Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla Ecstasy [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall of the Vibora Castle
Zweig: People of the Vibora. Listen!
In our midst right now is the Princess who descends from our very own Demon Lord,
as well as the one and only Eve, chosen by none other than Karlheinz-sama himself!
*Clap clap clap*
Yui: It’s a pleasure to meet you...
( ...They’re all looking at me with eyes full of respect. )
( This is Cordelia-san’s doing and not my own though... )
Zweig: Due to her assistance, our Clan has decided to form an alliance with the Founders and the Ghouls!
We have gained an immense amount of power, we might as well be invincible now!
Therefore, I believe we should be the one’s reigning over the Demon World! We shall start by declaring war upon the Vampire Clan!
ー The Vibora rejoice
Zweig: Commence the preparations at once! Victory is within our grasp!
Yui: ( They will fight against the Vampires at lastーー )
( Since I’m also part of this alliance, that includes me as well, right? )
( I knew that but it leaves me feeling conflicted... )
ー The scene shifts to the guest room
Vibora B: Thank you for your hard work. Please rest up here for a while.
Yui: Excuse me...Is there nothing I should do? 
Vibora B: No, not in particular. It is the soldiers’ duty to perform in the war. 
The generals - lead by Zweig-sama - will be in charge of giving out the orders.
Yui: ...
( Which means I’ll just be sitting here...? )
Then I don’t need to be here, do I?
Vibora B: Excuse me?
Yui: Please, would you let me return to Banmaden? 
Vibora B: No, I cannot do that.
Yui: Eh? Why not?
Vibora B: Zweig-sama and you are the leading powers in his alliance. 
It would be trouble if one of you were to disappear. Please, do not leave this room without permission. 
Yui: ...I see.
( I vaguely expected this, but I guess it’s no use after all... )
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Banmaden
Kino: Hey, guys. I’ve got fantastic news to share today.
Male Ghoul B: Eh? What do you mean by fantastic news? Hurry up and tell us, Kino-sama!
Kino: Fufu. Relax, okay? At last, time has come for us to rise to the top!
Male Ghoul C: ...? What do you mean by that?
Kino: Good question. I guess you could say we’re going to flip the hierarchy upside down?
Male Ghoul C: ...?
Kino: You guys know that the Founder King is suffering from a severe illness, right? But you see, his health has reached an all-time low.
Male Ghoul B: As in...?
Kino: In other words, it has reached its terminal stage. He can barely get out of bed still, as he’s basically just waiting for the moment he takes his final breath.
Male Ghoul C: ...It’s that bad?
Kino: Yeah. But that’s ideal to us, isn’t it?
I mean, once we get rid of his younger brother Shin, this Castle will be ours.
ー The Ghouls make a commotion
Kino: Shin worked you guys to the bone, didn’t he?
Male Ghoul A: Exactly. We had to train day in, day out, we were utterly exhausted. 
I mean, that was fine at first. But he kept on expecting more and more of us. To be honest, we simply couldn’t keep up...
We were constantly covered in cuts and bruises. I’d love to get back at that guy one day.
Kino: See!? Don’t you think you’d be much happier without that heartless jerk around?
Male Ghoul A: ...
Male Ghoul C: Well, I guess...
Male Ghoul B: When you put it like that...
Kino: I mean, once he’s out of the way, Banmaden will actually be our very own Paradise?
You’ll have the place all to yourself, without being controlled by anyone. Wouldn’t that be fantastic!? 
Male Ghoul C: ...A Paradise just for us...
Male Ghoul A: That means we’d be able to live freely...without receiving orders from anyone, right?
Kino: Yeah, yeah! Freedom at its finest!
Male Ghoul C: Freedom, huh? ...Sounds great!
Male Ghoul B: That means we won’t have to bow our heads to those Founders anymore, you know?
Male Ghoul A: We always believed that we had to live our lifes being used by others but...I guess that will no longer be necessary then...
Male Ghoul C: That sounds great. I’ve always envied people who could live that way...!
Male Ghoul B: Okay! Hey, guys! Let’s enjoy our lives here together!
Male Ghoul A: Yes, let’s do that! We’ll turn Banmaden into our new homeland!
Kino: Seems like you’re all on the same page now. But before that, there’s one final important task left to do. You don’t mind that, do you?
Male Ghoul A: Yes, of course not!
Male Ghoul C: The future will smile upon us as long as we succesfully complete that duty, right? We’ll try our best!
Male Ghoul B: Yeah, count us in! This is all for the sake of our happiness!
Kino: We’ll put our plan into action tonight, once that guy has gone to bed. I’m counting on you guys, okay?
ー The scene shifts to Shin’s room
Shin: Zz, zz...
Kino: ...Okay. Let’s go, guys!
ー The Ghouls storm into his room
Male Ghoul A: You little!
Shin: Ugh...! Uwahーー!? 
...What’s happening...!? 
Male Ghoul B: To hell with you!!
Shin: Uguh...!!
Male Ghoul C: Yaah!!
Shin: Guah...!!
Shin: Kuh, the muscles in my right arm are...What has gotten into you guys...!? 
Kino: Yeah; Aiming for your dominant hand first was a great idea.
Shin: ...! Kino, so you’re the one behind this...!!
Kino: Tell me, Shin. Despite being a Founder as well, you aren’t very popular, are you? 
Shin: Excuse me...!?
Kino: You’re finding yourself in this position right now because you were too harsh on everyone, you see?
Do you know what they call take? ‘You reap what you sow’. 
Shin: You little...You really think you’re getting away with that!?
Kino: Come on guys, kill him. This eyepatch bastard can barely fight back at this point. 
Male Ghoul B: Roger!!
Shin: ...!!
Shin: Haah, haah...
Kino: Ahaha! As to be expected of a Founder. Seems like you’re tougher than I thought.
Shin: ( ...I have to let Nii-san know about this somehow...! )
Male Ghoul A: Die!!
Shin: ( I guess they’re getting lost in the moment, that’s quite the large swing. But it’s okay, I should be able to dodge...! )
Shin: Ugh...!
Male Ghoul A: Uwah!!
Shin: ( Okay! He lost his balance, so now’s my chance...! ) 
ー Shin runs off
Male Ghoul A: Wait!!
ー The scene shifts to Carla’s room
Shin: Nii-san...!!
Carla: Ugh...
Carla: What’s the matter, Shin...? What happened...?
Shin: The Ghouls are revolting...It’s all Kino’s doing...
ー Kino walks up them
Kino: That’s right, Mr. Founder King. I’m the one who came up with this entire plan.
Shin: ...Kino...!!
Kino: Thanks for explaining the situation on my behalf, Mr. Eyepatch. I have no more use for you.
Fufu. See you!!
Shin: Gufuh...!!
Carla: Shin...!!
Kino: ...Just bite the dust alreadyーー!
Shin: Uguh...!!
ー Shin collapses
Carla: ...
Kino: Phew~ He’s a First Blood after all. So I can’t cut corners. 
Although I’m sure even a Founder will die after being stabbed through the heart that many times, no?
Kino: Aah, seems like it did the trick. I mean look, I can kick him or step on him all I want, he gives zero reaction.
Well, I guess even a Founder is done for once dead. Ahaha, serves you right!
Carla: You fiend...How dare you kill Shin...!
Kino: What’s this~? Seems like your body won’t move at all even though you want to get up? What’s wrong?
Carla: Kuh...
Kino: Well then, with the Founder King out of commission, Banmaden is as good as mine. 
Carla: Do not be ridiculous...As if this Castle will ever be yours...!
Kino: Oh dear. What are you saying? You’re going to kick the bucket soon anyway.
Carla: ...Kino...!!
Kino: Haha. I guess you can’t move after all. I guess I can just leave you be then.
Just sit back and enjoy the show, okay? It’d make a fine memory to take with you to the afterlife. Ahahaha...!
The Vibora Clan declared war upon the Vampires,
and the war broke out.
The Vampire Clan has stormed the Vibora Castle,
as intense battles continue to be fought.
However, admist all of that,
we were informed that an internal discord had taken place at Banmaden,
which let to the Ghouls occupying the Castle,
with Kino-kun serving as their leaderーー
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall at the Vibora Castle
Yui: Haah, haah, haah...!
( Is it true that Banmaden has been taken over? )
( Is Carla-san safe? How could this happen when Shin-kun was supposed to be there...!? )
Haah...Either way, I have to get out of here...!!
( I have to go to Banmaden, no matter whatーー ... ! )
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Yui: Where am I...?
( I’m glad I managed to use the fights to my advantage to flee the Castle but I have no idea how to make it back to Banmaden... )
( If Banmaden has been attacked, then what ifーー )
...No. Now’s not the time to think about that. I have to make it back as soon as possibleーー!
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: ...?
( What’s this sound...!? )
???: Oi, there she is! Over there!
Yui: ( Eh? It’s coming from aboveーー )
???: Okay! Let’s take her to the Sakamaki Castle!
Yui: ( The Sakamaki Castle...? Then these people are Familiars from the Vampire Clan ーー )
Yui: Kyaah!!
ー Yui is taken away
*Flap flap flap* 
Yui: ( I-I’m up in the air...! )
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki Castle
Yui: Shuu-san, Reiji-san...
( Right, they said something about Shuu-san being the new heir of the family, right? )
Reiji: Long time no see, but I believe the two of us would be considered enemies under the current circumstances. 
Yui: ...
Shuu: ...I heard you were at Banmaden though.
When did you move to the Vibora Castle? And why are you a leading power in this war?
Yui: Wellーー
ー She explains everything to them
Shuu: ...I see. I guess it makes sense why you’d be used in such a way, considering the person your heart belongs to. 
Reiji: And after you left for the ally’s Castle, a rebellion took place at the other one. I see.
Yui: ( ...Right now I am an ally of the Vibora. )
( It doesn’t make sense to ask the enemy for help. ...But. )
( This is the only option I have...! )
Shuu-san, I’m begging you. Would you please take me to Banmaden...!?
Shuu: ...
Yui: I have to return to Banmaden. If not, Carla-san will...!
Reiji: Komori Yui. Do you have any idea what you are asking of us right now?
Yui: I do...I believe.
Reiji: Hah.If you are aware, then I hope you realize just how imprudent you are.
Yui: ...
( There is nothing I can say to that... )
Shuu: Would we gain anything from taking you to Banmaden?
Yui: Gain...
...You wouldn’t.
Reiji: Haah...Then what makes you think we would agree to your offer?
Yui: ( Right... )
Shuu: ...Heh.
Reiji: Shuu...?
Shuu: Hehe...You really are one silly girl.
Fine. I just gotta take you to Banmaden, correct?
Yui: Eh...? You don’t mind...?
Reiji: Shuu! Are you out of your mind!?
Shuu: Haha, rest assured. I know what I’m doing.
Anyway, I’ll have my Familiars escort you to Banmaden. Pass this message to Carla from me once you get back there.
Yui: ? What should Iーー
Shuu: Tell him to leave me alone, since I’d like to avoid trouble.
Yui: ( Which means they won’t fight as long as Carla-san doesn’t make the first move...!? )
Shuu-san...! Thank you so much...!!
Reiji: Shuu...
You are way nicer of a guy than a thought. Very much so.
Shuu: ...I don’t dislike weirdos. That’s all. 
Reiji: ... It all depends on how you put it. 
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Yui: ( Wait for me, Carla-san. I’m on my way...!! )
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Banmaden
Yui: ( I made it... )
( Banmaden is currently in hands of Kino-kun and his gang. )
( I have to make it to Carla-san without being spotted by them...! )
ー She runs off into the Castle
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