#learn some basic media literacy for fucks sake
peachdoxie · 1 year
Honestly I probably wouldn't find Taylor Swift nearly so annoying if it weren't for a large contingent of her fans thinking she's hotter shit than what Satan last shat.
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I’m so tired people who say gotg was a bad movie because it had the guardians going thier separate ways. Individually, it’s the best ending for each of them. Mantis gets the chance to be more independent after defining her identity by being either Ego’s servant or the Guardians friend (even though she did care for the latter, it was clear some of thier attitudes toward her as their comedic punching bag were taking its toll on her). Quill is able to accept change in his life and realise after all he’s been through (losing gamora, having to be leader all the time and nearly dying multiple times) he needs to step down and make the most of what time remains with his grandfather on earth. Gamora, while growing to have a respect for the guardians over the course of the film, already has a found family she has to go back to with the ravagers. Drax gets to be a father figure to the freed star childern and give them the family he was robbed of by Thanos. Ditto for Nebula, who is able to give the Star Children a loving and healthy childhood after she was abused for years by Thanos. And Rocket, after seeing himself as a worthless mistake and an abomination due to the abuse he suffered at the hands of the high evolutionary, who for so long didn’t care if he lived or died, now has purpose in his role as the new guardians leader. And a reason to keep on living because they, along with the previous guardians, truly cared for him. None of these endings result in one or more of the guardians dying for shock value, or some forced, contrived drama that forces them to break up on bad terms. It’s a bitter sweet yet perfect ending for almost everyone. And it also perfectly encapsulates the films main theme of being able to grow as people and move on from the past into something better. and it baffles me that so many people on this website say it’s bad because “Hur dur the breaking up found family trope bad!!1”. It’s like people on this website just see a found family break up trope and immediately blindly throw a temper tantrum about it without giving any nuanced or critical thought as to why the trope was used in this context. For all the people whining like spoiled children about how gotg 3 ruined your precious found family, grow the fuck up and for gods sake learn some basic media literacy skills!
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jupiterstupiter · 1 year
Can people seriously learn some media literacy and reading compression skills for real? Like it's getting SCARY how many people I've seen that get actually pissed off when a STORY has an ANTAGONIST??? And got forbid the ‼️‼️ANTAGONIST‼️‼️ turns out to be a VILLAIN that does BAD THINGS ????????? Like honey that is literally the most basic of stories you can write, that is some kindergarten levels of media literacy, you would not be able to handle any other story that decides to deviate from the kindergarten level "antagonist is the bad guy" type of plot, like I'm actually scared of how these people would react to a story where the bad guy is the protagonist and the antagonist is the good guy so we can peer into the villain side of the story (and, because reading compression is so piss poor on this site I feel like I have to clarify, protagonist doesn't mean good, it doesn't mean you have to sympathize with that character, it doesn't mean you have to justify their actions, it just means they're the person the story focuses on, same can be said for antagonists, antagonist doesn't mean "bad guy", it doesn't mean you have to hate them, it doesn't mean you can't root for them, it doesn't mean you shouldn't sympathize with them, it literally just means they're something or someone who is blocking the protagonist from their goal in some way, jfc why do I even have to clarify this holy shit) like I'm working on a story that has 3 (maybe 4) main characters, three protagonists, and 2 out of those 3 are shitty people who do shitty things, they aren't meant to be rooted for they aren't meant to be sympathized with they aren't being glorified at all, the antagonist of the story is the good guy, they're the one you are meant to root for, I just have the story focus on having the camera on the bad guys so that way you can see how awful they are and so you can root for the good guy even more, but sometimes i feel like some of yall ain't ready for that kind of story yet for fucks sake, if you can't handle a bad guy being bad then my fucking condolences because you've just made 90% of the stories in existence unreadable for yourself
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The Basics:
Name: Striker Age: Unknown Place of birth: Unknown Current location: Folie a deux  Species: Black Dog (guardian type) Powers: Stronger and faster than an average human, better senses (sight, smell, hearing), can shift into a huge black dog at will (unaffected by the moon) Skills: Tracking (even when not shifted), hand-to-hand combat, singing
Physical Appearance:
Eye colour: Blue (human form), red (dog form)
Hair style/colour: Black, longish and sort of disheveled (human form), black, thick, roughly the same length as a Golden Retriever (dog form)
Build: Lean but muscular (human form), big, bulky muscles (dog form)
Usual level of grooming: Somewhat untidy but clean
How he walks: Lazy sort of stroll in human form, confidently in dog form
Distinguishing features (tattoos, scars, birthmarks): A few scars from normal wear and tear: one on his shoulder about 2″ in length from a sharp tree branch, on his left calf there are 5 small puncture scars from being bitten by a wolf during a fight. No tattoos. No birthmarks, only a few freckles here and there in his human form.
Preferred outfit: Jeans, black t-shirt, work boots
Glasses/contacts: none.
Any accessories that are ALWAYS associated with him (cane, pipe, necklace, etc.): Silver lighter with intricate engraving though he doesn’t smoke
Distinguishing “tics” or mannerisms: He likes to roll his knuckles along the wall/fence/whatever is next to him as he walks. 
General health: Good health, no issues
Handwriting: Sloppy, barely legible
Speech and Communication
How he talks: Quickly
Style of speech: Average, sometimes a smattering of Scottish slang or different languages thrown in
Accent: Scottish
Posture: Relaxed and casual, usually crosses arms over his chest
Gesturing: Only when agitated or eager
Eye contact: Direct
Preferred curse word: Fuck (it’s very versatile)
Catchphrase: For fuck’s sake
Speech impediments: None
Distinguishing speech “tics”: May pause while he collects his thoughts
What's his laugh like? What does he tend to find funny? Loud, boisterous laugh unless he’s being a little shite about something in which case it’s an evil little chuckle. He finds most things funny, especially when people (read: Vihaan) get pissy about stupid, unimportant things
Describe his smile: (Okay, it’s Sebastian Stan.. it’s radiant and the loveliest of lovely smiles that warms the hearts of even the most dickish of dragons!)
How emotive are they? Do they wear their emotions on their sleeve? How easily can others to read them? Very emotive, his face doesn’t really have a filter unless he’s very focused on hiding what he’s feeling, it’s very difficult for him to do. Others can usually read him quite well.
He has a resting ANGEL face.
Some general stuff:
I wrote a more detailed bio for Striker here but here’s some tl;dr points: 
Black Dog shifter that used to guide and guard travellers in the Ballyboley Forest
Saw “something” in Vihaan and decided to pursue him
They were together a long time (you can see the wanted connection info here
Striker was an idiot and left, faking his death which affected Vihaan more than he knows/understands (it affected HIM more than he knows/understands)
After faking his death, he wandered around in the wilderness for a while in his dog form, eventually being tracked and trapped by scouts for the city who think he has some way to predict/see upcoming deaths, which he doesn’t
Possible Interactions:
I mean there’s gonna be angst with Vihaan like no bodies business... and some shit with Citali because of course but here are some things I’d love: 
Mentor: Someone older or wiser than he is. He’s got his head on straight most of the time but he’s been known to make stupid decisions
Drinking buddy: It takes a lot to get Striker drunk with his abilities mucking things up and he doesn’t do it often because of this but a friend to drink with and shoot the shit with would be amazing. You know... deep drunk convos at the bar or laying on the hood of the car staring at the stars...
Friends with benefits: Because of course? Striker’s gay, sorry ladies!
Housemates: Other rescues who don’t have a sponsor yet
Mix ‘n match: Anything you can think of really. Striker’s a sweetie, you won’t regret making friends with him (just don’t ask Vihaan’s opinion on this point...)
This Or That
hot weather or cold weather | one - piece or two - piece bathing suits | crunchy or soft foods | scary movies or light - hearted movies | coffee or tea or neither | tattoos or piercings or neither | early mornings or late nights | fruits or vegetables | tv shows or movies | pie or cake | sunrises or sunsets | gardening or baking | busy cities or calm countrysides | ice cream or frozen yogurt | breakfast or lunch or dinner | pastel colours or dark colours | hugs or kisses or secret hand shakes | romantic love or platonic love | sweet candy or sour candy or chocolate | fresh juice or boxed juice | long sleeves or short sleeves | pancakes or waffles | social media : love it or hate it
Personality Quizzes
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Seven Deadly Sins:
Greed: Very Low
Gluttony: Low
Wrath: High
Sloth: Very Low
Envy: Very Low
Lust: Very High
Pride: Very Low
Colour Quiz:
You are a Red/Green Planeswalker. Striker, your scores are... | White: 29 | Blue: 34 | Black: 39 | Red: 75 | Green: 50 |
A Red/Green Planeswalker asks the question where am I now, and where should I go? Red and green both agree on the importance of authenticity. Green, from a place of wildness and immediacy, and red from a place of passion and self actualization. A real life activity that embodies red/green is Circling (à la the Authentic Relating community), which in part emphasizes setting aside narratives and frames and just being present, in the moment, with yourself and other people. Dionysian archetypes are red/green, as is Tinkerbell and the Hulk, and the parts of Wolverine that aren't green are usually red. On the gentler side of things, Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender is firmly red/green and is often torn between his innate red playfulness and the gravity and responsibility required of his green role and destiny.
Red wants freedom.
Everyone seems preoccupied with the meaning of life. Red's not, because red already knows the answer. You see, your heart tells you what it needs in order to be fulfilled. All you have to do is listen to it and act accordingly. It's not a mystery. You are literally bombarded with constant feelings that guide you down the correct path. The problem is all the other colors ignore the message.
To outsiders, red might seem a bit chaotic; but that's only because others can't see what's in red's heart. They cannot feel red's emotions guiding them. Living life to its fullest takes a lot of dedication and perseverance, but red is always up to the task.
Green wants harmony.
The other colors are all focused on how they'd change the world to make it better. Green is the one color that doesn't want to change the world, because green is convinced that the world already got everything right. The natural order is a thing of beauty and has all the answers to life's problems. The key is learning to sit back and recognize what is right in front of you.
== Results from bdsmtest.org == 100% Rope bunny 98% Primal (Prey) 93% Submissive 75% Pet 67% Voyeur 65% Exhibitionist 60% Vanilla 59% Brat 58% Experimentalist 41% Masochist 14% Non-monogamist 10% Boy/Girl 4% Ageplayer 1% Switch 1% Degradee 1% Slave
PLACE IN SOCIETY financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / depends on who’s asking medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged. class: upper / middle / working / slave / unsure / unknown education: qualified / unqualified / studying criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no
FAMILY married - happily / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / open / single / divorced / separated / verse dependent has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings (prolly) / sibling(s) is deceased orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / other
TRAITS + TENDENCIES extroverted / introverted / in between disorganized / organized / in between close minded / open-minded / in between calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unemphatic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / in between cultured / un-cultured / in between / unknown loyal / disloyal / unknown faithful / unfaithful / unknown
BELIEFS monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / other belief in ghosts or spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. belief in an afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. belief in reincarnation: yes / no /don’t know / don’t care. belief in aliens: yes  / no / don’t know / don’t care. religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious / other philosophical: yes / no / maybe
SEXUALITY + ROMANTIC INCLINATION heterosexual / homosexual /bisexual / demisexual / asexual / pansexual sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable. (slightly) romance repulsed /romance neutral / romance favourable. sexually: adventurous /experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious. potential sexual partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all potential romantic partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
ABILITIES combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none. literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none artistic skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none technical skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none. 
HABITS drinking alcohol: never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess. smoking: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. medicinal drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess. indulgent food: never / sometimes /frequently / to excess. splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
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