#leah's galentine's day sleepover
jungle-angel · 4 months
Here I Am (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob are finally able to live your best lives after his honorable discharge from the Navy
Warnings: Mentions of birth, pregnancy etc.
Tagging: @ohtobeleah My dear friend, it's still Feb. 16th here in the U.S where I live and I didn't wanna get all the timezones fucked up and with my classes tomorrow I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to get it in on time for Galentine's Day (lol). But all the same, this is for you, based off the Bryan Adams song of the same name. Enjoy m'dear.
Out on the trail once again, you and Bob, gazed out across the land that was at last yours, your youngest baby in the wrap tied across your back, snoozing with his chubby little fists in his mouth. The older ones, Auggie, Patrick and Deidre were all back at the house with Bob's mother and father, leaving just you, Bob and your youngest to bond.
The day couldn't have been more perfect. The day was bright and sunny, the mountains and the hills a soft green as the wind rippled across them. Settling in Montana had been the best decision you had ever made, heaven on earth and a place where you both felt at peace.
You had been through it all with Bob, every tough deployment, every tear shed whenever he left and whenever he returned, spending so many nights with Penny and the other Dagger spouses on the phone or at each others' houses to take your minds off of things. Only after the Uranium Plant mission did Bob finally acquire his discharge papers, the both of you relieved beyond words that you could at last start your lives together.
Down the sloping trail you went with Bob next to you and Baby Rudy snoozing away, his little camo hat on his head to keep the sun off. You gave Bob's hand a squeeze as he smiled at you, the sun illuminating his face in its golden glow.
You couldn't have asked for better. With Bob as your husband, you were completely free to be yourself and he the same. You remembered well when you first moved into your home, running barefoot like a pair of wildfolk across the hills and through the fields with Bob, fishing in the river for dinner on those hot summer nights, the way the trees and the new flowers in your garden would bloom in spring and how could you possibly forget when the two of you had thoroughly fucked each other in the field when all the wildflowers were in bloom? You remembered the days when you had given birth to your older children, each time Bob walking beside you in the field to move things along and bringing them outside for the first time, each one a treasure you would both hold dearly.
And it still felt like that now, all the world feeling like new, the both of you still together and stronger than ever.
"Whatcha think sweetpea?" Bob asked.
"I can't think of any place I'd rather be, Bob," you answered. "Especially if it's with you."
Bob leaned in and kissed you, letting it linger for as long as you both could. The horses snorted a little, eager to get back to the house for lunch and you and Bob wanting nothing more than to go for that walk he had promised to go on with you.
And in all your years together, there was no place on earth that you would have rather been than in Montana with the man you loved most.
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ohtobeleah · 5 months
Noone wants to do your stupid writing thing
God it pisses me off when people can’t just keep their petty comments to themselves. It’s horrible to read horrible people making comments like this especially after you and readers had such a good time with the sleepover. Just ignore them Leah, I for one can’t wait for it💞
Literally I thought my last sleepover event was great! I had such a fun time and I know everyone who sent in concepts and just general asks had a great time too.
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to do that, and I’m really looking forward to being able to do it again for Galentines Day. Getting other creators involved just seemed like an interesting idea to me.
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