Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Azusa Maniac [05]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of Kino’s manor
Kino: ーー Yeah, yeah. I understand. I’ll send them your way. 
...I know. I’ll do well. Talk to you later.
Kino: ...
Yuuri: Kino. That call just now...
Kino: Hmー For some reason the Church is asking for half-dead Demons again.
You heard me, Yuuri. 
Go and tell the Ghouls to go find some random Demons which are on the verge of death and hand them over to the Church.
Yuuri: ...I wonder what they are trying to accomplish.
Kino: I’m not sure but I guess they’re doing human experiments? That or they’re trying their luck at cloning.
Well, either way, from the looks of it, things aren’t going all too smooth on their end. 
Anyway, I’m counting on you. I’m gonna head out for a bit.
Yuuri: Roger.
ー Kino leaves the house
Kino: ...Huh? Azusa? What are you doing out here?
Azusa: ...
Kino: You know you can’t be wandering around unsupervised. 
I hope you realize that I showed my good heart by letting you leave your cell? 
Azusa: I know...But I wanted to talk to you no matter what.
Kino-san...Why did you do such a thing?
Kino: ...Such a thing? Did I do anything?
Azusa: I’m asking why you burnt the Vibora Clan to death...!
Kino: ...Because you guys were at the Castle, obviously?
I thought you went to snitch to them.
That’s why I figured that now that the whole Vibora Clan had gathered in one place, I could use the opportunity to get rid of all of them.
I got rid of them before they get rid of me, that’s all. We don’t take any blame. 
Azusa: ...
But, I...I didn’t mention you to Zweig-sama...! So why...!?
Kino: I didn’t know that. I mean, that kind of unexpected. 
You were being falsely accused of a crime, so it just didn’t make sense to me that you’d try 
ー Azusa grabs hold of his collar
Azusa: ーー I’ve never looked at it like that!
Kino: Che...Buzz off!
Azusa: ーー Uu...
Kino: I only did what I had to do.
I’m sure you’re well aware what kind of situation we’re experiencing right now...The Demon World is basically at war.
If you want to put the blame on me that badly, then why didn’t you try and fix the whole mess yourself!,
ーー With that arm of yours!
Azusa: ...Ugh...!
ー The scene shifts to the guest room
Yui: ...I wonder where Azusa-kun could have gone?
( Quite some time has passed, but he still hasn’t come back... )
→ Go look for him
Yui: ( I can’t help but be worried about Azusa-kun. I’ll go look for him right away. )
( His wounds may be almost fully healed, I just can’t leave him alone. )
→ Wait here (❦)
Yui: ( I’m worried, but I’ll wait. )
( I’m pretty sure my past self would have gotten too protective over him...But I want to believe that he’ll be fine. )
ー She can hear a commotion outside
Yui: Hm...?
( It’s awfully noisy outside...? People are aruging? )
ー She walks towards the window
Yui: !? Azusa-kun and Kino-kun...!?
( Also...Azusa-kun is laying on the ground!? )
ー She rushes outside
Yui: ーー Kino-kun, stop!
Kino: Ahーah. What a shame. Ms. Nuisance has showed up. 
Azusa: Eve...
Yui: Kino-kun, what did you do to Azusa-kun...!?
Kino: Nothing, really? We were just having a little chat. A fun one, at that.
Yui: ( Fun...? It looks far from fun to me though. )
Kino: ...Why are you looking at me like that? What a pain.
Or rather, I think it’s about time Azusa returns to his cell. Seems like he’s feeling a lot better already.
Yui: Ugh...
If you’re going to lock him up, then I’m going with him.
Kino: Is that so? Be my guest.
Once again, we entered the prison cell,
where Ruki-kun and the others had been kept captive.
They all seemed very surprised,
but I believe what caught their attention the most,
was Azusa-kun. 
I do not know what exactly he talked about with Kino-kun. 
But ever since their argument, he’s been seemingl brooding (思いつめた) over something,
constantly sporting a gloomy expression on his face.
I wonder if perhaps,
Kino-kun said something inconsiderate (余計なこと) towards him?
I honestly had no clue what to say to him,
as he sat there in the corner of his cell,
not speaking a single word.
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