#leaf in the distance is going 'if i see that jackass its On Sight'
birdcatt · 1 year
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yaaay these are my lifelong pmd eos ocs!!!
from left to right, they are: Emerald (she/her), Bronze (he/him), and Leaf (she/her)
emerald and leaf are sisters, and leaf has an Ongoing Crisis trying to figure out how to both complete her mission while also keeping emerald safe
emerald is just having a grand old time though
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stalwart-sword · 6 years
Get to know me- Taiken
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► Name ➔ “Taiken Zephyr. I made it up Taiken myself, and I liked the name ‘Zephyr’ cause it means ‘wind’”. 
► Are you single ➔ “As single as a...Huh. whats a good metaphor for bein’ single?”. 
► Are you happy ➔ “I guess you can say that.” 
► Are you angry? ➔ “Angry? No. I try to keep my cool if I can.” 
► Are your parents still married ➔ “Don’t know who my parents are, sure you’ve heard that before from the other street rats around here.” 
► Birth Place ➔ “Don’t know. I’d like to think its Limsa Lominsa, though.” 
► Hair Color ➔ “Black.”
► Eye Color ➔ “Bue.” 
► Birthday ➔ “Guess what! I don’t know my birthday either.” 
► Mood ➔ “Tired, hungry, I want to get drunk... Need I say more?”. 
► Gender ➔ “I think I’m male. Want to check for me?” He teases. “i’m just kidding, I’m kidding. Please don’t check for me”.
► Summer or winter ➔ “Winter. I like the snow, for some reason. Everything is so quiet and still.” 
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Mornings. I’ve always been a morning person, believe it or not, no matter how fucked up I got the night prior.” Taiken grinned for a moment. 
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► Are you in love ➔ “I wish, but no.” 
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Something like that sounds nice, doesn’t it? But..” He hesitates. “...No...?” 
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Err, I wouldn’t really call it a relationship, but I did. It just didn’t go nowhere. Me and her haven’t said nothing about it since then, and we’re still friends. I’m sure we both know it wouldn’t work out.” 
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “No, cause I wouldn’t get committed unless I felt really, really strongly for a someone, you know?”.
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “F’course I have.” 
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Uhh... I don’t think so? I don’t really pay attention to stuff like that...” 
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “It’s guarded heavily, so no.” He gave a cheeky smile. 
► Love or lust ➔ “Love. Though honestly, its hard for me to have time for either. The wide eyed guy in me likes to think about it from time to time, though.” 
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade. I don’t drink fuckin’ leaf water unless I gotta”.  
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Damn, don’t make me choose.” 
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I like knowin’ a lot of people, at an arms length distance, you get what I’m saying?”. 
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Why not both?” He wags his eyebrows a bit, he looks like a complete goof while doing so. 
► Day or night ➔ “Daytime. You can see the clouds better. Though I ain’t one to snub my nose at a good night sky”. 
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► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “I don’t think there’s a such thing as ‘getting caught’ sneaking out when you don’t give a shit about getting caught in the first place.” 
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “While sober? No. While drunk? Yes to both.” Taiken says this rather proudly. 
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “I really try not to feel that way, at any cost.” 
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Lets not talk about that.” 
► Smile or eyes ➔ “A smile. Since eyes light up with one anyway, it can look really... Beautiful...”. Taiken flushed a moment, thinking about something.
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Its easier to pick on ya if you’re shorter. “ Taiken holds a smirk for a moment. “I’m just kidding. I really don’t care.” 
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Attraction, of course. I’ve met too many stuffy, bookworms in my life. I mean, I like reading and stuff too, but at least I know how to have fun and shi’!”. 
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Hook up. I rarely meet someone I want to have a relationship with. Its. Rare.” 
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► Do you and your family get along ➔ “I call my squadron my family, so yeah, we get along for the most part! When they ain’t being jackasses..” 
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Not really. Boring and monotonous is more like it.” Taiken chuckles a bit. 
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “I don’t think I have.” 
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Oh yeah, plenty of times.” 
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Yeah! Fuckin’ Stell! Gods damn, she needs to get that stick out of her ass and smile a bit more.” 
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “F’course I do. Friendship is somethin’ to be cherished.” 
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Fuckin’ Stell is. Even though she needs to get a stick out of her ass, we look out for eachother.” 
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “I think, Stell does. God dammit, I need to get more friends...” 
Tagged By: Stolen!
Tagging: Really, who hasn’t done this yet? If you’re reading this and you need to do it, I tag you! Tag me so I can reblog it. 
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yenni19 · 3 years
Chapter 16
Akamari is pacing at the docks waiting for the boat to arrive, she gets frustrated as it get late into the evening
Akamari: where's the boat....wait what if he missed it....or the boat went missing....
Izuke: relax will you....its just an hour late....it will be here
Akamari: but there was a storm yesterday....what if they are stranded...
Izuke: it's a large cruise ship....it would take more than a mere storm to take it down
Akamari: but I tried calling him...he won't pick up...
Izuke: remember there's no signal when the ship is passing thru the Mirena cove islands...which means it won't be long for the ship to get here
Ajamari: I'm getting worried....Sarutobi should of been here by now...
Suddenly the crowd screams as they see the large ship in the distance. It takes awhile for it to reach the dock. As it docks people start to leave the ship
Akamari: I don't see him....where is he?
Suddenly she sees a tall broad shouldered man walking up to her
Sarutobi(to Akamari): hi wiskers it's been awhile...you look good
Akamari(shocked): Sarutobi...what the hell...
Sarutobi: sorry I forgot to tell you...I grew a little...
Akamari: is this Sarutobi....or Kama-kun..
Sarutobi(annoyed): wow...you haven't changed much either miss five feet three inches
Akamari(smacking him): I grew an inch the last time I seen you I'm five four kiddo
Sarutobi(teasing): your still short to me Akamari...but its cute...your size I mean
Akamari(starts to walk as she grabs his hand): your practically a grown man Sarutobi you look nineteen than fifteen
Sarutobi(embarrassed): don't remind me...so where are you taking me?
Akamari: since I live in the city I thought we stay at my old place...don't worry it's big there's plenty of room
Sarutobi(letting go of her hand): you mean alone...like me and you?
Akamari(looking at him): yeah...is that a problem for you Sarutobi?
Izuke(interrupting): Akamari I'm off...here's the keys to the car...I'll see you tomorrow at Jerico's...bye Sarutobi it was nice seeing you
Sarutobi: bye Izuke...stay safe
Izuke walks off leaving Sarutobi and Akamari alone together
Akamari(asking): Sarutobi...are you uncomfortable with me?
Sarutobi(embarrassed): no...its just that.....this is my fist time....alone with you
Akamari(realizing): you are still not use to girls are you Terrubi?
Sarutobi: you can tell....can you...I thought I'd get over this...(angry) damit I sound like a little kid!
Akamari(taking his hand): come on let's go...there's pizza and a movie waiting for us at home...then you can settle in the guest room
As they reach the car Sarutobi stops and stares at the vehicle
Sarutobi: what is that...I've never seen it before?
Akamari: sorry I forgot you guys never heard of moving vehicles in the leaf village only construction vehicles....this is a car it's like a train but more smaller it can take you anywhere around the city (Opening the passenger door) here get in we are going to my place
Sarutobi: it looks claustrophobic...like it's uncomfortable
Akamari: if you feel like that you can always put the windows down?
Sarutobi(getting in the car): ok...that would work for me
She gets in the driver side and takes off, they arrive in fifteen minutes to the apartment on the upside of town
Akamari(getting off the car): here I'll open it...just stay there
She gets off and opens the door Sarutobi gets out and she grabs his things from the back seat
Akamari: come on we are heading inside
Sarutobi(following her): ok so...this is your place then?
Akamari(inside the house): yeah...it is...I just bought it a year ago
Sarutobi(inside the house): I thought when you said you lived in the city...I imagined you in those big buildings in a suite
Akamari: no....I mean when I was little yeah my dad got promoted and we lived in a suite for a year before he realized that the city life didn't suit him...so he bought a house here in the outskirts of the city...until just over a year ago he sold it...and I decided to buy it off him
Sarutobi: so that's what you meant by old place....you lived here as a kid?
Akamari: yeah I did (showing Sarutobi around) so there's the kitchen, where you are standing is the living room, upstairs is the guestroom you will be staying in, and down the hall below your bedroom is my room
Sarutobi: Akamari how many rooms is there?
Akamari: four bedrooms and three bathrooms...but you don't have to worry yours has its own bathroom in it...so you have more privacy...besides it use to be my old room...but I put new furniture in it to make it feel like home for you...and I am staying in my dad's old room so don't worry...I made sure to refurbish the whole house before you got here
Sarutobi: out with the old and in with the new...that's how it's said
Akamari(smiling): yeah you took the phrase right from under me
Sarutobi: I'm gonna wash up...
Akamari: yeah me too...
They both take a shower...Akamari gets out of the shower and goes to Sarutobi's room to let him know the pizza is here
Akamari(coming in): Sarutobi the pizz....
She sees Sarutobi barely come out of the shower with a towel on his waist while drying his hair with the other
Sarutobi(embarrassed): A-a-akamari....why d-d-didnt you k-k-knock
Akamari(embarrassed): Sarutobi...I'm sorry...I'm soo sorry (slamming the door) I'll be more conscious next time
Sarutobi(opening the door and dragging her inside while slamming the door): why...why did you do that...you need to be more aware of me
Akamari(against the door and nervous): why...your just Sarutobi...my little broth...
Sarutobi(angry as he looks at her dead in the eye): don't...you have no right to say it....especially you...just don't!
Akamari(upset): fine I won't....by the way I came to tell you the pizza is here
Sarutobi(backing away from her): give me a few minutes...I'll be right down...don't start the movie without me...ok
Akamari(feeling guilty): ok...I'll be downstairs...hurry before the pizza gets cold
She opens the door and closes it behind her, Sarutobi sits there angry at himself
Sarutobi(thinking): you idiot...what did you think...she was going to offer herself to you after she saw how good you looked...I'm such a jackass
Akamari is in the kitchen contemplating what just occurred in the guest bedroom
Akamari(to herself while pacing): you are an idiot Akamari...why the hell did I just stand there staring at him...what the fuck is wrong with me...he's your little brother for shit sakes...its a crime to like your sibling
Suddenly she hears the door open and hears footsteps coming downstairs, she grabs a pizza and places it on the center table in the living room
Sarutobi(nervous): ready to watch the movie?
Akamari(nervous): yeah...I've been wanting to watch Zombie slayer three...they say it's epic...I haven't been able to have free time since I started training with Jerico four years ago
Sarutobi(putting in the CD): so how's training going...under Jerico?
Akamari: tough even as he teaches me and I learn...he says I'm a better learner than Izuke
Sarutobi: wait...Izuke was his student?
Akamari: from what I heard he was about ten when Jerico found him scavenging for food...he was doing a search and rescue and happened to find him trying to fend for himself from rabbid dogs that were wanting to attack him. He scared the dogs and had him living with him and his wife. Until he was old enough to care for himself
Sarutobi(looking at Akamari): what a kind man
Akamari(looking at Sarutobi): yeah he is (touching his face) your purple eyes look a little lighter from the last time I've seen you
Sarutobi(coming closer to Akamari): yours are still gray...and beautiful as ever...
Akamari closes the distance by kissing him he responds by kissing her back...they stay there a moment kissing until there's a knock at the door
Sarutobi(pulling away): you should answer that...I'll wait for you here
Akamari(embarrassed): ok I'll go check who it is...(handing him a pizza) here have a bite of pizza
Akamari opens the door and to her surprise it's her neighbor Mariana
Mariana: hi I don't mean to pry but can I have some sugar?
Akamari(letting Mariana inside): sure just wait in the living room...I'll be right back
Mariana follows Akamari to the living room, she notices Sarutobi
Sarutobi(waving): hi
Mariana(getting nervous): hi....I'm Mariana...Akamari's neighbor
Sarutobi(smiling): hello Mariana...how are you?
Mariana: good thanks
Akamari(coming in the living room with sugar): here Mariana is that enough
Mariana(smiling): yes thanks, have a good evening
Sarutobi: good evening Mariana
She leaves and Sarutobi walks to Akamari noticing her distress he asks what's wrong
Sarutobi: everything ok Akamari?
Akamari(annoyed): no....Mariana's mom Sabrina just can't seem to be a little less nosy
Sarutobi(confused): what do you mean?
Akamari: she must of saw you come out of my parking garage....and had her daughter see who you were...because she runs the neighborhood watch crew...and thought you were a date I was bringing home....seriously that woman has no end of her poking her nose in everything
Sarutobi: but her daughter seems nice...she looks ok to talk to
Akamari: oh Mariana is...she is an art major at her first year of college...she's very reserved and unlike her mother she doesn't poke her nose in anybody business
Sarutobi(caressing her cheeck): you shouldn't get flustered wiskers...or you'll wrinkle those cute wiskers of yours that I can't seem to look away from
Sarutobi kisses her forehead and she scoffs giving him attitude
Sarutobi(laughing): your cute when you act annoyed with me...anyway I think we should call it a night don't you think...I'm kind of tired...and you have things to do tomorrow
Akamari: but we haven't even watched the first five minutes of it...
Sarutobi(turning off the TV): it's ok we have four months to watch it...and besides I want to go sight seeing in the city if you have time this week
Akamari: sure that would be nice...just let me know when ok
Sarutobi: ok...I'll hold you accountable then
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