Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla Maniac [07]
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ー The scene starts in Carla’s room
Carla: I shall go supervise the Ghouls’ training together with Shin now.
You can relax over at your own room. 
Yui: ( Relax... )
Excuse me...!
Carla: Yes? 
Yui: ...About what Kino-kun said the other day.
I’ve put some serious thought into it ever since.
...If I can make myself useful somehow, I wouldn’t mind going to the Viboーー
Carla: Excuse me? 
ーー You. Do you truly understand what you are saying right now...?
Yui: Ugh...
( I can tell that he’s incredibly upset. Butーー I have to say this. )
I genuinely felt grateful when you turned down his suggestion. 
You were trying to protect me and that truly made me...happy.
Carla: Then why would you say that!?
Yui: ...!
But, I...I haven’t been able to do anything here. 
I cannot fight in the war like the men can.
However, if we can prevent the fight if I go to the Vibora, then...
If there is even the slightest thing I can do to help, I want to do so. That’s how I feel. 
I want to make myself useful to you...!
Carla: You...!
ー He steps closer
Yui: Kuh...
( He grabbed hold of my arm and I can’t move...! )
Carla: You want to make yourself useful to me? Then I shall grant your wish.
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: Eh...?
Carla: This is about the only thing you can do to make yourself useful... ...!
ー He bites her
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Get rid of any foolish thoughts. Just by hearing you say those things, I can feel my skin crawl.”
“Do not overthink the situation. All you need to do is quietly stay by my side and enjoy my protection.”
Yui: Ah...!
( His fangs are forcefully digging into my nape...! )
Carla: Phew...Nn...Do not spout such nonsensical logic without thinking...!
Yui: Aah...
Carla: Nn...Kuh...Nnhーー ....Good giref, you foolish girlーー 
You want to say that simply offering me your blood is not enough? 
Yui: W-Well...
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→ That’s not it (❦)
Yui: T-That’s not it...That’s a completely different story...Aah...!
Carla: ...How so...!? 
...You want something else rather than simply being by my side...!
Yui: W-Well...I just want to make myself useful to you where I can...!
Carla: While I can understand that as wellーー
It appears to me that you do not quite understand how own role yet...!
Yui: ...Aah...!
( It hurts so much, and it’s so intense, I can’t...I feel my mind going blank... )
→ Perhaps 
Yui: Perhaps...
Carla: ...! Come again...!?
Yui: ( His expression changed...Did I seriously upset him...!? )
Carla: You sure have some nerve to say such imprudent things. You must really want to be punished by me. 
Then take this ultimate punishment. Nnh...Nn, kuh...Phew...!
Yui: Aaaah!!
( He’s being so aggressive... As if he’s sucking up all of my blood at once...! )
Carla: ...Nnh, kuh...Hah...
Yui: A-Aah...
( I can’t, my body is burning... )
Carla: Your legs are giving in...? Heh. ...I can imagine.
I’ll suck all of those ridiculous thoughts right out of you as well...Nn...Nnh...!
Yui: Hah, ah...!
Carla: Cannot get up? Perfect.
Yui: Eh...?
Carla: Either way. Get rid of those insolent thoughts. Okay?
You are the wife of the King of Founders. You should simply obey me without question. Do not mess with my head. 
Then there will be no problems at all. ーー Do you understand? 
ー Carla leaves the room
Yui: ...
( Why...? All I wanted was to make myself useful to him... )
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Banmaden
Yui: Haah...
( I know Carla-san wants me to stay put but... )
( It’s the Ghoul women. They’re talking about something...? )
ー She approaches 
Female Ghoul B: This place is so nice, we can even grow our own vegetables. A vegetable garden was completely out of the question at Rotigenberg. 
Female Ghoul A: Right? The guys have a huge appetite, so we can’t keep up even if we come here to harvest fresh ones every day.
Female Ghoul C: I suppose it’s because of the training. I guess it’s because they’re fulfilling their own duty, but they’re very motivated. 
Female Ghoul A: I never imagined I’d be polishing armor one day either. 
Female Ghoul B: But that’s the least we can do for them.
Female Ghoul C: Exactly. I don’t mind if we have to work more now, if that means we get to enjoy a life of freedom here!
Yui: ( ... )
( Everyone’s trying their best doing the things they can, yet Iーー )
...Haah. I want to make myself useful in some way too...
Kino: ( Hm. I see. )
( I guess Carla and that girl have somewhat of a different opinion on this matter... )
( ...Aha. Very nice. That’s one more thing I can use to my advantage. )
I tried confronting Carla-san with my take on the matter. 
If there is someway in which I can make myself useful,
I would not mind going to the Vibora. 
However, Carla-san did not take that well at all.
He says that the woman of the Founder King should simply stay put. 
But if that is the case, I honestly do not understand,
why (何のために) I am here in the first place.
I stay by Carla-san’s side, and offer him my body when he is in need of my blood. 
Is that truly the only role (役割) I have...? 
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