tovar518 · 10 years
The boy in the box
Imagine being unknown? Having a tombstone with the title “the unknown boy”. In 1957 a boy now known as the boy in the box was found dead. He was found dead naked inside a box with his hands and legs neatly folded. Until this day no one knows what happened to this little boy. No one has come forward to claim his dead body. No one has even recognized this boy. I believe that the boy’s mother has something to do with his death. Others may believe differently because there is few clues on what could have happened. The 6 year old boy was found inside a box with his legs and hands folded carefully. He had a fresh hair cut and trimmed nails. These little pieces of evidence lead to the thought of the little boy being dressed as a girl. “The medical examiner at the time noted that the boy’s hair was hastily cut with strands still clinging from his torso. But Bender notes something else: his eyebrow looked like they were plucked.” The boy being raised as a girl is the reason why no one recognized him. Everyone was use to seeing a girl. No one ever thought that this little boy was the girl they have once seen. I believe that the mother of the boy was the one who killed him. Like I stated early in the paper the boys hand were folded carefully and not anyone particular person would have done that but the mother. No one would have taken their time trying to fold the boys handing and risking themselves getting caught. Only the mother would have done that. The boy was also found in a big open place. They left him there so the boy could be found easily. Whoever killed him intended to put the boy in an open place because they wanted someone to find him. “The person that did this to the boy knew him, judging by the care they put into preparing his body. The only person who would care for a dead body is the mother. The father woul d have just left it there all messed up” Since day 1 no one claimed the boy’s body. No one recognized him. But where is the mother? The mother is nowhere to be found. She never went to go get her child’s dead body. She didn’t claim a lost son either because she knew her son was dead. She killed him and didn’t want to risk getting caught. She knew if she would go back they would have her as a suspect and she would eventually get caught. Until this day it is inconclusive why this murder was committed. Many people believe that a man had something to do with the murder. The reason why they believe this is because inside the box they found a man’s cap. However this is all just clues to throw us of. Maybe the cap was already in the box. Maybe the cap belonged to the little boy. Whoever committed this crime must have been smart. They would have not been dumb enough to leave their cap behind and get caught. I believe that the criminal thought things out carefully. They left the cap their as a clue to throw things us. To make it harder for them to find the real person. In conclusion the importance is not finding the killer; it is giving this boy a name. To finally change the name of Unknown Child to his real name. The mother must have not had a heart to do that to her child. She could have at least left something to recognize this boy. The mother was smart and knew what she was doing and that is how she got away with the crime.
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