#lauren alleyene
llovelymoonn · 2 years
favourite november poems
marilyn chin little girl études
muriel rukeyser the speed of darkness: “poem (i lived in the first century of world wars)”
sanna wani lately i am trying
tory dent collected poems: “the moon and the yew tree”
maya mior re: your listing
marvin bell nightworks: poems 1962-2000: “obsessive”
lauren k. alleyene how could i have known i would need to remember your laughter
charles bernstein with strings: “a test of poetry”
carl phillips this far in
laura wetherington (& hannah ensor) feel piece 4
dean young dear friend
robyn schiff a woman of property: “gate”
margaret de laughter a pantoun
rick barot the flea
elsa gidlow oversoul
carl phillips stop shaking
warsan shire the unbearable weight of staying
manuel arturo abreu klangfarbenmelodie
marianne boruch keats is coughing
evan knoll blood makes the blade holy
risk (@mechanicrisk) my son, the two headed calf
francine sterle nude in winter: “self-portrait as an allegory of painting”
luci tapahonso a radiant curve: “elegy for my younger sister”
matthew sweeney alone
david harsent from “a dream book”
sanna wani tomorrow is a place
rachel blau duplessis: from eurydics: snake
hannah brooks-motl family dollar
matthew olzmann letter beginning with two lines from czesław miłosz
janice lobo sapigao silhouette
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