodded. “That's black and white thinking. My therapist tells me I tend to do that. Just because they didn't show up tonight doesn't mean they hate me.”
“You see a therapist?” Arthur cocked his head to one side. “So do I. But all she ever asks me is if I’ve been having any negative thoughts.”
“All I have are negative thoughts!” you joked. Arthur laughed.
“Do you want to open your gift?” he asked. “You don’t have to,” he added quickly. “I read in an etiquette book I got from the library that you're not supposed to open gifts in front of other guests at a party.”
“Well, seeing as how there are no other guests!” you quipped before pausing to raise a sly eyebrow at him. “You checked an etiquette book out from the library?”
“Yeah,” Arthur smoothed back his hair self-consciously. “Well...a party etiquette book. The truth is, I've never been invited to a Christmas party before. Or any parties, really. I wanted to make sure I didn't mess anything up.” 
Giddy at the thought of him sweetly taking the time to research how to behave at your party, you pulled his small gift off the coffee table and held it in both hands. The wrapping was a candy cane pattern and the bow was a simple green shiny ribbon. In that moment you felt that you'd never seen anything so beautiful in your life.
“You wrapped this yourself?”
“Yeah,” he replied sheepishly. “I’m not that good at wrapping, but...I hope you like it.” 
“I love it!” you blurted.
“You don’t even know what it is yet!” Arthur laughed.
Carefully, you peeled away the scotch tape on the side and tore back the wrapping to reveal a small, green candle. Snow-Covered Pines, the label read. 
“I remembered that one time you and I talked in the elevator. You said you liked the scent. Anyway, I saw it at the drugstore and...I thought of you.”
“You remembered that?” Your heart fluttered, feeling embarrassed by the memory all over again, but also touched. “Thank you, Arthur. I love it so much.” 
Arthur was an extremely easy person to talk to. Conversation with others wasn’t something that always came naturally to you, but with him it felt effortless. The next time you glanced back up at the clock, you were shocked to see it was almost ten. 
“Should I put on another record?” Arthur offered as the last song on the Frank Sinatra album spun to an end.
Arthur stood up. “You have all the greats here,” he hummed as he mused over your record collection. He selected Nat King Cole’s Christmas album, carefully placing the record onto the turntable before sliding Frank's back into its sleeve. 
“This is my favorite Christmas song!” you clasped your hand to your chest as the familiar notes of the first song poured over your ears. 
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...
“Mine too,” Arthur paused, looking shy. 
“We have a lot in common, Arthur,” you beamed. 
“Did you...did you want to dance?” he asked in a soft voice. “With me?”
You felt your heart start to pound again. “Yes...” you answered. “Except I’m really bad at it. I might step on your feet.” 
“Well,” Arthur said. “There’s no one here to see you be bad at it. Except me.” 
He extended his hand and helped you up off the sofa, pulling you in close as you moved around your living room together. 
“Wow, Arthur,” you murmured after a moment, surprised at the grace in his movements. “You’re a really good dancer.” 
“I know,” he said with mock overconfidence. You laughed and swatted his shoulder. He dipped you. The song ended, but he didn’t let you go. You never wanted him to, wishing this night - the same evening you’d been so eager to forget just a couple hours earlier - would never come to an end. 
“Hey,” Arthur hummed softly after you’d danced a few more songs. “I'm having a great time...but I should really get back to my mother. I’ve gotta help her get ready for bed.”
You paused, disappointed to see him go, but more than happy that things had turned out exactly as they had tonight.
“I had a really wonderful evening, Y/N. I'm glad I got the chance to talk to you.”
“Me too,” you replied. “If everyone else had shown up, I don't know if you and I would have gotten to talk as much as we did.”
You walked Arthur to the front door. He stopped and turned to face you once more. You paused before moving to open the door for him.
“Hey, Arthur,” you said in a small voice. “It looks like we're standing under the mistletoe.”
Arthur blinked and looked up. "Oh," he swallowed, a blush spreading across his face.
“Did your book say what people are supposed to do when they’re under the mistletoe together?” 
Arthur nodded, throwing his eyes to the floor. “Yeah," he said, “they’re supposed to kiss each other.”
“Are you gonna kiss me, Arthur?”
“I'd like to...” he hummed. “But only...only if you want me to.”
“I want you to."
He was shy at first, trembling slightly as he brought his lips to yours. But once you were united in the embrace, the both of you seemed to relax. His arms wrapped around you, his hand moving to delicately cup the side of your face. Arthur’s lips were even softer than you had fantasized. His skin was warm, his cologne flooded your senses. 
“Merry Christmas, Arthur,” you blushed as the two of you came apart. Your mind was spinning and you felt weak in the knees. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” His eyes were closed, slowly fluttering open as he took your hands into his.
"Maybe....maybe after your mom goes to bed, you could come back and...we could watch The Murray Franklin Show on TV together."
Arthur stared back at you. “You watch the Murray Franklin show?” he asked, eyes wide and incredulous. “I’ve been watching him for years.” 
“So have I. It's his Christmas special tonight, you know.”
“I’d love to watch the holiday special with you.” Arthur’s eyes sparkled. "I'll come back after I finish up at home and we can watch it together.” 
You opened the door for him, lingering in the doorway as he stepped into the hall.
"Oh, and...Arthur?"
"Yes?" he paused, turning to face you.
“Thank you.”
Arthur smiled. "What for?"
"For making my Christmas so special."
Notes: Wishing you a safe & happy holiday season. Thanks so much for reading ❤️❤️ 
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promptthebear · 1 year
Hello! 🐰 may I please get prompt number 23 with Arthur Fleck please?😭
Here you go! Sorry this is so late, and congratulations on being my first Arthur prompt!
Arthur Fleck x Reader
Prompt: Why can't I braid your hair?
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CW: Penny is having a mild delusional episode and Arthur gives her some of her medications. Some mentions of Arthur being bullied at work. Mild swearing. Let me know if I miss anything! 2nd person, reader is referred to as "you", no physical description of reader mentioned, F!reader
A/N: There's some stuff in this that's basically me experimenting with my personal head canons about side characters. Ie. Gary being married with children and Randall being divorced. It's mostly there to give the conversation between Arthur and the reader a more realistic flavour. I was just going for something really comfortable and domestic feeling for this. Enjoy!
It was only after he heard the clunk of the deadbolt closing and the feeling of familiar, worn flooring under his feet did Arthur finally feel like he could breath again. Yes, the apartment was still a shitty little hole in the wall that reeked of cigarette smoke and where the hot water came out from the tap a copper colour half the time, but it was also his own personal oasis. A sanctuary where the two of you could shut out the rest of the world and bask in the solace of each other’s company.
He could feel the grime and grief of the day slowly start to dissipate as he padded down the hall, his sock feet no more than a whisper on the threadbare carpeting. It was a little early in the day for you to be home, but he could hear the sound of the TV, a faint drone that was still too far away for him to make out anything distinctive.
If it was the daily newscast, then it was probably Penny watching. She never missed a chance to catch sight of Thomas Wayne, no matter how brief. If the local baseball game was on instead, then Penny was napping and you’d be getting dinner started. The Gotham Knights were the worst team in the Tri-State area, but you were a loyal fan all the same.
What greeted Arthur when he rounded the corner and came into the living room, however, temporarily stopped him cold in his tracks. The TV was on, yes, but at a much lower volume than the ear shattering blare his mother preferred. Penny was awake too, still dressed in her robe and slippers, but awake never the less. Instead of occupying her usual perch on her favourite chair and basking in the glow of the flickering screen, Penny was doing her own version of pacing. Arthur watched as she shambled from one side of the room to the other, muttering quietly under her breath to someone only she could see.
After deciding she was only having a mild episode and not a complete break from reality this time, Arthur pulled his eyes away from Penny and began to search the room for you. It was only on his third pass of the space that he realized the reason he kept missing you. What he thought was a pile of laundry on the couch, was in fact your body, lying half sunk into the cushions. You were still wearing your work scrubs, as well as your shoes, and your head was buried beneath a stack of sofa pillows. You hadn't let out so much as a whimper since he'd walked in, or even let on that you knew he was home.
“Sweetheart? You alright?”
Within seconds, Arthur was kneeling by your side, contorting his body between the sofa and the coffee table to get to close to you as possible. At the sound of his voice, you stirred slightly, and brought up a hand to lift up a corner of the bottom pillow in the stack. A bloodshot, dark rimmed eye stared back at Arthur from beneath it, and he instinctively reached out to run a soothing hand down your back. He’d been through enough bad days with you to recognize the warning signs, even when you hadn’t said a word.
“Migraine again?” he asked, purposely keeping his voice low and even so as not to cause you any further discomfort.
The pillows wobbled precariously as you nodded in reply. Arthur sighed, before glancing over his shoulder to look back at Penny. In the short amount of time it had taken him to come over to you, his mother had stopped her pacing, and was staring at him as though she was now just realizing who he was.
“I’m here Mom.” he said, placing a hand on the nearby armrest so he could push himself to his feet “Did you get your medication today?”
“She missed her third dose” your voice was half muffled by the pillow “Mrs. Bianci from downstairs called my job around three-ish to say she heard yelling coming from our place and she was worried. I caught an early train home, but the migraine hit before I could do anything for Penny, I’m sorry.”
Arthur bit at his bottom lip, not hard enough to draw blood but with enough force that the pain it caused overwhelmed any lingering frustration. He could feel the laughter, unwelcome and oh so insistent, clawing at the back of his throat, trying to break free. He grit his jaw against it, forcing it back down as best he could. Doing this too often would eventually trigger a fit that would last hours instead of seconds, but the last thing you needed right now was for him to be out of commission.
He knew your migraines only came around in times of extreme stress, and as much as he loved her, he was also very much aware of just how stressful dealing with Penny could be. You’d tried your hardest to get along with her since you’d moved in, but Penny was stubborn at the best of times and hateful at the worst, especially when it came to who administered her daily dose of medication.
“Let me get Mom comfortable, and then we’ll get you looked after, okay?” He said, smiling down at you.
You gave Arthur a wobbly smile in return from beneath your pillow cavern. The gesture almost broke Arthur’s heart, you were trying so hard to put on a happy face for him and play it off like things weren’t so bad. If anyone knew how that felt, he certainly did.
It didn’t take long to crush up Penny’s next round of pills into a pudding cup, and even less time to coax her into her recliner in front of the news. By the time the first commercial break started playing, she was already lulled into a blissful stupor, a dreamy look on her face as her glassy eyes watched the screen without actually seeing it.
Once he was sure his mother was settled, Arthur then turned his focus entirely towards you. Without needing to be asked, you had already sat up, your stack of pillows sitting neatly on the floor while you waited for Arthur to join you. The springs squawked in protest as he sat down on the cushion farthest away from you. As soon as he was ready, you crawled over and placed your head on his lap, with your face turn upwards towards the ceiling.
“Comfy?” he asked, once again smiling down at you. A loose lock of hair was hanging across your face, and he reached down, tucking it behind your ear with nimble fingers.
“Best seat in the house” you replied, your voice a hoarse whisper. “Thanks for doing this, Arthur.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
With that, Arthur brought his hands down to either side of your face, with one arm draping over your torso while the other sat atop the armrest. He moved his thumbs over your temples, and began to massage the skin there in tiny, circular motions.
The effect on you was almost instantaneous. Arthur watched as your eyes fluttered shut, and he could feel the tension leave your body as you settled more firmly against his legs. The migraine would’ve eventually run its course whether he was here to help you or not, but the two of you had discovered this trick could sometimes turn hours of agonizing pain into a more manageable level of discomfort.
“How was work?”
Arthur couldn’t help but smile again, even though he knew you wouldn’t see it. You could be having the worst day of your life, and yet you always found time to check in with him. It made him feel like each time you asked that question, you were really interested in what he had to say, and not just making polite conversation or because of some unspoken sense of obligation.
“It was okay,” he replied, making sure to keep his voice soft “Hoyt’s been looking into getting me a position in the Founder’s Day parade next week, since I’m more comfortable in front of crowds than the other guys, and Gary’s wife is pregnant again.”
“Oh, good for Ella. That’s what, their third together?”
“Fourth, actually.”
“Jesus Christ, any more and she’s going to make Gary sleep outside.”
Arthur let out a quiet chuckle, in part because he appreciated the joke and also because he was relieved to see your usual sense of humour returning. That usually meant you were slowly starting to feel a bit better.
“I mean, yeah. But she probably never gets migraines either.”
A faint crease appeared on your forehead, more from confusion than discomfort.
“How do you figure that?”
Arthur felt his cheeks heat up, a wicked grin playing about his lips.
“Well, cause of all the kids, you know? Randall says there’s nothing better for a headache than a good fuck.”
“Arthur! Oh my god!”
One of your hands came up, and gently smacked Arthur on his chest. He laughed, a warm and genuine sound that burbled from deep in his gut, the complete opposite to what came out during his fits. You were laughing too, though it was a much more subdued giggle than usual, most likely due to the migraine.
“Your Mom is right there!” you said, cracking open an eye to shoot him an admonishing look.
“She’s not listening to us.” he replied, still grinning. “Those blue ones will keep her out for hours. Watch.”
He turned his head slightly to the side, his green eyes coming to rest on Penny in her chair. The older woman hadn’t even glanced away from the screen, despite the ruckus you two were making.
“Hey Mom. The martians have landed and they wanna make me president of the United States.”
“That’s nice, Happy.” came Penny’s answer, as cheerful and calm as though Arthur had just told her the price of milk.
“See?” he said, looking back down at you. “I could say anything and that’s exactly what she would say back every single time.”
“Okay, okay.” you replied. Both your eyes were open now, and you were staring back up at Arthur “But you shouldn’t be listening to Randall anyway, especially when it comes to anything he says about women. He’s been divorced at least twice. If anything, you should be doing the opposite of what he says.”
“You been talking to Gary?” Arthur asked as he reached down and gently tapped your nose with the tip of his finger “Because he tells me the exact same thing.”
“It’s a conspiracy” you said, scrunching up your nose and sticking out your tongue at him. You looked so cute, Arthur had to resist the urge to lean down and cover your face in kisses. It certainly seemed like you were doing better, but the last thing he wanted to do was cause you unnecessary discomfort.
Instead, he chose to lean down and place a gentle kiss on your forehead. The gesture made his curls slip from his shoulders and hang around his face like a curtain. You stared up at him, momentarily fascinated by the image and the way the sunlight picked up on the silver streaks that clustered near his temples.
“Your hair is getting kind of long.”
You reached up and wound a strand of it around your finger, watching as it sprung back into place the second it was released. Arthur chuckled softly, and caught your hand in his own so he could kiss your fingertips.
“Yeah. Mom thinks I need a haircut.”
“No!” you said, sitting up so suddenly you almost whacked your head off Arthur’s chin. Arthur’s eyes went wide, both from surprise at the intensity of your reaction and out of concern that you would agitate yourself further.
“I mean,” you continued, your cheeks starting to turn pink “You should cut it if you want to. But I…well, I like it this length.”
“Yeah?” The shock on his face melted away, and was quickly replaced by a wide, easy smile “I mean, I don’t mind it like this. But you’ll have to teach me how to take better care of it. Sometimes it’s hard to fit under my wig at work, and it gets matted if I leave it loose under there.”
“I can help” you said, shifting your position on the sofa so you were sitting with your feet touching the floor and your body turned towards Arthur “I could put it in a ponytail. Or maybe a braid?”
It was Arthur’s turn to scrunch up his nose, though you could tell from the strain in his smile that he wasn’t being playful.
“A braid? Me? I mean it’s nice of you to offer but I’m not sure-”
He trailed off, leaving you to fill in the gaps. What Arthur wasn’t telling you painted an all too vivid picture in your mind. You reached for his hand and clasped it in one of your own. His skin felt cool and soft against the pad of your thumb as you ran it over his knuckles.
“Hey. Arthur. What’s wrong? Why can’t I braid your hair?”
For a moment, Arthur stared at the TV, as though he was in the same zombified state as Penny. A commercial for dish soap playing in the background kept the room from being completely silent, but you could feel one pushing its way into your conversation all the same. When Arthur was truly upset, he either let everything loose all at once or shut down entirely. You seemed to be the only person who could coax him into a happy middle.
He let out a sigh that seemed to come from the depths of his soul, while his free hand came up to scratch at the back of his neck.
“It’s the guys at work,” he said, finally, his eyes still trained on the TV screen “They…well, they make fun of me, y’know? And I feel like if I came in with my hair braided then they’d…I’d never be able to live it down.”
“Screw them.” you shot back, your voice calm but firm “Aside from Gary, they’re all idiots. Who gives a shit what they think?”
Arthur studied you for a moment before answering, most likely weighing the choice between making you happy and having you fuss over him, or keeping up appearances for a bunch of people who never seemed to hesitate to kick him when he was down. In the end, it was an easy decision.
“Okay.” he relented “My next shift is on Monday. If you’re feeling well enough before then, you can braid my hair before I go in.”
You grinned up at him, and scooted closer so you could plant a kiss on his cheek. At the last second, Arthur turned his head, catching your mouth in a warm, sweet kiss that had you tingling down to your toes. When you broke apart, you found he was smiling in earnest, with none of the tension lingering in his face from before.
“You’re so wonderful, Arthur” you said, reaching up to cup the side of his face in your hand “And if anyone says anything about it, just remember, it’s only because they’re jealous that your girlfriend loves you so much”
Arthur leaned into your touch, and he if could’ve purred, you swore he would be. Despite his apprehension, you figured that when he realized just how much of your attention playing with his hair would get him, he’d change his mind about the whole thing pretty quickly.
“It helps to have someone who makes being wonderful so easy. Now, if you wanna get better, you should let me finish that massage before dinner.”
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misfitgirlwrites · 6 months
The Joker Masterlist
I feel like I have enough fics to make this its own separate post, and I'll add the link to the masterlist instead :)
Where else do I write?
Wattpad | Ao3 | Fanfic.net | Quotev
Writing Request Info | Commissions Info | General Masterlist
UPDATED 3/30/24
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CW Guide
🔞 | Smut
💀 | Gore
✨️ | Fluff
💔 | Angst
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THE JOKER (Heath Ledger)
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We'll Laugh Together Masterlist
Til' Death Do Us Part Masterlist (Sequel)
Overprotective!Joker x Reader ✨️
Mistletoe ✨️
Don't Tell Me You're Jealous 🔞
Joker Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Rainbow Hair ✨️
100 Degree Adventures 🔞
Clumsy Bunny ✨️ | x reader ver.
Ace 💀 ✨️ | x reader ver.
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Late Night Inconveniences 💀 ✨️
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Arthur Fleck/Joker Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Deep Breaths 💔 ✨️
Arthur with a Touchy-Feely S/O ✨️
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Rain 💔 ✨️ | Ice Cream (Part 2) 💔 ✨️
Speeding Ginger ✨️
Cart Rides & Samples ✨️
Let's Rob A Bank! ✨️
New Year's Destruction ✨️
Jerome with a Cheerful S/O ✨️
Just Picture Them with Their Heads Blown Off! ✨️ | x reader ver.
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Valeska Twins) Part 1 | Part 2 🔞
Until We Meet Again ✨️ | x reader ver.
One More Time 🔞
Height Exceedment ✨️
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Death By Pleasure 🔞
Pre-Spray Jeremiah Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
You're Mine (Post-Spray Jeremiah) 🔞
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Valeska Twins) Part 1 | Part 2 🔞
Dream Blurb ✨️
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By now I've 100% put my focus on other fandoms, but any request for The Joker is welcome ALWAYS
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five-miles-over · 11 months
Joaquin Phoenix Characters Masterlist
updated 08 November 2023
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Multiple Character Headcanons and Listicles
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as University Students
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as Cupcakes
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters - Sleepover Headcanons
• If Joaquin Phoenix Characters Went on Dates
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as Comfort Foods
• Holiday Gift Ideas for Joaquin Phoenix Characters
• Commodus, Abbé, and Joe as Parents 
Abbé de Coulmier from Quills
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• The World’s a Broken Bone: The Abbé comforts the reader - a nurse at Charenton - when they have a severe migraine.
• Let Me Save You: A crossover with Thomas Sharpe from Crimson Peak
• The Ballad of Mona Lisa: The reader confesses to the Abbé about fantasies that they have been experiencing lately. (Smut)
• Abbé de Coulmier x Light Academia (aesthetic board)
Arthur Fleck from Joker
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• Yandere Arthur Fleck Headcanons
• Arthur Fleck and Joker Jealousy Headcanons
• NSFW Headcanons
• Yandere!Arthur and Yandere!Joker Dealing With Rejection in Public
• Joker and Cruella de Ville Crossover Headcanons
• Arthur Fleck x 50s Retrocore
Bruno Weiss from The Immigrant
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• Bruno Weiss x Roaring 20s (Aesthetic Board)
Clay Bidwell from Clay Pigeons
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• Misery Loves Company: Clay meets the reader at a bar and the two of them have a much-needed break from their troubles.
• Hey Good Lookin’: Clay loves it when his girlfriend sits on his lap and asks him for a kiss (fluff)
Emperor Commodus from Gladiator
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• Imagine Teaching Commodus to Slow Dance
• The Courtesan: The reader is a dancer that catches the eye of Emperor Commodus at a party
• ‘Till I Hear You Sing: A song-based fic based on “Til I Hear You Sing” from Love Never Dies
• What I Did For Love: Continuation from ‘Til I Hear You Sing’. A song-fic based on “What I Did for Love” from A Chorus Line
• New Girl: A high school AU of the movie Gladiator. The reader has recently moved to Rome and is now a new student at the Roman Educational Institute
• Paparazzi (Hollywood!Commodus x Reader): Another Gladiator AU in which the reader has a chance encounter in Rome with Commodus, a world-famous actor hounded by paparazzi.
• All Love Can Be: Prince Commodus meets the reader through their fathers working together, and eventually decides to ask for her hand.
• Handsome: The reader gets a little drunk while spending time with Commodus, and turns a bit childish and dorky.
• The Festivals of Saturn: Commodus’s first Saturnalia as a young sixteen-year-old co-emperor.
• Lay All Your Love on Me: Commodus falls unconditionally and irrevocably in love with a confident young woman along the seashores of Lanuvium
• Lose Me In the Sight of You: All you wished for was the blessing of Lady Juno that you would find a good husband, yet little did you know that a certain Emperor has grown passionately and hopelessly obsessed with you. (TW: Yandere)
• Emperor Commodus x Vampire Aesthetic
• Commodus’s Outfits as Chocolates
• Similarities Between Chuck Bass from “Gossip Girl” and Commodus from “Gladiator”
The young prince (and soon to be Emperor of Rome) Commodus falls in love with you, the daughter of a nobleman, and nothing will stand in the way of his obsession.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A sequel to the events of the film Gladiator, in which Emperor Commodus survives the duel with Maximus
• Chapter 1: The Impossible Dream
• Chapter 2: Proud of Your Boy
• Chapter 3: The Point of No Return
• Chapter 4: Look Down
• Chapter 5: Beneath a Moonless Sky
• Chapter 6: These Palace Walls
• Chapter 7: Wait For It
• Chapter 8: Something There
• Chapter 9: Be Prepared
• Chapter 10: Twisted Every Way
• Chapter 11: All I Ask of You 
• Chapter 12: History Has Its Eyes on You
Max California from 8 MM
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• Max California x Dark Academia
• Max California Proposing to You (Headcanons)
Ray Elwood from Buffalo Soldiers
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• Ray Elwood Taking You Out on a Date Would Include...
Willie Gutierrez from The Yards
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• Blackout: The reader is Willie Gutierrez’s new neighbor, and the two of them accidentally meet during a power outage
• The Light Blinking at the End of the Tunnel: The reader offers some much-needed comfort to Willie after finding out about his dark past.
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montimer · 1 year
Arthur fleck x gn!reader
Summary: You say that you have something for him and start rummaging through your pocket then giving him a heart shape with your thumb and index finger.
Just fluff
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He sees you go up to him w/ a big smile on your face. "I have something for you" you say excitedly, and start rummaging through your pocket. He looks at you curiously.
"Ta-da! It's my lil love for you!"
He stares at you, smile widening. He lets out a giggle.
How can you be so cute? What did he do to deserve you?
He gives you a hug saying thank you.
Hes so happy. You are the best thing that happened to him
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
helloo, hope this return means things are looking up <3
reader on a blind date with arthur fleck imagine ? it could happen by gary speaking to arthur during work and they'd get onto the topic of women and gary would suggest arthur going out with a female friend (reader) of his who is currently looking for someone. the reader then gets a bit concerned for arthur (his weight, illness, how little money he has and age gap between the two) and starts to stick around him to make sure he's alright. could end with smut or fluff, whichever you prefer. sorry if this is asking for a lot, you could take your time or ignore it if you think its too much! no pressure
Nothing's too much! ♥ Here's a little imagine I just wrote for you. Enjoy:
(Story under cut)
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Reader's Gary's friend and Arthur's Blind Date Imagine
Fandom: Joker (2019)
Reader x Arthur Fleck
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mention of age difference, medicine, health issues, worries, smut.
When Gary comes to him to tell him he knows this sweet girl, Arthur thinks his colleague is just teasing him. Why would anyone try and set him up with a date? No one had cared about him being lonely before, least of all his day-to-day colleagues. But Gary was different, it seemed. He was the only one at work who didn’t seem eager to joke about all of Arthur’s shortcomings. So when he told Arthur that he had a friend and that the two of you should definitely meet, he accepted.
The little café where you are to meet is small and cheap. But it has a pleasant décor and atmosphere. Arthur’s leg jitters nervously, and then you come inside. At first, he thinks you made a mistake, and he says so.
“Excuse me, miss, but this seat is taken.”
“I know,” you say, looking intently at the man you knew had to be your blind date. He looks cute, your type, you realize. Where had Gary been hiding this man all this time, you wondered? You try to sit down but Arthur stops you again.
“No, I mean, I am waiting for someone.”
“Mind it if I were to be that someone?”
Arthur is left dumbfounded for quite a few minutes, merely capable of blabbering apologizes as you sit down, and staring at you as if he can’t believe his eyes. “So you are my blind date?” he eventually asks. “Gary-?”
“Yes,” you confirm, taking away all his doubt and fears. “Gary is a good friend of mine.”
Arthur had been scared to hope that you could be there for him. Scared that he would be disappointed to find out that you were here to meet someone else, afraid of getting his hopes up. But the moment you say Gary is a good friend of yours, his fears quiet down and his shoulders sag as his body starts to relax.
His whole demeanor changes. He becomes more confident, all smiles. He talks like a proper man on a date, moves the coaster around the table as he speaks. His leg still jitters somewhat, but it is no longer due to fear. It is excitement.
His attention is fully upon you. His green eyes follow your face all the time. He takes you in, the way you smile, the little crinkles near your eyes, the small lines, the imperfections. It is all perfect to him.
Nightmares come true. Not dreams. So how can you be real then?
It’s near the end of the date when it is time to pay that you ask Arthur if he really had enough. He hardly drank and didn’t eat at all. You figure he is just being polite, but wonder if he enjoyed the time he had spent with you. Had he just been sticking around so as not to offend you? Would there be a second date? You worry, internally, until the bill comes and Arthur insists he shall pay for you.
You see the contents of his wallet. It is nearly empty.
With a gasp, you offer to pay for him, but he refuses no matter what you try, even gets offended for trying to take this away from him. So chivalry isn’t dead yet.
You tell him you admire him.
The date ends with the two of you walking down the promenade. Talking. Arthur smiles sweetly at you. He tells you not to worry about him, and the two of you set up another date.
You know he has been lying to you. That he doesn’t have the money he claims he has or a nice apartment of his own. Gary tells you all about him. A forty-year-something-old man still living with his deranged mom. Gary tells you about the medicines he saw Arthur take and of the card that describes his ailment. Of how he never eats during the job – too busy, he said. He always said that according to Gary. And Gary's worried about him. But also about you. Should you truly continue dating this man, he wonders?
Gary is worried, but you are even more so. Arthur is your dream man. It becomes quite clear to you rather quickly, and as such, you can’t let his situation go. You worry about him. You care about him.
During your second date, Arthur has fully emerged in a tale of his own devising when you suddenly interrupt him by placing a gentle hand on his wrist. He looks shaken, green eyes upon you questioningly.
All you do is whisper he doesn’t need to hide.
“Don’t pretend, sweetheart, I am here for you. The real you.”
A soft breath leaves his lips, stuttering, shaking.
Then he places his warm hand upon yours, hot palm lightly resting against your skin. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze. And then a smile tugs the corner of his lips. Just a tiny one, like a hidden gem.
He shows you his apartment after. You meet his mom and examine his empty fridge. Determination fills your being.
The next time you are invited to come over to his place, you take along some home-cooked meal which you share with Arthur and his mom. He is reluctant to eat, as he isn’t hungry, but under the scrutinizing eyes of his mom, he knows it is the only polite thing to do. And so he tastes it. That night. And the night after. And all the nights that follow when you visit him and bring another home-cooked meal. He can’t refuse them, so he won’t.
Now that you have gotten him to eat, you start helping him do some chores around his house. You help his mother dress, clean the rooms, get rid of some of the mess. You sort through his medicines and get rid of the ones that have passed their dates. You bring in flowers and different drinks for Arthur to taste. His life quickly becomes less bland.
He’s a different man at work. More confident. Less caring about what others think of him.
This lasts for several weeks until one of his colleagues remarks that you are too young for him. Then Arthur breaks down.
You meet Arthur at his house but find him a wreck. Things had been looking up lately, so to find him in a mood is a surprise to you. Even more so when you see how he is chain-smoking, and how he sent his mom to her chamber.
He then tries to send you away.
“They’re right. Why would you stick with an old man like me, anyway? I am no good, can’t do anything good. No money, not a stable mind. Did you come here only out of pity?”
When he says it, he looks up at you with watery green eyes and you can’t help it. Your hands are upon his cheeks within an instant, his lips pressed against yours. You taste the nicotine on his tongue and allow it to sweep through your mouth. He eats you, ravishes you, his lithe body presses firmly against you and you can feel how eager he is for you.
You take the initiative, show him the ropes. He is hot and hard and eager for it. Every taste is a reminder that it isn’t enough, and his lips hungrily seek out yours. You guide him inside but he sets the pace. You moan his name, but he paints you white and claims you as his.
In his arms you shudder with the last of your orgasm. Against his chest, you come down from your high.
And by his teasing nimble fingers, you are teased into another round until your body is clamping down on his cock, hard. He groans in your ear and bestows you with another round of his cum. His heavy sack empties for a second time after having been denied the release so often before. It is like heaven to him, and he can’t get enough.
And you let him. Because you enjoy it.
You love him.
Next time he appears at work and someone comments about you being too young or too pretty for him, he retreats into his mind and feels you there, around his shaft, pulsing. Too young, perhaps. Too pretty, definitely. But you’re willing and you want him.  
No one will be able to take you away from him.
~ FIN ~
AN: Hope you enjoyed it. I'm ready to receive more prompts again as you can see.
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fleckssadgirl · 9 months
Arthur Fleck x Reader
Warnings: None :)
A lil' fluffy, please enjoy.
There weren't enough words in the dictionary to describe how tired you felt. Even exhaustion, one of which you used frequently, was not adequate to the sensation of your lids falling like heavy gates. The attempt at studying was futile at this point, and you knew it.
Slamming your textbook shut, you huffed in frustration. Well, at least tried to, it sort of ended up more like a soft wheeze. With the amount of hours you had spent working for the past four weeks, and the added homework from your Ancient History class, it was enough to send anybody to an early grave.
You let sleep wash over you, and within seconds, your mouth fell open and all the muscles in your body relaxed.
Whether or not you were ready for the test on Roman emperors, you weren't bothered enough to read through Hadrianus' memory card for a third time.
The feeling of cold drool on your chin was the first sensation you awoke to. The second, was a dull pain in your neck which you massaged wincing at the uncomfortable position in which you had slept.
Blinking rapidly, you cleared the fog out of your eyes.
You checked the clock.
Jesus, you slept for three hours?!
You quickly scrambled for your notebooks and pens strewn across the library floor. Without looking, you stood up and knocked your elbow into a bookshelf.
"Son of a..." you whispered in pain, clutching your elbow.
"Are you ok?"
Your eyes finally glanced upward and were met with a face.
You glared at the bookcase, and turned back to the man of whom had addressed you.
"I'm fine. I just overslept." you mumbled slightly.
He was looking at you, very intently as if to see your secrets hidden beneath your own eyes. You swore you had never felt so vulnerable from just a stare.
"Oh." he seemed to be out of anything else to say, as he glanced down, a small colour of pink hinting his cheeks.
You felt bad, seemingly embarrassing the man. You hadn't meant it to sound brusque, you were just tired and now sore from both your neck and elbow.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"What for?"
"I hadn't, I didn't... well, you know. It's nice." Now your face was starting to warm up.
He looked at you with slight confusion written on his face.
"What I mean to say is, thanks y'know. For asking."
"Oh." He glanced down, the pink shade in his apples going slightly brighter.
Wow, this guy didn't say much, did he? He was clearly very shy, and even more evidently not sure how to respond to positive feedback. This saddened you slightly.
"What's your name?"
"Uhm, Fleck. I mean, Arthur. Fleck is my last name, Arthur's my...first...name."
"Arthur. Arthur." You hummed appreciatively "I like that. I think it fits you."
You didn't think it was even possible for his cheeks to get redder, but they certainly did.
"What's yours? Your name, I mean."
"Y/N. L/N. Not that you care what my last name is, but y'know you shared yours, might as well share mine." You wanted to slap yourself internally, as you chuckled awkwardly at your own joke.
He however, suddenly smiled a genuine smile.
And, Dear Lord, it was the most precious smile you had ever seen in your life. You weren't sure exactly how a person could look so sweet, but you certainly weren't going to complain.
"I think Y/N fits you too. It sounds like an angel's name."
If any other man had fed you that line, you would have rolled your eyes and gagged. But, coming from Arthur, it sounded like he really wondered if you were indeed an angel.
You had almost forgotten about the dull pain in your elbow, and your fatal sleep deprivation.
It all suddenly came back where there was a large slam of books being dropped onto a table.
"Jimmy! Stop dropping books on the table, you're making a ruckus!"
The six year old, seemed to not care for the consequences of his actions, because three more books rocketed down and crashed on the wood table.
You had nearly jumped out of your bones, at the sound of the hardcover copy of Oliver Twist meet its fate.
You and Arthur glanced at each other and a small giggle erupted from both of your lips.
"Let's go before he starts dropping War and Peace." you grinned, and pulled Arthur Fleck by the arm to the entrance's glass doors.
"That kid's gonna be banned from the library for life!"
He belly laughed, and nodded in agreement.
"Poor Jimmy."
When you could finally find breath again, you found Arthur's gaze.
It was upon further inspection of his irises, you realised they were a colour you had never seen before.
"C-can I call you?" You couldn't believe the words that had slipped from your mouth.
He smiled some more.
"Yeah, I would really like that."
"Maybe we could have lunch? I know a place that makes the best chocolate cr-"
"-sounds perfect." he said, before you could finish.
"O-ok." You were blushing.
But, you really didn't mind at all.
Ok, wow I haven't written in so long, feels good to get back into it!
Hopefully you enjoy.
<3 Lyddie.
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Just You and Me
‣ Pairing: Arthur Fleck x GN!Reader
‣ Summary: You show up at Arthur’s door, struggling and in desperate need of him and his love. Don’t worry, Arthur will take good care of you.
‣ Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
‣ Warnings: Emotional breakdown, heavy feelings (no specifics mentioned)
‣ Word Count: 1,363
‣ A/N: This fic is dedicated to @ajokeformur-ray and anyone else who is struggling and in need of a bit of Arthur lovin’. Allow yourself to be present in this moment, just you and him. Forget about the rest of the world. You can let it all go, at least for now. I hope you can find a little solace in this piece. ♡
Song of Inspiration: “Don’t Worry” by The 1975
‣ Have an idea for a fic you’d like me to write? Send a request here. But first, make sure to read my Request Info!
Arthur Fleck/P!Joker Masterlist
Main Masterlist
There you stood, tired and dejected, in front of apartment 8J.
You had found yourself face-to-face with this door so many times that it was practically routine at this point. Whether it be to visit Arthur during the day, or in the evening to watch Murray, to check up on him, share leftovers, or to meet up for your weekly dates. Many times, you came to give Arthur his mail that was frequently placed into your mailbox by mistake. You lived just across from Arthur, and it had become apparent that the mail person didn’t care to actually look at the proper apartment numbers when placing mail in your boxes. You didn’t mind, in fact, you looked forward to such mistakes as it always gave you yet another reason to see your lover’s sweet face again. Who could complain about that?
This time, though, was different.
You had no mail to deliver, no leftovers, no smile, or warm greeting. You could barely muster the strength to bring your trembling hand up to knock on the old paint-chipped door. You hesitated. The last thing you wanted was to burden Arthur with more heaviness and pain. If Arthur was in your head, he would be ever so quick to shut those thoughts down. You knew this, but it didn’t stop the feelings burrowed deep within your chest; the same ones that almost stopped your hand from knocking upon the steel wall separating you from him. Your heart so ached for him. You needed him.
Three feeble knocks nearly went unnoticed by Arthur’s ears. It was late and he was immersed in his own mind, a pen in his hand as he wrote down a joke he had been mentally crafting all day onto the scribbled notebook page before him. Despite this, he still managed to be pulled from his focus enough to realize someone was at the door. The thought of it being you instantly sent his heart into an eager frenzy, his body moving out of his chair and towards the door without him even commanding it to.
He always looked forward to little visits from you. Opening the door to reveal your beautiful face and warm smile was the highlight of all his days. The two of you had a running game in which you’d show up at each other’s places with the most random of reasons as to why -all of which were highly important and definitely not just excuses to see one another.
But this time was different.
The moment Arthur opened the door, he sensed the grave importance of the situation, and so quickly did his smile disappear; the eager fluttering of his heart mutating into a throbbing pain at the sight in front of him. Your hunched shoulders, head hung low, hands trembling at your sides, hair covering your face. He didn’t need to know what your face looked like to know exactly what was going on. He knew, but oh god, did it still crush his soul to pieces when you finally did bring your teary eyes up to meet his. Despite his best efforts to say anything, do anything, he was frozen. All he could do was stare with a face overflowing with concern for his love.
It was your weary, somber voice that finally kicked him into action.
“Can I come in?” You quavered, looking up at him with desperation in your eyes. He could see so clearly. You needed him.
Arthur nodded quickly, stepping aside, and pulling the door open wider so you could enter. You looked so fragile, he felt scared to even touch you in fear of breaking you as he led you to the couch for you both to sit, hastily moving the blanket and TV remote to make room for you. Only when you were settled, did he allow himself to sit beside you.
He wanted so badly to wrap you up in his arms and shower you with loving words and kisses, but he found himself holding back from doing so. This was a delicate matter and the last thing he wanted was to make the wrong move. Instead, he chose to be ever so careful with each touch and word that he offered you, allowing you to guide the situation as to what you needed from him. Whatever it was, he would give it to you, without question. Anything to soothe the pain and suffering you were experiencing.
Gently embracing one of your shaking hands in both of his own, he glanced up at you, trying to meet your eyes, though they remained focused on your lap.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? You can tell me,” he spoke tenderly and right away you felt the last bit of composure you had left completely collapse to dust.
Soon you were a mess of sobs and tears and between them, your words came spilling out, albeit a little hard to understand, but Arthur did his very best to listen intently to every one of them. Not once did he utter a single word himself, only nodded and gave your hand a little squeeze here and there. At one point, he placed a hand on your back and began rubbing soothing circles into it.
If it hadn’t been for the constant flow of tears blinding your vision, you would have noticed his face contort as different emotions filled his being. Jaw clenched, forehead wrinkled with tension, lips drawn down into a frown, tears pricking his eyes. At times, his tightly knitted brows would raise with concern in response to something you said. Other times, a spark of anger flashed in his eyes. He couldn’t help but find himself indignant at the circumstances that led you to this much suffering and he held an even greater resentment against anyone who hurt you. Whatever was so heavy on your soul filled Arthur with the most intense desire to strip it all away and take on the weight of it himself. And he would, in a heartbeat.
There was a brief moment of silence after you finished speaking as Arthur tried to collect his words. Finally, he let out a sigh, and shifted himself so that he was directly in front of you, knelt upon the green rug on the floor. Looking deeply into your eyes, he gently wiped a few stray tears from your face before speaking.
“I’m so sorry, honey. You know…it’s okay to feel that way. I think anyone would in your situation. If I could take it all away and make it better, I really would, baby.”
Holding your right hand in his left, he once again reached up to wipe your tears away, his right hand cradling your face as his thumb softly caressed your cheek. You let out a shaky breath as you relaxed into his touch. Arthur felt a small smile tug at his lips.
“I can’t make it all go away, but I can take care of you. Will you let me take care of you, please?”
He looked up at you with warm, loving eyes as he brought your right hand to his lips, placing the softest kiss atop it. You nodded your head, feeling a new wave of tears prick your eyes as your heart burst with love for the man who was literally on his knees for you, practically begging to take care of you, to make you feel better, to love you.
"C'mere, sweetheart," he cooed, his arms reaching out to you.
Arthur didn’t waste any more time as he wrapped you up tightly in his arms. You melted into his peaceful embrace, allowing him to move you both into a more comfortable position on the couch, where he finally indulged in showering you with kisses and loving whispers. He traced his fingers up and down your arms and spine; occasionally caressing your hair and face and banishing any tears that escaped your eyes with his lips.
“Don’t worry about a thing. I’ve got you. Just you and me, baby,” he murmured into your ear before pressing a tender kiss to your temple.
And for the first time since you’d knocked on the door of apartment 8J, you didn’t.
‣If you enjoyed this fic, please like, comment, and/or reblog! Doing so not only keeps my blog alive, but also lets me know what you like and how to improve!
‣ If you’d like to join the tag list for Arthur Fleck/P!Joker, or be tagged in all of my future writings, let me know by sending me an ask/message!
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into-crazy · 2 years
be my valentine
Arthur Fleck x Reader drabble
Summary: Valentine's Day with Arthur♡
Warnings- consumption of alcohol, but mostly fluff, ages 18+(🍷in this case 21)
I wanted to get this out in time so I hope it's not too bad. Happy Valentine's Day💝
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As Valentine's Day approaches, it's certainly not hard to notice with the numerous gifts which filled the shops in Gotham city. All the bright pink and red colors. The words I love you and Happy Valentine's Day plastered every where. Teddy bears carrying little plush hearts. Boxes filled with luxurious chocolates. Heart shaped balloons. Bouquets of flowers both real and plastic. Shelves full of cards with sentimental phrases. Various bottles of wine. The list can continue.
It fills your chest with warmth, as you find the concept of the holiday rather sweet. It's a sweetheart day. And well, you just so happen to have a very special sweetheart. Arthur Fleck.
You plan something very special for Arthur as the date comes up. From having saved up a generous amount of money and requesting to leave work early in advance, you made sure that you were prepared to pull it all together.
This past week leading up to Valentine's day, you'd spotted a perfect gift for him in the window of a gentleman's shop. There was a rack containing a few men's belts. Your eyes had instantly glued to a really nice brown one. Surprisingly it was made of durable quality for an affordable price. You immediately bought it for Arthur and hid it in your dresser under all your clothes.
You were keeping everything regarding your plans concealed from Arthur, as it was going to be a wonderful surprise for him. After all, he deserves it.
Finally, the day arrives. February 14th.
Your morning went by like usual. After work, you stopped at the local market and a second hand shop to pick up everything that you'd need before rushing home. Smiling all the way there as you're unable to contain your excitement.
Once back in the comfort of your shared home, you set the bags on the counter and waste no time in getting everything ready.
You'd found a lovely pair of smokey brown wine goblets from the thrift store. From the market, you picked up a bottle of wine, a small gift bag for the belt, a balloon to tie on the gift bag, and the ingredients needed to make chocolate covered strawberries.
After placing the wine in the freezer to chill, you get right to work on the strawberries. Your heart swells while you prepare the fruit. Dipping them in melted chocolate, then decorating them with pink and red sprinkles. They looked so pretty and very fitting for the occasion. Although, you were most excited with what you had in mind for a few of them. Some of which, you decorate with little Carnival clown smiles. Using decorative colored frostings that matched Carnival's clown makeup.
The smile on your face continues to grow wider with every smile you draw. You knew how much Arthur loves performing as the clown. So you just know that he would adore these.
Once finished, you placed the decorated fruit in the fridge so the chocolate could fully harden. They all came out perfect, especially the Carnival ones. You get everything else ready- washing the wine glasses and bagging up the gift. Then you eagerly await Arthur's arrival.
Soon enough, you hear his usual little shuffle outside the door and your heart leaps. You rush to greet him at the entrance, nearly tripping over your own feet in excitement.
Arthur steps inside and his eyes brighten as he smiles at you. In his arms, he's carrying a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and an envelope. He holds them out for you.
"Hey y/n, happy Valentine's day!"
"Oh, thank you so much baby!" You graciously receive his gifts. The flowers look so radiant, you bury your nose in them. "Ah, they smell lovely."
"Yeah, I picked out the very best ones for you." He nervously rubs the back of his neck. "I.. I know it's not much. But I hope you like it."
You look at him, unable to accept what he just said. Because to you, this is a lot. You know that Arthur must have saved up a lot of his hard earned money to buy you these things, when he really didn't have to. So you make sure to let him know how much you truly appreciate his gifts and his efforts. "Aw Arthur, what do you mean? This is amazing, I love it! I can't thank you enough for this, baby."
Reassured by your words, he leans in and gives you a kiss on your forehead. He is always so sweet and loving to you. "You're welcome, my love. Do you want me to hold those so you can open that?" He points to the envelope in your hand.
"Actually um, I have something that I want to show you first. Is it alright if I open this up right after?"
He follows you from the entryway into the kitchen. His eyes instantly widen in awe at the sight before him.
"Happy Valentine's day to you too, Arthur!" You exclaim with glee.
There on the kitchen counter, he spots a small gift bag with a heart-shaped balloon neatly tied to it. Along with two wine glasses and a platter full of chocolate covered strawberries. He notices the little Carnival smiles on some of the fruit and his eyes gleam with happiness.
He's left speechless. It takes him a moment to take it all in. He doesn't know where to even start, so you set the items in your arms down and take his hand to guide him.
"Would you like to open your gift?"
He gives a yes and you hand him his gift to open. He reaches inside and pulls out the neatly wrapped belt. Running his fingers along the leather material as he tries not to cry or break out in a laughing fit. He's been needing one of these for a while and he appreciates that you had noticed. "I love it! Thank you so much, my love."
You place a soft kiss on his cheek. "You're very welcome."
He sets the article down then sheepishly moves to caress one of the strawberries. Rather delicately, as he is afraid that he'll mess them up. He traces the red smile, taking in all the details. It's an exact likeness to his Carnival makeup. "These are- wow. You made these?"
"Yep." You can't help but giggle at his tender display of sweetness, "and it's alright, Arthur. You can pick them up. I made them just for you."
He does so at your word. Picking one up to closely admire the little red smile. You take the time to pull the wine from the fridge and pour a glass for both of you. All the while he thanks you repeatedly for the gifts. It fills you with warmth. You are delighted that he likes his Valentine's day gifts.
You hug him tightly and move in for a kiss, taking this time to thank and love one another with your mouths. As you pull away, you reply, "and thank you for my gifts, baby. How about I open up that envelope now?"
"Yeah," Arthur agrees. "I'll get it for you."
He picks it up and hands it to you. There are a bunch of tiny scribbled hearts all over the envelope. You smile at the fact that he drew them on there. Written also in his handwriting is my love in the middle of the cover. Opening it up, you find a handwritten letter from Arthur inside. You silently read the entire note, letting out a small sigh at a few sections. He poured all his love out for you in that letter.
Tears formed in your eyes, and you sniffle as you wipe them away. "I love you so much, Arthur."
"I love you too, beautiful." Arthur grins heartily and hands you a strawberry.
Simultaneously, you each silently take a bite and stare lovingly into each others eyes. Both wondering how you'd gotten so lucky.
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marksbear · 2 years
Hey Mark! I just finish watching Joker for the third time or so and was wondering if you could do Male reader x Arthur fleck. Just bit angst and large amount of fluff. Reader and Arthur are boyfriends but one day while having a visit with his therapist Arthur told his thearpist about reader, however his therapist convince Arthur that he is just hallucinating to the point where he really think that reder is not real. Arthur have a breakdown when he got back to his apartment. reader comforts arthur.😊
Hey B! Hope you enjoy my friend.
Warnings! Fluff to angst back to fluff, Y/n is an uncle in a big family, Old lady manipulate Arthur/
Y/n and Arthur truly did love each other. Y/n was always with him during his good and bad days. He always made sure Arthur felt good and happy for almost everything. Y/n supported Arthur during everything even when he tried to be a comedian he was still there for him. Y/n even fought for him but Arthur doesn't know that!
Right now the couple is bowling with Y/n family. Arthur was a bit nervous at first with Y/n family but was quickly accepted by the family. Y/n parents calling Arthur son and Y/n siblings and their kids calling him "the extra L/n" Which was cute to the couple.
Arthur didn't realize what was the time until Y/n dad asked his wife what was the time. "Uhh its 3:45 hun." She says to her husband. Arthur quickly freaks out and walks to Y/n who's talking to his niece that's on his lap. "Y/n.. I gotta go to y'know..." Y/n looks at his boyfriend and nods "Okay kid go to your other uncles." His niece hops off his lap running to her other uncles to bother them. Y/n takes Arthur's hand gently tells his family. "Okay everyone I know yall are gonna miss Uncle Arthur and I but we gotta go." They all say bye to the couple and the couple leaves the building going into Y/n car. Arthur gets into the passenger seat while Y/n starts the car and drives to his boyfriend's appointment. As they drive Y/n places his hand on his boyfriend's small thigh turning to him a little with a smile before kept focusing on the road.
Once the couple gets there Y/n stops the car and turns it off and gently wakes up his sleeping boyfriend. "Hey Art we made it." You whisper into his ear before tickling him awake. Arthur quickly wakes up giggling and gasping Y/n to stop. Y/n finally stops when he sees Arthur's eyes begin to water. "Good morning handsome." Y/n says teasing his boyfriend leaning to him kissing him.
Y/n leaves gentle and soft kisses all over Arthur's face as encouragement for him during his session. Arthur gladly takes his boyfriend kisses. "Okayy! Y/n I have to go!" Arthur makes sure he has all of his things with him and gives Y/n one passionate kiss on the lips before getting out of the car. "Wait Art!" Arthur turns around facing his boyfriend about to shut the door. "I love you!~" Y/n sings to him with a loving smile. "I love you too!" Arthur says back closing the door.
Y/n watches Arthur enter the building before starting the car again driving back to the shared apartment.
Arthur walks to his therapist room apologizing for being late. The session starts as regular questions and all that. Like "How are you Arthur have you been taking your medication?" and "What have you been doing this whole week." And Arthur answers with his usual short answers. But the woman notices some of the stories are missing some things and asks "Who were you with during this past week. Some of your stories are missing something or well really someone." Arthur stares at her for a while before a small smile appears.
A real smile escapes from his lips and mumbles under his breath. "Y/n and his family." The woman almost didn't hear it but she caught it. "And who is this Y/n?" Arthur face beams with a smile of the mention of Y/n. "Hes my boyfriend." Arthur says all giddy about his boyfriend. "When did you two meet?" She asked. "About six or seven months ago...but we just got together about like three months ago." He answers fidgeting with his hand and smiling down.
The woman opens her flies about Y/n and scans through them. "Arthur are you sure hes real. I mean you'd never mentioned him once and all of a sudden hes here now." Arthur gets taken back by the question but quickly answers with "Yeah hes real! i'm not that crazy... Hes my Y/n I even met his family!" "Arthur. For the past months you've been saying that you felt alone in this world. Maybe now your mind is making you imagine this "Y/n" guy as a defensive reaction so you won't go fully mad." Arthur stares at her before quickly standing up pacing around the room mumbling "Liar" and "No,no,no" The woman tries to get Arthur to sit back down but fails once Arthur runs out of the room.
Arthur goes to the bus stop still repeating "No,no" under his breath shaking and almost crying at the point that he actually is mad. Once the bus comes he goes to the back crying to himself on the window that Y/n his perfect Y/n isn't with him. Once it's his stop he rushes off the bus going to his apartment. He looks around for Y/n car but doesn't see it anywhere. He quickly gets in the apartment rushing to the elevator and basically smashing the buttons to go to his floor. Once they arrive at the floor he runs to his room unlocking the door and closing it and locks it behind him. "Y/n! no no noo! Y/n where are you!" He walks around the apartment looking for anything that proves that you're actually real.
But he sadly doesn't find anything and falls to the ground crying and beating the floor. He lays there for hours crying onto the floor not noticing the door being unlocked and a "Art you here?" Y/n walks around the place looking for his boyfriend but once he finds him almost half passed out gasping for air and crying. You quickly wrap him in your arms and your hands running up and down his back. "Shh. Sh. Baby don't cry what's the matter?"
Once Arthur hears your voice he immediately brings Y/n into a tight hug whimpering and crying onto him. "Y-you are real..." Y/n hears him cry into his shoulder. "Yes baby... I am real and I don't plan on going anytime soon.
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the-marshals-wife · 2 years
Imagines Masterlist
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Updated 6/30/2024 | Requests are currently ⋆OPEN⋆ | New! Adding fics on A03 🤍
I write exclusively x Fem!Reader
Most of my writing is fluff and hurt+comfort, both romantic and platonic. Willing to indulge in angst™ if the muse descends
All of my writing is rated General Audiences unless otherwise stated with specific content warnings detailed on each
For R-rated fandoms like John Wick or Joker, I still rate my writing non-explicit because the audience hopefully knows what they're in for based on the source content. I.E. blood and violence may be mentioned, but not graphically described unless otherwise stated
I do not write smut or NSFW content
Star Wars
The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch Having a Token of Their Love For You Would Include (Bad Batch x Reader)
Having A Child With Wrecker Would Include (Wrecker x Reader)
Having A Child With Tech Would Include (Tech x Reader)
Shot Through The Heart (Crosshair x Reader)
Fidelity (Crosshair x Reader)
Keep Me Close (Tech x Reader)
Watch Your Step (Hunter x Reader) [Request]
Good Medicine (Wrecker x Reader) [Request]
The Clone Wars
Having A Child With Hardcase Would Include (Hardcase x Reader) [Request]
Not Alone (Captain Rex x Reader)
Revenant (Baylan Skoll x Reader)
Nothing Else Matters (Melshi x Reader)
Token (Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x Reader)
What Comes After (Poe Dameron x Reader)
Kindred Spirits (F |Star Wars Visions| x Reader [Platonic]) [Request]
Imagine Being Collected By The Mandalorian (x Reader Prompt)
John Wick
Angel Shot (John Wick x Reader)
Pariah (John Wick x Reader)
Safe and Sound (John Wick x Reader) [Request]
Ryan Gosling Characters
Cinnamon Sugar (Colt Seavers x Reader) - The Fall Guy
Refuge (Sierra Six x Reader) - The Gray Man
Broke the Mold (Ken x Reader) - Barbie
Strangers Like Me (Orm Marius x Reader)
New Horizons (Arthur Curry x Reader) [Request]
Scars (Yong-Rogg x Reader)
Sunrise (Yong-Rogg x Reader) [Request]
Better Half (Matt Murdock/Daredevil x Reader) [Request]
Spellbound (Mysterio/Quentin Beck x Reader)
Joker (2019)
Sticks and Stones (Arthur Fleck x Reader) [Pt 1]
Sticks and Stones (Arthur Fleck x Reader) [Pt 2]
Sticks and Stones (Arthur Fleck x Reader) [Pt 3]
Lost and Found (Arthur Fleck x Reader) [Request]
Restless (Raylan Givens x Reader) - Justified
Shelter (Balthazar Blake x Reader) - The Sorcerer's Apprentice
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slashyourheart · 2 years
a writing blog by noire 🖤 guidelines + characters i write for under the cut.
any pronouns + 18 + matchups & requests open.
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i'm just getting into the horror scene, so this list will be added to the more i watch and play.
kurt kunkle (spree)
amanda young (saw)
lawrence gordon (saw)
adam faulkner-stanheight (saw)
patrick bateman (american psycho)
billy loomis (scream)
stu macher (scream)
pennywise (IT movies)
losers club members grown up (IT movies)
steve harrington (stranger things)
eddie munson (stranger things)
jonathan byers (stranger things)
robin buckley (stranger things)
jim hopper (stranger things)
joyce byers (stranger things)
001 (stranger things)
ellen ripley (alien)
ethan winters (resident evil)
leon kennedy (resident evil)
claire redfield (resident evil)
any of the dimitrescus (resident evil)
karl heisenberg (resident evil)
harry mason (silent hill)
james sunderland (silent hill)
lisa garland (silent hill)
pyramid head (silent hill)
ji-woon hak (dead by daylight)
jake park (dead by daylight)
danny johnson (dead by daylight)
anakin skywalker (star wars)
the riddler (batman 2022)
bruce wayne (batman 2022)
arthur fleck (joker 2019)
peter parker (the amazing spider-man)
harry osborn (the amazing spider-man)
sephiroth (final fantasy 7)
cloud strife (final fantasy 7)
tifa lockhart (final fantasy 7)
zack fair (final fantasy 7)
aerith gainsborough (final fantasy 7)
arthur morgan (red dead redemption 2)
kieran duffy (red dead redemption 2)
sadie adler (red dead redemption 2)
707 (mystic messenger)
⚰️ please don't request more than 5 characters in one ask.
⚰️ when requesting multiple characters they can be from different medias, like resident evil mixed with stranger things.
⚰️ try to keep it the same theme, so like cuddling with x and y. not cuddling with x and dates with y.
⚰️ for those who don't know, a matchup is sending an ask with some info about yourself and i'll match you with a character who i think you're compatible with. anyone can send one!
⚰️ include your sexuality and fandoms you want so i know which characters to match you with! an age is appreciated too, so minors and adults can be matched with characters their age. i match with characters outside of my writing list too.
⚰️ you can put your hobbies, personality traits, and characters you DON'T want so i don't accidentally put you with someone you hate. don't put your crush though - i wanna give you an unbiased match.
⚰️ character x reader fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut
⚰️ aus, can be soulmate aus or fix its or whatever
⚰️ lgbt content (though i'm not limited to just lgbt stuff to be crystal clear)
⚰️ poly relationships
⚰️ for kinks i'm open to almost anything as long as it's not in the don'ts section.
⚰️ nonconsensual smut, unsanitary smut (like pee kinks), ddlg, ageplay, raceplay
⚰️ characterxcharacter (unless, for example, it's something like steddie x reader)
⚰️ romance between family members or kids and adults, or a teacher with a student
⚰️ abuse/cheating portrayed positively (i can absolutely write recovering from a relationship like that). i likely won't write about a reader who harms themselves at all
happy requesting!
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