leafiebeanie · 1 year
sooooo, in lieu of the kny x oishii milk collab that's happening now, seeing kyo posing with the familiar packaging sparked a milky memory from a few years back ( ´ ▿ ` )
leafie's story time under the cut 🤭🤭
i was visiting jpn for the first time near the end of winter and the early beginnings of spring 2018 (so around late jan to early feb), and i've heard good things about japanese milk right
so first thing i did after landing in japan and checking into the hotel, i went to buy some milk from the konbini—first one i went to was family mart.
i got the oishii brand milk (true to its name, it's super tasty and i miss it every time i want to drink milk)
and you'd think that i would drink it immediately after buying it bc i was so excited to try it—but i had the brightest idea of drinking it after i took a shower. yknow, like how i saw them do in some animes (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
so i popped the milk in the fridge and went to take a hot bath
now, i'm a very forgetful person, and if it's out of sight, it's literally out of my mind (⇀ ↼‶) truly gone like my mans who left to buy milk from the milkstore and never came back jkjk
after my shower, i decided to look up places to go the next day and started making some plans with my family. then i went to sleep bc the eight hour flight had me tuckered out—man, it was lights out as soon as my head hit the pillow xDDDDD
i had a great night of sleep, all while my milk sat forgotten in the fridge 😅😅
and so you might think, okay well, surely you drank it when you remembered it the next day after another hot shower, right?
we had to check out of the hotel the next morning bc the actual hotel we were gonna stay at was further from the airport and closer to town
my milk was left behind in the fridge, unopened and forgotten 🥲🥲 (sometimes i wonder if the hotel staff found my milk and drank it themselves, but i doubt they would—bc common sense tells you it's extremely dumb and reckless to be drinking something that someone else left behind even though it looks like it's never been opened, bc there's always a chance that it's been tampered with)
anyway, sentiments for my forgotten milk aside, of course i have brilliant memory and remembered it only after we had checked out of the hotel and were halfway on the train to the next hotel (눈_눈)
i cursed myself for letting my milk slip away from me—but no matter, i can always get more today, or so i thought
so, when my parents were busy checking us into the second hotel, i went off to get another oishii milk packet from another konbini—this time i went to lawsons
and this time, i was determined to remember to drink it, but i was also stubborn and still wanted to drink it after i took a hot bath
obviously, i could've just bought two so i could just drink one now, and then the other after my bath later, right?
leafie is dumb and stubborn (not a great combi, let's be honest), so please keep that in mind as you enjoy the rest of this silly memory xD
and it was around noon, i think? or early afternoon when we got our rooms—and it was the perfect time for exploring town, so i tossed the milk into the fridge and left to akiba
believe it or not, all the excitement i had for the milk was gone bc i was busy being even more excited (ง ื▿ ื)ว about getting to explore akiba and harajuku (but regrettably, i was travelling with family, so i could only glance at the entire troves of bl mangas and doujins longingly for a whole 1.5 seconds bc it would be suspicious if i stared too long (ノ_<。)ヾ(´▽` )
but i digress, anyway—the sun sets so early in japan, like woah, it got dark so soon and most of the restaurants were closed when we were finally to eat (and while i am a foodie at heart, i somehow don't get hungry at all while i'm travelling ( ´ ▿ ` )), so we just grabbed a quick bento from the konbini and passed out on our beds soon after we got back to the hotel
side note: the orange juice from family mart is so so so so so so fresh and good omg, i miss it almost as much as i miss the milk tbh
so day 2 passed just like that, with a day well spent and feet well walked, and wallet slightly lighter than when i left the hotel that day (my coin purse grew heavier though, as i collected the loose change from breaking 1000 yen bills)
then come day 3—i was going to be in japan for slightly over a week, 9 days; so you might think, oh c'mon leafie, surely that's plenty of days for you to drink your goddamn milk!
again, no
day 3 was harajuku day, and boy was it raining when we got there
wearing two fuzzy jackets and two shirts were, understandably, quite a lot of layers when you're gonna be walking around a lot, plus the humidity from the rain and my tendency to sweat buckets—you can imagine that i looked like a wet rat that had just crawled out from the sewers x'DDD
my bangs were plastered across my forehead, i looked like a mess, and i wasn't used to the weather (i live in a tropical country where its either sun or rain xD), sweaty inside but cold outside :(((
but then it snowed a little at night!! though it wasn't like big big snowfall where you had fluffy snow everywhere, it was my first snow!! and it was fun just watching little ❄️ snowflakes ❄️ drifting down from the skies under the dim streetlamp
i'm sure you can already guess—i was too engrossed with the snow to remember my milk, all alone in the fridge
but i went to bed happy that night ☺️☺️
and then day 4 was... well, we don't talk about day 4, my family had a little argument bc some wanted to go back to harajuku for more shopping and some wanted to see new places
in the end, we went to the aquariums to see the fishies! took a few pics with the uhhh, bug looking creature that lives at the bottom of the ocean
it's a bit unsettling, but it was cute nonetheless
i sort of wish that i bought the stuffed toy version from the gift store tbh—i got a seal instead
this is starting to be more about the trip than the story about me forgetting my milk, so let's reel it back in and skip to day 9, the final day of my trip
note that i STILL haven't drank my milk despite having had 8 other days to do so 🤦🤦🤦
the return flight was in the evening, but we had to check out of the hotel at noon, so basically we spent the rest of the day at haneda airport
i had just reached the airport when i realised that yet again!!! i had forgotten my milk, left it in the fridge of the hotel and then checked out _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
knowing that this was really my final chance to taste the milk, i ran to the konbini and bought the milk for the third time now, and this time! this time!!! i drank it straight away
andit was so good!!! so tasty, ive never had a milk so good before in my life—really made me regret not drinking it earlier—i could've had one for each day i was there!!!!! but nooooo, i just had to be stubborn and forgetful hahahahhahaha (눈_눈)
and that's the end of my little milky story
so guys, if you want to drink the milk, just do it! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
don't be me and say that it has to be done in the perfect manner bc you will miss that opportunity xD or almost miss it, really
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