#left lugagge
rwpohl · 10 months
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rainingspellforlove · 3 years
falling again.
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Tell me once again, tell me you love me like, you did that day.
 I couldn't believe it, everything about you was like looking in the mirror, we were so much alike. 
 But your lips that had spoken of love, don't say a word like they're locked shut, I can't understand with my heart, why you said you loved me. 
 But now you're trying to run away 
                                                                              Baekhyun - Love Again
The continuation of shouldnt have. 
It's been three months since then. Hyukjae been living well in Tokyo. He did his best to overcome his broken state. He did many things there and it really helped him a lot. He did yoga class, worked out his body, studied new languanges, even composing some new songs. for these three months, he already recovered well and he can back to his normal bubbly self again.
Hyukjae decides to come back to korea after feeling well. In a sunny sunday morning, hyukjae finnaly arrived at south korea. He walked alone with lot of luggagges with his mask on. Then he saw one familiar face to pick him up,
"Lee hyukjaeee"
Leeteuk comes to pick him up because he promises to grab a meal together later in a seafood restaurant..
"How are you hyukjae? Feeling better?"
"Eung of coursee hyung. I cant wait for our comeback finally"
"Of course we will have best of the best for this comeback. Lets work hard okay"
Then they enjoy talking to each other about how hyukjae's life in tokyo and how about the members doing while he was gone. They were doing pretty well with their individual schedule as well.
"Uhm so how was him? Is he doing pretty good these days?"
"You dont contact him at all?"
"Nope hahahaha"
"You really want to get rid of him huh?"
"Not to that extend lol he did messaged me sometimes, for the first week i went to japan, he texted me a lot like "what should i do" "im sorry" "i'll do everything for you to forgive me" "please" he did it so many times until 5 days maybe? Then i replied at the 6th day , i said "im okay. Youre not at fault. Just live your life as usual okay? Im fine here dont worry. " 
"I thought you blocked him lol"
"No way i cant block him we're still gonna work together right"
"Wah our pro-idol lee hyukjae. Amazing im proud of you. "
"Nothing's to be proud of. So how's he been?"
"Nothing special because we didnt meet him often bcs of our individual schedule"
"Oh then?"
"But i already met him few times actually asking him for a meal together, he wasnt like himself either i think. His soul is like leaving his body lol"
" He's not that lonely right if i left him like that? He already had a lover anyway"
"I dont know either. maybe you both need to talk it out, dont you feel it to try to talk to him?"
"Yeah ive been thinking about this too hyung. Maybe i will talk it out with him later"
"Good then"
After getting a meal with leeteuk, hyukjae comes back to the dorm with the help of leeteuk to bring his lugagges. And when he opened the door,
"Suprisseeee welcome back uri myeolchii"
Turned out the members already prepared the welcome back surprises with many foods and confettis.
"Oh my goddd guyss hahahahhaa"
"Welcome back uri hyukjaee, lets eat together!!!" Shindong said
"Yesss lets celebrate!" leeteuk finally said
Then they eat happily and tell so many funny stories like they always did.
"How is it at tokyo?" kyuhyun asked
"It's fun of course i did many stuffs there to clear my mind"
"Im glad you're feeling well right now.. we're so worried about you really. You should think less and dont overthink too much okay? You have us to lean on man!" yesung said
"yeah, we can help you anytime bro just tell us about anything" ryeowook said
"Of course i will haha im totally fine right now really!!"
Actually there's donghae too there who's been just smiled blandly at the situation. Fortunately bcs of this crowded condition, no one realized that donghae havent talked a single word to hyukjae yet. Then some times after they had fun and ate well, the members starts to go home one by one. There's leeteuk and donghae left , ofcourse with kyuhyun and hyukjae too.
so hyukjae  cleaned the dishes first and the rest of them cleaned the main room. When hyukjae washes the dishes, donghae actually comes to him and helps him cleaning the dishes
There's like silent in them for like few seconds.
"So, how have you been?" Hyukjae starts off the convo
"Nothing much it's just the same. You?"
"Yeah i did many stuffs there"
"Oh... im glad then"
Then silence again..
"Uhm, i- apologize for-"
"Nah it's not a thing for you to apologize anyway. Im totally fine"
"but im not..."
Silence again....
"Why? It's not that youre lonely without me right?" Hyukjae jokes
"hm maybe?" They laugh softly
Then hyukjae tried to ask something.
"How's thing with her?"
Donghae feels a bit flustered..
"yeah we're fine" said donghae plainly
"Good then"  hyukjae smiled
"I miss you" finally donghae said it
"I miss you too.. lets work hard more for our comeback soon. Lets just get back like we used to be okay?" but hyukjae not acting like he’s flustered. he acts cool
"Uhm sure.. "
Then hyukjae was about to go to the main room then donghae said
"im sorry.. lemme just say.. ehm- dont cry again hyukjae."
"sure i wont" hyukjae left and smiled after that..
The day after hyukjae went to japan, donghae was like a soulless man. He ignored all of the calls and messages in his phone. He just wants to talk to hyukjae. He wants to meet him rightaway but he cant. He cant disobey leeteuk because he always obedient to all leeteuk's words. He resisted himself and stayed at his house for almost a week. He ignored all of the messages and phone calls. He just wanted to see hyukjae's reply. But he didnt reply at all. He didnt answer his calls either.. donghae was really like a zombie.. then hyukjae suddenly replied to his messages in the 6th day. Donghae was startled like hell. Then he replied.
"it hurts to see you cry dont cry again.... im so sorry. I dont know what should i do... dont hate me...please.... im so sorry"
But then of course hyukjae didnt reply him again.
Actually donghae became so confused after hyukjae left. He thinks about him a lot. He thinks how hyukjae acts around him this whole time. He just realized this whole time, hyukjae must be suffered to hide this feeling alone. When he's the one being so touchy and stuffs....
He didnt know either why he feels so hurting while he's the one who hurts his friend. He hates being left especially when his important person who did it to him. He feels so confused after hyukjae left. He didnt know what happened to his mind recently. He cant think of anything. His mind was full of hyukjae. especially the kiss he gave that night. 
It feels like he poured all of his feelings to it.. but it was the most heartbreaking kiss that he ever felt. the tears that fallen in his cheeks. and his warm lips that melts into his. 
he hates to acknowledge this but he wants to feel it again... but not after feeling like this.   he missed hyukjae so much... it feels so wrong but he missed him so much......
but life must go on,  donghae tried to forget this confusing feelings and try to meet his girlfriend.
He actually met her few times. But donghae always didnt look fine at all. He always been on his mind and cant focus on her at all. And it's always been like this..
Donghae didnt seem to reply at her mesaages as often as before. And he rarely pick up her calls. Donghae was like a whole different person.. sometimes he would be ignorant or careless... even he was not actually like this.. 
he had a fight with his girlfriend recently.. because donghae keeps losing his focus when they met. And he keeps ignoring her messages and calls. He said that he was busy with works and stuffs. Still his girlfriend had it enough and asked him for break up. Donghae asked her not to end it so quickly. he said they can figure it out together. But his girlfriend insisted that they must break up. She was so tired of him. So they break up in their 5 months.. 
Donghae was shattered... he was miserable..
 he thought "maybe life was fair enough"
end of flashback
Donghae intentionally didnt tell hyukjae that he's already breaking up with his girlfriend. He thinks maybe it's for the best to stay like that. It's already been 1 month since he had broken up. And it's the time for hyukjae to come home to korea too. Actually donghae already recovers from his broken state too after 1 month. But now he saw hyukjae is a whole different. He's like happier, shining, and lovelier. It's like he's really getting himself better. He's getting way cuter... donghae seems a lil bit flustered to see hyukjae arrived... he was stunned for a lil bit. 
“is it just me or he gets cuter after coming back......” he thoughts.
Fortunately after their little talks, they can be like they used to be again.. 
The comeback is near.. so they keep practicing and practicing. They have been busy all the time after hyukjae arrived. They have been busy with many things to prepare the comeback.
Hyukjae is working hard too. He's even more refreshed for now. Donghae and hyukjae come back as they are used to be. Playful to each other. They are just being professional to not mix their private life and works. So they act like the things that happened 3 months ago are also dissapearead.. they just act like nothing happened.
They finally released their comeback songs successfully. It was a hit and success. They did many shows, interviews, and some variety shows to promote their comeback. They are so busy because of these schedules. But they are happy because finally they did a comeback again after a long time.
So after the day they brought a first win from mcountdown, they celebrate it in a restaurant and have a big feast there. Then they had drunk too after having those meals. It’s time for going home and there were no schedule tomorrow so leeteuk said just rest well for tomorrow. The members are going home one by one.
"Hyung, tomorrow i will have schedule for new journey to the west, so i cant come home with you. Is it okay for you to come home alone?"
"Nah it's okay. Bye bye kyuhyuna"
But actually hyukjae is in drunk state so he will go with his manager to come home.
then donghae comes
"I can take him home, i bring a car here so you dont need to worry managernim"
"Oh? You bring a car? Okay then i'll just come with you." 
Then hyukjae and donghae go home together with donghae's car. It's the first time for them having a drive like this for just both of them. 
"Hyukjae-ya, are you sober enough?"
"Hmmm 60% sober i tthink why?"
"Actually i want to tell you something"
"What is it?"
"I... i broke up with her"
"Her? Your lover? Why?" suddnely he’s 90% sober up
"Some things happened and we fights then she asked for breaking up. uhm yea thats it"
"Oh.. since when?"
"It's been like almost 2 months before our comeback"
"Ah... so you already broke up that time i ask you?"
"Hm yes.... sorry for not telling you the truth, im just scared that it will make you uncomfortable yknow"
"It's okay i understand... uhm.... so, you okay?"
"Yeah i had been not okay that time but right now i feel better a lot"
"Good for you then, hope you can find another person who's better for you then. life must go on right" 
Then silence... donghae doesnt give him any replies. 
They stopped at the red lights apparently..
"Do you already have a person you like this moment?" Suddenly donghae asked
"no there isnt. I didnt think of it at all because we've been so busy"
"Youre right"
Then the green light appears..
Donghae drives again... 15 minutes in silence and finally arriving at hyukjae's dorm..
"Okay.. would you want me to take you to your room or-?"
It turned out hyukjae already sleeps. He didnt dare to wake him so he puts hyukjae in his back and piggy backs him to his room.... and he still sleeps soundly at donghae’s back.. 
Donghae puts hyukjae to his bed and tucks him in the bed softly.. then unconsciously, donghae leans in to hyukjae's face..
Donghae pressed a soft kiss to his forehead...
"What if you're the better person for me hyukjae? What you’re gonna do if i fall for you?" He said while carressing his hair softly.. 
After that, donghae turned off the lamp and went home rightaway....
actually hyukjae didnt fall a sleep at all... 
he listened to all of them.
"The hell is that just happened...... oh my freaking God what the hell just happened....." he wakes up rightaway.
Hyukjae still can feel donghae's kiss in his face. he cant sleep at all that day. Even after hyukjae's arrival, they had been in a good terms. It is like nothing happened back then. They acted like they used to. Everything seems so natural. There were no feelings for each other.. hyukjae completely erased his feelings for donghae but why did he act like that last night....
"God he's confusing me again.... "
After that confusing situation for hyukjae, he will never know that was the start of all donghae's affections to him.
 and it's likely more affectionate than he ever imagined.
They did many shows and got many interviews. In those shows, donghae always finds chance to get close to hyukjae even doing some skinships to him. But it's like he did it unconciously and natural. It's like the usual donghae but it's more clingy than usual.
He's always backhugging him when they played something, or when in a music show ending, and many more. But hyukjae just lets him bcs he didnt want to be so obvious of avoiding donghae in the tv or shows.
Hyukjae hates to admit this but he liked it. It's like he misses these moments so much but in fact he's already moving on.... or...... are those feelings coming back again...
His warm and soft touches against his body are endearing. He just loves those affections. He missed how to be loved by someone...
But he didnt want to admit it.... never. it’s too contradictive. his mind says he’s already moved on but his heart told him otherwise. 
He still cant get over what donghae said few days ago....
Day by day passed by, and the promotions are coming to an end...  they did their last music shows on inkigayo. hyukjae went to the rooftop to rest for a lil bit because the members are just too noisy right now.. he didnt feel like to talk too much today. 
"what are you doing here alone hyukjae-ya?" 
"Oh donghae, uhm nothing just sight seeing" he’s startled by his voice
Donghae comes to hyukjae
"Do you have something burdening you?
"No actually i just feel grateful finally we can success this comeback.."
"im proud too for myself and the members too. we’re doing great"
they smiled together and felt the wind that breezed for them. and hyukjae got some dust into his eyes
"Aaah my eyes" he tried to rub his eyes but donghae held his hands
"Hyukjae-ya are you okay? Which eyes?"
"Leftt aaaah its stuck"
“dont rub it, i’ll blow it for you”  
Then donghae just blows a little to hyukjae's left eyes while cupping hyukjae's cheek.  hyukjae’s heart is pounding like crazy while he did that
"I-Is it gone?"
"Maybe.." hyukjae tried to open his eyes and he's surprised, donghae was just 5 cm in front of him
Then donghae looks into hyukjae's eyes  and carresses his cheeks softly... hyukjae cant back off and staring into donghae’s eyes also
"I think you're more beautiful in this comeback" while holding his cheek.
"How so? I just feel so usual"
"It's your eyes. Your eye make up is stunning"
"U-uhm thanks"
“this comeback fits you so well”
They still stood like that for a while until donghae leaned in to hyukjae.. and hyukjae automatically closes his eyes... donghae just pressed a soft kiss into hyukjae's left eye...
Then he pulls out and smiles..
"You must be tired today. Lets just go home.." donghae said and grabbed hyukjae's hand to enter the building...
Hyukjae is dazed and cant say a single word... he just follows him to the building in silence... 
One day hyukjae drinks alone again in the usual bar. He just wants to drink because he wont have no schedule tomorrow.. and he talks alone in the bar.
"Im getting confused again. Why did he do that then?"
"If im just a rebound of his broken heart, i swear i would kill him rightaway.. gosh but he's already broken up from long time ago... eish but i doubt he likes me though he's fucking straight"
"he's weird. Or am i? Huh idk"
Hyukjae been blabbering for himself there for a few minutes..
Then such a coincidence happened, there just came donghae and jinu who were hanging out with the others because it's their friends who own this bar.. and donghae just watched hyukjae drunk alone and ran to him quickly. his face shows he’s worried as hell. 
"lee hyukjae.. hey what are you doing here? I thought you slept because you didnt reply me at all. you cant come drinking alone like this. you know you cant support youself enough while drunk. why are you like this?"
"Oh hey cheonsanim is it my death yet? Why there's cheonsa here.. thats so weird" he blabbers and doesnt listen to donghae’s nagging at all
"Hey get yourself together hyukjae-ya" 
"Oh im totally fine! what time is it? I should go practicing. let me go. comeon lets practice!!!"
"There's no practicing schedule for today and it’s almost midnight... lets just go to your dorm"
"No but cheonsanim, there's still liquor left i must finish-"
"Shut up and just lets go home. understand?" donghae’s face becomes all serious suddenly. and hyukjae shuts his mouth and let donghae do what he wants. he’s kinda scared too actually even he’s drunk. 
Donghae just pulled hyukjae from the seat and put his arms into his shoulder and starts walking to the car.. donghae brings him home again... like that day
after the silence for a while, donghae finally softened and his serious face gone
"This reminds me of how you were so drunk back then and you keep sobbing because of me.."
"Back then i really didnt know. Yes im a fool didnt realize your feeling and im a fool too bcs i fell in love too easily with some women. Maybe im just too lonely. But i realized that i actually not lonely this whole time. I have you. Thats a shame of me who didnt realize it. Im just so sorry.."
He said while holding hyukjae's hand. Meanwhile hyukjae is sleeping since donghae starts driving.. he’s always like that after being drunk. he sleeps rightaway. 
"You're becoming more refreshed and stunning. Im so flustered to see you like “ah it turned out im really friend with this beautiful human?" Thats exactly my thoughts for you when u came back"
"then i doubt it myself why would i have that kind of thoughts. I feel like i wanna have you for myself. Your cute face, funny jokes, and even your weird actions. It's like i wanna keep it all for myself. I even got jealous when you acted cute in front of the fans lmao i shouldnt do that but idk myself is just being weird."
"i love those smiles of yours. Your gummy smile. Thats just so pretty. It warms me up. I even think why didnt i realize i live with the prettiest angel for this 20 years." 
donghae still driving while looking at the road.. and he keeps pouring his words...
"Youre really my important person hyukjae. I wont ever erase you from my list. Youre my person... your presence to me is a healing and strength. Without you im nothing. You complete me. You're really my everything. Please just erase those bad memories of us. Just let me fill it again with good memories of us... let me try again.. im hoping i can be your source of sunshine too.. like you give me those warmest smiles every time we met... thats the most amazing feeling ever..."
Then silence...
"I knew you're not sleeping right... im not asking you for anything but i just wanna tell you that... and we're almost arrived"
Hyukjae cant hide again from his so called sleeping,, then he’s awkwardly wakes up and straighten his back... 
"uhm.. uhmm..  thats quiet long speech of yours.... uhmm okay..."
Honestly hyukjae is speechless as hell, he never knew donghae will talk it out and he's basically confessing??? But thats so ambiguous...
"Can i hug you?" Donghae asked before hyukjae opened the car's door
"uhm s-sure"
Then donghae hugs him... donghae's hugs always feels so warm... his big body is covering hyukjae's small body... it’s always been these hugs that he loved the most.
donghae who circling his arm into hyukjae’s neck and hyukjae who hugs donghae’s waist tightly.. its always been like this. their typical hugs from time to time. 
"dont go out alone to drink.. bring me,   so i will take you home"
hyukjae just nods in  his warm embrace.. 
Donghae takes off his arms from hyukjae and presses a soft kiss to hyukjae's forehead...
"Good night.. rest well for today"
 hyukjae is gotta explode. 
He's confused too and doesnt know what to do either. But his mind is a total mess right now so he acts like he's totally not in his right mind too.
his act and his mind are always fighting. it’s not completely going in a one way. it’s totally contradictive!!
hyukjae in his not right mind suddenly leaned in and kissed donghae's cheek quickly. 
He's so red and dying inside, then he just
"g-g-good night too bye bye" he's so flustered and running quick to his room
Donghae who feels hundred times flustered than hyukjae, cant even move a flinch after hyukjae's cute lil kiss. He's smiling like an idiot and messed up his hair. 
"im really going crazy" 
Meanwhile in the other side, hyukjae runs to his room and throws himself to his bed and screams.
"arghhhhhh why did i do that you fool lee hyukjae you fooool"
One day after that lil kiss event, donghae asked hyukjae (as if nothing happened) to a drive. he’s that amazing to act like nothing happened between them. 
"hyukjae, are you free this sunday?"
"Uhm maybe, why?" hyukjae pretends nothing happened too. BUT he’s just pretending. so he just replied casually
"i want to have a drive, wanna come? its no fun if i drive alone"
"u-uhm sure. But where to?"
"Hmmm it's up to you"
"Me ? Ah no, it's you who should decide donghae-ya"
"Finee, then beach? Lets watch sunset. How?"
"Call! Good idea!"
"Okay see you on sunday i'll pick you up"
"Of course"
Hyukjae didnt know why he agreed to his plans lmao he’s too excited to watch sunset. 
"eish what should i do.. that god damn smile wtf i cant even ignore him"
"Nah its okay we're usually like this. Its a usual thing for us to have a drive tgt. We even watch sunrise together every year.. it shouldnt be a bad thing right........ right..... but for now i should try calming my heart more" he’s trying to convince his heart more 
Sunday comes and they really go to the beach....
They have so much fun in the car, they sing and laugh happily in the car.. hyukjae who jokes a lot while donghae who gives his best reactions to it. It's just their  another ordinary days.. but its been so long so they're beyond excited for themselves.
It's winter and they wear warm clothes right now.
"Hyukjae, dont you feel cold of just wearing that coat?"
"Ah this. Hmm maybe i can bare it haha"
"You can wear my padding, i'll wear yours"
"Eish no need. Im fine really"
"Uhm okay then"
They have arrived at the beach and they go to the side of the beach while playing with the water. They had so much fun playing and running for each other.. they're just like kindergartens..
"It's unbelievably cold goshhh maybe you’re true though,  my small body cant bare it haha" hyukjae been shivering for a while and he almost stutters because of the cold wind.
"I told you so.." then donghae stands behind hyukjae and opens his padding to back hug the shivering kid. his padding completely covered him and hyukjae together. Hyukjae is small human being so it fits for them together.
"Ya- what are you doing let me go" hyukjae tried to let go but of course he’s lost. 
"Its cold its better like this right" he tightens his hugs more. 
Hyukjae cant say a single word he's just dazed while feeling the cold air from the sea.
They stayed like that for a while until sunset..
"Beautiful..." finally hyukjae mouthed a word
"Uhm.." donghae hugs him tighter from the back
"We're almost the same height but why i feel you're so tiny" donghae said
"im 3 cm taller you know!! but i admits im a real myeolchi because im not that workout holic like you. and im not the type who builds my body like you. the bulkier type. nah i didnt like it"
"Alright alright  i agree for that"
they enjoy this so much. and maybe hyukjae loves it too much. it feels like the cold air is completely gone because of donghae’s back hugs. it warms him up...
after some moments of the sweet warm sunset, they think of going back. they can freeze if they stay too long. 
"Should we go back?"
Its time for going back and its time for donghae to let go of his hug.... why hyukjae feels dissappointed all of sudden...
Donghae lets go of the hugs and he pulls hyukjae to face him...
"O-oh why?"
Donghae takes out his hands and carress it softly... then brings it into his lips... donghae just kissed every hyukjae's knuckles one by one..
Donghae turned to face hyukjae and leans in slowly..
Hyukjae stops him by pointing his forehead..
"can i-?”
 he didnt finished his words but suddenly hyukjae said
"kiss me"
Donghae got startled but he smiled softly and leaned in to kiss hyukjae
Donghae moves his hands to cupped hyukjae's cheeks while hyukjae's hands slowly circling donghae's neck.. they kissed slowly and softly.. donghae takes a lead and hyukjae tightens his hands... they never expect this day would come.. they pulled out for few seconds, then hyukjae cant get enough and kiss him again.. they kissed so long but slowly...
then they got losing a breath and plus they cant bare the cold air then hyukjae pulled himself from donghae... his ear got so red and he cant even say a word.
"i-its cold lets go home." hyukjae said and ran  leaving donghae who smiled softly..
They go home with hyukjae who covered himself with his scarf.
Donghae who laughs softly said
"Hey dont cover yourself like that, i cant see your face" he teased
"I dont want to see your face idiot"
Donghae chuckles and takes hyukjae's hand... he pressed a soft kiss to his hand...
"stopppp argghh focus on driving bastard" he pulls out his hand quick
Donghae drives home with a widest smile ever
Arriving at hyukjae's dorm, he packs his things and ready to get out but..
While on the way driving here, the snow falls so hard even donghae drives his car slowly to go here..
"You know, the s-snow is falling so h-hard right"
Then donghae turned his head to hyukjae waiting him to say something
"So...” hyukjae hesitates..
"Eh hem so?" Donghae waits while smiling to him
"Eish stop smiling like a weirdo you bastard"
"Hmmmm So?" donghae teased 
"Y-you can come to dorm until tomorrow morning i-if you want-"
"Of course i will. Lets go" donghae quickly answers and goes inside
Donghae has expected this , no way he would let his best friend fighting the snow falls for himself.
They enter the dorm together.. and it's already almost midnight..
"Kyuhyun is home already maybe he's already sleeping... you can sleep on the sofa or other rooms here okay bye im going to bed" hyukjae was about to go to his room but donghae stops him
"What now?"
Then he gestured his head in hyukjae's room (it's like “i wanna sleep with you” gesture)
"N-no way!"
"Aaah we used to sleep together why cant we"
"Its different! We're grown ups right now!"
"Hnggggggg pplleasseeeee or i will nag at you until morning"
Donghae keeps nagging and nagging so hyukjae just lets him to go to his room
Hyukjae already changed his clothes and brings his clothes for donghae to change also.. then hyukjae goes straight to sleep and doesnt want to wait for donghae who changed his clothes
Donghae who comes back after changing his clothes, climbs up the bed beside hyukjae... hyukjae  sleeps facing the other side and donghae feels dissappointed..
"Face me while sleeping or i cant sleep"
"Its not my business"
"We just kissed why do you treat me like this?" He pouts
"Eishhh sssssshhhh. fine fine. i'll face you lets just sleep"
"Hyukjae ya"
"Hmmm" he already closed his eyes
"I wanna hug you"
"why are you so demanding"
“arghhh fine” 
Then donghae hugs him and places hyukjae's head in his chest
"It's cold i must keep you warm" hyukjae stays in his embraces like that without complaining.. he's too sleepy to complain.. 
"Hyukjae ya"
No answer...
Then donghae leans in closer
Hyukjae feels donghae's breath becomes so close and slowly opens his eyes..
Hyukjae stops him again by placing his fingers to his lips..
"lee donghae......." hyukjae loses all his drowsiness.... and his eyes looking at donghae's
"I like you..." donghae said with his softest eyes ever
This. those puppy eyes of his. His soft voice.. his gentle touches. His body's heat that runs into hyukjae's body.... it drives him crazy
 hyukjae never been so speechless.. he's weak.. he doesnt know how to act...
Hyukjae feels his heart about to explode..
"Y-you know.. b-but i dont know... i cant understand my feelings at all.... i-"
"I know.... i know.. i'll wait for you"
"but why?"
"Because it has to be you. I love being with you. I just love it so much. youve heard me before. in the car, i told you everything. it’s just you."
Hyukjae cant say anything and keeps his head down in donghae’s chest... he cant face donghae.... he might explode... he bets his ears are all red... and he feels so damn hot even it's winter...
"Can i kiss you?"
Then hyukjae nods softly..
Donghae slowly moves his hand towards hyukjae's cheek and the other hand pulling his waist closer...they kissed again.. but its more passionate and have more feelings... they didnt feel cold anymore, they are heated by the kiss...
donghae who's now on top of hyukjae and keep kissing him like there's no tomorrow... it's like hyukjae is his property only..
They kissed until they both are out of breath and pulled out from each other.... donghae hugs him again from the side while carressing hyukjae's hair and kissed it for few times.....
"잘자요 hyukjae ya"
"good night.." hyukjae who feels embarrassed to death and he just hides himeself in donghae's chest...
They both stay like that until morning comes.... they embrace each other warmly and they sleep like babies.
Morning comes and hyukjae slowly opens his eyes...
"emhhh.... oh my.." he still doesnt believe it either what he saw...
The first thing he saw is donghae's face beside of him.. he suddenly remembers the kiss.. 
"He already looks so good even he's sleeping, like how.."
"eishh whats wrong with me"
hyukjae tries to come down from the bed slowly because donghae's hand still in his waist.. so he slowly removes it.... afraid to wake him up... when he's about to success for coming down, then a pair of hands slip into his waist tightly and a voice appears next to his ear closely..
"where do you go?" said donghae who just woke up with his hoarse voice. He put his head above hyukjae's shoulder and keep whining
hyukjae almost jumped after hearing it *dammit that hot voice*
He always knew this kind of voice every morning they woke up after sleeping together.. because they did it often back in those old days.. but now, it is not the same,  it's like hyukjae always got heart attack when donghae comes close like this
"maybe take a shower and buy a breakfast..."
"sleep more :(" said donghae lazily in hyukjae's shoulder
"it's almost 9 am... i must go to gym later.."
Then he pouts cutely..
"Let me take you there then..."
"Lets take a shower together"
"NO eish i can shower alone lemme go" donghae still hugs him tightly from the back
"Lee donghaeee comeonnnnn"
"letsss take a shower together like the old dayss"
"No fuckin waay lemme gooooo" hyukjae tries so hard to let it go and finally succeeding
Donghae just whines and tries to wake up also.
They both already been showering and they will have breakfast together..
After finishing breakfast and stuffs. Donghae drives him to hyukjae's gym.
"Okay then thankyou for dropping me off" said hyukjae awkwardly
"Of course. Dont overwork yourself, rest well after this. Bye bye"
"Sure bye"
"Oh wait." Donghae said
"What is it? Is there something i left in your car?"
"You left this"
Donghae shamelessly pressed a quick kiss in hyukjae's right cheek.
"bye bye!" Then he winks and leaves
"Eish im really really going insane"
Day by day passed and donghae keeps being clingy to hyukjae. But extended version, he always kissed him goodbye while parting ways. It can be forehead kiss or cheek kiss. Hyukjae is lied if he doesnt like it. He liked it so much but he didnt show it and always runs away from donghae after that...
"Ah where is the boy who used to cry here bcs of his bestfriend? Is he really opening up his heart again?" Teased leeteuk
"Hyung please"
"Hahahaha you arent bothered at all right by him? I knew you love it"
"No way"
"You cant lie to me hyukjae. You fall for hin again right?"
"But i hate for admitting "that feeling""
"It's been so long hyukjae, it's okay for falling in love again"
"I dont know hyung... but why it has to be him? i just dont know"
few days after, hyukjae who just woke up suddenly gets a call from leeteuk..
"Lee hyukjae it's urgent, donghae is sick and i cant go there bcs i have works. Can you come instead of me? He's been in high fever. im scared he will faint or something"
"Okay hyung i'll go there asap"
Hyukjae is worried as hell and he brings all the medicines from the dorm for donghae.
As he arrived there, he found donghae sleeps on the floor.. and he's freaking out
"Yahh lee donghae, are you okay? Hey, lemme take you to hospital come one wake up"
Hyukjae got so worried and try to lift donghae's body.
"Ehmmmh oh what time is it? Why am i on the floor? And why are you here hyukjae?"
"Leeteuk said youre sick af so i came.. lemme take you to hospital right now. can you stand by yourself?"
"Ah.... im not sick.. i just got hangover and maybe i fall asleep on the floor last night..... im totally fine but a little dizzy"
"what the-”
then he realized 
“Aish leeteuk hyung i'll get revenge on you someday arghhh" then hyukjae stands up and ready to walk out
"Im going home then. Bye im wasting my precious times"
"Aaaah dont go im really dizzy... can you help me please eung?"
"Its ur fault anyway"
"But i always help you after you drunk so many times..."
"Okay t-thats... ugh- fine"
Hyukjae walks to donghae and lifts him up. He helps donghae to get on the bed..
"Okay it's done im going. Eish wasting my time  worrying for nothing"
"Are you worried that much?"
"Bye im going home..."
Donghae pulls hyukjae's hand..
"Can you just stay with me?"
"Why should i?"
"I need your company.."
Donghae pulls a lil harder until hyukjae's body falls on his chest..
Donghae hugs him rightaway so hyukjae cant go...
"Hyukjae-ya.. there’s no a single time i would not think of you.. you know what, when you went to japan, i messed up all of things.. i cant get focused on anything... i just wanted to meet you.."
Hyukjae who still in donghae's chest said carefully
"How can i trust you? I cried so hard that day.. im tired of hurting"
"You know it hurts to see you cry. That day my heart breaks into pieces... i think how much i hate myself... i was so dumb. i knew.. but now i realize how can i live without you.. i cant stay away from you... i wanna hug you so tight and give you every little kisses every day.. i dont know when this started, but i want to make you mine every time i see you..  i wanna protect you and embrace you.. i cant take my eyes off of you"
"Hyukjae-ya look at me" donghae lifts hyukjae's head who leans in his broad chest then he saw hyukjae is crying...
"dont cry sweetheart please dont cry.." donghae carressed his tears away softly..
"I-i think i completely forget you. i convinced myself that i already moved on. i believe i had erased you completely.But i just realized i cant... how can i? i really cant forget you at all... i just keep pretending that i was fine if i keep this feelings alone.. i thought i already threw away my feelings. But you suddenly came to me again with those affections.. how... how can i just forget you easily.. i just cant.... life is so unfair i cant understand"
Donghae suddenly sits and lifts hyukjae easily to sit in his lap.. hyukjae who's still sobbing got flustered by his sudden actions.
"Ssssh dont cry... you know that im the crybaby, it's not you. You shouldnt be crying.. youre not supposed to cry... "
Hyukjae still sobs.. and palmed his face..
Donghae leans in and takes hyukjae's hands from his face slowly
He cupped hyukjae's face and leans in.. donghae's forehead touched hyukjae's completely..
"I love you so much.. can you love me back?"
Hyukjae still sobs but he nods softly..
Donghae smiled softly... this sweetest smile that always stuck in hyukjae’s head
"Say that you love me back" 
Donghae wiped off the tears that keep falling in hyukjae's cheeks..
"i-i like you so much i could die.." he sobs cutely
"good.. and i love you too"
Donghae leans in and kisses hyukjae's watery eyes delicately.. he pressed those little kisses slowly from hyukjae's forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose, and finally his lips...
The way hyukjae's lips melt in donghae's.. he kissed hyukjae passionately... the finally-you-love-me kiss that he always hopes.. not that heartbreaking kiss again, this kiss feels more delicate and warm. donghae moves his body and presses hyukjae down to the bed..
"Do you mind if..."
"just do whatever you want”
hyukjae never thought that this day would happen for real.. his shirts and pants are on the floor... his  outfits that he wears prettily today is all on the floor mixed with donghae's.. they both are covered with blanket with donghae's hand for hyukjae's pillow.. hyukjae cant say a single word after all of the things that happened so quick in few hours..
"Say something babe"
"You idiot bastard how can i say something after you marked me like this... we just- arghhh i shouldnt say yes for whatever you will do... ive been tricked."
Donghae turned to sulky hyukjae and kiss hyukjae's shoulder..
"you know i cant resist you.. "
then donghae pulls hyukjae and hugs him close to his broad chest and hyukjae slowly hugs him back..
"stay with me until tomorrow?"
"Of course" hyukjae nods and hugs him tighter
"Dont you feel cold?"
"Nope. You hug me is enough.."
Donghae smiled  softly and hugs him tighter... 
“best day of my life.” donghae kissed hyukjae’s head softly
While hyukjae finally asleeps, donghae quickly messages leeteuk
"Hyung i will appear on your youtube more often!! i promise. Thank you for everything hahaha!"
"Eish this little punk. Happy now? Stop calling me just for crying that you miss him so bad. Ughhh im so tired listening your broken ass.  Dont send me even a single pic of both of you or i'll kill you."
"HAHA i was about to lmaooo bye bye hyung♡"
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dr-katastrof · 3 years
so I had a dream where I went to a hotel and it was Paris and there was a train to go to Disnayland but in reality it was for going to USA and watch them bomb something and there were two clases 1- if you bought the bill online you were in first class and 2- if you payed 1,50€ two hours or less earlier and then you would travel in the back of the train with the lugagge or whatever are the bags of the people called so my family payed online and I had to pay it two hours earlier and met this girl who was very nice and then the personal of the train threw at us things like laptops as gifts and the train left without me so I had to wait til the next day and then payed the money and when I was there in the back of the train I remembered I wasn't going to Disney but to see the US bomb something and got like very worried because what if we passed over a bomb or something and then
idk i just woke up in the middle of a crisis bc of a train travel
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migisdiary · 3 years
Juan Niccolò Mora / August 21
It was 6 am when he picked me up at the hotel
We were both pretty wasted when we first met but in that moment he kissed me it seemed like all passed. My head stopped turning and my heart felt home.
Arrived to his home we sat by the pool, cuddled and spoke about the world for hours - it was all so easy, no doubts, no anxiety of not being enough or saying something stupid, just the two of us being exactly who we are - it was so familiar.
He fell asleep right next to me and all i did was starring at him for the whole afternoon. I couldn‘t stop looking at that form of purness packed together in a person. His skin was so smooth as i touched him, his voice was so calming when he spoke and his eyes.. his eyes made me get lost in them - that kind of lost thats like being found.
The days were counted and both needed to leave, he was about to go back home to miami and i were going back to zurich, back to life and all the drama we like to forget on vacays.
But it couldn‘t be the end, not this time.
So after coming home and unpacking my stuff, i did my lugagge again and left for munich in the early morning.
There, the two of us met and my world started to turn again. Its crazy how one person can show you so much. He did so much without doing anything at all, he said so much without saying a single word - he touched me in places his hands couldn‘t.
Sadly the two days in munich were over in like seconds and we both needed to go back to reality. We both had our eyes full of tears cause we knew we wouldnt meet in the next time again..
He showed me that there are still people with good hearts out there, people who can make you feel rich without paying anything. People, all of us will meet one day - now listen carefully babes - if a person comes along and makes u feel home dont question everything - be the purest version of yourself!
Thank you juan,
For being you
For letting me be whoever i was
And at most
For bringing back the days where i fell in love with being alive.
Ps: my heart starts to BUMBUM very hard everytime i talk or think about you.
Muchos besos
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AHHHH I REMEMBERED MY DREAM SO I BRING YOU TODAY'S SIMP THOUGHT OF THE DAY!!! idk what language we talked in the dream but im 100% sure kara had his voice
I was in a car, the scenery was very pretty. it was a pavimented road on a snowy mountain, and we were kind of up on the road. we could look down to some valleys full of snow, some small villages and stuff. (i think) karamatsu was driving, and we were talking about how we wanted to arrive soon to the resort, because we were going to a snow resort for vacations, and we were finally getting close after hours of driving. Suddenly we took a turn and we could see the resort, it was a big golden building, covered in snow, it looked like a castle, it was very pretty! however, the road ended before we could get there, and to the left there was something like a big slide? full of snow. "How are we gonna get there?" I asked, and karamatsu looked at me full confidence, "heh. watch this" and accelerated full speed, and he drove off the road and basically flew to the other side. But since it wasn't a "road" but a slide, the car was falling super fast through it, and we were screaming as the car gained speed. We passed through various turist landmarks we wanted to visit later on our trip, and everyone was looking at us like O.O (the slide was very wide, but I don't think it was made for cars) we didn't know if we'd be able to stop on time (before the slide ended, bc it ended quite high and we'd fall directly on top of the resort) just as we were reaching the end, the car stopped and we both sighed in relief (by that point we were sure we'd die and we were actually holding each other very tight while screaming lmao) We kinda looked at each other and started laughing, and after a while we just got off the car and walked to the inn. Inside it was like a huge mall, but we had to check in at the reception desk first, we had a reservation so they let us in really fast (and they'd also took our lugagge bc they'd get it to our room themselves) so we decided to explore the mall, some shops offered free shopping for guests so we decided to go to those first. We walked a bit and got to a clothing store, and we started trying out a lot of stuff since we could take it for free, also our clothes were kinda wet and sweaty so we decided to get changed. Karamatsu got black skinny jeans, a black tshirt with a print on it, and a very stylish jean jacket (light color) he got dressed fast and told me he'd go to our room and arrange everything and we could go out when i was done, i said okay! i was trying out many clothes bc everything was rly cool and my style, thing is apparently hours passed and i hadnt decided yet, i only noticed how late it was bc the sun was setting (?) and i got worried bc i had let kara waiting and got out asap with more clothes than i would need, and he was walking inside the shop to look for me, i hugged him , he looked surprised, and i told him i was sorry for making him wait, and i started crying (??? lol dramatic af) and i started blabbering abt how i took so long and now we wouldn't have time to go out today and i was sorry and i was weeping and he held me in his arms and stoked my hair and said it was okay, and that I shouldn't worry so much bc we had more than a week to see everything and rest, i stopped crying, but didn't move at all, and then he told me that he loved me and i told him i loved him too. We were going to go to our room and go exploring tomorrow, but as soon as i got out from his embrace I woke up :(
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14154km · 4 years
シドファンに50の質問 // 50 questions for SID fans
I also left the questions in the original Japanese because there is a high chance of translation mistakes.
1.ハンドルネーム(ライブネーム)とその由来は? Nickname and its origin Reila Mimegumi, because I thought Reila sounded pretty when I saw it on the GazettE's song (I don't like the song, tho) and Mimegumi because of Aki.
2.自分のサイトはある? Do you have a website?   (ある方はサイト名とURLとどんなサイトか紹介して下さい)  (in case you do, paste the link and explain what kind of site it is) Yeah, a blog on tumblr (this one) and an instagram
3.シドファンになったきっかけは? How did you become a SID fan? A friend of mine watched Kuroshitsuji and wrote the title of the opening song on her MSN status. When I saw the video, I didn't like the song, but I thought the guys were good looking and I kept watching XD
4.初めて聴いた曲は? Which was the first song you listened to? Monochrome no kiss
5.一番好きな曲は? Which is your favorite song? Dear Tokyo
6.その曲に対する思い入れをどうぞ! Show your passion for that song! I showed it by shouting it with all my heart at the 一人フェス
7.メンバーは誰のファン?全員でも可。 Which member are you a fan of? Aki ♥♥♥♥
8.メンバーをなんと呼んでいますか? How do you call each member? Mao - Mao Shinji - Shinji Aki - Bollito (little bun, because in Spanish we say that people with big cheeks or round-shaped faces have "bun faces" lol) Yuuya - Yuuya
9.ライブは行ったことある? Haver you ever been to a live? Not SID's, but I've seen AKi.
10.フリはする?それは何の曲で? Do you do furi? Which song? I don't know the furi of any song, but I've tried (and possibly failed)
11.印象に残っているMCはある?どんなMCでした? Was there a MC that left an impression on you? What did they say? I don't understand what they say on MCs, but it was funny when Aki saw at Osaka a fan that was bald and asked him if he was a fan of Tappa lol
12.吉開では調教されちゃう人? Are you familiar with Yoshikai? Yeah, I have the MiniDisc (in fact, I had to specifically buy a MiniDisc player to listen to it)
13.ライブでおいしい思いをしたことがある?それはどんな? Was there something that you liked at a live? What was it? I liked being able to spend some time with Aki during the meet&greet.
14.逆に辛かったことってある?それはどんな? On the contrary, was there something that was painful at a live? What was it? I felt really sad on Aki's last live at Osaka, because I thought I wouldn't be able to see him anymore for a long time.
15.これは貴重だろうって思う物を持ってる?それは何? Do you have something that you consider valuable? What is it? The cheki with Aki.
16.シドに出会って自分が変わったなって思うことはある? Do you think you've changed since you've known SID? I'm sure I have, as 12 years have passed lol
17.ロリータ限定ライブがあったら行く?(行く人は何ロリで?) Would you go to a lolita limited live? Yeah, and I would dress as one if necessary.
18.バンギャ歴は何年?なったキッカケは? For how long have you been a bangya? How did it happen? If we are talking about starting to support the band finantially, it was 8 years ago, since my parents wouldn't let me buy stuff on the internet before.
19.今の髪の毛の色、髪型は? What's your current hair color and hair style? My hair is dark brown with blue tips. It's now shoulder-length, more or less.
20.メイクはバンギャっぽい感じ?(アイライン太めとか) Do you use bangya-like make up? (like thick eyeliner) I don't use make up, I don't know how to do it. If someone is doing it for me, I like smoky eyes, but I'm okay with anything.
21.オススメのコスメはある? Do you recommend any make up product? I use Nyx cosmetics because  they are cheap and last long enough (special mention to the long lasting eyeliner, which did in fact last for a day and a half on my eyes)
22.シド以外で好きなバンドは? Which are your favorite bands apart from SID? AKi (lol), BVCCI HAYNES, Miyavi, thE GazettE, An Cafe, MUCC, Plastic Tree, Gackt... Although I've been very focused on SID and AKi for the past years.
23.声・曲・歌詞・ルックス、一番重視するのは? Voice, songs, lyrics, look, which is the most important? Songs.
24.携帯の会社、機種、着メロ、待受け画像はなに? Which is your phone provider, model, ringtone and wallpaper? My phone is a Pixel 3 and the provider is Movistar. I don't know my own ringtone because I always have it on silent mode. My wallpaper is the photo I took with Aki. 
25.普段はどんな服装をしてる?(系統、ブランド等) What kind of clothes do you usually wear? (style, brand) I have random clothes from different brands (Demonia, New Rock, I am Gia, Abercrombie, Diesel, Kingly Mask, Eins Himmel, Forever 21, Club Exx, Widow...). Generally speaking, I like things with glittler, lights or stuff that shines/sparkles (but I don't like sequins, I find them ugly). 
26.ライブに行く時の服装は?(系統、ブランド等) What kind of clothes do you wear to lives? (style, brand) I try to wear cooler clothes than usual. To the last live I went to, I wore black ripped jeans, a black top with sheer sleeves and heart-shaped neck and my blue glitter boots. I don't remember the brand (and I'm too lazy to get up and check).
27.よく買う音楽雑誌は? Which music magazine do you usually buy? I have quite a lot Fool's mate and Shoxx, but actually I buy anything that has SID in it.
28.月にどのくらいバンドにお金を使う? How much money do you spend on the band each month? I prefer not to know lol 
29.出待ち、入待ちはする? Do you do irimachi or demachi? I did irimachi by accident twice (in Osaka, because I wanted to check if I could leave my stuff in the lockers and the band was arriving then, and at Otsu because I arrived early to the hotel and I saw Yousay and Shun). I always do demachi.
30.メンバーさんに手紙やプレゼントを渡したことがある? Have you ever written a letter or given a gift to a member? When I was in high school I sent Aki a letter with a drawing, but I don't remember what I wrote. I also gave him a present for his birthday trip.
31.好きなメンバーさんへのプレゼント、上限はいくら? What's the biggest gift you've given to your favorite member?   (誕生日やバレンタインなどイベント日含む) (including events such as birthdays and Valentine's) For now, a wallet and Spanish food (I would have brought wine, but I couldn't carry it in my hand lugagge lol)
32.コスプレはしてる?(している方は誰の?) Do you do cosplay? (Of whom?) No. 
33.「こんなバンギャはムカつく!」と思うのは? What kind of person would make you think "this bangya is annoying"? The crazy girls from Tanuki critizing me because I'm using a fan.
34.顔ファンをどう思う? What do you think of the fans that only care about the looks? I don't care, they can do what they want. 
35.ぶっちゃけシドのライブにいるロリータさんをどう思う? Being honest, what do you think of the lolitas that go to SID's lives? I don't care, they can dress the way they want. 
36.最近どうしても耳から離れてくれない曲は? Which song can't you get out of your head lately? Maybe "Fuck the world" by AKi. 
37.自分的にテーマソングだと思うのは? Which is your theme song? Missing by AKi, maybe?
38.落ち込んでる時に聴く曲は? Which song do you listen to when you are sad? I don't listen to music when I'm sad. 
39.思わず泣いてしまった曲は? Which song made you unexpectedly cry? I don't know if I cried, but the lyrics of Café de Bossa are really sweet. 
40.元気づけられる曲は? Which song cheers you up? Yell, for example. 
41.一日限定でシドのメンバーになれるとしたら何をしたい? What would you do if you could be a SID member for a day? I'm not sure if I would like to be Aki so I can get to know more about his daily life or if I would want to be another member to be able to spend time with Aki lol
42.友達にするなら誰? Who would be your friend? Yuuya
43.恋人にするなら誰? Who would be your boyfriend? Aki
44.アタシの王子様(ハァト)、は誰? Who would be your prince? Aki is already my prince.
45.一緒にロリしてもいいなと思うのは誰? Who would you dress up as a lolita with? With Aki, because he looks gorgeous when he dresses up as a woman lol Although now with all those tattoos and his big arms maybe it fits Mao better (and also he can taste some of his own medicine lol)
46.マオさんに一言。 Some words for Mao. You are an example of passion for what you do, but it's okay if you take it easier from time to time. Take care.
47.明希さんに一言。 Some words for Aki. You know very well you are an ikemen, stop saying when don't say it to you.
48.しんぢさんに一言。 Some words for Shinji. I want you to cook ramen for me.
49.ゆうやさんに一言。 Some words for Yuuya. Hire someone to write subtitles on your YouTube videos, so I can understand lol
50.お疲れ様でした。最期に思いっきり咲いて下さい。笑 Good job. Please, give it your all at the end lol YOU ARE THE BAND OF MY LIFE. PLUS, I LOVE YOU, MY PRETTY BOLLO.
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onceuponlilies · 5 years
Back from UK!
Hey all- 
Sorry for not updating so much cause sleep deprivation and loss track of time. 11/9/2019 11:145 pm left to UK with Ira to visit our friend who was wrapping up her dissertation for her Masters. It was my first 14 hours flight and I think I adapt to it quickly. As soon as we arrived London, the weather was gloomy and it was 6-7am in the morning. Queued for passport check and took the time to pee before heading for our luggage and head out. 
My luggage was so heavy- (damn lampuh lah punya pasal ni) and we missed the changing train to paddington and went straight ahead instead. We had to carry and climb freaking stairs to go back to Heathrow express. That’s when I realised that I popped my lugagge’s roller. (belum sedar, yet. But it does makes me difficult to stroll the lugagge around.)
Cil fetched us up and we put our luggage in Brunei Hall and had a stroll around Paddington. Bought sim card and unload it £20 for 12GB. Had our lunch fish and chip around Paddington and went to top up Oyster card to go to the Piccadilly to get our London Passes. Had Amarino ice cream around there and went back to Paddington to get our luggage and went to Brunei House in Bayswater. We took the bus and survived walking to Brunei House. Loving Brunei House btw! I heard baru renovate so everything is so gorgeous. £15 per night for each person. We got the 3rd floor for the rest of 4 days straight- sempit but bearable. Loving the thick sheet and high raised katil. (Felt like a princess for awhile-) Did not know how to open the window until day 3- hahahaha it was super panas olehnya. Oh yeah, it was autumn when I went there- I LOVE THE WEATHER- It’s freaking windy and unexpectedly it’s 18 degree all round. 
We stayed for a bit, Cil had her nap, Ira showered and me next. We were still jetlagged and Cil does not want to waste her time napping around at 6pm so she went back to Bru Hall for her dissertation and HP marathon movie. 
Ira and I went out at 7pm searching for our dinner. So we went to Oxford St to look around the places. Damn every night was so windy and the breeze went through my chiffon scarves made me freeze everytime it hits. Desoite the cold wind, We ordered cold fresh strawberry coconut milkshake (Babal kan.) for £5 Large (we shared the drinks) cause damn- mahal much? Ira tried Ben cookies and we went for Thai Crusine for the night. Ada penyesalan lah jua- we ordered Green Curry Chicken and two rice £2.50 and hidden taxes ugh- we had tap woter btw (pinky finger out) so altogether it was around £18 for both of us. Nasib nyaman.
That was just day 1. GG. Will update more photos for clearer story. heh heh. 
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