lavishtine · 5 months
The Derry Girls as the Scooby Doo Gang
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Fred - Erin
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Daphne - Michelle
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Velma - Clare
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Shaggy - Orla
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Scooby - James
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lavishtine · 4 months
Even if all of the other Spirits crossover and Maddie somehow makes it back into her body - which I find highly unlikely/think she'll end up dead if she does anyway - Mr. Martin will always be in that school trapping other students and starting the cycle all over again. Unless it's possible to force Mr. Martin to cross - hopefully towards hell - then he always be there hurting more and more students for as long as that school is operating.
On top of that, I think he chose those students. I think he chose students who felt the most alone and those that were easiest to gaslight and control. Maddie had been a freak accident, but the others, the others I don't think they were in the slightest.
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lavishtine · 5 months
//grooming mention
Anyway, I finished School Spirits in two days and the ending absolutely raised more questions than it answered.
So, I have a running theory about Mr. Martin and Janet, but I think it's a lot.
Firstly, I think there's a high likelihood that there was an inappropriate relationship between them, because we already know that Rhonda's counselor groomed her and ended up killing her in response to her getting into Berkeley. And there's something weird about their relationship, because Janet lied about a lot to the group and it seems like they had been the oldest ones, which is why they could so easily lie about being dead for five years before Rhonda.
I believe it's clear that Mr. Martin killed them both, but I don't know why.
Mr. Martin definitely had something over Janet, which is why she lied about when she died - she died two years earlier than the group knew [which is another thing, because if she did die in 1960, then Rhonda should have known her before she herself died since it seems like she died in Spring/Summer 1963] - the question is what exactly did he have over her? Personally, I think going off my theory of them having an inappropriate relationship, the most obvious answer is she was pregnant and she wasn't gonna keep it. You know, I don't think the writers are gonna make it the same as Rhonda's, so I feel like this would be different enough to be the reason she was killed And if she told him the truth, then it would be easy for him to resort to anger and kill them as a means of keeping them together forever.
Even if that's not true, he has something over her that he used to his advantage until she escaped and took over Maddie's body.
I also think Mr. Martin is more sinister than we think, even with the ending. I'm almost convinced that he is the one trapping them there as a means of experimenting on them, using them as test subjects [cannon], but I mean like he's trapping them there. He's the reason they reset and he's forcing them to relive their trauma to see what happens and he trapped himself and Janet there - again, as a means of keeping them together forever initially - and continues to trap any student who has died after them. The groups are canonically him running tests on them, not helping, so it would make since that someone from outside the group could eventually crossover given the right words to break that cycle. [He probably knows those words too]. And so far we haven't seen anyone before 1958, so that does make sense.
I have so much more to say, but I'm just rambling now and need sleep, so gonna do that instead.
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lavishtine · 5 months
I'm rewatching season 2 of Bridgerton – obviously – and can I just say, none of it was Kate's fault and she was quite literally blamed for everything that happened. As soon as Lady Danbury told her to concede she did! Immediately! The only advances she ever made towards him where in turn to him making advances towards her! She wouldn't have been happy, but she did always put her sisters happiness before her own. It was Anthony – the whore – who always made the first advance and was clearly in love with her the whole time [yes the point of the season, not what I'm getting at]. But it does get blamed on her, even though it was his own doing – he pushed Lord Dorrest and himself into a Lake, ruined his own wedding, Kate prompted none of it other than simply existing in his presence. Kate was wrong for withholding the money and Sheffield's issue, but she shouldn't be blamed for Anthony's actions towards her. He clearly loved her more.
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lavishtine · 5 months
Queen Charlotte: Brimsley, have you any family? Did you never marry?
Brimsley: No, your Majesty. Who could I ever find who would be free to spend a lifetime with me?
Brimsley: I am here.
Brimsley: *choking up* Everyone here, cares for the king.
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lavishtine · 5 months
I've had an epiphany!
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I probably shouldn't find this as funny as I do, but there's just something about it that I crave. I need him to be Mr. Penelope Featherington, not Bridgerton.
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lavishtine · 5 months
I wish Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger actually got to be happy together, however, it would've only made things so much more complicated, especially for Violet. But she deserved to be happy, and he also deserved to be happy. I'm glad Violet got to chose love when they didn't.
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lavishtine · 4 months
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Is it kinda long? Yes.
But is it also funny? Absolutely.
Anyway, I'm gonna try and accomplish something, so maybe look forward to this story happening very, very soon. Hope y'all are excited for this work in progress.
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lavishtine · 5 months
I need Brimsley and Reynolds full story, and I need it right now. I fear if I go stir crazy enough then I'll write it myself, a beautifully tragic love story that was never meant to be.
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lavishtine · 4 months
My favorite thing to do - which annoys anyone I'm watching tv or movies with - is identify the plant life that's included in scenes whenever possible. And I couldn't help myself but identifying the ferns in this scene with Nicole digging a hole in the rain - I mean, I've watched this scene three times take pride in the fact that's how long it took me to identify it!
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So, in the foreground of this shoot you can see ferns! Those are Ebony Spleenwort's! There is also a maple tree, the car lights are shining on their leaves!
Identifying plant life is the one thing that makes me incredibly happy!
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lavishtine · 5 months
I'm rewatching Surviving Summer and Honey is an absolutely delightful character, I love her so much. I especially love how she's constantly dissing Wren to her face, because everyone keeps brushing her off, but if they actually listened they would be quick to realize how quick witted she is and how unbelievably smart she is. She is Summer's #1 supporter through and through, even when everyone else has given up on her. I see you Honey, you're doing incredible!
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lavishtine · 5 months
An another School Spirits post: I honestly thought one of the plotlines was going to be about Maddie realizing she was actually a lesbian, or at least, that she also really liked girls. There was just so much tension between her and Rhonda in the scene about Rhonda's death and Maddie straight up looked at her lips and that's what the cinematography showed us! I thought it'd be the other way around initially, but I do think Maddie has a crush on Rhonda, even if she doesn't realize it.
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lavishtine · 5 months
Another School Spirits theory I have is that Charley now has the opinion to crossover if he so pleases, but has actively choose to stay. He might not even realize he could go, but I think if he actually had a desire to crossover, then he would have been able too before Dawn herself did. Dawn had no more strings attached, while Charley is fulfilled, but not really to leave behind the only friends he's ever known and the love of his life.
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lavishtine · 5 months
I just finished School Spirits and I have so many theories rattling around in my brain and it's really crazy to me that I've watched so much content recently that I'm obsessing over /pos. (Ask about my theories)
I was practically trapped looping in a single horrible fandom for four years and now I'm finally free and enjoying life. And before I never even consumed content outside of fandom - literally haven't watched or read half the things I like - and now I've watched four entire shows and can talk about every single detail imaginable and it's incredible.
I've never felt so light and free before.
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lavishtine · 5 months
I'm already rewatching Queen Charlotte just to watch Brimsley and Reynolds, while I play stardew on my switch. They've begun to eat away at my brain, there is so much research in store, but damnit if I don't write them at this point. I already have the name picked out.
If said writing is physical and not all in my head, well, time will tell.
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lavishtine · 5 months
You know what I'm rather surprised didn't happen in Derry Girls that I feel like is a very on brand for Derry Girls?
I'm surprised there wasn't an episode around them trying to solve a mystery - like a neighbor went missing or there's a creepy new person. Because that's something I did when I was younger and then it could be something innocuous like it's their neighbors cousin who came back to help them because they broke their hip amd can't walk anymore. I dunno, something dumb like that.
Within some realms this happened, but it would've been funny if they tried to Scooby doo their way out of it.
I dunno, food for thought.
Then they could all blame James for sending them on a wild goose chase, although it was definitely Michelle's idea - or at she planted the seed for it.
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