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The Sargassum Shrimp (Latreutes fucorum) is a cryptic species that you can find in seagrass, algae, floating objects, etc. 🦐
They can change their color to their environment, which can make it hard to find them. They can grow up to around 3cm in length.
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amicidomenicani · 1 year
Question Dear Father Angelo, I am writing to you at the beginning of this Lenten season to share some thoughts on the rite that helps me most to contemplate Christ's passion: the Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross). To better explain how I approach this pious practice, I will describe how it is carried out in my small parish: first of all we carry it out only on Fridays during Lent, with the Priest who leads the function from the seat and a lector, usually me, who announces from the ambon the biblical passages along with relevant comments; the cross that is carried through the  stations is a special cross that has depicted the instruments of Christ's torture; at the end of the rite we sing together and the Priest gives the blessing holding a stauroteca in his hand. Now what I notice is that, during the Via Crucis, I can meditate on the events of Jesus' passion in a much deeper way than with other prayers; even more than the Rosary which is the perfect prayer of contemplation. In particular, during the singing of the verses of the Stabat Mater I am really moved and I am pervaded by a state of sadness which I try to control at least in order to be able to keep reading the biblical passage of the next station. What I ask you is if these feelings are appropriate, above all in relation to the fact that I don't feel such intensity even during the consecration of the Eucharistic in which Christ's sacrifice is real and present and not only with personal thoughts; in essence, I ask you which state of mind is best to maintain. Another question: should we pay either dulia or latreutical worship to the remains of the Vera Croce (True Cross) in the staurotech? (Considering that in the parish, either there aren’t or I have not found the authentication of that relic). Thank you again for the work you do and I wish you a happy Easter in the hope that the wish will reach you in time. I’ll remember you while praying the Rosary and I greet you. Fabio Answer from the priest Dear Fabio, 1. I am not at all surprised that the celebration of the Via Crucis and above all the singing of the Stabat Mater can move you to tears. The preciousness of the so-called popular devotions (the Via Crucis is among them) lies precisely in a deep involvement of the emotional aspect. Now the emotional aspect has its importance, because it helps to pray more willingly and with greater zeal. 2. The Catechism of the Catholic Church observes: “Besides sacramental liturgy and sacramentals, catechesis must take into account the forms of piety and popular devotions among the faithful. The religious sense of the Christian people has always found expression in various forms of piety surrounding the Church's sacramental life, such as the veneration of relics, visits to sanctuaries, pilgrimages, processions, the stations of the cross, religious dances, the rosary, medals, etc.” (CCC 1674). 3. I’d like to report to you what the Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy, published by the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (2002), writes about the Via Crucis: “Of all the pious exercises connected with the veneration of the Cross, none is more popular among the faithful than the Via Crucis. Through this pious exercise, the faithful movingly follow the final earthly journey of Christ: from the Mount of Olives, where the Lord, "in a small estate called Gethsemane" (Mk 14, 32), was taken by anguish (cf. Lk 22, 44), to Calvary where he was crucified between two thieves (cf. Lk 23, 33), to the garden where he was placed in freshly hewn tomb (John 19, 40-42)" (n. 131). 4. “The love of the Christian faithful for this devotion is amply attested by the numerous Via Crucis erected in so many churches, shrines, cloisters, in the countryside, and on mountain pathways where the various stations are very evocative” (n. 131). 5. “The Via Crucis is a synthesis of various devotions that have arisen since the
high middle ages: the pilgrimage to the Holy Land during which the faithful devoutly visit the places associated with the Lord's Passion; devotion to the three falls of Christ under the weight of the Cross; devotion to "the dolorous journey of Christ" which consisted in processing from one church to another in memory of Christ's Passion; devotion to the stations of Christ, those places where Christ stopped on his journey to Calvary because obliged to do so by his executioners or exhausted by fatigue, or because moved by compassion to dialogue with those who were present at his Passion” (n. 132). 6. “In its present form, the Via Crucis, widely promoted by St. Leonardo da Porto Maurizio (+1751), was approved by the Apostolic See and indulgenced(137), consists of fourteen stations since the middle of seventeenth century. (n.132). 7. “The Via Crucis is a journey made in the Holy Spirit, that divine fire which burned in the heart of Jesus (cf. Lk 12, 49-50) and brought him to Calvary. This is a journey well esteemed by the Church since it has retained a living memory of the words and gestures of the final earthly days of her Spouse and Lord”. (n. 133).  8. “In the Via Crucis, various strands of Christian piety coalesce: the idea of life being a journey or pilgrimage; as a passage from earthly exile to our true home in Heaven; the deep desire to be conformed to the Passion of Christ; the demands of following Christ, which imply that his disciples must follow behind the Master, daily carrying their own crosses (cf Lk 9, 23). The Via Crucis is a particularly apt pious exercise for Lent”. (n. 133). 9. About the last question: worship is reserved only to God. Therefore it can only be given to the Most Holy Trinity, to the individual divine Persons, to Christ, also present in the Eucharist. To the relics of the Cross and to all the other relics that remind us of the Savior, to the images of him, such as those of the Most Holy Trinity, the Crucifix is ​​given a relative adoration, which is directed to the represented person. This is also the meaning of the adoration of the cross which takes place in the liturgy of Good Friday. Thank you for the Easter wishes which I cordially reciprocate. I remember you to the Lord and bless you. Father Angelo
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catenaaurea · 2 years
Catechism of Pope Saint Pius X
The Sacraments
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
The Essence, Institution and Ends of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
1. Q. Should the Holy Eucharist be considered only as a sacrament?
A. The Holy Eucharist, besides being a sacrament, is also the permanent Sacrifice of the New Law, which Jesus Christ left to His Church to be offered to God by the hands of His priests.
2. Q. In what in general does a sacrifice consist?
A. In general a sacrifice consists in the offering of some sensible thing to God and in some way destroying it as an acknowledgment of His Supreme Dominion over us and over all things.
3. Q. What is this Sacrifice of the New Law called?
A. This Sacrifice of the New Law is called the Holy Mass.
4. Q. What, then, is the Holy Mass?
A. The Holy Mass is the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ offered on our altars under the appearances of bread and wine, in commemoration of the Sacrifice of the Cross.
5. Q. Is the Sacrifice of the Mass the same as that of the Cross?
A. The Sacrifice of the Mass is substantially the same as that of the Cross, for the same Jesus Christ, Who offered Himself on the Cross, it is Who offers Himself by the hands of the priests, His ministers, on our altars; but as regards the way in which He is offered, the Sacrifice of the Mass differs from the Sacrifice of the Cross, though retaining the most intimate and essential relation to it.
6. Q. What difference and relation then is there between the Sacrifice of the Mass and that of the Cross?
A. Between the Sacrifice of the Mass and that of the Cross there is this difference and relation, that on the Cross Jesus Christ offered Himself by shedding His Blood and meriting for us; whereas on our altars He sacrifices Himself without the shedding of His Blood, and applies to us the fruits of His passion And death.
7. Q. What other relation has the Sacrifice of the Mass to that of the Cross?
A. Another relation of the Sacrifice of the Mass to that of the Cross is, that the Sacrifice of the Mass represents in a sensible way the shedding of the Blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross, because, in virtue of the words of consecration, only the Body of our Savior is made present under the species of the bread and only His Blood under the species of the wine; although by natural concomitance and by the hypostatic union, the living And real Jesus Christ is present under each of the species.
8. Q. Is not the Sacrifice of the Cross the one only Sacrifice of the New Law?
A. The Sacrifice of the Cross is the one only Sacrifice of the New Law, inasmuch as through it Our Lord satisfied Divine Justice, acquired all the merits necessary to save us, and thus, on His part, fully accomplished our redemption. These merits, however, He applies to us through the means instituted by Him in His Church, among which is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
9. Q. For what ends then is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered?
A. The Sacrifice of the Mass is offered to God for four ends: (1) To honor Him properly, and hence it is called Latreutical; (2) To thank Him for His favors, and hence it is called Eucharistical; (3) To appease Him, make Him due satisfaction for our sins, and to help the souls in Purgatory, and hence it is called Propitiatory; (4) To obtain all the graces necessary for us, and hence it is called Impetratory.
10. Q. Who is it that offers to God the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass?
A. The first and principal Offeror of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass is Jesus Christ, while the priest is the minister who in the Name of Jesus Christ offers the same Sacrifice to the Eternal Father.
11. Q. Who instituted the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass?
A. Jesus Christ Himself instituted the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass when He instituted the Sacrament of the Blessed Eucharist and said that this should be done in memory of His passion.
12. Q. To whom is the Holy Mass offered?
A. The Holy Mass is offered to God alone.
13. Q. If the Holy Mass is offered to God alone why are so many Masses celebrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin And the Saints?
A. Mass celebrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints is always a sacrifice offered to God alone; it is said to be celebrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints to thank God for the gifts He has given them, and through their intercession to obtain from Him more abundantly the graces of which we have need.
14. Q. Who shares in the fruits of the Mass?
A. The entire Church shares in the fruits of the Mass, but more particularly: (1) The priest and those who assist at Mass, the latter being united with the priest; (2) Those for whom the Mass is applied, both living and dead.
The Way to Assist at Mass
15. Q. What is required in order to assist at Holy Mass well and profitably?
A. To assist at Holy Mass well and profitably two things are necessary: (1) Modesty of person and (2) Devotion of heart.
16. Q. In what does modesty of person consist?
A. Modesty of person consists especially in being modestly dressed, in observing silence and recollection and, as far as possible, in remaining kneeling, except during the time of the two Gospels which are heard standing.
17. Q. In hearing Holy Mass which is the best way to practice true devotion?
A. In hearing Holy Mass the best way to practice true devotion is the following: (1) From the very beginning to unite our intention with that of the priest, offering the Holy Sacrifice to God for the ends for which it was instituted. (2) To accompany the priest in each prayer and action of the Sacrifice. (3) To meditate on the passion and death of Jesus Christ And to heartily detest our sins, which have been the cause of them. (4) To go to Communion, or at least to make a spiritual Communion while the priest communicates.
18. Q. What is spiritual Communion?
A. Spiritual Communion is a great desire to be united sacramentally with Jesus Christ. saying, for example: “My Lord Jesus Christ, I desire with my whole heart to be united with Thee now and forever;” and then make the same acts that are to be made before and after sacramental Communion.
19. Q. Does the recitation of the Rosary or other prayers during Mass prevent us from hearing it with profit?
A. The recitation of the Rosary and other prayers during Mass does not prevent us from hearing it with profit, provided we try As far as possible to follow the parts of the Holy Sacrifice.
20. Q. Is it advisable to pray for others while assisting at Mass?
A. Yes it is advisable to pray for others while assisting at Mass; nay more, the time of Holy Mass is the most suitable of all times to pray for the living and the dead.
21. Q. What should we do after Mass?
A. After Mass we should give God thanks for having allowed us to assist at this great Sacrifice, and we should ask pardon for All the faults we may have committed while assisting at it.
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septembersung · 2 years
It suddenly occurred to me I never got back to the question about latria and dulia.
@yototothelalafell alafell said: I know this is quite an old post, but would you happen to have any recommended reading to learn more about dulia and latria?
In the original post I said the difference between Protestant and Catholic understandings of worship is that the former conceive of worship as prayer, while for Catholics worship = sacrifice, primarily. So to expand a bit:
Prayer is part of and necessary for worship, but not sufficient. Prayer is communication, and it is also necessary to be part of the Church, as it helps unite the church militant (on earth) and church suffering (holy souls in purgatory) and church triumphant (saints in heaven.) This intercessory prayer is only possible by the grace and power of God; saints have no “power” beyond what God gives them. How they hear us and answer us - It’s all God. We are united in Him in grace.
Part of that intercessory prayer is naturally praise and thanksgiving, primarily to God, but also to the saints themselves for their merits (again, only by and through God - it’s all possible and comes from Christ and His sacrifice.) And most of all, to the greatest saint, the Blessed Virgin. “All generations shall call me blessed.” The mother of God, who carries Him in her womb, and bore Him and nursed Him and raised Him, taught Him and accompanied Him, at whose intercession He performed His first public miracle at Cana thereby starting down the road to the cross - Blessed Mary is the prototype of the Church and the model and help of all Christians, given to us to mother us by her Son Himself from the cross (“Behold, your mother.”)
So theologians recognize worship proper to God (today called latria), which is fundamentally sacrifice, the holy sacrifice of the Mass, which is the representation of the sacrifice of the Cross in an unbloody manner - the exact same sacrifice made temporally present to all of us so that we can “eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man” that we “may have life within” us - of which prayer to the Blessed Trinity is a special part. And then there’s general prayer (communication, praise, thanksgiving, intercession) which binds us to God’s friends in the Church Triumphant, the queen of whom is Blessed Mary.
Catholic Encyclopedia: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05188b.htm
After a long discourse on latreutic prayer (to God) the Catholic Catechism (Trent) has the following:
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You can probably find more excerpts online, this is the Baronius edition (for page number references.)
The footnote reference to the first commandment:
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I was also going to quote from a theology manual or two but I’m in out of time and don’t have the books with me, so tagging @coruscanttojerusalem For further resources or if anything I’ve said needs clarification/correction.
Hope this helps!
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anastpaul · 4 years
July Devotion – The Most Precious Blood of Jesus
July Devotion – The Most Precious Blood of Jesus
July Devotion – The Most Precious Blood of Jesus
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Catholic doctrine teaches the faithful, that the Blood of Jesus Christ is part of His Sacred Humanity and hypostatically united to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. And as such, it is worthy of adoration and veneration proper to latreutical worship (cultus latriae) which is rendered only to God.   In other words, we adore the human nature of…
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paintedout · 6 years
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Ad Reinhardt, Small Painting (for Thomas Merton), 1957, 8 5/8 x 10 1/2 in. “It is a most recollected small painting. It thinks that only one thing is necessary and this is time, but this one thing is by no means apparent to one who will not take the trouble to look. It is a  most religious, devout, and latreutic small painting.” - Thomas Merton
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septembersung · 5 years
[T]here is the more fundamental question of the very purpose or function of the reading of Scripture in the Mass. Is it a moment of instruction for the people, or is it an element of the latreutic worship offered by Christ and His Mystical Body to the Most Holy Trinity? It can and should be both, but in a certain order. The Word of God is proclaimed at Mass as part of the spiritual preparation for the sacrifice of our Redeemer and the communion of God and man in the sacrament of His Passion. Because it is the sacrifice of the Mystical Body, head and members, it is also the sacrifice we, as children of the Church militant, offer to God in union with the Church triumphant and on behalf of the Church suffering. Consequently, the lessons have an ecclesial identity, a sacerdotal orientation, and a eucharistic finality, all of which ought to determine which lessons are the best for their purpose and how they are best to be proclaimed. The readings at Mass are not so much didactic as iconic, pointing the way beyond themselves.
On the Lectionary
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