#layers of irony so thick it could have saved gl!charlie
moonfruito · 1 year
there's some nightmare meta-commentary to be made about how genloss is about the unending carnival of performance that is the world of content creation and the horror of never being able to set yourself free of the scrutiny and control of an audience and company that trap and force you to create and perform for them unceasingly until you completely break, milking your very soul for entertainment, and ranboo still has not left the mall and every streamer is doing react streams to genloss and viewers are picking apart every detail of the show to speculate about the intricate psychology of the characters and their lives beyond the performance, and about how the incredible and likely completely unintentional irony of the show is that the specific online culture that it was brought into feeds directly into the relentless hunger for content that dominates both the specific climate of streamer audiences and the wider conditioning we suffer from on social media to constantly consume creativity and churn out our own reactions to it in hopes of garnering attention in an exact and disturbing recreation of the conditions dissected in the show itself but i will never sleep peacefully again if i spare another moment's thought to it.
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